/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "ScatterChartTypeTemplate.hxx" #include "ScatterChartType.hxx" #include "XYDataInterpreter.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::beans::Property; namespace { enum { PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER }; const ::chart::tPropertyValueMap& StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateDefaults() { static const ::chart::tPropertyValueMap aStaticDefaults = []() { ::chart::tPropertyValueMap aOutMap; ::chart::PropertyHelper::setPropertyValueDefault( aOutMap, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE, chart2::CurveStyle_LINES ); ::chart::PropertyHelper::setPropertyValueDefault< sal_Int32 >( aOutMap, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION, 20 ); // todo: check whether order 3 means polygons of order 3 or 2. (see // http://www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/Splines/Basis.htm ) ::chart::PropertyHelper::setPropertyValueDefault< sal_Int32 >( aOutMap, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER, 3 ); return aOutMap; }(); return aStaticDefaults; } ::cppu::OPropertyArrayHelper& StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateInfoHelper() { static ::cppu::OPropertyArrayHelper aPropHelper( []() { std::vector< css::beans::Property > aProperties { { CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_STYLE, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE, cppu::UnoType::get(), beans::PropertyAttribute::BOUND | beans::PropertyAttribute::MAYBEDEFAULT }, { CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_RESOLUTION, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION, cppu::UnoType::get(), beans::PropertyAttribute::BOUND | beans::PropertyAttribute::MAYBEDEFAULT }, { CHART_UNONAME_SPLINE_ORDER, PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER, cppu::UnoType::get(), beans::PropertyAttribute::BOUND | beans::PropertyAttribute::MAYBEDEFAULT } }; std::sort( aProperties.begin(), aProperties.end(), ::chart::PropertyNameLess() ); return comphelper::containerToSequence( aProperties ); }() ); return aPropHelper; } const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo >& StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateInfo() { static const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xPropertySetInfo( ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper::createPropertySetInfo(StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateInfoHelper() ) ); return xPropertySetInfo; } } // anonymous namespace namespace chart { ScatterChartTypeTemplate::ScatterChartTypeTemplate( Reference< uno::XComponentContext > const & xContext, const OUString & rServiceName, bool bSymbols, bool bHasLines /* = true */, sal_Int32 nDim /* = 2 */ ) : ChartTypeTemplate( xContext, rServiceName ), ::property::OPropertySet( m_aMutex ), m_bHasSymbols( bSymbols ), m_bHasLines( bHasLines ), m_nDim( nDim ) { if( nDim == 3 ) m_bHasSymbols = false; } ScatterChartTypeTemplate::~ScatterChartTypeTemplate() {} // ____ OPropertySet ____ void ScatterChartTypeTemplate::GetDefaultValue( sal_Int32 nHandle, uno::Any& rAny ) const { const tPropertyValueMap& rStaticDefaults = StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateDefaults(); tPropertyValueMap::const_iterator aFound( rStaticDefaults.find( nHandle ) ); if( aFound == rStaticDefaults.end() ) rAny.clear(); else rAny = (*aFound).second; } ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper & SAL_CALL ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getInfoHelper() { return StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateInfoHelper(); } // ____ XPropertySet ____ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getPropertySetInfo() { return StaticScatterChartTypeTemplateInfo(); } sal_Int32 ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getDimension() const { return m_nDim; } StackMode ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getStackMode( sal_Int32 /* nChartTypeIndex */ ) const { if( m_nDim == 3 ) return StackMode::ZStacked; return StackMode::NONE; } void ScatterChartTypeTemplate::applyStyle2( const rtl::Reference< DataSeries >& xSeries, ::sal_Int32 nChartTypeIndex, ::sal_Int32 nSeriesIndex, ::sal_Int32 nSeriesCount ) { ChartTypeTemplate::applyStyle2( xSeries, nChartTypeIndex, nSeriesIndex, nSeriesCount ); try { DataSeriesHelper::switchSymbolsOnOrOff( xSeries, m_bHasSymbols, nSeriesIndex ); DataSeriesHelper::switchLinesOnOrOff( xSeries, m_bHasLines ); DataSeriesHelper::makeLinesThickOrThin( xSeries, m_nDim==2 ); if( m_nDim==3 ) DataSeriesHelper::setPropertyAlsoToAllAttributedDataPoints( xSeries, "BorderStyle", uno::Any( drawing::LineStyle_NONE ) ); } catch( const uno::Exception & ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2"); } } // ____ XChartTypeTemplate ____ sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScatterChartTypeTemplate::supportsCategories() { return false; } bool ScatterChartTypeTemplate::matchesTemplate2( const rtl::Reference< ::chart::Diagram >& xDiagram, bool bAdaptProperties ) { bool bResult = ChartTypeTemplate::matchesTemplate2( xDiagram, bAdaptProperties ); // check symbol-style and line-style // for a template with symbols (or with lines) it is ok, if there is at least one series // with symbols (or with lines) if( bResult ) { bool bSymbolFound = false; bool bLineFound = false; std::vector< rtl::Reference< DataSeries > > aSeriesVec = DiagramHelper::getDataSeriesFromDiagram( xDiagram ); for (auto const& series : aSeriesVec) { try { chart2::Symbol aSymbProp; drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle; bool bCurrentHasSymbol = (series->getPropertyValue( "Symbol") >>= aSymbProp) && (aSymbProp.Style != chart2::SymbolStyle_NONE); if( bCurrentHasSymbol ) bSymbolFound = true; if( bCurrentHasSymbol && (!m_bHasSymbols) ) { bResult = false; break; } bool bCurrentHasLine = (series->getPropertyValue( "LineStyle") >>= eLineStyle) && ( eLineStyle != drawing::LineStyle_NONE ); if( bCurrentHasLine ) bLineFound = true; if( bCurrentHasLine && (!m_bHasLines) ) { bResult = false; break; } } catch( const uno::Exception & ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2"); } } if(bResult) { if( !bLineFound && m_bHasLines && bSymbolFound ) bResult = false; else if( !bSymbolFound && m_bHasSymbols && bLineFound ) bResult = false; else if( !bLineFound && !bSymbolFound ) return m_bHasLines && m_bHasSymbols; } } // adapt curve style, spline order and resolution if( bResult && bAdaptProperties ) { try { rtl::Reference< ChartType > xChartTypeProp = DiagramHelper::getChartTypeByIndex( xDiagram, 0 ); setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE, xChartTypeProp->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_STYLE) ); setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION, xChartTypeProp->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_RESOLUTION) ); setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER, xChartTypeProp->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_SPLINE_ORDER) ); } catch( const uno::Exception & ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2"); } } return bResult; } rtl::Reference< ChartType > ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getChartTypeForIndex( sal_Int32 /*nChartTypeIndex*/ ) { rtl::Reference< ChartType > xResult; try { xResult = new ScatterChartType(); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_STYLE, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE )); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_RESOLUTION, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION )); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_SPLINE_ORDER, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER )); } catch( const uno::Exception & ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2"); } return xResult; } rtl::Reference< ChartType > ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getChartTypeForNewSeries2( const std::vector< rtl::Reference< ChartType > >& aFormerlyUsedChartTypes ) { rtl::Reference< ChartType > xResult; try { xResult = new ScatterChartType(); ChartTypeTemplate::copyPropertiesFromOldToNewCoordinateSystem( aFormerlyUsedChartTypes, xResult ); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_STYLE, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_STYLE )); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_CURVE_RESOLUTION, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_CURVE_RESOLUTION )); xResult->setPropertyValue( CHART_UNONAME_SPLINE_ORDER, getFastPropertyValue( PROP_SCATTERCHARTTYPE_TEMPLATE_SPLINE_ORDER )); } catch( const uno::Exception & ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2"); } return xResult; } rtl::Reference< DataInterpreter > ScatterChartTypeTemplate::getDataInterpreter2() { if( ! m_xDataInterpreter.is()) m_xDataInterpreter.set( new XYDataInterpreter ); return m_xDataInterpreter; } IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( ScatterChartTypeTemplate, ChartTypeTemplate, OPropertySet ) IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( ScatterChartTypeTemplate, ChartTypeTemplate, OPropertySet ) } // namespace chart /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */