path: root/vcl/inc/unx/fontmanager.hxx
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1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/inc/unx/fontmanager.hxx b/vcl/inc/unx/fontmanager.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7ee08c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/inc/unx/fontmanager.hxx
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <sal/config.h>
+#include <config_options.h>
+#include <tools/fontenum.hxx>
+#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
+#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
+#include <unx/fc_fontoptions.hxx>
+#include <glyphid.hxx>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string_view>
+#include <vector>
+#include <unordered_map>
+ * some words on metrics: every length returned by PrintFontManager and
+ * friends are PostScript afm style, that is they are 1/1000 font height
+ */
+class FontAttributes;
+class FontSubsetInfo;
+class FontConfigFontOptions;
+namespace vcl::font
+class FontSelectPattern;
+class GenericUnixSalData;
+namespace psp {
+class PPDParser;
+typedef int fontID;
+ * the difference between FastPrintFontInfo and PrintFontInfo
+ * is that the information in FastPrintFontInfo can usually
+ * be gathered from fontconfig results.
+ * if only FastPrintFontInfo is gathered and PrintFontInfo
+ * on demand and for less fonts, then performance in startup
+ * increases considerably
+ */
+struct FastPrintFontInfo
+ fontID m_nID; // FontID
+ // font attributes
+ OUString m_aFamilyName;
+ OUString m_aStyleName;
+ std::vector< OUString > m_aAliases;
+ FontFamily m_eFamilyStyle;
+ FontItalic m_eItalic;
+ FontWidth m_eWidth;
+ FontWeight m_eWeight;
+ FontPitch m_ePitch;
+ rtl_TextEncoding m_aEncoding;
+ FastPrintFontInfo()
+ : m_nID(0)
+ , m_eFamilyStyle(FAMILY_DONTKNOW)
+ , m_eItalic(ITALIC_DONTKNOW)
+ , m_eWidth(WIDTH_DONTKNOW)
+ , m_eWeight(WEIGHT_DONTKNOW)
+ , m_ePitch(PITCH_DONTKNOW)
+ {}
+struct PrintFontInfo : public FastPrintFontInfo
+ int m_nAscend;
+ int m_nDescend;
+ PrintFontInfo() :
+ FastPrintFontInfo(),
+ m_nAscend( 0 ),
+ m_nDescend( 0 )
+ {}
+// a class to manage printable fonts
+class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC PrintFontManager
+ struct PrintFont;
+ friend struct PrintFont;
+ struct VCL_DLLPRIVATE PrintFont
+ {
+ // font attributes
+ OUString m_aFamilyName;
+ std::vector<OUString> m_aAliases;
+ OUString m_aPSName;
+ OUString m_aStyleName;
+ FontFamily m_eFamilyStyle;
+ FontItalic m_eItalic;
+ FontWidth m_eWidth;
+ FontWeight m_eWeight;
+ FontPitch m_ePitch;
+ rtl_TextEncoding m_aEncoding;
+ int m_nAscend;
+ int m_nDescend;
+ int m_nLeading;
+ int m_nXMin; // font bounding box
+ int m_nYMin;
+ int m_nXMax;
+ int m_nYMax;
+ int m_nDirectory; // atom containing system dependent path
+ OString m_aFontFile; // relative to directory
+ int m_nCollectionEntry; // 0 for regular fonts, 0 to ... for fonts stemming from collections
+ int m_nVariationEntry; // 0 for regular fonts, 0 to ... for fonts stemming from font variations
+ explicit PrintFont();
+ };
+ fontID m_nNextFontID;
+ std::unordered_map< fontID, PrintFont > m_aFonts;
+ // for speeding up findFontFileID
+ std::unordered_map< OString, std::set< fontID > >
+ m_aFontFileToFontID;
+ std::unordered_map< OString, int >
+ m_aDirToAtom;
+ std::unordered_map< int, OString > m_aAtomToDir;
+ int m_nNextDirAtom;
+ OString getFontFile(const PrintFont& rFont) const;
+ std::vector<PrintFont> analyzeFontFile(int nDirID, const OString& rFileName, const char *pFormat=nullptr) const;
+ static OUString convertSfntName( void* pNameRecord ); // actually a NameRecord* format font subsetting code
+ static void analyzeSfntFamilyName( void const * pTTFont, std::vector< OUString >& rnames ); // actually a TrueTypeFont* from font subsetting code
+ bool analyzeSfntFile(PrintFont& rFont) const;
+ // finds the font id for the nFaceIndex face in this font file
+ // There may be multiple font ids for font collections
+ fontID findFontFileID(int nDirID, const OString& rFile, int nFaceIndex, int nVariationIndex) const;
+ // There may be multiple font ids for font collections
+ std::vector<fontID> findFontFileIDs( int nDirID, const OString& rFile ) const;
+ static FontFamily matchFamilyName( std::u16string_view rFamily );
+ const PrintFont* getFont( fontID nID ) const
+ {
+ auto it = m_aFonts.find( nID );
+ return it == m_aFonts.end() ? nullptr : &it->second;
+ }
+ PrintFont* getFont( fontID nID )
+ {
+ auto it = m_aFonts.find( nID );
+ return it == m_aFonts.end() ? nullptr : &it->second;
+ }
+ static void fillPrintFontInfo(const PrintFont& rFont, FastPrintFontInfo& rInfo);
+ void fillPrintFontInfo( PrintFont& rFont, PrintFontInfo& rInfo ) const;
+ OString getDirectory( int nAtom ) const;
+ int getDirectoryAtom( const OString& rDirectory );
+ /* try to initialize fonts from libfontconfig
+ called from <code>initialize()</code>
+ */
+ static void initFontconfig();
+ void countFontconfigFonts();
+ /* deinitialize fontconfig
+ */
+ static void deinitFontconfig();
+ /* register an application specific font directory for libfontconfig
+ since fontconfig is asked for font substitutes before OOo will check for font availability
+ and fontconfig will happily substitute fonts it doesn't know (e.g. "Arial Narrow" -> "DejaVu Sans Book"!)
+ it becomes necessary to tell the library about all the hidden font treasures
+ */
+ static void addFontconfigDir(const OString& rDirectory);
+ std::set<OString> m_aPreviousLangSupportRequests;
+ std::vector<OUString> m_aCurrentRequests;
+ Timer m_aFontInstallerTimer;
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( autoInstallFontLangSupport, Timer*, void );
+ PrintFontManager();
+ ~PrintFontManager();
+ friend class ::GenericUnixSalData;
+ static PrintFontManager& get(); // one instance only
+ // There may be multiple font ids for font collections
+ std::vector<fontID> addFontFile( std::u16string_view rFileUrl );
+ void initialize();
+ // returns the ids of all managed fonts.
+ void getFontList( std::vector< fontID >& rFontIDs );
+ // get font info for a specific font
+ bool getFontInfo( fontID nFontID, PrintFontInfo& rInfo ) const;
+ // get fast font info for a specific font
+ bool getFontFastInfo( fontID nFontID, FastPrintFontInfo& rInfo ) const;
+ // routines to get font info in small pieces
+ // get a specific fonts PSName name
+ OUString getPSName( fontID nFontID );
+ // get a specific fonts italic type
+ FontItalic getFontItalic( fontID nFontID ) const
+ {
+ const PrintFont* pFont = getFont( nFontID );
+ return pFont ? pFont->m_eItalic : ITALIC_DONTKNOW;
+ }
+ // get a specific fonts weight type
+ FontWeight getFontWeight( fontID nFontID ) const
+ {
+ const PrintFont* pFont = getFont( nFontID );
+ return pFont ? pFont->m_eWeight : WEIGHT_DONTKNOW;
+ }
+ // get a specific fonts system dependent filename
+ OString getFontFileSysPath( fontID nFontID ) const
+ {
+ return getFontFile( *getFont( nFontID ) );
+ }
+ // get the ttc face number
+ int getFontFaceNumber( fontID nFontID ) const;
+ // get the ttc face variation
+ int getFontFaceVariation( fontID nFontID ) const;
+ // get a specific fonts ascend
+ int getFontAscend( fontID nFontID );
+ // get a specific fonts descent
+ int getFontDescend( fontID nFontID );
+ // get a fonts glyph bounding box
+ void getFontBoundingBox( fontID nFont, int& xMin, int& yMin, int& xMax, int& yMax );
+ // creates a new font subset of an existing SFNT font
+ // returns true in case of success, else false
+ // nFont: the font to be subsetted
+ // rOutFile: the file to put the new subset into;
+ // must be a valid osl file URL
+ // pGlyphIDs: input array of glyph ids for new font
+ // pNewEncoding: the corresponding encoding in the new font
+ // pWidths: output array of widths of requested glyphs
+ // nGlyphs: number of glyphs in arrays
+ // pCapHeight:: capital height of the produced font
+ // pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax: outgoing font bounding box
+ // TODO: callers of this method should use its FontSubsetInfo counterpart directly
+ bool createFontSubset( FontSubsetInfo&,
+ fontID nFont,
+ const OUString& rOutFile,
+ const sal_GlyphId* pGlyphIDs,
+ const sal_uInt8* pNewEncoding,
+ sal_Int32* pWidths,
+ int nGlyphs
+ );
+ void getGlyphWidths( fontID nFont,
+ bool bVertical,
+ std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rWidths,
+ std::map< sal_Unicode, sal_uInt32 >& rUnicodeEnc );
+ // font administration functions
+ /* system dependent font matching
+ <p>
+ <code>matchFont</code> matches a pattern of font characteristics
+ and returns the closest match if possible. If a match was found
+ the <code>FastPrintFontInfo</code> passed in as parameter
+ will be update to the found matching font.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ implementation note: currently the function is only implemented
+ for fontconfig.
+ </p>
+ @param rInfo
+ out of the FastPrintFontInfo structure the following
+ fields will be used for the match:
+ <ul>
+ <li>family name</li>
+ <li>italic</li>
+ <li>width</li>
+ <li>weight</li>
+ <li>pitch</li>
+ </ul>
+ @param rLocale
+ if <code>rLocal</code> contains non empty strings the corresponding
+ locale will be used for font matching also; e.g. "Sans" can result
+ in different fonts in e.g. english and japanese
+ */
+ void matchFont( FastPrintFontInfo& rInfo, const css::lang::Locale& rLocale );
+ static std::unique_ptr<FontConfigFontOptions> getFontOptions(const FontAttributes& rFontAttributes, int nSize);
+ void Substitute(vcl::font::FontSelectPattern &rPattern, OUString& rMissingCodes);
+} // namespace
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