path: root/vcl/source/filter/ipdf/pdfdocument.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/source/filter/ipdf/pdfdocument.cxx b/vcl/source/filter/ipdf/pdfdocument.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a93083ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/source/filter/ipdf/pdfdocument.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3325 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+#include <vcl/filter/pdfdocument.hxx>
+#include <pdf/pdfcompat.hxx>
+#include <config_features.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/security/XCertificate.hpp>
+#include <comphelper/scopeguard.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
+#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
+#include <rtl/character.hxx>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <rtl/string.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <sal/types.h>
+#include <svl/cryptosign.hxx>
+#include <tools/zcodec.hxx>
+#include <vcl/pdfwriter.hxx>
+#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
+#include <pdf/objectcopier.hxx>
+using namespace com::sun::star;
+namespace vcl::filter
+XRefEntry::XRefEntry() = default;
+PDFDocument::PDFDocument() = default;
+PDFDocument::~PDFDocument() = default;
+bool PDFDocument::RemoveSignature(size_t nPosition)
+ std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> aSignatures = GetSignatureWidgets();
+ if (nPosition >= aSignatures.size())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::RemoveSignature: invalid nPosition");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aSignatures.size() != m_aEOFs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::RemoveSignature: no 1:1 mapping between signatures "
+ "and incremental updates");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The EOF offset is the end of the original file, without the signature at
+ // nPosition.
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(m_aEOFs[nPosition]);
+ // Drop all bytes after the current position.
+ m_aEditBuffer.SetStreamSize(m_aEditBuffer.Tell() + 1);
+ return m_aEditBuffer.good();
+sal_Int32 PDFDocument::createObject()
+ sal_Int32 nObject = m_aXRef.size();
+ m_aXRef[nObject] = XRefEntry();
+ return nObject;
+bool PDFDocument::updateObject(sal_Int32 nObject)
+ if (o3tl::make_unsigned(nObject) >= m_aXRef.size())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::updateObject: invalid nObject");
+ return false;
+ }
+ XRefEntry aEntry;
+ aEntry.SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ aEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nObject] = aEntry;
+ return true;
+bool PDFDocument::writeBuffer(const void* pBuffer, sal_uInt64 nBytes)
+ std::size_t nWritten = m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(pBuffer, nBytes);
+ return nWritten == nBytes;
+void PDFDocument::SetSignatureLine(std::vector<sal_Int8>&& rSignatureLine)
+ m_aSignatureLine = std::move(rSignatureLine);
+void PDFDocument::SetSignaturePage(size_t nPage) { m_nSignaturePage = nPage; }
+sal_uInt32 PDFDocument::GetNextSignature()
+ sal_uInt32 nRet = 0;
+ for (const auto& pSignature : GetSignatureWidgets())
+ {
+ auto pT = dynamic_cast<PDFLiteralStringElement*>(pSignature->Lookup("T"));
+ if (!pT)
+ continue;
+ const OString& rValue = pT->GetValue();
+ const OString aPrefix = "Signature";
+ if (!rValue.startsWith(aPrefix))
+ continue;
+ nRet = std::max(nRet, o3tl::toUInt32(rValue.subView(aPrefix.getLength())));
+ }
+ return nRet + 1;
+sal_Int32 PDFDocument::WriteSignatureObject(const OUString& rDescription, bool bAdES,
+ sal_uInt64& rLastByteRangeOffset,
+ sal_Int64& rContentOffset)
+ // Write signature object.
+ sal_Int32 nSignatureId = m_aXRef.size();
+ XRefEntry aSignatureEntry;
+ aSignatureEntry.SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ aSignatureEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nSignatureId] = aSignatureEntry;
+ OStringBuffer aSigBuffer;
+ aSigBuffer.append(nSignatureId);
+ aSigBuffer.append(" 0 obj\n");
+ aSigBuffer.append("<</Contents <");
+ rContentOffset = aSignatureEntry.GetOffset() + aSigBuffer.getLength();
+ // Reserve space for the PKCS#7 object.
+ OStringBuffer aContentFiller(MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+ comphelper::string::padToLength(aContentFiller, MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH, '0');
+ aSigBuffer.append(aContentFiller);
+ aSigBuffer.append(">\n/Type/Sig/SubFilter");
+ if (bAdES)
+ aSigBuffer.append("/ETSI.CAdES.detached");
+ else
+ aSigBuffer.append("/adbe.pkcs7.detached");
+ // Time of signing.
+ aSigBuffer.append(" /M (");
+ aSigBuffer.append(vcl::PDFWriter::GetDateTime());
+ aSigBuffer.append(")");
+ // Byte range: we can write offset1-length1 and offset2 right now, will
+ // write length2 later.
+ aSigBuffer.append(" /ByteRange [ 0 ");
+ // -1 and +1 is the leading "<" and the trailing ">" around the hex string.
+ aSigBuffer.append(rContentOffset - 1);
+ aSigBuffer.append(" ");
+ aSigBuffer.append(rContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1);
+ aSigBuffer.append(" ");
+ rLastByteRangeOffset = aSignatureEntry.GetOffset() + aSigBuffer.getLength();
+ // We don't know how many bytes we need for the last ByteRange value, this
+ // should be enough.
+ OStringBuffer aByteRangeFiller;
+ comphelper::string::padToLength(aByteRangeFiller, 100, ' ');
+ aSigBuffer.append(aByteRangeFiller);
+ // Finish the Sig obj.
+ aSigBuffer.append(" /Filter/Adobe.PPKMS");
+ if (!rDescription.isEmpty())
+ {
+ aSigBuffer.append("/Reason<");
+ vcl::PDFWriter::AppendUnicodeTextString(rDescription, aSigBuffer);
+ aSigBuffer.append(">");
+ }
+ aSigBuffer.append(" >>\nendobj\n\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(aSigBuffer);
+ return nSignatureId;
+sal_Int32 PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject(tools::Rectangle& rSignatureRectangle)
+ PDFDocument aPDFDocument;
+ filter::PDFObjectElement* pPage = nullptr;
+ std::vector<filter::PDFObjectElement*> aContentStreams;
+ if (!m_aSignatureLine.empty())
+ {
+ // Parse the PDF data of signature line: we can set the signature rectangle to non-empty
+ // based on it.
+ SvMemoryStream aPDFStream;
+ aPDFStream.WriteBytes(, m_aSignatureLine.size());
+ aPDFStream.Seek(0);
+ if (!aPDFDocument.Read(aPDFStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: failed to read the PDF document");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::vector<filter::PDFObjectElement*> aPages = aPDFDocument.GetPages();
+ if (aPages.empty())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: no pages");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pPage = aPages[0];
+ if (!pPage)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: no page");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Calculate the bounding box.
+ PDFElement* pMediaBox = pPage->Lookup("MediaBox");
+ auto pMediaBoxArray = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pMediaBox);
+ if (!pMediaBoxArray || pMediaBoxArray->GetElements().size() < 4)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: MediaBox is not an array of 4");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const std::vector<PDFElement*>& rMediaBoxElements = pMediaBoxArray->GetElements();
+ auto pWidth = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rMediaBoxElements[2]);
+ if (!pWidth)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: MediaBox has no width");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rSignatureRectangle.setWidth(pWidth->GetValue());
+ auto pHeight = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rMediaBoxElements[3]);
+ if (!pHeight)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: MediaBox has no height");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rSignatureRectangle.setHeight(pHeight->GetValue());
+ if (PDFObjectElement* pContentStream = pPage->LookupObject("Contents"))
+ {
+ aContentStreams.push_back(pContentStream);
+ }
+ if (aContentStreams.empty())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::WriteAppearanceObject: no content stream");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ m_aSignatureLine.clear();
+ // Write appearance object: allocate an ID.
+ sal_Int32 nAppearanceId = m_aXRef.size();
+ m_aXRef[nAppearanceId] = XRefEntry();
+ // Write the object content.
+ SvMemoryStream aEditBuffer;
+ aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAppearanceId);
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n");
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("<</Type/XObject\n/Subtype/Form\n");
+ PDFObjectCopier aCopier(*this);
+ if (!aContentStreams.empty())
+ {
+ assert(pPage && "aContentStreams is only filled if there was a pPage");
+ OStringBuffer aBuffer;
+ aCopier.copyPageResources(pPage, aBuffer);
+ aEditBuffer.WriteOString(aBuffer);
+ }
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/BBox[0 0 ");
+ aEditBuffer.WriteOString(OString::number(rSignatureRectangle.getWidth()));
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ aEditBuffer.WriteOString(OString::number(rSignatureRectangle.getHeight()));
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("]\n/Length ");
+ // Add the object to the doc-level edit buffer and update the offset.
+ SvMemoryStream aStream;
+ bool bCompressed = false;
+ sal_Int32 nLength = 0;
+ if (!aContentStreams.empty())
+ {
+ nLength = PDFObjectCopier::copyPageStreams(aContentStreams, aStream, bCompressed);
+ }
+ aEditBuffer.WriteOString(OString::number(nLength));
+ if (bCompressed)
+ {
+ aEditBuffer.WriteOString(" /Filter/FlateDecode");
+ }
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\n>>\n");
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("stream\n");
+ // Copy the original page streams to the form XObject stream.
+ aStream.Seek(0);
+ aEditBuffer.WriteStream(aStream);
+ aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\nendstream\nendobj\n\n");
+ aEditBuffer.Seek(0);
+ XRefEntry aAppearanceEntry;
+ aAppearanceEntry.SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ aAppearanceEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nAppearanceId] = aAppearanceEntry;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteStream(aEditBuffer);
+ return nAppearanceId;
+sal_Int32 PDFDocument::WriteAnnotObject(PDFObjectElement const& rFirstPage, sal_Int32 nSignatureId,
+ sal_Int32 nAppearanceId,
+ const tools::Rectangle& rSignatureRectangle)
+ // Decide what identifier to use for the new signature.
+ sal_uInt32 nNextSignature = GetNextSignature();
+ // Write the Annot object, references nSignatureId and nAppearanceId.
+ sal_Int32 nAnnotId = m_aXRef.size();
+ XRefEntry aAnnotEntry;
+ aAnnotEntry.SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ aAnnotEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nAnnotId] = aAnnotEntry;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("<</Type/Annot/Subtype/Widget/F 132\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Rect[0 0 ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(OString::number(rSignatureRectangle.getWidth()));
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(OString::number(rSignatureRectangle.getHeight()));
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("]\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/FT/Sig\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/P ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(rFirstPage.GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/T(Signature");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nNextSignature);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(")\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/V ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nSignatureId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/DV ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nSignatureId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/AP<<\n/N ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAppearanceId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R\n>>\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">>\nendobj\n\n");
+ return nAnnotId;
+bool PDFDocument::WritePageObject(PDFObjectElement& rFirstPage, sal_Int32 nAnnotId)
+ PDFElement* pAnnots = rFirstPage.Lookup("Annots");
+ auto pAnnotsReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pAnnots);
+ if (pAnnotsReference)
+ {
+ // Write the updated Annots key of the Page object.
+ PDFObjectElement* pAnnotsObject = pAnnotsReference->LookupObject();
+ if (!pAnnotsObject)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: invalid Annots reference");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 nAnnotsId = pAnnotsObject->GetObjectValue();
+ m_aXRef[nAnnotsId].SetType(XRefEntryType::NOT_COMPRESSED);
+ m_aXRef[nAnnotsId].SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ m_aXRef[nAnnotsId].SetDirty(true);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotsId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n[");
+ // Write existing references.
+ PDFArrayElement* pArray = pAnnotsObject->GetArray();
+ if (!pArray)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: Page Annots is a reference to a non-array");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pArray->GetElements().size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto pReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pArray->GetElements()[i]);
+ if (!pReference)
+ continue;
+ if (i)
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pReference->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R");
+ }
+ // Write our reference.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("]\nendobj\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write the updated first page object, references nAnnotId.
+ sal_uInt32 nFirstPageId = rFirstPage.GetObjectValue();
+ if (nFirstPageId >= m_aXRef.size())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: invalid first page obj id");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_aXRef[nFirstPageId].SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ m_aXRef[nFirstPageId].SetDirty(true);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nFirstPageId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("<<");
+ auto pAnnotsArray = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pAnnots);
+ if (!pAnnotsArray)
+ {
+ // No Annots key, just write the key with a single reference.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + rFirstPage.GetDictionaryOffset(),
+ rFirstPage.GetDictionaryLength());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Annots[");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R]");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Annots key is already there, insert our reference at the end.
+ PDFDictionaryElement* pDictionary = rFirstPage.GetDictionary();
+ // Offset right before the end of the Annots array.
+ sal_uInt64 nAnnotsEndOffset = pDictionary->GetKeyOffset("Annots")
+ + pDictionary->GetKeyValueLength("Annots") - 1;
+ // Length of beginning of the dictionary -> Annots end.
+ sal_uInt64 nAnnotsBeforeEndLength = nAnnotsEndOffset - rFirstPage.GetDictionaryOffset();
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + rFirstPage.GetDictionaryOffset(),
+ nAnnotsBeforeEndLength);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R");
+ // Length of Annots end -> end of the dictionary.
+ sal_uInt64 nAnnotsAfterEndLength = rFirstPage.GetDictionaryOffset()
+ + rFirstPage.GetDictionaryLength()
+ - nAnnotsEndOffset;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + nAnnotsEndOffset,
+ nAnnotsAfterEndLength);
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">>");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\nendobj\n\n");
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PDFDocument::WriteCatalogObject(sal_Int32 nAnnotId, PDFReferenceElement*& pRoot)
+ if (m_pXRefStream)
+ pRoot = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(m_pXRefStream->Lookup("Root"));
+ else
+ {
+ if (!m_pTrailer)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: found no trailer");
+ return false;
+ }
+ pRoot = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(m_pTrailer->Lookup("Root"));
+ }
+ if (!pRoot)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: trailer has no root reference");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFObjectElement* pCatalog = pRoot->LookupObject();
+ if (!pCatalog)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: invalid catalog reference");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 nCatalogId = pCatalog->GetObjectValue();
+ if (nCatalogId >= m_aXRef.size())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: invalid catalog obj id");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFElement* pAcroForm = pCatalog->Lookup("AcroForm");
+ auto pAcroFormReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pAcroForm);
+ if (pAcroFormReference)
+ {
+ // Write the updated AcroForm key of the Catalog object.
+ PDFObjectElement* pAcroFormObject = pAcroFormReference->LookupObject();
+ if (!pAcroFormObject)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: invalid AcroForm reference");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 nAcroFormId = pAcroFormObject->GetObjectValue();
+ m_aXRef[nAcroFormId].SetType(XRefEntryType::NOT_COMPRESSED);
+ m_aXRef[nAcroFormId].SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ m_aXRef[nAcroFormId].SetDirty(true);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAcroFormId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n");
+ // If this is nullptr, then the AcroForm object is not in an object stream.
+ SvMemoryStream* pStreamBuffer = pAcroFormObject->GetStreamBuffer();
+ if (!pAcroFormObject->Lookup("Fields"))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Sign: AcroForm object without required Fields key");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFDictionaryElement* pAcroFormDictionary = pAcroFormObject->GetDictionary();
+ if (!pAcroFormDictionary)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: AcroForm object has no dictionary");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Offset right before the end of the Fields array.
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsEndOffset = pAcroFormDictionary->GetKeyOffset("Fields")
+ + pAcroFormDictionary->GetKeyValueLength("Fields")
+ - strlen("]");
+ // Length of beginning of the object dictionary -> Fields end.
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsBeforeEndLength = nFieldsEndOffset;
+ if (pStreamBuffer)
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(pStreamBuffer->GetData(), nFieldsBeforeEndLength);
+ else
+ {
+ nFieldsBeforeEndLength -= pAcroFormObject->GetDictionaryOffset();
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("<<");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + pAcroFormObject->GetDictionaryOffset(),
+ nFieldsBeforeEndLength);
+ }
+ // Append our reference at the end of the Fields array.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R");
+ // Length of Fields end -> end of the object dictionary.
+ if (pStreamBuffer)
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsAfterEndLength = pStreamBuffer->GetSize() - nFieldsEndOffset;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(pStreamBuffer->GetData())
+ + nFieldsEndOffset,
+ nFieldsAfterEndLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsAfterEndLength = pAcroFormObject->GetDictionaryOffset()
+ + pAcroFormObject->GetDictionaryLength()
+ - nFieldsEndOffset;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + nFieldsEndOffset,
+ nFieldsAfterEndLength);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">>");
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\nendobj\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write the updated Catalog object, references nAnnotId.
+ auto pAcroFormDictionary = dynamic_cast<PDFDictionaryElement*>(pAcroForm);
+ m_aXRef[nCatalogId].SetOffset(m_aEditBuffer.Tell());
+ m_aXRef[nCatalogId].SetDirty(true);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nCatalogId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 obj\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("<<");
+ if (!pAcroFormDictionary)
+ {
+ // No AcroForm key, assume no signatures.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + pCatalog->GetDictionaryOffset(),
+ pCatalog->GetDictionaryLength());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/AcroForm<</Fields[\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R\n]/SigFlags 3>>\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // AcroForm key is already there, insert our reference at the Fields end.
+ auto it = pAcroFormDictionary->GetItems().find("Fields");
+ if (it == pAcroFormDictionary->GetItems().end())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: AcroForm without required Fields key");
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto pFields = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(it->second);
+ if (!pFields)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: AcroForm Fields is not an array");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Offset right before the end of the Fields array.
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsEndOffset = pAcroFormDictionary->GetKeyOffset("Fields")
+ + pAcroFormDictionary->GetKeyValueLength("Fields") - 1;
+ // Length of beginning of the Catalog dictionary -> Fields end.
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsBeforeEndLength = nFieldsEndOffset - pCatalog->GetDictionaryOffset();
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + pCatalog->GetDictionaryOffset(),
+ nFieldsBeforeEndLength);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nAnnotId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 0 R");
+ // Length of Fields end -> end of the Catalog dictionary.
+ sal_uInt64 nFieldsAfterEndLength = pCatalog->GetDictionaryOffset()
+ + pCatalog->GetDictionaryLength() - nFieldsEndOffset;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteBytes(static_cast<const char*>(m_aEditBuffer.GetData())
+ + nFieldsEndOffset,
+ nFieldsAfterEndLength);
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">>\nendobj\n\n");
+ }
+ return true;
+void PDFDocument::WriteXRef(sal_uInt64 nXRefOffset, PDFReferenceElement const* pRoot)
+ if (m_pXRefStream)
+ {
+ // Write the xref stream.
+ // This is a bit meta: the xref stream stores its own offset.
+ sal_Int32 nXRefStreamId = m_aXRef.size();
+ XRefEntry aXRefStreamEntry;
+ aXRefStreamEntry.SetOffset(nXRefOffset);
+ aXRefStreamEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nXRefStreamId] = aXRefStreamEntry;
+ // Write stream data.
+ SvMemoryStream aXRefStream;
+ const size_t nOffsetLen = 3;
+ // 3 additional bytes: predictor, the first and the third field.
+ const size_t nLineLength = nOffsetLen + 3;
+ // This is the line as it appears before tweaking according to the predictor.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aOrigLine(nLineLength);
+ // This is the previous line.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aPrevLine(nLineLength);
+ // This is the line as written to the stream.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aFilteredLine(nLineLength);
+ for (const auto& rXRef : m_aXRef)
+ {
+ const XRefEntry& rEntry = rXRef.second;
+ if (!rEntry.GetDirty())
+ continue;
+ // Predictor.
+ size_t nPos = 0;
+ // PNG prediction: up (on all rows).
+ aOrigLine[nPos++] = 2;
+ // First field.
+ unsigned char nType = 0;
+ switch (rEntry.GetType())
+ {
+ case XRefEntryType::FREE:
+ nType = 0;
+ break;
+ case XRefEntryType::NOT_COMPRESSED:
+ nType = 1;
+ break;
+ case XRefEntryType::COMPRESSED:
+ nType = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ aOrigLine[nPos++] = nType;
+ // Second field.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nOffsetLen; ++i)
+ {
+ size_t nByte = nOffsetLen - i - 1;
+ // Fields requiring more than one byte are stored with the
+ // high-order byte first.
+ unsigned char nCh = (rEntry.GetOffset() & (0xff << (nByte * 8))) >> (nByte * 8);
+ aOrigLine[nPos++] = nCh;
+ }
+ // Third field.
+ aOrigLine[nPos++] = 0;
+ // Now apply the predictor.
+ aFilteredLine[0] = aOrigLine[0];
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < nLineLength; ++i)
+ {
+ // Count the delta vs the previous line.
+ aFilteredLine[i] = aOrigLine[i] - aPrevLine[i];
+ // Remember the new reference.
+ aPrevLine[i] = aOrigLine[i];
+ }
+ aXRefStream.WriteBytes(, aFilteredLine.size());
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nXRefStreamId);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(
+ " 0 obj\n<</DecodeParms<</Columns 5/Predictor 12>>/Filter/FlateDecode");
+ // ID.
+ auto pID = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(m_pXRefStream->Lookup("ID"));
+ if (pID)
+ {
+ const std::vector<PDFElement*>& rElements = pID->GetElements();
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/ID [ <");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto pIDString = dynamic_cast<PDFHexStringElement*>(rElements[i]);
+ if (!pIDString)
+ continue;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(pIDString->GetValue());
+ if ((i + 1) < rElements.size())
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("> <");
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("> ] ");
+ }
+ // Index.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Index [ ");
+ for (const auto& rXRef : m_aXRef)
+ {
+ if (!rXRef.second.GetDirty())
+ continue;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(rXRef.first);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 1 ");
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("] ");
+ // Info.
+ auto pInfo = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(m_pXRefStream->Lookup("Info"));
+ if (pInfo)
+ {
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Info ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pInfo->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pInfo->GetGenerationValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" R ");
+ }
+ // Length.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Length ");
+ {
+ ZCodec aZCodec;
+ aZCodec.BeginCompression();
+ aXRefStream.Seek(0);
+ SvMemoryStream aStream;
+ aZCodec.Compress(aXRefStream, aStream);
+ aZCodec.EndCompression();
+ aXRefStream.Seek(0);
+ aXRefStream.SetStreamSize(0);
+ aStream.Seek(0);
+ aXRefStream.WriteStream(aStream);
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(aXRefStream.GetSize());
+ if (!m_aStartXRefs.empty())
+ {
+ // Write location of the previous cross-reference section.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Prev ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(m_aStartXRefs.back());
+ }
+ // Root.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Root ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pRoot->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pRoot->GetGenerationValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" R ");
+ // Size.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Size ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(m_aXRef.size());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>\nstream\n");
+ aXRefStream.Seek(0);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteStream(aXRefStream);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\nendstream\nendobj\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write the xref table.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("xref\n");
+ for (const auto& rXRef : m_aXRef)
+ {
+ size_t nObject = rXRef.first;
+ size_t nOffset = rXRef.second.GetOffset();
+ if (!rXRef.second.GetDirty())
+ continue;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nObject);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" 1\n");
+ OStringBuffer aBuffer;
+ aBuffer.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nOffset));
+ while (aBuffer.getLength() < 10)
+ aBuffer.insert(0, "0");
+ if (nObject == 0)
+ aBuffer.append(" 65535 f \n");
+ else
+ aBuffer.append(" 00000 n \n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(aBuffer);
+ }
+ // Write the trailer.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("trailer\n<</Size ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(m_aXRef.size());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Root ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pRoot->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pRoot->GetGenerationValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" R\n");
+ auto pInfo = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(m_pTrailer->Lookup("Info"));
+ if (pInfo)
+ {
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Info ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pInfo->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(pInfo->GetGenerationValue());
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(" R\n");
+ }
+ auto pID = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(m_pTrailer->Lookup("ID"));
+ if (pID)
+ {
+ const std::vector<PDFElement*>& rElements = pID->GetElements();
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/ID [ <");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto pIDString = dynamic_cast<PDFHexStringElement*>(rElements[i]);
+ if (!pIDString)
+ continue;
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(pIDString->GetValue());
+ if ((i + 1) < rElements.size())
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">\n<");
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("> ]\n");
+ }
+ if (!m_aStartXRefs.empty())
+ {
+ // Write location of the previous cross-reference section.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("/Prev ");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(m_aStartXRefs.back());
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr(">>\n");
+ }
+bool PDFDocument::Sign(const uno::Reference<security::XCertificate>& xCertificate,
+ const OUString& rDescription, bool bAdES)
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\n");
+ sal_uInt64 nSignatureLastByteRangeOffset = 0;
+ sal_Int64 nSignatureContentOffset = 0;
+ sal_Int32 nSignatureId = WriteSignatureObject(
+ rDescription, bAdES, nSignatureLastByteRangeOffset, nSignatureContentOffset);
+ tools::Rectangle aSignatureRectangle;
+ sal_Int32 nAppearanceId = WriteAppearanceObject(aSignatureRectangle);
+ std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> aPages = GetPages();
+ if (aPages.empty())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: found no pages");
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t nPage = 0;
+ if (m_nSignaturePage < aPages.size())
+ {
+ nPage = m_nSignaturePage;
+ }
+ if (!aPages[nPage])
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: failed to find page #" << nPage);
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFObjectElement& rPage = *aPages[nPage];
+ sal_Int32 nAnnotId = WriteAnnotObject(rPage, nSignatureId, nAppearanceId, aSignatureRectangle);
+ if (!WritePageObject(rPage, nAnnotId))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: failed to write the updated Page object");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFReferenceElement* pRoot = nullptr;
+ if (!WriteCatalogObject(nAnnotId, pRoot))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: failed to write the updated Catalog object");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_uInt64 nXRefOffset = m_aEditBuffer.Tell();
+ WriteXRef(nXRefOffset, pRoot);
+ // Write startxref.
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("startxref\n");
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteUInt32AsString(nXRefOffset);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteCharPtr("\n%%EOF\n");
+ // Finalize the signature, now that we know the total file size.
+ // Calculate the length of the last byte range.
+ sal_uInt64 nFileEnd = m_aEditBuffer.Tell();
+ sal_Int64 nLastByteRangeLength
+ = nFileEnd - (nSignatureContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1);
+ // Write the length to the buffer.
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(nSignatureLastByteRangeOffset);
+ OString aByteRangeBuffer = OString::number(nLastByteRangeLength) + " ]";
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(aByteRangeBuffer);
+ // Create the PKCS#7 object.
+ css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aDerEncoded = xCertificate->getEncoded();
+ if (!aDerEncoded.hasElements())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: empty certificate");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(0);
+ sal_uInt64 nBufferSize1 = nSignatureContentOffset - 1;
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> aBuffer1(new char[nBufferSize1]);
+ m_aEditBuffer.ReadBytes(aBuffer1.get(), nBufferSize1);
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(nSignatureContentOffset + MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1);
+ sal_uInt64 nBufferSize2 = nLastByteRangeLength;
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> aBuffer2(new char[nBufferSize2]);
+ m_aEditBuffer.ReadBytes(aBuffer2.get(), nBufferSize2);
+ OStringBuffer aCMSHexBuffer;
+ svl::crypto::Signing aSigning(xCertificate);
+ aSigning.AddDataRange(aBuffer1.get(), nBufferSize1);
+ aSigning.AddDataRange(aBuffer2.get(), nBufferSize2);
+ if (!aSigning.Sign(aCMSHexBuffer))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Sign: PDFWriter::Sign() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert(aCMSHexBuffer.getLength() <= MAX_SIGNATURE_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(nSignatureContentOffset);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteOString(aCMSHexBuffer);
+ return true;
+bool PDFDocument::Write(SvStream& rStream)
+ m_aEditBuffer.Seek(0);
+ rStream.WriteStream(m_aEditBuffer);
+ return rStream.good();
+bool PDFDocument::Tokenize(SvStream& rStream, TokenizeMode eMode,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>>& rElements,
+ PDFObjectElement* pObjectElement)
+ // Last seen object token.
+ PDFObjectElement* pObject = pObjectElement;
+ PDFNameElement* pObjectKey = nullptr;
+ PDFObjectElement* pObjectStream = nullptr;
+ bool bInXRef = false;
+ // The next number will be an xref offset.
+ bool bInStartXRef = false;
+ // Dictionary depth, so we know when we're outside any dictionaries.
+ int nDepth = 0;
+ // Last seen array token that's outside any dictionaries.
+ PDFArrayElement* pArray = nullptr;
+ // If we're inside an obj/endobj pair.
+ bool bInObject = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ break;
+ switch (ch)
+ {
+ case '%':
+ {
+ auto pComment = new PDFCommentElement(*this);
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pComment));
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFCommentElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (eMode == TokenizeMode::EOF_TOKEN && !m_aEOFs.empty()
+ && m_aEOFs.back() == rStream.Tell())
+ {
+ // Found EOF and partial parsing requested, we're done.
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '<':
+ {
+ // Dictionary or hex string.
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ rStream.SeekRel(-2);
+ if (ch == '<')
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFDictionaryElement()));
+ ++nDepth;
+ }
+ else
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFHexStringElement));
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFDictionaryElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '>':
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFEndDictionaryElement()));
+ --nDepth;
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '[':
+ {
+ auto pArr = new PDFArrayElement(pObject);
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pArr));
+ if (nDepth == 0)
+ {
+ // The array is attached directly, inform the object.
+ pArray = pArr;
+ if (pObject)
+ {
+ pObject->SetArray(pArray);
+ pObject->SetArrayOffset(rStream.Tell());
+ }
+ }
+ ++nDepth;
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFArrayElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ']':
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFEndArrayElement()));
+ --nDepth;
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (nDepth == 0)
+ {
+ if (pObject)
+ {
+ pObject->SetArrayLength(rStream.Tell() - pObject->GetArrayOffset());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFEndArrayElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '/':
+ {
+ auto pNameElement = new PDFNameElement();
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pNameElement));
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!pNameElement->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFNameElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pObject && pObjectKey && pObjectKey->GetValue() == "Type"
+ && pNameElement->GetValue() == "ObjStm")
+ pObjectStream = pObject;
+ else
+ pObjectKey = pNameElement;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '(':
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFLiteralStringElement));
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFLiteralStringElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ if (rtl::isAsciiDigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) || ch == '-' || ch == '+'
+ || ch == '.')
+ {
+ // Numbering object: an integer or a real.
+ auto pNumberElement = new PDFNumberElement();
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pNumberElement));
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ if (!pNumberElement->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFNumberElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bInStartXRef)
+ {
+ bInStartXRef = false;
+ m_aStartXRefs.push_back(pNumberElement->GetValue());
+ auto it = m_aOffsetObjects.find(pNumberElement->GetValue());
+ if (it != m_aOffsetObjects.end())
+ m_pXRefStream = it->second;
+ }
+ else if (bInObject && !nDepth && pObject)
+ // Number element inside an object, but outside a
+ // dictionary / array: remember it.
+ pObject->SetNumberElement(pNumberElement);
+ }
+ else if (rtl::isAsciiAlpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)))
+ {
+ // Possible keyword, like "obj".
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ OString aKeyword = ReadKeyword(rStream);
+ bool bObj = aKeyword == "obj";
+ if (bObj || aKeyword == "R")
+ {
+ size_t nElements = rElements.size();
+ if (nElements < 2)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Tokenize: expected at least two "
+ "tokens before 'obj' or 'R' keyword");
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto pObjectNumber
+ = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rElements[nElements - 2].get());
+ auto pGenerationNumber
+ = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rElements[nElements - 1].get());
+ if (!pObjectNumber || !pGenerationNumber)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Tokenize: missing object or "
+ "generation number before 'obj' or 'R' keyword");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bObj)
+ {
+ pObject = new PDFObjectElement(*this, pObjectNumber->GetValue(),
+ pGenerationNumber->GetValue());
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pObject));
+ m_aOffsetObjects[pObjectNumber->GetLocation()] = pObject;
+ m_aIDObjects[pObjectNumber->GetValue()] = pObject;
+ bInObject = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto pReference = new PDFReferenceElement(*this, *pObjectNumber,
+ *pGenerationNumber);
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pReference));
+ if (bInObject && nDepth > 0 && pObject)
+ // Inform the object about a new in-dictionary reference.
+ pObject->AddDictionaryReference(pReference);
+ }
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "stream")
+ {
+ // Look up the length of the stream from the parent object's dictionary.
+ size_t nLength = 0;
+ for (size_t nElement = 0; nElement < rElements.size(); ++nElement)
+ {
+ // Iterate in reverse order.
+ size_t nIndex = rElements.size() - nElement - 1;
+ PDFElement* pElement = rElements[nIndex].get();
+ auto pObj = dynamic_cast<PDFObjectElement*>(pElement);
+ if (!pObj)
+ continue;
+ PDFElement* pLookup = pObj->Lookup("Length");
+ auto pReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pLookup);
+ if (pReference)
+ {
+ // Length is provided as a reference.
+ nLength = pReference->LookupNumber(rStream);
+ break;
+ }
+ auto pNumber = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(pLookup);
+ if (pNumber)
+ {
+ // Length is provided directly.
+ nLength = pNumber->GetValue();
+ break;
+ }
+ "vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: found no Length key for stream keyword");
+ return false;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipLineBreaks(rStream);
+ auto pStreamElement = new PDFStreamElement(nLength);
+ if (pObject)
+ pObject->SetStream(pStreamElement);
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pStreamElement));
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFStreamElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "endstream")
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFEndStreamElement));
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFEndStreamElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "endobj")
+ {
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFEndObjectElement));
+ if (!rElements.back()->Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: PDFEndObjectElement::Read() failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (eMode == TokenizeMode::END_OF_OBJECT)
+ {
+ // Found endobj and only object parsing was requested, we're done.
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pObjectStream)
+ {
+ // We're at the end of an object stream, parse the stored objects.
+ pObjectStream->ParseStoredObjects();
+ pObjectStream = nullptr;
+ pObjectKey = nullptr;
+ }
+ bInObject = false;
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "true" || aKeyword == "false")
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(
+ new PDFBooleanElement(aKeyword.toBoolean())));
+ else if (aKeyword == "null")
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(new PDFNullElement));
+ else if (aKeyword == "xref")
+ // Allow 'f' and 'n' keywords.
+ bInXRef = true;
+ else if (bInXRef && (aKeyword == "f" || aKeyword == "n"))
+ {
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "trailer")
+ {
+ auto pTrailer = new PDFTrailerElement(*this);
+ // Make it possible to find this trailer later by offset.
+ pTrailer->Read(rStream);
+ m_aOffsetTrailers[pTrailer->GetLocation()] = pTrailer;
+ // When reading till the first EOF token only, remember
+ // just the first trailer token.
+ if (eMode != TokenizeMode::EOF_TOKEN || !m_pTrailer)
+ m_pTrailer = pTrailer;
+ rElements.push_back(std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>(pTrailer));
+ }
+ else if (aKeyword == "startxref")
+ {
+ bInStartXRef = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Tokenize: unexpected '"
+ << aKeyword << "' keyword at byte position "
+ << rStream.Tell());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto uChar = static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
+ // Be more lenient and allow unexpected null char
+ if (!rtl::isAsciiWhiteSpace(uChar) && uChar != 0)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: unexpected character with code "
+ << sal_Int32(ch) << " at byte position " << rStream.Tell());
+ return false;
+ }
+ SAL_WARN_IF(uChar == 0, "vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::Tokenize: unexpected null character at "
+ << rStream.Tell() << " - ignoring");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void PDFDocument::SetIDObject(size_t nID, PDFObjectElement* pObject)
+ m_aIDObjects[nID] = pObject;
+bool PDFDocument::ReadWithPossibleFixup(SvStream& rStream)
+ if (Read(rStream))
+ return true;
+ // Read failed, try a roundtrip through pdfium and then retry.
+ rStream.Seek(0);
+ SvMemoryStream aStandardizedStream;
+ vcl::pdf::convertToHighestSupported(rStream, aStandardizedStream);
+ return Read(aStandardizedStream);
+bool PDFDocument::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ // Check file magic.
+ std::vector<sal_Int8> aHeader(5);
+ rStream.Seek(0);
+ rStream.ReadBytes(, aHeader.size());
+ if (aHeader[0] != '%' || aHeader[1] != 'P' || aHeader[2] != 'D' || aHeader[3] != 'F'
+ || aHeader[4] != '-')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Read: header mismatch");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Allow later editing of the contents in-memory.
+ rStream.Seek(0);
+ m_aEditBuffer.WriteStream(rStream);
+ // Look up the offset of the xref table.
+ size_t nStartXRef = FindStartXRef(rStream);
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Read: nStartXRef is " << nStartXRef);
+ if (nStartXRef == 0)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Read: found no xref start offset");
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ rStream.Seek(nStartXRef);
+ OString aKeyword = ReadKeyword(rStream);
+ if (aKeyword.isEmpty())
+ ReadXRefStream(rStream);
+ else
+ {
+ if (aKeyword != "xref")
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Read: xref is not the first keyword");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ReadXRef(rStream);
+ if (!Tokenize(rStream, TokenizeMode::EOF_TOKEN, m_aElements, nullptr))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::Read: failed to tokenizer trailer after xref");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ PDFNumberElement* pPrev = nullptr;
+ if (m_pTrailer)
+ {
+ pPrev = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(m_pTrailer->Lookup("Prev"));
+ // Remember the offset of this trailer in the correct order. It's
+ // possible that newer trailers don't have a larger offset.
+ m_aTrailerOffsets.push_back(m_pTrailer->GetLocation());
+ }
+ else if (m_pXRefStream)
+ pPrev = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(m_pXRefStream->Lookup("Prev"));
+ if (pPrev)
+ nStartXRef = pPrev->GetValue();
+ // Reset state, except the edit buffer.
+ m_aElements.clear();
+ m_aOffsetObjects.clear();
+ m_aIDObjects.clear();
+ m_aStartXRefs.clear();
+ m_aEOFs.clear();
+ m_pTrailer = nullptr;
+ m_pXRefStream = nullptr;
+ if (!pPrev)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Then we can tokenize the stream.
+ rStream.Seek(0);
+ return Tokenize(rStream, TokenizeMode::END_OF_STREAM, m_aElements, nullptr);
+OString PDFDocument::ReadKeyword(SvStream& rStream)
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ return {};
+ while (rtl::isAsciiAlpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)))
+ {
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ return aBuf.toString();
+ }
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ return aBuf.toString();
+size_t PDFDocument::FindStartXRef(SvStream& rStream)
+ // Find the "startxref" token, somewhere near the end of the document.
+ std::vector<char> aBuf(1024);
+ rStream.Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
+ if (rStream.Tell() > aBuf.size())
+ rStream.SeekRel(static_cast<sal_Int64>(-1) * aBuf.size());
+ else
+ // The document is really short, then just read it from the start.
+ rStream.Seek(0);
+ size_t nBeforePeek = rStream.Tell();
+ size_t nSize = rStream.ReadBytes(, aBuf.size());
+ rStream.Seek(nBeforePeek);
+ if (nSize != aBuf.size())
+ aBuf.resize(nSize);
+ OString aPrefix("startxref");
+ // Find the last startxref at the end of the document.
+ auto itLastValid = aBuf.end();
+ auto it = aBuf.begin();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ it = std::search(it, aBuf.end(), aPrefix.getStr(), aPrefix.getStr() + aPrefix.getLength());
+ if (it == aBuf.end())
+ break;
+ itLastValid = it;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (itLastValid == aBuf.end())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::FindStartXRef: found no startxref");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rStream.SeekRel(itLastValid - aBuf.begin() + aPrefix.getLength());
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::FindStartXRef: unexpected end of stream after startxref");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aNumber;
+ if (!aNumber.Read(rStream))
+ return 0;
+ return aNumber.GetValue();
+void PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream(SvStream& rStream)
+ // Look up the stream length in the object dictionary.
+ if (!Tokenize(rStream, TokenizeMode::END_OF_OBJECT, m_aElements, nullptr))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: failed to read object");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_aElements.empty())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: no tokens found");
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFObjectElement* pObject = nullptr;
+ for (const auto& pElement : m_aElements)
+ {
+ if (auto pObj = dynamic_cast<PDFObjectElement*>(pElement.get()))
+ {
+ pObject = pObj;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pObject)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: no object token found");
+ return;
+ }
+ // So that the Prev key can be looked up later.
+ m_pXRefStream = pObject;
+ PDFElement* pLookup = pObject->Lookup("Length");
+ auto pNumber = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(pLookup);
+ if (!pNumber)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: stream length is not provided");
+ return;
+ }
+ sal_uInt64 nLength = pNumber->GetValue();
+ // Look up the stream offset.
+ PDFStreamElement* pStream = nullptr;
+ for (const auto& pElement : m_aElements)
+ {
+ if (auto pS = dynamic_cast<PDFStreamElement*>(pElement.get()))
+ {
+ pStream = pS;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pStream)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: no stream token found");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read and decompress it.
+ rStream.Seek(pStream->GetOffset());
+ std::vector<char> aBuf(nLength);
+ rStream.ReadBytes(, aBuf.size());
+ auto pFilter = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(pObject->Lookup("Filter"));
+ if (!pFilter)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: no Filter found");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pFilter->GetValue() != "FlateDecode")
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: unexpected filter: " << pFilter->GetValue());
+ return;
+ }
+ int nColumns = 1;
+ int nPredictor = 1;
+ if (auto pDecodeParams = dynamic_cast<PDFDictionaryElement*>(pObject->Lookup("DecodeParms")))
+ {
+ const std::map<OString, PDFElement*>& rItems = pDecodeParams->GetItems();
+ auto it = rItems.find("Columns");
+ if (it != rItems.end())
+ if (auto pColumns = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(it->second))
+ nColumns = pColumns->GetValue();
+ it = rItems.find("Predictor");
+ if (it != rItems.end())
+ if (auto pPredictor = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(it->second))
+ nPredictor = pPredictor->GetValue();
+ }
+ SvMemoryStream aSource(, aBuf.size(), StreamMode::READ);
+ SvMemoryStream aStream;
+ ZCodec aZCodec;
+ aZCodec.BeginCompression();
+ aZCodec.Decompress(aSource, aStream);
+ if (!aZCodec.EndCompression())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: decompression failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Look up the first and the last entry we need to read.
+ auto pIndex = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pObject->Lookup("Index"));
+ std::vector<size_t> aFirstObjects;
+ std::vector<size_t> aNumberOfObjects;
+ if (!pIndex)
+ {
+ auto pSize = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(pObject->Lookup("Size"));
+ if (pSize)
+ {
+ aFirstObjects.push_back(0);
+ aNumberOfObjects.push_back(pSize->GetValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: Index and Size not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const std::vector<PDFElement*>& rIndexElements = pIndex->GetElements();
+ size_t nFirstObject = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rIndexElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ auto pFirstObject = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rIndexElements[i]);
+ if (!pFirstObject)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: Index has no first object");
+ return;
+ }
+ nFirstObject = pFirstObject->GetValue();
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto pNumberOfObjects = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(rIndexElements[i]);
+ if (!pNumberOfObjects)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: Index has no number of objects");
+ return;
+ }
+ aFirstObjects.push_back(nFirstObject);
+ aNumberOfObjects.push_back(pNumberOfObjects->GetValue());
+ }
+ }
+ // Look up the format of a single entry.
+ const int nWSize = 3;
+ auto pW = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pObject->Lookup("W"));
+ if (!pW || pW->GetElements().size() < nWSize)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: W not found or has < 3 elements");
+ return;
+ }
+ int aW[nWSize];
+ // First character is the (kind of) repeated predictor.
+ int nLineLength = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nWSize; ++i)
+ {
+ auto pI = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(pW->GetElements()[i]);
+ if (!pI)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: W contains non-number");
+ return;
+ }
+ aW[i] = pI->GetValue();
+ nLineLength += aW[i];
+ }
+ if (nPredictor > 1 && nLineLength - 1 != nColumns)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: /DecodeParms/Columns is inconsistent with /W");
+ return;
+ }
+ aStream.Seek(0);
+ for (size_t nSubSection = 0; nSubSection < aFirstObjects.size(); ++nSubSection)
+ {
+ size_t nFirstObject = aFirstObjects[nSubSection];
+ size_t nNumberOfObjects = aNumberOfObjects[nSubSection];
+ // This is the line as read from the stream.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aOrigLine(nLineLength);
+ // This is the line as it appears after tweaking according to nPredictor.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aFilteredLine(nLineLength);
+ for (size_t nEntry = 0; nEntry < nNumberOfObjects; ++nEntry)
+ {
+ size_t nIndex = nFirstObject + nEntry;
+ aStream.ReadBytes(, aOrigLine.size());
+ if (nPredictor > 1 && aOrigLine[0] + 10 != nPredictor)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: in-stream predictor is "
+ "inconsistent with /DecodeParms/Predictor for object #"
+ << nIndex);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < nLineLength; ++i)
+ {
+ switch (nPredictor)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ // No prediction.
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ // PNG prediction: up (on all rows).
+ aFilteredLine[i] = aFilteredLine[i] + aOrigLine[i];
+ break;
+ default:
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: unexpected predictor: "
+ << nPredictor);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // First character is already handled above.
+ int nPos = 1;
+ size_t nType = 0;
+ // Start of the current field in the stream data.
+ int nOffset = nPos;
+ for (; nPos < nOffset + aW[0]; ++nPos)
+ {
+ unsigned char nCh = aFilteredLine[nPos];
+ nType = (nType << 8) + nCh;
+ }
+ // Start of the object in the file stream.
+ size_t nStreamOffset = 0;
+ nOffset = nPos;
+ for (; nPos < nOffset + aW[1]; ++nPos)
+ {
+ unsigned char nCh = aFilteredLine[nPos];
+ nStreamOffset = (nStreamOffset << 8) + nCh;
+ }
+ // Generation number of the object.
+ size_t nGenerationNumber = 0;
+ nOffset = nPos;
+ for (; nPos < nOffset + aW[2]; ++nPos)
+ {
+ unsigned char nCh = aFilteredLine[nPos];
+ nGenerationNumber = (nGenerationNumber << 8) + nCh;
+ }
+ // Ignore invalid nType.
+ if (nType <= 2)
+ {
+ if (m_aXRef.find(nIndex) == m_aXRef.end())
+ {
+ XRefEntry aEntry;
+ switch (nType)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ aEntry.SetType(XRefEntryType::FREE);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aEntry.SetType(XRefEntryType::NOT_COMPRESSED);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ aEntry.SetType(XRefEntryType::COMPRESSED);
+ break;
+ }
+ aEntry.SetOffset(nStreamOffset);
+ m_aXRef[nIndex] = aEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void PDFDocument::ReadXRef(SvStream& rStream)
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement aFirstObject;
+ if (!aFirstObject.Read(rStream))
+ {
+ // Next token is not a number, it'll be the trailer.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aFirstObject.GetValue() < 0)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: expected first object number >= 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aNumberOfEntries;
+ if (!aNumberOfEntries.Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: failed to read number of entries");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aNumberOfEntries.GetValue() < 0)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: expected zero or more entries");
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t nSize = aNumberOfEntries.GetValue();
+ for (size_t nEntry = 0; nEntry < nSize; ++nEntry)
+ {
+ size_t nIndex = aFirstObject.GetValue() + nEntry;
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aOffset;
+ if (!aOffset.Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: failed to read offset");
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aGenerationNumber;
+ if (!aGenerationNumber.Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: failed to read generation number");
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ OString aKeyword = ReadKeyword(rStream);
+ if (aKeyword != "f" && aKeyword != "n")
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRef: unexpected keyword");
+ return;
+ }
+ // xrefs are read in reverse order, so never update an existing
+ // offset with an older one.
+ if (m_aXRef.find(nIndex) == m_aXRef.end())
+ {
+ XRefEntry aEntry;
+ aEntry.SetOffset(aOffset.GetValue());
+ // Initially only the first entry is dirty.
+ if (nIndex == 0)
+ aEntry.SetDirty(true);
+ m_aXRef[nIndex] = aEntry;
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ }
+ }
+void PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ break;
+ if (!rtl::isAsciiWhiteSpace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)))
+ {
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void PDFDocument::SkipLineBreaks(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ break;
+ if (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')
+ {
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+size_t PDFDocument::GetObjectOffset(size_t nIndex) const
+ auto it = m_aXRef.find(nIndex);
+ if (it == m_aXRef.end() || it->second.GetType() == XRefEntryType::COMPRESSED)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::GetObjectOffset: wanted to look up index #"
+ << nIndex << ", but failed");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return it->second.GetOffset();
+const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>>& PDFDocument::GetElements() const
+ return m_aElements;
+/// Visits the page tree recursively, looking for page objects.
+static void visitPages(PDFObjectElement* pPages, std::vector<PDFObjectElement*>& rRet)
+ auto pKids = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pPages->Lookup("Kids"));
+ if (!pKids)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "visitPages: pages has no kids");
+ return;
+ }
+ pPages->setVisiting(true);
+ for (const auto& pKid : pKids->GetElements())
+ {
+ auto pReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pKid);
+ if (!pReference)
+ continue;
+ PDFObjectElement* pKidObject = pReference->LookupObject();
+ if (!pKidObject)
+ continue;
+ // detect if visiting reenters itself
+ if (pKidObject->alreadyVisiting())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "visitPages: loop in hierarchy");
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto pName = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(pKidObject->Lookup("Type"));
+ if (pName && pName->GetValue() == "Pages")
+ // Pages inside pages: recurse.
+ visitPages(pKidObject, rRet);
+ else
+ // Found an actual page.
+ rRet.push_back(pKidObject);
+ }
+ pPages->setVisiting(false);
+PDFObjectElement* PDFDocument::GetCatalog()
+ PDFReferenceElement* pRoot = nullptr;
+ PDFTrailerElement* pTrailer = nullptr;
+ if (!m_aTrailerOffsets.empty())
+ {
+ // Get access to the latest trailer, and work with the keys of that
+ // one.
+ auto it = m_aOffsetTrailers.find(m_aTrailerOffsets[0]);
+ if (it != m_aOffsetTrailers.end())
+ pTrailer = it->second;
+ }
+ if (pTrailer)
+ pRoot = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pTrailer->Lookup("Root"));
+ else if (m_pXRefStream)
+ pRoot = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(m_pXRefStream->Lookup("Root"));
+ if (!pRoot)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::GetCatalog: trailer has no Root key");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pRoot->LookupObject();
+std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> PDFDocument::GetPages()
+ std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> aRet;
+ PDFObjectElement* pCatalog = GetCatalog();
+ if (!pCatalog)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::GetPages: trailer has no catalog");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ PDFObjectElement* pPages = pCatalog->LookupObject("Pages");
+ if (!pPages)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::GetPages: catalog (obj " << pCatalog->GetObjectValue()
+ << ") has no pages");
+ return aRet;
+ }
+ visitPages(pPages, aRet);
+ return aRet;
+void PDFDocument::PushBackEOF(size_t nOffset) { m_aEOFs.push_back(nOffset); }
+std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> PDFDocument::GetSignatureWidgets()
+ std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> aRet;
+ std::vector<PDFObjectElement*> aPages = GetPages();
+ for (const auto& pPage : aPages)
+ {
+ if (!pPage)
+ continue;
+ PDFElement* pAnnotsElement = pPage->Lookup("Annots");
+ auto pAnnots = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pAnnotsElement);
+ if (!pAnnots)
+ {
+ // Annots is not an array, see if it's a reference to an object
+ // with a direct array.
+ auto pAnnotsRef = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pAnnotsElement);
+ if (pAnnotsRef)
+ {
+ if (PDFObjectElement* pAnnotsObject = pAnnotsRef->LookupObject())
+ {
+ pAnnots = pAnnotsObject->GetArray();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pAnnots)
+ continue;
+ for (const auto& pAnnot : pAnnots->GetElements())
+ {
+ auto pReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pAnnot);
+ if (!pReference)
+ continue;
+ PDFObjectElement* pAnnotObject = pReference->LookupObject();
+ if (!pAnnotObject)
+ continue;
+ auto pFT = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(pAnnotObject->Lookup("FT"));
+ if (!pFT || pFT->GetValue() != "Sig")
+ continue;
+ aRet.push_back(pAnnotObject);
+ }
+ }
+ return aRet;
+std::vector<unsigned char> PDFDocument::DecodeHexString(PDFHexStringElement const* pElement)
+ return svl::crypto::DecodeHexString(pElement->GetValue());
+OUString PDFDocument::DecodeHexStringUTF16BE(PDFHexStringElement const& rElement)
+ std::vector<unsigned char> const encoded(DecodeHexString(&rElement));
+ // Text strings can be PDF-DocEncoding or UTF-16BE with mandatory BOM;
+ // only the latter supported is here
+ if (encoded.size() < 2 || encoded[0] != 0xFE || encoded[1] != 0xFF || (encoded.size() & 1) != 0)
+ {
+ return {};
+ }
+ OUStringBuffer buf(encoded.size() - 2);
+ for (size_t i = 2; i < encoded.size(); i += 2)
+ {
+ buf.append(sal_Unicode((static_cast<sal_uInt16>(encoded[i]) << 8) | encoded[i + 1]));
+ }
+ return buf.makeStringAndClear();
+PDFCommentElement::PDFCommentElement(PDFDocument& rDoc)
+ : m_rDoc(rDoc)
+bool PDFCommentElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ // Read from (including) the % char till (excluding) the end of the line/stream.
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || rStream.eof())
+ {
+ m_aComment = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ if (m_aComment.startsWith("%%EOF"))
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nPos = rStream.Tell();
+ if (ch == '\r')
+ {
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ // If the comment ends with a \r\n, count the \n as well to match Adobe Acrobat
+ // behavior.
+ if (ch == '\n')
+ {
+ nPos += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ m_rDoc.PushBackEOF(nPos);
+ }
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFCommentElement::Read: m_aComment is '" << m_aComment << "'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return false;
+PDFNumberElement::PDFNumberElement() = default;
+bool PDFNumberElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ m_nOffset = rStream.Tell();
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!rtl::isAsciiDigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && ch != '.')
+ {
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (!rStream.eof())
+ {
+ if (!rtl::isAsciiDigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) && ch != '-' && ch != '+'
+ && ch != '.')
+ {
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ m_nLength = rStream.Tell() - m_nOffset;
+ m_fValue = o3tl::toDouble(aBuf);
+ aBuf.setLength(0);
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFNumberElement::Read: m_fValue is '" << m_fValue << "'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return false;
+sal_uInt64 PDFNumberElement::GetLocation() const { return m_nOffset; }
+sal_uInt64 PDFNumberElement::GetLength() const { return m_nLength; }
+bool PDFBooleanElement::Read(SvStream& /*rStream*/) { return true; }
+bool PDFNullElement::Read(SvStream& /*rStream*/) { return true; }
+bool PDFHexStringElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '<')
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFHexStringElement::Read: expected '<' as first character");
+ return false;
+ }
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ while (!rStream.eof())
+ {
+ if (ch == '>')
+ {
+ m_aValue = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFHexStringElement::Read: m_aValue length is " << m_aValue.getLength());
+ return true;
+ }
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return false;
+const OString& PDFHexStringElement::GetValue() const { return m_aValue; }
+bool PDFLiteralStringElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ char nPrevCh = 0;
+ char ch = 0;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '(')
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFHexStringElement::Read: expected '(' as first character");
+ return false;
+ }
+ nPrevCh = ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ // Start with 1 nesting level as we read a '(' above already.
+ int nDepth = 1;
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ while (!rStream.eof())
+ {
+ if (ch == '(' && nPrevCh != '\\')
+ ++nDepth;
+ if (ch == ')' && nPrevCh != '\\')
+ --nDepth;
+ if (nDepth == 0)
+ {
+ // ')' of the outermost '(' is reached.
+ m_aValue = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFLiteralStringElement::Read: m_aValue is '" << m_aValue << "'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ nPrevCh = ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return false;
+const OString& PDFLiteralStringElement::GetValue() const { return m_aValue; }
+PDFTrailerElement::PDFTrailerElement(PDFDocument& rDoc)
+ : m_rDoc(rDoc)
+ , m_pDictionaryElement(nullptr)
+bool PDFTrailerElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ m_nOffset = rStream.Tell();
+ return true;
+PDFElement* PDFTrailerElement::Lookup(const OString& rDictionaryKey)
+ if (!m_pDictionaryElement)
+ {
+ PDFObjectParser aParser(m_rDoc.GetElements());
+ aParser.parse(this);
+ }
+ if (!m_pDictionaryElement)
+ return nullptr;
+ return m_pDictionaryElement->LookupElement(rDictionaryKey);
+sal_uInt64 PDFTrailerElement::GetLocation() const { return m_nOffset; }
+double PDFNumberElement::GetValue() const { return m_fValue; }
+PDFObjectElement::PDFObjectElement(PDFDocument& rDoc, double fObjectValue, double fGenerationValue)
+ : m_rDoc(rDoc)
+ , m_fObjectValue(fObjectValue)
+ , m_fGenerationValue(fGenerationValue)
+ , m_pNumberElement(nullptr)
+ , m_nDictionaryOffset(0)
+ , m_nDictionaryLength(0)
+ , m_pDictionaryElement(nullptr)
+ , m_nArrayOffset(0)
+ , m_nArrayLength(0)
+ , m_pArrayElement(nullptr)
+ , m_pStreamElement(nullptr)
+ , m_bParsed(false)
+bool PDFObjectElement::Read(SvStream& /*rStream*/)
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFObjectElement::Read: " << m_fObjectValue << " " << m_fGenerationValue << " obj");
+ return true;
+PDFDictionaryElement::PDFDictionaryElement() = default;
+PDFElement* PDFDictionaryElement::Lookup(const std::map<OString, PDFElement*>& rDictionary,
+ const OString& rKey)
+ auto it = rDictionary.find(rKey);
+ if (it == rDictionary.end())
+ return nullptr;
+ return it->second;
+PDFObjectElement* PDFDictionaryElement::LookupObject(const OString& rDictionaryKey)
+ auto pKey = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(
+ PDFDictionaryElement::Lookup(m_aItems, rDictionaryKey));
+ if (!pKey)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDictionaryElement::LookupObject: no such key with reference value: "
+ << rDictionaryKey);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pKey->LookupObject();
+PDFElement* PDFDictionaryElement::LookupElement(const OString& rDictionaryKey)
+ return PDFDictionaryElement::Lookup(m_aItems, rDictionaryKey);
+void PDFObjectElement::parseIfNecessary()
+ if (m_bParsed)
+ return;
+ if (!m_aElements.empty())
+ {
+ // This is a stored object in an object stream.
+ PDFObjectParser aParser(m_aElements);
+ aParser.parse(this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal object: elements are stored as members of the document itself.
+ PDFObjectParser aParser(m_rDoc.GetElements());
+ aParser.parse(this);
+ }
+ m_bParsed = true;
+PDFElement* PDFObjectElement::Lookup(const OString& rDictionaryKey)
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ if (!m_pDictionaryElement)
+ return nullptr;
+ return PDFDictionaryElement::Lookup(GetDictionaryItems(), rDictionaryKey);
+PDFObjectElement* PDFObjectElement::LookupObject(const OString& rDictionaryKey)
+ auto pKey = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(Lookup(rDictionaryKey));
+ if (!pKey)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::LookupObject: no such key with reference value: "
+ << rDictionaryKey);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return pKey->LookupObject();
+double PDFObjectElement::GetObjectValue() const { return m_fObjectValue; }
+void PDFObjectElement::SetDictionaryOffset(sal_uInt64 nDictionaryOffset)
+ m_nDictionaryOffset = nDictionaryOffset;
+sal_uInt64 PDFObjectElement::GetDictionaryOffset()
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ return m_nDictionaryOffset;
+void PDFObjectElement::SetArrayOffset(sal_uInt64 nArrayOffset) { m_nArrayOffset = nArrayOffset; }
+sal_uInt64 PDFObjectElement::GetArrayOffset() const { return m_nArrayOffset; }
+void PDFDictionaryElement::SetKeyOffset(const OString& rKey, sal_uInt64 nOffset)
+ m_aDictionaryKeyOffset[rKey] = nOffset;
+void PDFDictionaryElement::SetKeyValueLength(const OString& rKey, sal_uInt64 nLength)
+ m_aDictionaryKeyValueLength[rKey] = nLength;
+sal_uInt64 PDFDictionaryElement::GetKeyOffset(const OString& rKey) const
+ auto it = m_aDictionaryKeyOffset.find(rKey);
+ if (it == m_aDictionaryKeyOffset.end())
+ return 0;
+ return it->second;
+sal_uInt64 PDFDictionaryElement::GetKeyValueLength(const OString& rKey) const
+ auto it = m_aDictionaryKeyValueLength.find(rKey);
+ if (it == m_aDictionaryKeyValueLength.end())
+ return 0;
+ return it->second;
+const std::map<OString, PDFElement*>& PDFDictionaryElement::GetItems() const { return m_aItems; }
+void PDFObjectElement::SetDictionaryLength(sal_uInt64 nDictionaryLength)
+ m_nDictionaryLength = nDictionaryLength;
+sal_uInt64 PDFObjectElement::GetDictionaryLength()
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ return m_nDictionaryLength;
+void PDFObjectElement::SetArrayLength(sal_uInt64 nArrayLength) { m_nArrayLength = nArrayLength; }
+sal_uInt64 PDFObjectElement::GetArrayLength() const { return m_nArrayLength; }
+PDFDictionaryElement* PDFObjectElement::GetDictionary()
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ return m_pDictionaryElement;
+void PDFObjectElement::SetDictionary(PDFDictionaryElement* pDictionaryElement)
+ m_pDictionaryElement = pDictionaryElement;
+void PDFObjectElement::SetNumberElement(PDFNumberElement* pNumberElement)
+ m_pNumberElement = pNumberElement;
+PDFNumberElement* PDFObjectElement::GetNumberElement() const { return m_pNumberElement; }
+const std::vector<PDFReferenceElement*>& PDFObjectElement::GetDictionaryReferences() const
+ return m_aDictionaryReferences;
+void PDFObjectElement::AddDictionaryReference(PDFReferenceElement* pReference)
+ m_aDictionaryReferences.push_back(pReference);
+const std::map<OString, PDFElement*>& PDFObjectElement::GetDictionaryItems()
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ return m_pDictionaryElement->GetItems();
+void PDFObjectElement::SetArray(PDFArrayElement* pArrayElement) { m_pArrayElement = pArrayElement; }
+void PDFObjectElement::SetStream(PDFStreamElement* pStreamElement)
+ m_pStreamElement = pStreamElement;
+PDFStreamElement* PDFObjectElement::GetStream() const { return m_pStreamElement; }
+PDFArrayElement* PDFObjectElement::GetArray()
+ parseIfNecessary();
+ return m_pArrayElement;
+void PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects()
+ if (!m_pStreamElement)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: no stream");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pType = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(Lookup("Type"));
+ if (!pType || pType->GetValue() != "ObjStm")
+ {
+ if (!pType)
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: missing unexpected type");
+ else
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: unexpected type: " << pType->GetValue());
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pFilter = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(Lookup("Filter"));
+ if (!pFilter || pFilter->GetValue() != "FlateDecode")
+ {
+ if (!pFilter)
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: missing filter");
+ else
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFDocument::ReadXRefStream: unexpected filter: " << pFilter->GetValue());
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pFirst = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(Lookup("First"));
+ if (!pFirst)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: no First");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto pN = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(Lookup("N"));
+ if (!pN)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: no N");
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t nN = pN->GetValue();
+ auto pLength = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(Lookup("Length"));
+ if (!pLength)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: no length");
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t nLength = pLength->GetValue();
+ // Read and decompress it.
+ SvMemoryStream& rEditBuffer = m_rDoc.GetEditBuffer();
+ rEditBuffer.Seek(m_pStreamElement->GetOffset());
+ std::vector<char> aBuf(nLength);
+ rEditBuffer.ReadBytes(, aBuf.size());
+ SvMemoryStream aSource(, aBuf.size(), StreamMode::READ);
+ SvMemoryStream aStream;
+ ZCodec aZCodec;
+ aZCodec.BeginCompression();
+ aZCodec.Decompress(aSource, aStream);
+ if (!aZCodec.EndCompression())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: decompression failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ nLength = aStream.TellEnd();
+ aStream.Seek(0);
+ std::vector<size_t> aObjNums;
+ std::vector<size_t> aOffsets;
+ std::vector<size_t> aLengths;
+ // First iterate over and find out the lengths.
+ for (size_t nObject = 0; nObject < nN; ++nObject)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement aObjNum;
+ if (!aObjNum.Read(aStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: failed to read object number");
+ return;
+ }
+ aObjNums.push_back(aObjNum.GetValue());
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(aStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aByteOffset;
+ if (!aByteOffset.Read(aStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFObjectElement::ParseStoredObjects: failed to read byte offset");
+ return;
+ }
+ aOffsets.push_back(pFirst->GetValue() + aByteOffset.GetValue());
+ if (aOffsets.size() > 1)
+ aLengths.push_back(aOffsets.back() - aOffsets[aOffsets.size() - 2]);
+ if (nObject + 1 == nN)
+ aLengths.push_back(nLength - aOffsets.back());
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(aStream);
+ }
+ // Now create streams with the proper length and tokenize the data.
+ for (size_t nObject = 0; nObject < nN; ++nObject)
+ {
+ size_t nObjNum = aObjNums[nObject];
+ size_t nOffset = aOffsets[nObject];
+ size_t nLen = aLengths[nObject];
+ aStream.Seek(nOffset);
+ m_aStoredElements.push_back(std::make_unique<PDFObjectElement>(m_rDoc, nObjNum, 0));
+ PDFObjectElement* pStored = m_aStoredElements.back().get();
+ aBuf.clear();
+ aBuf.resize(nLen);
+ aStream.ReadBytes(, aBuf.size());
+ SvMemoryStream aStoredStream(, aBuf.size(), StreamMode::READ);
+ m_rDoc.Tokenize(aStoredStream, TokenizeMode::STORED_OBJECT, pStored->GetStoredElements(),
+ pStored);
+ // This is how references know the object is stored inside this object stream.
+ m_rDoc.SetIDObject(nObjNum, pStored);
+ // Store the stream of the object in the object stream for later use.
+ std::unique_ptr<SvMemoryStream> pStreamBuffer(new SvMemoryStream());
+ aStoredStream.Seek(0);
+ pStreamBuffer->WriteStream(aStoredStream);
+ pStored->SetStreamBuffer(pStreamBuffer);
+ }
+std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PDFElement>>& PDFObjectElement::GetStoredElements()
+ return m_aElements;
+SvMemoryStream* PDFObjectElement::GetStreamBuffer() const { return m_pStreamBuffer.get(); }
+void PDFObjectElement::SetStreamBuffer(std::unique_ptr<SvMemoryStream>& pStreamBuffer)
+ m_pStreamBuffer = std::move(pStreamBuffer);
+PDFDocument& PDFObjectElement::GetDocument() { return m_rDoc; }
+PDFReferenceElement::PDFReferenceElement(PDFDocument& rDoc, PDFNumberElement& rObject,
+ PDFNumberElement const& rGeneration)
+ : m_rDoc(rDoc)
+ , m_fObjectValue(rObject.GetValue())
+ , m_fGenerationValue(rGeneration.GetValue())
+ , m_rObject(rObject)
+PDFNumberElement& PDFReferenceElement::GetObjectElement() const { return m_rObject; }
+bool PDFReferenceElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFReferenceElement::Read: " << m_fObjectValue << " " << m_fGenerationValue << " R");
+ m_nOffset = rStream.Tell();
+ return true;
+sal_uInt64 PDFReferenceElement::GetOffset() const { return m_nOffset; }
+double PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber(SvStream& rStream) const
+ size_t nOffset = m_rDoc.GetObjectOffset(m_fObjectValue);
+ if (nOffset == 0)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber: found no offset for object #"
+ << m_fObjectValue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sal_uInt64 nOrigPos = rStream.Tell();
+ comphelper::ScopeGuard g([&]() { rStream.Seek(nOrigPos); });
+ rStream.Seek(nOffset);
+ {
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aNumber;
+ bool bRet = aNumber.Read(rStream);
+ if (!bRet || aNumber.GetValue() != m_fObjectValue)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber: offset points to not matching object");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aNumber;
+ bool bRet = aNumber.Read(rStream);
+ if (!bRet || aNumber.GetValue() != m_fGenerationValue)
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber: offset points to not matching generation");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ OString aKeyword = PDFDocument::ReadKeyword(rStream);
+ if (aKeyword != "obj")
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber: offset doesn't point to an obj keyword");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ PDFDocument::SkipWhitespace(rStream);
+ PDFNumberElement aNumber;
+ if (!aNumber.Read(rStream))
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFReferenceElement::LookupNumber: failed to read referenced number");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return aNumber.GetValue();
+PDFObjectElement* PDFReferenceElement::LookupObject()
+ return m_rDoc.LookupObject(m_fObjectValue);
+PDFObjectElement* PDFDocument::LookupObject(size_t nObjectNumber)
+ auto itIDObjects = m_aIDObjects.find(nObjectNumber);
+ if (itIDObjects != m_aIDObjects.end())
+ return itIDObjects->second;
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDocument::LookupObject: can't find obj " << nObjectNumber);
+ return nullptr;
+SvMemoryStream& PDFDocument::GetEditBuffer() { return m_aEditBuffer; }
+int PDFReferenceElement::GetObjectValue() const { return m_fObjectValue; }
+int PDFReferenceElement::GetGenerationValue() const { return m_fGenerationValue; }
+bool PDFDictionaryElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '<')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected end of file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '<')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_nLocation = rStream.Tell();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFDictionaryElement::Read: '<<'");
+ return true;
+PDFEndDictionaryElement::PDFEndDictionaryElement() = default;
+sal_uInt64 PDFEndDictionaryElement::GetLocation() const { return m_nLocation; }
+bool PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ m_nLocation = rStream.Tell();
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '>')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected end of file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '>')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFEndDictionaryElement::Read: '>>'");
+ return true;
+PDFNameElement::PDFNameElement() = default;
+bool PDFNameElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '/')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFNameElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_nLocation = rStream.Tell();
+ if (rStream.eof())
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFNameElement::Read: unexpected end of file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Read till the first white-space.
+ OStringBuffer aBuf;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ while (!rStream.eof())
+ {
+ if (rtl::isAsciiWhiteSpace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) || ch == '/' || ch == '['
+ || ch == ']' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '(')
+ {
+ rStream.SeekRel(-1);
+ m_aValue = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFNameElement::Read: m_aValue is '" << m_aValue << "'");
+ return true;
+ }
+ aBuf.append(ch);
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ }
+ return false;
+const OString& PDFNameElement::GetValue() const { return m_aValue; }
+sal_uInt64 PDFNameElement::GetLocation() const { return m_nLocation; }
+PDFStreamElement::PDFStreamElement(size_t nLength)
+ : m_nLength(nLength)
+ , m_nOffset(0)
+bool PDFStreamElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFStreamElement::Read: length is " << m_nLength);
+ m_nOffset = rStream.Tell();
+ std::vector<unsigned char> aBytes(m_nLength);
+ rStream.ReadBytes(, aBytes.size());
+ m_aMemory.WriteBytes(, aBytes.size());
+ return rStream.good();
+SvMemoryStream& PDFStreamElement::GetMemory() { return m_aMemory; }
+sal_uInt64 PDFStreamElement::GetOffset() const { return m_nOffset; }
+bool PDFEndStreamElement::Read(SvStream& /*rStream*/) { return true; }
+bool PDFEndObjectElement::Read(SvStream& /*rStream*/) { return true; }
+PDFArrayElement::PDFArrayElement(PDFObjectElement* pObject)
+ : m_pObject(pObject)
+bool PDFArrayElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != '[')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFArrayElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFArrayElement::Read: '['");
+ return true;
+void PDFArrayElement::PushBack(PDFElement* pElement)
+ if (m_pObject)
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter",
+ "PDFArrayElement::PushBack: object is " << m_pObject->GetObjectValue());
+ m_aElements.push_back(pElement);
+const std::vector<PDFElement*>& PDFArrayElement::GetElements() const { return m_aElements; }
+PDFEndArrayElement::PDFEndArrayElement() = default;
+bool PDFEndArrayElement::Read(SvStream& rStream)
+ m_nOffset = rStream.Tell();
+ char ch;
+ rStream.ReadChar(ch);
+ if (ch != ']')
+ {
+ SAL_WARN("vcl.filter", "PDFEndArrayElement::Read: unexpected character: " << ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "PDFEndArrayElement::Read: ']'");
+ return true;
+sal_uInt64 PDFEndArrayElement::GetOffset() const { return m_nOffset; }
+// PDFObjectParser
+size_t PDFObjectParser::parse(PDFElement* pParsingElement, size_t nStartIndex, int nCurrentDepth)
+ // The index of last parsed element
+ size_t nReturnIndex = 0;
+ pParsingElement->setParsing(true);
+ comphelper::ScopeGuard aGuard([pParsingElement]() { pParsingElement->setParsing(false); });
+ // Current object, if root is an object, else nullptr
+ auto pParsingObject = dynamic_cast<PDFObjectElement*>(pParsingElement);
+ auto pParsingTrailer = dynamic_cast<PDFTrailerElement*>(pParsingElement);
+ // Current dictionary, if root is an dictionary, else nullptr
+ auto pParsingDictionary = dynamic_cast<PDFDictionaryElement*>(pParsingElement);
+ // Current parsing array, if root is an array, else nullptr
+ auto pParsingArray = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pParsingElement);
+ // Find out where the dictionary for this object starts.
+ size_t nIndex = nStartIndex;
+ for (size_t i = nStartIndex; i < mrElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mrElements[i].get() == pParsingElement)
+ {
+ nIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ OString aName;
+ sal_uInt64 nNameOffset = 0;
+ std::vector<PDFNumberElement*> aNumbers;
+ sal_uInt64 nDictionaryOffset = 0;
+ // Current depth; 1 is current
+ int nDepth = 0;
+ for (size_t i = nIndex; i < mrElements.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto* pCurrentElement = mrElements[i].get();
+ // Dictionary tokens can be nested, track enter/leave.
+ if (auto pCurrentDictionary = dynamic_cast<PDFDictionaryElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Handle previously stored number
+ if (!aNumbers.empty())
+ {
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement* pNumber = aNumbers.back();
+ sal_uInt64 nLength
+ = pNumber->GetLocation() + pNumber->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pNumber);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ for (auto& pNumber : aNumbers)
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ aName.clear();
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ nDepth++;
+ if (nDepth == 1) // pParsingDictionary is the current one
+ {
+ // First dictionary start, track start offset.
+ nDictionaryOffset = pCurrentDictionary->GetLocation();
+ if (pParsingObject)
+ {
+ // Then the toplevel dictionary of the object.
+ pParsingObject->SetDictionary(pCurrentDictionary);
+ pParsingObject->SetDictionaryOffset(nDictionaryOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary = pCurrentDictionary;
+ }
+ else if (pParsingTrailer)
+ {
+ pParsingTrailer->SetDictionary(pCurrentDictionary);
+ pParsingDictionary = pCurrentDictionary;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!pCurrentDictionary->alreadyParsing())
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pCurrentDictionary);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ // Dictionary toplevel value.
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pCurrentDictionary);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ // Nested dictionary.
+ const size_t nNextElementIndex = parse(pCurrentDictionary, i, nCurrentDepth + 1);
+ i = std::max(i, nNextElementIndex - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pCurrentEndDictionary
+ = dynamic_cast<PDFEndDictionaryElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Handle previously stored number
+ if (!aNumbers.empty())
+ {
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement* pNumber = aNumbers.back();
+ sal_uInt64 nLength
+ = pNumber->GetLocation() + pNumber->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pNumber);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ for (auto& pNumber : aNumbers)
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ aName.clear();
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ sal_uInt64 nLength = pCurrentEndDictionary->GetLocation() - nNameOffset + 2;
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ if (nDepth == 1) // did the parsing ended
+ {
+ // Last dictionary end, track length and stop parsing.
+ if (pParsingObject)
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nDictionaryLength
+ = pCurrentEndDictionary->GetLocation() - nDictionaryOffset;
+ pParsingObject->SetDictionaryLength(nDictionaryLength);
+ }
+ nReturnIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ nDepth--;
+ }
+ else if (auto pCurrentArray = dynamic_cast<PDFArrayElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Handle previously stored number
+ if (!aNumbers.empty())
+ {
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement* pNumber = aNumbers.back();
+ sal_uInt64 nLength
+ = pNumber->GetLocation() + pNumber->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pNumber);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ for (auto& pNumber : aNumbers)
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ aName.clear();
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ nDepth++;
+ if (nDepth == 1) // pParsingDictionary is the current one
+ {
+ if (pParsingObject)
+ {
+ pParsingObject->SetArray(pCurrentArray);
+ pParsingArray = pCurrentArray;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!pCurrentArray->alreadyParsing())
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ // Array is toplevel
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pCurrentArray);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ // Dictionary toplevel value.
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pCurrentArray);
+ }
+ const size_t nNextElementIndex = parse(pCurrentArray, i, nCurrentDepth + 1);
+ // ensure we go forwards and not endlessly loop
+ i = std::max(i, nNextElementIndex - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pCurrentEndArray = dynamic_cast<PDFEndArrayElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Handle previously stored number
+ if (!aNumbers.empty())
+ {
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement* pNumber = aNumbers.back();
+ sal_uInt64 nLength
+ = pNumber->GetLocation() + pNumber->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pNumber);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ for (auto& pNumber : aNumbers)
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ aName.clear();
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ if (nDepth == 1) // did the pParsing ended
+ {
+ // Last array end, track length and stop parsing.
+ nReturnIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ // Include the ending ']' in the length of the key - (array)value pair length.
+ sal_uInt64 nLength = pCurrentEndArray->GetOffset() - nNameOffset + 1;
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ nDepth--;
+ }
+ else if (auto pCurrentName = dynamic_cast<PDFNameElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Handle previously stored number
+ if (!aNumbers.empty())
+ {
+ if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ PDFNumberElement* pNumber = aNumbers.back();
+ sal_uInt64 nLength
+ = pNumber->GetLocation() + pNumber->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pNumber);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ for (auto& pNumber : aNumbers)
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pNumber);
+ }
+ aName.clear();
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ // Now handle name
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ // if we are in an array, just push the name to array
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pCurrentName);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ // if we are in a dictionary, we need to store the name as a possible key
+ if (aName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ aName = pCurrentName->GetValue();
+ nNameOffset = pCurrentName->GetLocation();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nKeyLength
+ = pCurrentName->GetLocation() + pCurrentName->GetLength() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pCurrentName);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nKeyLength);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pReference = dynamic_cast<PDFReferenceElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pReference);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ sal_uInt64 nLength = pReference->GetOffset() - nNameOffset;
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pReference);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyValueLength(aName, nLength);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ aNumbers.clear();
+ }
+ else if (auto pLiteralString = dynamic_cast<PDFLiteralStringElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pLiteralString);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pLiteralString);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pBoolean = dynamic_cast<PDFBooleanElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pBoolean);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pBoolean);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "neither Dictionary nor Array available");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pHexString = dynamic_cast<PDFHexStringElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ if (pParsingArray)
+ {
+ pParsingArray->PushBack(pHexString);
+ }
+ else if (pParsingDictionary)
+ {
+ pParsingDictionary->insert(aName, pHexString);
+ pParsingDictionary->SetKeyOffset(aName, nNameOffset);
+ aName.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auto pNumberElement = dynamic_cast<PDFNumberElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // Just remember this, so that in case it's not a reference parameter,
+ // we can handle it later.
+ aNumbers.push_back(pNumberElement);
+ }
+ else if (dynamic_cast<PDFEndObjectElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ // parsing of the object is finished
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (dynamic_cast<PDFObjectElement*>(pCurrentElement)
+ || dynamic_cast<PDFTrailerElement*>(pCurrentElement))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.filter", "Unhandled element while parsing.");
+ }
+ }
+ return nReturnIndex;
+} // namespace vcl
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */