TrueFalse612TrueFalse0noneTrueTruein126TrueTrueTrueliststore1FalseFalse0False0Select the level(s) that you want to define the formatting options for.TrueFalseLevelFalseTrue0TrueFalsevertical12TrueFalse0noneTrueFalse12126TrueFalse612TrueFalseTrueNumber:Truenumfmtlb100TrueFalseSelect the Character Style that you want to use in the numbered list.13TrueFalseTrueTrueadjustment3TrueEnter the number of previous levels to include in the numbering scheme. For example, if you enter "2" and the previous level uses the "A, B, C..." numbering, the numbering scheme for the current level becomes: "A.1".17TrueTrueTrueadjustment2TrueEnter a new starting number for the current level.11TrueFalseStart at:Truestartat101TrueFalseSelect a numbering scheme for the selected levels.10TrueFalseGraphics:Truebitmap1011TrueFalseWidth:Truewidthmf1012TrueTrueTrueadjustment12TrueEnter a width for the graphic.112TrueFalseHeight:Trueheightmfend1013TrueTrueTrueadjustment52TrueEnter a height for the graphic.113Keep ratioTrueTrueFalseTrueTrueMaintains the size proportions of the graphic.114TrueFalseAlignment:Trueorientlb1015TrueFalse0Top of baselineCenter of baselineBottom of baselineTop of characterCenter of characterBottom of characterTop of lineCenter of lineBottom of lineSelect the alignment option for the graphic.115Select...TrueTrueTrue0TruebitmapmenuSelect the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet.111TrueTrueFalse0TrueSelect a color for the current numbering scheme.14TrueTrueTrueadjustment4TrueEnter the amount by which you want to resize the bullet character with respect to the font height of the current paragraph.15Select...TrueTrueTrueSelect the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet.16TrueFalseBefore:Trueprefix12009TrueFalseSeparator12008TrueTrueTrueTrueEnter a character or the text to display behind the number in the list. To create the numbering scheme "1.)", enter ".)" in this box.110TrueTrueTrueTrueEnter a character or the text to display in front of the number in the list.19TrueFalseAfter:Truesuffix1010TrueFalseShow sublevels:Truesublevelsend107TrueFalseCharacter:Truebullet106TrueFalse_Relative size:Truerelsize105TrueFalseColor:Truecolor104TrueFalseCharacter style:Truecharstyle103FalseTrue0TrueFalseNumberingFalseTrue0TrueFalse0none_Consecutive numberingTrueTrueFalseTrueTrue126Increases the numbering by one as you go down each level in the list hierarchy.TrueFalseAll LevelsFalseTrue1TrueTrue1TrueFalse0noneTrueFalseneverneverin126TrueFalse150300TrueFalseTrueFalsePreviewTrueTrue2