/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include struct Base { Base(); Base(Base const&); virtual ~Base(); Base& operator=(Base const&); virtual void f(); void variadic(int, ...); void cv() const volatile; void ref(); static void staticFn(); void defaults(void* = nullptr, int = 0, double = 1, Base const& = {}, char const* = "foo"); }; struct SimpleDerived : Base { void f() override // expected-error {{public virtual function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} { Base::f(); } }; struct Intermediate1 : Base { }; struct MultiFunctionIntermediate2 : Base { void f() override; }; struct MultiFunctionDerived : Intermediate1, MultiFunctionIntermediate2 { void f() override { Intermediate1::f(); } // no warning }; struct MultiClassIntermediate2 : Base { }; struct MultiClassDerived : Intermediate1, MultiClassIntermediate2 { void f() override { Intermediate1::f(); } // no warning }; struct DerivedDifferent : Base { void variadic(int x) { Base::variadic(x); } // no warning void cv() { Base::cv(); } // no warning void ref() && { Base::ref(); } // no warning void staticFn() { Base::staticFn(); } // no warning void defaults(void* x1, int x2, double x3, Base const& x4, char const* x5) { Base::defaults(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5); // no warning } }; struct DerivedSame : Base { void defaults( // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} void* x1 = 0, int x2 = (1 - 1), double x3 = 1.0, Base const& x4 = (Base()), char const* x5 = "f" "oo") { Base::defaults(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5); } }; struct DerivedSlightlyDifferent : Base { void defaults( // no warning void* x1 = nullptr, int x2 = 0, double x3 = 1, Base const& x4 = DerivedSlightlyDifferent(), char const* x5 = "foo") { Base::defaults(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5); } }; enum class E { E1 = 1, E2 = 2, E3 = 4 }; namespace o3tl { template <> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags { }; } struct Base2 { void default1(Base const& = SimpleDerived()); void default2(Base const& = SimpleDerived()); void default3(Base = Base()); void default4(E = (E::E1 | E::E2 | E::E3)); }; struct Derived2 : Base2 { void default1(Base const& x = Intermediate1()) { Base2::default1(x); } // no warning void default2( // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} Base const& x = SimpleDerived()) { Base2::default2(x); } void default3( // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} Base x = Base()) { (Base2::default3(x)); } void default4( // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} E x = (E::E1 | E::E2 | E::E3)) { Base2::default4(x); } }; class Base3 { public: void f1(); }; class Derived3 : protected Base3 { public: // effectively changing access from protected to public void f1() { Base3::f1(); } }; // check the case where the method occurs more than once in a direct path up the class hierarchy struct Base4 { void f1(); }; struct Derived4_1 : public Base4 { void f1(); }; struct Derived4_2 : public Derived4_1 { void f1() // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} { Derived4_1::f1(); } }; struct Base5_1 { void f1(); }; struct Base5_2 { void f1(); }; struct Derived5 : public Base5_1, public Base5_2 { void f1() { Base5_1::f1(); } // no warning expected }; struct Base6_1 { bool f1(); }; struct Derived6 : public Base6_1 { bool f1() // expected-error {{public function just calls public parent [loplugin:unnecessaryoverride]}} { bool ret = Base6_1::f1(); return ret; } }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */