path: root/wizards/source/scriptforge/_CodingConventions.xba
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diff --git a/wizards/source/scriptforge/_CodingConventions.xba b/wizards/source/scriptforge/_CodingConventions.xba
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+++ b/wizards/source/scriptforge/_CodingConventions.xba
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="_CodingConventions" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
+REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
+REM === Full documentation is available on ===
+REM =======================================================================================================================
+&apos; Conventions used in the coding of the *ScriptForge* library
+&apos; -----------------------------------------------------------
+&apos; Library and Modules
+&apos; ===================
+&apos; * Module names are all prefixed with &quot;SF_&quot;.
+&apos; * The *Option Explicit* statement is mandatory in every module.
+&apos; * The *Option Private Module* statement is recommended in internal modules.
+&apos; * A standard header presenting the module/class is mandatory
+&apos; * An end of file (eof) comment line is mandatory
+&apos; * Every module lists the constants that are related to it and documented as return values, arguments, etc.
+&apos; They are defined as *Global Const*.
+&apos; The scope of global constants being limited to one single library, their invocation from user scripts shall be qualified.
+&apos; * The Basic reserved words are *Proper-Cased*.
+&apos; Functions and Subroutines
+&apos; =========================
+&apos; * LibreOffice ignores the Private/Public attribute in Functions or Subs declarations.
+&apos; Nevertheless the attribute must be present.
+&apos; Rules to recognize their scope are:
+&apos; * Public + name starts with a letter
+&apos; The Sub/Function belongs to the official ScriptForge API.
+&apos; As such it may be called from any user script.
+&apos; * Public + name starts with an underscore &quot;_&quot;
+&apos; The Sub/Function may be called only from within the ScriptForge library.
+&apos; As such it MUST NOT be called from another library or from a user script,
+&apos; as there is no guarantee about the arguments, the semantic or even the existence of that piece of code in a later release.
+&apos; * Private - The Sub/Function name must start with an underscore &quot;_&quot;.
+&apos; The Sub/Function may be called only from the module in which it is located.
+&apos; * Functions and Subroutines belonging to the API (= &quot;standard&quot; functions/Subs) are defined in their module in alphabetical order.
+&apos; For class modules, all the properties precede the methods which precede the events.
+&apos; * Functions and Subroutines not belonging to the API are defined in their module in alphabetical order below the standard ones.
+&apos; * The return value of a function is always declared explicitly.
+&apos; * The parameters are always declared explicitly even if they&apos;re variants.
+&apos; * The Function and Sub declarations start at the 1st column of the line.
+&apos; * The End Function/Sub statement is followed by a comment reminding the name of the containing library.module and of the function or sub.
+&apos; If the Function/Sub is declared for the first time or modified in a release &gt; initial public release, the actual release number is mentioned as well.
+&apos; Variable declarations
+&apos; =====================
+&apos; * Variable names use only alpha characters, the underscore and digits (no accented characters).
+&apos; Exceptionally, names of private variables may be embraced with `[` and `]` if `Option Compatible` is present.
+&apos; * The Global, Dim and Const statements always start in the first column of the line.
+&apos; * The type (*Dim ... As ...*, *Function ... As ...*) is always declared explicitly, even if the type is Variant.
+&apos; * Variables are *Proper-Cased*. They are always preceded by a lower-case letter indicating their type.
+&apos; With next exception: variables i, j, k, l, m and n must be declared as integers or longs.
+&apos; &gt; b Boolean
+&apos; &gt; d Date
+&apos; &gt; v Variant
+&apos; &gt; o Object
+&apos; &gt; i Integer
+&apos; &gt; l Long
+&apos; &gt; s String
+&apos; Example:
+&apos; Dim sValue As String
+&apos; * Parameters are preceded by the letter *p* which itself precedes the single *typing letter*.
+&apos; In official methods, to match their published documentation, the *p* and the *typing letter* may be omitted. Like in:
+&apos; Private Function MyFunction(psValue As String) As Variant
+&apos; Public Function MyOfficialFunction(Value As String) As Variant
+&apos; * Global variables in the ScriptForge library are ALL preceded by an underscore &quot;_&quot; as NONE of them should be invoked from outside the library.
+&apos; * Constant values with a local scope are *Proper-Cased* and preceded by the letters *cst*.
+&apos; * Constants with a global scope are *UPPER-CASED*.
+&apos; Example:
+&apos; Global Const ACONSTANT = &quot;This is a global constant&quot;
+&apos; Function MyFunction(pocControl As Object, piValue) As Variant
+&apos; Dim iValue As Integer
+&apos; Const cstMyConstant = 3
+&apos; Indentation
+&apos; ===========
+&apos; Code shall be indented with TAB characters.
+&apos; Goto/Gosub
+&apos; ==========
+&apos; The *GoSub* … *Return* statement is forbidden.
+&apos; The *GoTo* statement is forbidden.
+&apos; However *GoTo* is highly recommended for *error* and *exception* handling.
+&apos; Comments (english only)
+&apos; ========
+&apos; * Every public routine should be documented with a python-like &quot;docstring&quot;:
+&apos; 1. Role of Sub/Function
+&apos; 2. List of arguments, mandatory/optional, role
+&apos; 3. Returned value(s) type and meaning
+&apos; 4. Examples when useful
+&apos; 5. Eventual specific exception codes
+&apos; * The &quot;docstring&quot; comments shall be marked by a triple (single) quote character at the beginning of the line
+&apos; * Meaningful variables shall be declared one per line. Comment on same line.
+&apos; * Comments about a code block should be left indented.
+&apos; If it concerns only the next line, no indent required (may also be put at the end of the line).
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file