path: root/translations/source/gd/uui/messages.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/gd/uui/messages.po')
1 files changed, 1284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/gd/uui/messages.po b/translations/source/gd/uui/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2f094901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/gd/uui/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+#. extracted from uui/inc
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-26 13:59+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-19 12:59+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Michael Bauer <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gaelic <>\n"
+"Language: gd\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.2\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1555979563.000000\n"
+#. DLY8p
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:33
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation executed on $(ARG1) was aborted."
+msgstr "Chaidh crìoch a chur air a' ghnìomh air $(ARG1)."
+#. Q448y
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:35
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Access to $(ARG1) was denied."
+msgstr "Chaidh inntrigeadh do $(ARG1) a dhiùltadh."
+#. w6rpp
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:37
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) already exists."
+msgstr "Tha $(ARG1) ann mu thràth."
+#. a6BBm
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:39
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Target already exists."
+msgstr "Tha an targaid seo ann mu thràth."
+#. KneVX
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:41
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"You are about to save/export a password protected BASIC library containing module(s) \n"
+"which are too large to store in binary format. If you wish users that don't have access to the library password to be able to run macros in those module(s) you must split those modules into a number of smaller modules. Do you wish to continue to save/export this library?"
+msgstr ""
+#. 3rNDF
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:43
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"You are about to load a very unusual sort of file ($(ARG2)) from the URL:\n"
+"Are you certain that this file is a legacy document created many years ago?"
+msgstr ""
+"An aire!\n"
+"Tha thu an impis faidhle gu math annasach ($(ARG2)) a luchdadh on URL:\n"
+"A bheil thu cinnteach gur e sgrìobhainn dhìleabach a tha seo a chaidh a chruthachadh bliadhnaichean air ais?"
+#. v6bPE
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:45
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an incorrect checksum."
+msgstr "Tha checksum ceàrr aig an dàta o $(ARG1)."
+#. AGF5W
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:47
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The object $(ARG1) cannot be created in directory $(ARG2)."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut an t-oibseact $(ARG1) a chruthachadh sa phasgan $(ARG2)."
+#. Dw4Ff
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:49
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Data of $(ARG1) could not be read."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dàta o $(ARG1) a leughadh."
+#. Qc4E9
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:51
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The seek operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an lorg air $(ARG1) a thoirt gu buil."
+#. CD7zU
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:53
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The tell operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an gnìomh “tell” a thoirt gu buil air $(ARG1)."
+#. AkGXL
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:55
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Data for $(ARG1) could not be written."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dàta airson $(ARG1) a sgrìobhadh."
+#. ndib2
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:57
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) is the current directory."
+msgstr "Do-dhèanta: Tha $(ARG1) 'na phasgan làithreach."
+#. wWVF2
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:59
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) deiseil."
+#. C7iGB
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:61
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) and $(ARG2) are different devices (drives)."
+msgstr "Do-dhèanta: Tha $(ARG1) is $(ARG2) 'nan diofar innealan (draibhean)."
+#. ic2pB
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:63
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "General input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Mearachd ion-chuir/às-chuir choitcheann nuair a rinneadh inntrigeadh do $(ARG1)."
+#. r6GVi
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:65
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "An attempt was made to access $(ARG1) in an invalid way."
+msgstr "Dh'fheuch thu ri inntrigeadh mì-dhligheach a dhèanamh do $(ARG1)."
+#. Y6bwq
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:67
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) contains invalid characters."
+msgstr "Tha caractaran mì-dhligheach ann an $(ARG1)."
+#. 5HEak
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:69
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The device (drive) $(ARG1) is invalid."
+msgstr "Tha an t-inneal (draibh) $(ARG1) mì-dhligheach."
+#. Ykhp2
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:71
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an invalid length."
+msgstr "Tha faid mhì-dhligheach aig an dàta o $(ARG1)."
+#. CbZfa
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:73
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) was started with an invalid parameter."
+msgstr "Chaidh an t-obrachadh air $(ARG1) a thòiseachadh le paramadair mì-dhligheach."
+#. fEQmj
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:75
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation cannot be performed because $(ARG1) contains wildcards."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an t-obrachadh a dhèanamh a chionn 's gu bheil saoragan ann an $(ARG1)."
+#. v2dLh
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:77
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Error during shared access to $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Mearachd an cois inntrigidh cho-roinnte do $(ARG1)."
+#. AEtU6
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:79
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) contains misplaced characters."
+msgstr "Tha caractaran ann an $(ARG1) a tha san àite cheàrr."
+#. fD986
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:81
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The name $(ARG1) contains too many characters."
+msgstr "Tha cus charactaran ann an $(ARG1)."
+#. U3tMN
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:83
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) ann."
+#. nB6UA
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:85
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The path $(ARG1) does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil slighe do $(ARG1) ann."
+#. FMV9Y
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:87
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) is not supported on this operating system."
+msgstr "Chan eil an siostam-obrachaidh seo a' cur taic ris a' ghnìomh seo air $(ARG1)."
+#. zzACo
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:89
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is not a directory."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) 'na phasgan."
+#. YW5vM
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:91
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is not a file."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) 'na fhaidhle."
+#. khxN3
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:93
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "There is no space left on device $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Chan eil àite air fhàgail air an inneal $(ARG1)."
+#. zehX6
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:95
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because too many files are already open."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an gnìomh air $(ARG1) a dhèanamh a chionn 's gu bheil cus fhaidhlichean fosgailte agad."
+#. ctFbB
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:97
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because there is no more memory available."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an gnìomh air $(ARG1) a dhèanamh a chionn 's nach eil cuimhne air fhàgail agad."
+#. jpzJG
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:99
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot continue because more data is pending."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an gnìomh air $(ARG1) leantainn air adhart a chionn 's gu bheilear a' feitheamh ri barrachd dàta."
+#. 6DVTU
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:101
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) cannot be copied into itself."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut lethbhreac de $(ARG1) a chur dha fhèin."
+#. zyCVE
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:103
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Unknown input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Mearachd ion-chuir/às-chuir neo-aithnichte nuair a rinneadh inntrigeadh do $(ARG1)."
+#. cVa9F
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:105
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is write protected."
+msgstr "Tha $(ARG1) fo dhìon sgrìobhaidh."
+#. JARZx
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:107
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is not in the correct format."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) san fhòrmat cheart."
+#. NJNyn
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:109
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The version of $(ARG1) is not correct."
+msgstr "Chan eil an tionndadh de $(ARG1) ceart."
+#. uBqiR
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:111
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Drive $(ARG1) does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil an draibh $(ARG1) ann."
+#. zemAv
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:113
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Folder $(ARG1) does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil am pasgan $(ARG1) ann."
+#. aRCFc
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:115
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The installed Java version is not supported."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ris an tionndadh de Java a tha air a stàladh agad."
+#. DbH3p
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:117
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ris an tionndadh Java $(ARG1) a tha air a stàladh agad."
+#. 7NCGk
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:119
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The installed Java version is not supported, at least version $(ARG1) is required."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ris an tionndadh de Java, feumaidh tu $(ARG1) air a' char as lugha."
+#. bNWmn
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:121
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported, at least version $(ARG2) is required."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ris an tionndadh Java $(ARG1), feumaidh tu $(ARG2) air a' char as lugha."
+#. 5MfGQ
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:123
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The data associated with the partnership is corrupted."
+msgstr "Tha an dàta coirbte a tha co-cheangailte ris a' chom-pàirteachas."
+#. fKMdA
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:125
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The data associated with the partnership $(ARG1) is corrupted."
+msgstr "Tha an dàta coirbte a tha co-cheangailte ris a' chom-pàirteachas $(ARG1)."
+#. sBGBF
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:127
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) deiseil."
+#. yKKd9
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:129
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) deiseil; cuir a-steach inneal stòrais."
+#. RogFv
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:131
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium."
+msgstr "Chan eil $(ARG1) deiseil; cuir a-steach inneal stòrais."
+#. AqFh4
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:133
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "Please insert disk $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an diosg $(ARG1)."
+#. WbB7f
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:135
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The object cannot be created in directory $(ARG1)."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut an t-oibseact a chruthachadh sa phasgan $(ARG1)."
+#. cSCj6
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:137
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME cannot keep files from being overwritten when this transmission protocol is used. Do you want to continue anyway?"
+msgstr "Chan urrainn do %PRODUCTNAME faidhlichean a dhìon o thar-sgrìobhadh ma thèid am pròtacal tar-chuir seo a chleachdadh. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart co-dhiù?"
+#. CUbSR
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:139
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"The file '$(ARG1)' is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened. %PRODUCTNAME can try to repair the file.\n"
+"The corruption could be the result of document manipulation or of structural document damage due to data transmission.\n"
+"We recommend that you do not trust the content of the repaired document.\n"
+"Execution of macros is disabled for this document.\n"
+"Should %PRODUCTNAME repair the file?\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha am faidhle “$(ARG1)” coirbte agus cha ghabh fhosgladh. ’S urrainn do %PRODUCTNAME oidhirp a dhèanamh am faidhle a chàradh.\n"
+"Faodaidh gun deach a mhilleadh an cois droch-làimhseachadh na sgrìobhainne no an cois dochann a thachair rè tar-chur an dàta.\n"
+"Mholamaid dhut gun a bhith a' cur earbsa ann an susbaint na sgrìobhainne a chaidh a chàradh.\n"
+"Chaidh macrothan a chur à comais san sgrìobhainn seo.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson ’s gum feuch %PRODUCTNAME am faidhle a chàradh?\n"
+#. KeFss
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:141
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The file '$(ARG1)' could not be repaired and therefore cannot be opened."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle “$(ARG1)” a chàradh agus cha ghabh fhosgladh air sgàth sin."
+#. JCpTn
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:143
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"Configuration data in '$(ARG1)' is corrupted. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n"
+"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an dàta rèiteachaidh ann an '$(ARG1)' coirbte. Faodaidh nach obraich cuid dhe na gleusan mar bu chòir as aonais an dàta seo.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le tòiseachadh %PRODUCTNAME as aonais an dàta rèiteachaidh choirbte seo?"
+#. QCACp
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:145
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"The personal configuration file '$(ARG1)' is corrupted and must be deleted to continue. Some of your personal settings may be lost.\n"
+"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha am faidhle rèiteachaidh pearsanta '$(ARG1)' coirbte agus tha feum air a sguabadh às mus urrainn dhut leantainn air adhart. Faodaidh gun dèid cuid dhe na roghainnean pearsanta agad air chall.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le tòiseachadh %PRODUCTNAME as aonais an dàta rèiteachaidh choirbte seo?"
+#. e5Rft
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:147
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly."
+msgstr "Chan eil tùs an dàta rèiteachaidh '$(ARG1)' ri làimh. Faodaidh nach obraich cuid dhe na gleusan mar bu chòir as aonais an dàta seo."
+#. 4gRCA
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:149
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n"
+"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the missing configuration data?"
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil an dàta rèiteachaidh ann an '$(ARG1)' ri làimh. Faodaidh nach obraich cuid dhe na gleusan mar bu chòir as aonais an dàta seo.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le tòiseachadh %PRODUCTNAME as aonais an dàta rèiteachaidh air a bheil feum?"
+#. DAUhe
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:151
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The form contains invalid data. Do you still want to continue?"
+msgstr "Tha dàta mì-dhligheach san fhoirm seo. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"
+#. DSoD4
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:153
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by another user. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted."
+msgstr "Chaidh am faidhle $(ARG1) a ghlasadh le cleachdaiche eile. Chan urrainn dhut cead-sgrìobhaidh a thoirt seachad airson an fhaidhle seo an-dràsta."
+#. k6aHT
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:155
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by yourself. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted."
+msgstr "Chaidh am faidhle $(ARG1) a ghlasadh leat fhèin. Chan urrainn dhut cead-sgrìobhaidh a thoirt seachad airson an fhaidhle seo an-dràsta."
+#. ZoUzb
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:157
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid "The file $(ARG1) is currently not locked by yourself."
+msgstr "Cha deach am faidhle $(ARG1) a ghlasadh leat fhèin."
+#. L9PCQ
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:159
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"The previously obtained lock for file $(ARG1) has expired.\n"
+"This can happen due to problems on the server managing the file lock. It cannot be guaranteed that write operations on this file will not overwrite changes done by other users!"
+msgstr ""
+"Dh'fhalbh an ùine air seann-ghlas an fhaidhle $(ARG1).\n"
+"Tachraidh seo uaireannan ma bhios duilgheadasan aig an fhrithealaiche a stiùireas glas an fhaidhle. Chan urrainn dhuinn a dhol an urra nach dèid rudan a dh'atharraicheas tu san fhaidhle seo a sgrìobhadh thairis air atharraichean le cleachdaichean eile!"
+#. gZzEy
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:161
+msgctxt "RID_UUI_ERRHDL"
+msgid ""
+"Component cannot be loaded, possibly broken or incomplete installation.\n"
+"Full error message:\n"
+" $(ARG1)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha ghabh a' cho-phàirt a luchdadh, 's mathaid air sgàth stàladh briste no neo-iomlan.\n"
+"Seo dhut teachdaireachd shlàn na mearachd:\n"
+#. vHe5t
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:166
+msgid ""
+"Unable to verify the identity of $(ARG1) site.\n"
+"Before accepting this certificate, you should examine this site's certificate carefully. Are you willing to accept this certificate for the purpose of identifying the Web site $(ARG1)?"
+msgstr ""
+"Cha ghabh dearbh-aithne na làraich $(ARG1) a dhearbhadh.\n"
+"Mus gabh thu ris an teisteanas seo, bu chòir dhut sùil gheur a chur air teisteanas na làraich seo. A bheil thu deònach gabhail ris an teisteanas seo mar dhearbhadh dearbh-aithne na làraich-lìn $(ARG1)?"
+#. kBZVn
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:167
+msgid ""
+"$(ARG1) is a site that uses a security certificate to encrypt data during transmission, but its certificate expired on $(ARG2).\n"
+"You should check to make sure that your computer's time is correct."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha $(ARG1) ’na làrach a chleachdas teisteanas tèarainteachd gus dàta a chrioptachadh rè tar-chur an dàta ach dh’fhalbh an ùine air $(ARG2).\n"
+"Bu chòir dhut dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an t-àm ceart air a’ choimpiutair agad."
+#. 8GuAn
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:168
+msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Invalid"
+msgstr "Rabhadh tèarainteachd: Tha teisteanas an fhrithealaiche mì-dhligheach"
+#. iyR2A
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:169
+msgid ""
+"You have attempted to establish a connection with $(ARG1). However, the security certificate presented belongs to $(ARG2). It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site.\n"
+"If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to $(ARG1), please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator.\n"
+"Would you like to continue anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+"Dh’fheuch thu ri ceangal a stèidheachadh ri $(ARG1). Ge-tà ’s ann aig $(ARG2) a tha an teisteanas tèarainteachd a tha e a’ nochdadh. Ged nach eil seo ro bhuailteach, faodaidh gu bheil cuideigin a’ feuchainn ri do chonaltradh leis an làrach-lìn seo a ghlacadh.\n"
+"Ma bhios amharas agad nach ann aig $(ARG1) a tha an teisteanas seo, sguir dhen cheangal agus leig fios do rianaire na làraich.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart co-dhiù?"
+#. q6DM2
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:170
+msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Expired"
+msgstr "Rabhadh tèarainteachd: Dh’fhalbh an ùine air teisteanas an fhrithealaiche"
+#. zd5oX
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:171
+msgid ""
+"The certificate could not be validated. You should examine this site's certificate carefully.\n"
+"If you suspect the certificate shown, please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an teisteanas a dhearbhadh. Bu chòir dhut sùil gheur a chur air teisteanas na làraich seo.\n"
+"Ma bhios amharas agad mun teisteanas seo, sguir dhen cheangal agus leig fios do rianaire na làraich."
+#. Aj227
+#: uui/inc/ids.hrc:172
+msgid "Security Warning: Domain Name Mismatch"
+msgstr "Rabhadh tèarainteachd: Chan eil na h-àrainnean-lìn a’ freagairt ri chèile"
+#. wH3TZ
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Cuir ris"
+#. S9dsC
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Apply"
+msgstr "C_uir an sàs"
+#. TMo6G
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Sguir dheth"
+#. MRCkv
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Dùin"
+#. nvx5t
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "Sgua_b às"
+#. YspCj
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Deasaich"
+#. imQxr
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Cobhai_r"
+#. RbjyB
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "Ù_r"
+#. dx2yy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_No"
+msgstr "Chan _eil"
+#. M9DsL
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "Ceart _ma-thà"
+#. VtJS9
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
+#. C69Fy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "At_h-shuidhich"
+#. mgpxh
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Yes"
+msgstr "_Tha"
+#. RaCss
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:24
+msgid "Enter password to open file: \n"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am facal-faire gus am faidhle fhosgladh: \n"
+#. rmDwa
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:25
+msgid "Enter password to modify file: \n"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am facal-faire gus am faidhle atharrachadh: \n"
+#. BVofP
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:26
+msgid "Enter password: "
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach facal-faire: "
+#. UTuR2
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:27
+msgid "Confirm password: "
+msgstr "Dearbh am facal-faire: "
+#. wydLC
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:28
+msgid "Set Password"
+msgstr "Suidhich facal-faire"
+#. 8fcsq
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:29
+msgid "Enter Password"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach facal-faire"
+#. hggFL
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:30
+msgid "The confirmation password did not match the password. Set the password again by entering the same password in both boxes."
+msgstr "Chan eil am facal-faire dearbhaidh a' freagairt ris an fhacal-fhaire. Suidhich am facal-faire a-rithist 's tu a' cur a-steach an dearbh-fhacal-faire san dà bhogsa."
+#. sdbEf
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:32
+msgid "Document in Use"
+msgstr "Tha an sgrìobhainn ’ga chleachdadh"
+#. QU4jD
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:33
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n"
+"Open document read-only, or ignore own file locking and open the document for editing.\n"
+"Select Notify to open read-only and get notified when the document becomes editable."
+msgstr ""
+#. 8mKMg
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:34
+msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
+msgstr "Fosgail a chu~m leughaidh a-mhàin"
+#. FqhkL
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:35
+msgid "~Notify"
+msgstr ""
+#. ThAZk
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:36
+msgid "~Open"
+msgstr "F~osgail"
+#. uFhJT
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:37
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n"
+"Close document on other system and retry saving or ignore own file locking and save current document."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh am faidhle “$(ARG1)” a ghlasadh ro dheasachadh leat-sa air siostam eile a-mach o $(ARG2)\n"
+"Dùin an sgrìobhainn air an t-siostam eile ’s feuch ris a shàbhaladh a-rithist no leig seachad a’ ghlas a chuir thu fhèin ann agus sàbhail an sgrìobhainn làithreach."
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:38
+msgid "~Retry Saving"
+msgstr "Feuch ~ris a shàbhaladh a-rithist"
+#. EVEQx
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:39
+msgid "~Save"
+msgstr "~Sàbhail"
+#. SZb7E
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:41
+msgid "~Remember password until end of session"
+msgstr "Cui~mhnich am facal-faire gu deireadh an t-seisein"
+#. 7HtCZ
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:42
+msgid "~Remember password"
+msgstr "Cuimhnich am ~facal-faire"
+#. CV6Ci
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:43
+msgid "Non-Encrypted Streams"
+msgstr "Sruthain gun chrioptachadh"
+#. P7Bd8
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:45
+msgid "Document Could Not Be Locked"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an sgrìobhainn a ghlasadh"
+#. hJ55V
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:46
+msgid ""
+"The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by %PRODUCTNAME, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space.\n"
+"Select Notify to open read-only and get notified when the document becomes editable."
+msgstr ""
+#. CaBXF
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:47
+msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
+msgstr "Fosgail a chu~m leughaidh a-mhàin"
+#. Wuw4K
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:48
+msgid "~Notify"
+msgstr ""
+#. u5nuY
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:50
+msgid "Document in Use"
+msgstr "Tha an sgrìobhainn 'ga chleachdadh"
+#. qcayz
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:51
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n"
+"Open document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.\n"
+"Select Notify to open read-only and get notified when the document becomes editable.$(ARG3)"
+msgstr ""
+#. VF7vT
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:52
+msgid ""
+"You may also ignore the file locking and open the document for editing."
+msgstr ""
+"’S urrainn dhut glas an fhaidhle a leigeil seachad is an sgrìobhainn fhosgladh a chùm deasachaidh."
+#. tc7YZ
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:53
+msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
+msgstr "Fosgail a chu~m leughaidh a-mhàin"
+#. anQNW
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:54
+msgid "~Notify"
+msgstr ""
+#. TsA54
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:55
+msgid "Open ~Copy"
+msgstr "Fosgail ~lethbhreac dheth"
+#. EXAAf
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:56
+msgid "Unknown User"
+msgstr "Cleachdaiche neo-aithnichte"
+#. PFEwD
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:58
+msgid "Document Has Been Changed by Others"
+msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn atharrachadh le cuideigin eile"
+#. umCKE
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:59
+msgid ""
+"The file has been changed since it was opened for editing in %PRODUCTNAME. Saving your version of the document will overwrite changes made by others.\n"
+"Do you want to save anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh am faidhle atharrachadh on a chaidh fhosgladh ann an %PRODUCTNAME airson a dheasachadh. Ma shàbhaileas tu an tionndadh agad-sa dhen sgrìobhainn seo, thèid a shàbhaladh an àite nan atharraichean a rinn càch.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson a shàbhaladh co-dhiù?"
+#. DGYmK
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:60
+msgid "~Save Anyway"
+msgstr "~Sàbhail e co-dhiù"
+#. YBz5F
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:62
+msgid "Document in Use"
+msgstr "Tha an sgrìobhainn 'ga chleachdadh"
+#. 4Fimj
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:63
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n"
+"Try again later to save document or save a copy of that document."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh glas deasachaidh a chur air an fhaidhle “$(ARG1)” le:\n"
+"Feuch ris a shàbhaladh an ceann tamaill no sàbhail lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn."
+#. b3UBG
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:64
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n"
+"You may try to ignore the file locking and overwrite the existing document."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh glas deasachaidh a chur air an fhaidhle “$(ARG1)” le:\n"
+"Dh’fhaoidte gun urrainn dhut a’ ghlas a leigeil seachad is sgrìobhadh thairis air an sgrìobhainn làithreach."
+#. 8JFLZ
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:65
+msgid "~Retry Saving"
+msgstr "Feuch ~ris a shàbhaladh a-rithist"
+#. 6iCzM
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:66
+msgid "~Save As..."
+msgstr "Sàbh~ail mar..."
+#. nqrvC
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid ""
+"A file with the name \"%NAME\" already exists in the location \"%FOLDER\".\n"
+"Choose Replace to overwrite the existing file or provide a new name."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha faidhle air a bheil “%NAME” san ionad sin (%FOLDER) mu thràth.\n"
+"Tagh “Cuir ’na àite” gus sgrìobhadh thairis air an fhaidhle ud no cuir a-steach ainm ùr dhan fhaidhle."
+#. 3bJvA
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:69
+msgid ""
+"A file with the name \"%NAME\" already exists in the location \"%FOLDER\".\n"
+"Please enter a new name."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha faidhle air a bheil “%NAME” san ionad sin (%FOLDER) mu thràth.\n"
+"Cuir a-steach ainm ùr dhan fhaidhle."
+#. Bapqc
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:70
+msgid "Please provide a different file name!"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm eile air an fhaidhle!"
+#. BsaWY
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:72
+msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be opened."
+msgstr "Tha am facal-faire ceàrr. Cha ghabh am faidhle fhosgladh."
+#. WQbYF
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:73
+msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be modified."
+msgstr "Tha am facal-faire ceàrr. Cha ghabh am faidhle atharrachadh."
+#. Gq9FJ
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:74
+msgid "The master password is incorrect."
+msgstr "Tha am prìomh fhacal-faire ceàrr."
+#. pRwHM
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:75
+msgid "The password is incorrect."
+msgstr "Tha am facal-faire ceàrr."
+#. DwdJn
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:76
+msgid "The password confirmation does not match."
+msgstr "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire a' freagairt ri chèile."
+#. dwGow
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:78
+msgid "Lock file is corrupted"
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle glasaidh coirbte"
+#. nkUGA
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:79
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is corrupted and probably empty. Opening the document read-only and closing it again removes the corrupted lock file.\n"
+"Select Notify to open read-only and get notified when the document becomes editable."
+msgstr ""
+#. fKEYB
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:80
+msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
+msgstr "Fosgail a chu~m leughaidh a-mhàin"
+#. qRAcY
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:81
+msgid "~Notify"
+msgstr ""
+#. rBAR3
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:83
+msgid "Document is now editable"
+msgstr ""
+#. cVZuC
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:84
+msgid ""
+"Document file '$(ARG1)' is now editable \n"
+"Reload this document for editing?"
+msgstr ""
+#. vynDE
+#: uui/inc/strings.hrc:85
+msgid "~Reload"
+msgstr ""
+#. 45x3T
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/authfallback.ui:8
+msgctxt "authfallback|AuthFallbackDlg"
+msgid "Authentication Code"
+msgstr "Còd dearbhaidh"
+#. oHHac
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/authfallback.ui:116
+msgctxt "authfallback|label1"
+msgid "Enter the 6 digit PIN:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am PIN sia-àireamhach:"
+#. vkXiS
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/filterselect.ui:16
+msgctxt "filterselect|FilterSelectDialog"
+msgid "Filter Selection"
+msgstr "Taghadh na criathraige"
+#. HoJXz
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/filterselect.ui:137
+msgctxt "filterselect|extended_tip|filters"
+msgid "Select the import filter for the file that you want to open."
+msgstr ""
+#. 8o9Bq
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "logindialog|LoginDialog"
+msgid "Authentication Required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air dearbhadh"
+#. SjxPP
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:84
+msgctxt "logindialog|syscreds"
+msgid "_Use system credentials"
+msgstr "_Cleachd ainm-cleachdaiche 's facal-faire an t-siostaim"
+#. J7CWF
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:99
+msgctxt "logindialog|remember"
+msgid "_Remember password"
+msgstr "C_uimhnich am facal-faire"
+#. pryAC
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:129
+msgctxt "logindialog|accountft"
+msgid "A_ccount:"
+msgstr "_Cunntas:"
+#. QccHg
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:143
+msgctxt "logindialog|passwordft"
+msgid "Pass_word:"
+msgstr "_Facal-faire:"
+#. NF3CG
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:184
+msgctxt "logindialog|nameft"
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm a’ chleachdaiche:"
+#. mD36F
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "logindialog|loginrealm"
+msgid ""
+"Enter user name and password for:\n"
+"“%2” on %1"
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire aig:\n"
+"“%2” air %1"
+#. kRDiF
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:212
+msgctxt "logindialog|wrongloginrealm"
+msgid ""
+"Wrong user name and password for:\n"
+"“%2” on %1"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche ’s am facal-faire aig an neach a leanas ceàrr:\n"
+"“%2” air %1"
+#. ARsSU
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:226
+msgctxt "logindialog|wrongrequestinfo"
+msgid ""
+"Wrong user name and password for:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche 's am facal-faire aig an neach a leanas ceàrr:\n"
+#. WJkga
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:240
+msgctxt "logindialog|requestinfo"
+msgid ""
+"Enter user name and password for:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche 's am facal-faire airson:\n"
+#. FGAvy
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/logindialog.ui:254
+msgctxt "logindialog|errorft"
+msgid "Message from server:"
+msgstr "Teachdaireachd on fhrithealaiche:"
+#. Q7Cb9
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:7
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|MacroWarnMedium"
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME - Security Warning"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME - Rabhadh tèarainteachd"
+#. xCZst
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:13
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|descr2Label"
+msgid ""
+"The document contains document macros.\n"
+"Macros may contain viruses. Disabling macros for a document is always safe. If you disable macros you may lose functionality provided by the document macros."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha macrothan sgrìobhainne san sgrìobhainn seo.\n"
+"Faodaidh bìorasan a bhith ann am macrothan. Tha e sàbhailte an-còmhnaidh na macrothan a chur à comas ann an sgrìobhainn. Ma chuireas tu na macrothan à comas, faodaidh gun caill thu gleusan a bheireadh na macrothan dhut."
+#. svTn6
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:27
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|cancel"
+msgid "_Disable Macros"
+msgstr "C_uir na macrothan à comas"
+#. o4c9e
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:43
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|ok"
+msgid "_Enable Macros"
+msgstr "Cuir na _macrothan an comas"
+#. tYAFs
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:89
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|descr1Label"
+msgid "The document contains document macros signed by:"
+msgstr "Tha macrothan san sgrìobhainn seo a tha air a shoidhneadh le:"
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:98
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|alwaysTrustCheckbutton"
+msgid "_Always trust macros from this source"
+msgstr "Cuir e_arbsa ann am macrothan leis an tùs seo an-còmhnaidh"
+#. hWGP7
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/macrowarnmedium.ui:128
+msgctxt "macrowarnmedium|viewSignsButton"
+msgid "_View Signatures…"
+msgstr "Seall na s_oidhnidhean…"
+#. BABeG
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/masterpassworddlg.ui:8
+msgctxt "masterpassworddlg|MasterPasswordDialog"
+msgid "Enter Master Password"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am prìomh-fhacal-faire"
+#. REFvG
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/masterpassworddlg.ui:87
+msgctxt "masterpassworddlg|label1"
+msgid "_Enter password:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-st_each facal-faire"
+#. bRcP4
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/masterpassworddlg.ui:110
+msgctxt "masterpassworddlg|extended_tip|password"
+msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive."
+msgstr ""
+#. Twvfe
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/masterpassworddlg.ui:139
+msgctxt "extended_tip|MasterPasswordDialog"
+msgid "Enter the master password to continue."
+msgstr ""
+#. qAMT2
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8
+msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog"
+msgid "Set Password"
+msgstr "Suidhich facal-faire"
+#. XDzCT
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:120
+msgctxt "password|extended_tip|newpassEntry"
+msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive."
+msgstr ""
+#. QbKd2
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:139
+msgctxt "password|extended_tip|confirmpassEntry"
+msgid "Re-enter the password."
+msgstr ""
+#. ioiyr
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:8
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|SetMasterPasswordDialog"
+msgid "Set Master Password"
+msgstr "Suidhich am prìomh-fhacal-faire"
+#. eBpmB
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:86
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|label1"
+msgid "Passwords for web connections are protected by a master password. You will be asked to enter it once per session, if %PRODUCTNAME retrieves a password from the protected password list."
+msgstr "Tha faclan-faire airson ceanglaichean-lìn fo dhìon le prìomh-fhacal-faire. Thèid iarraidh ort a chur a-steach turas gach seisean ma dh'iarras %PRODUCTNAME facal-faire o liosta nam faclan-faire fo dhìon."
+#. G2dce
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:102
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|label2"
+msgid "_Enter password:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-st_each facal-faire"
+#. AG7BG
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:122
+msgctxt "extended_tip|password1"
+msgid "Enter the master password."
+msgstr ""
+#. yaAhh
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:136
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|label3"
+msgid "_Reenter password:"
+msgstr "Cui_r a-steach am facal-faire a-rithist:"
+#. HjihJ
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:157
+msgctxt "extended_tip|password2"
+msgid "Enter the master password again."
+msgstr ""
+#. aNzdJ
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:172
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|label4"
+msgid "Caution: If you forget the master password, you will be unable to access any of the information protected by it. Passwords are case sensitive."
+msgstr "An aire: Ma dhìochuimhnicheas tu am prìomh-fhacal-faire, chan urrainn dhut gin dhen dàta a ruigsinn a tha e 'ga dhìon. Tha aire do litrichean mòra is beaga ann am prìomh-fhaclan-faire."
+#. BHvee
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/setmasterpassworddlg.ui:202
+msgctxt "setmasterpassworddlg|extended_tip|SetMasterPasswordDialog"
+msgid "Assign a master password to protect the access to a saved password."
+msgstr ""
+#. dAeLu
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/simplenameclash.ui:8
+msgctxt "simplenameclash|SimpleNameClashDialog"
+msgid "File Exists"
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle ann mu thràth"
+#. tCDZh
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/simplenameclash.ui:42
+msgctxt "simplenameclash|replace"
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr "Cuir 'na àite"
+#. j4y9t
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/simplenameclash.ui:55
+msgctxt "simplenameclash|rename"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air"
+#. iX6rE
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/sslwarndialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "sslwarndialog|SSLWarnDialog"
+msgid "Security Warning: "
+msgstr "Rabhadh tèarainteachd: "
+#. e7vJt
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/sslwarndialog.ui:25
+msgctxt "sslwarndialog|ok"
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Lean air adhart"
+#. e2CMr
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/sslwarndialog.ui:39
+msgctxt "sslwarndialog|cancel"
+msgid "Cancel Connection"
+msgstr "Sguir dhen cheangal"
+#. jMfYF
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/sslwarndialog.ui:53
+msgctxt "sslwarndialog|view"
+msgid "View Certificate"
+msgstr "Seall an teisteanas"
+#. rrW2e
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/unknownauthdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "unknownauthdialog|UnknownAuthDialog"
+msgid "Website Certified by an Unknown Authority"
+msgstr "Teisteanas làraich-lìn le ùghdarras neo-aithnichte"
+#. incLD
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/unknownauthdialog.ui:82
+msgctxt "unknownauthdialog|accept"
+msgid "Accept this certificate temporarily for this session"
+msgstr "Gabh ris an teisteanas seo gu sealach rè an t-seisein seo"
+#. fGDzR
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/unknownauthdialog.ui:97
+msgctxt "unknownauthdialog|reject"
+msgid "Do not accept this certificate and do not connect to this Web site"
+msgstr "Na gabh ris an teisteanas seo agus na ceangail ris an làrach-lìn seo"
+#. LWUhA
+#: uui/uiconfig/ui/unknownauthdialog.ui:112
+msgctxt "unknownauthdialog|examine"
+msgid "Examine Certificate…"
+msgstr "Sgrùd an teisteanas…"