package org.libreoffice.canvas; import; import; import; import; /** * Handles the cursor drawing on the canvas. */ public class Cursor extends CommonCanvasElement { private static final float CURSOR_WIDTH = 2f; private final Paint mCursorPaint = new Paint(); public RectF mPosition = new RectF(); public RectF mScaledPosition = new RectF(); public int mAlpha = 0; /** * Construct the cursor and set the default values. */ public Cursor() { mCursorPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); mCursorPaint.setAlpha(0xFF); } /** * Hit test for cursor, always false. */ @Override public boolean onHitTest(float x, float y) { return false; } /** * Draw the cursor. */ @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawRect(mScaledPosition, mCursorPaint); } /** * Reposition the cursor on screen. */ public void reposition(RectF rect) { mScaledPosition = rect; mScaledPosition.right = mScaledPosition.left + CURSOR_WIDTH; } /** * Cycle the alpha color of the cursor, makes the */ public void cycleAlpha() { mCursorPaint.setAlpha(mCursorPaint.getAlpha() == 0 ? 0xFF : 0); } }