1000000 1 10 True False True True 6 True False 6 Use SQL92 naming constraints True False True True True Only allows characters that conform to the SQL92 naming convention in a name in a data source. All other characters are rejected. Each name must begin with a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, or an underscore ( _ ). The remaining characters can be ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores. 0 0 Append the table alias name on SELECT statements True False True True True Appends the alias to the table name in SELECT statements. 0 1 Use keyword AS before table alias names True False True True True Some databases use the keyword "AS" between a name and its alias, while other databases use a whitespace. Enable this option to insert AS before the alias. 0 2 Use Outer Join syntax '{oj }' True False True True True Use escape sequences for outer joins. The syntax for this escape sequence is {oj outer-join} 0 3 Ignore the privileges from the database driver True False True True True Ignores access privileges that are provided by the database driver. 0 4 Replace named parameters with '?' True False True True True Replaces named parameters in a data source with a question mark (?). 0 5 Display version columns (when available) True False True True True Displays the internal version number of the record in the database table. 0 6 Use catalog name in SELECT statements True False True True True Uses the current data source of the catalog. This option is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC data source is a dBASE driver. 0 7 Use schema name in SELECT statements True False True True True Allows you to use the schema name in SELECT statements. 0 8 Create index with ASC or DESC statement True False True True True Creates an index with ASC or DESC statements. 0 9 End text lines with CR+LF True False True True True Select to use the CR + LF code pair to end every text line (preferred for DOS and Windows operating systems). 0 10 Ignore currency field information True False True True True Only for Oracle JDBC connections. When enabled it specifies that no column is treated as a currency field. The field type returned from the database driver is discarded. 0 11 Form data input checks for required fields True False True True True When you enter a new record or update an existing record in a form, and you leave a field empty which is bound to a database column which requires input, then you will see a message complaining about the empty field. 0 12 Use ODBC conformant date/time literals True False True True True Use date/time literals that conform to ODBC standard. 0 13 Supports primary keys True False True True True Enable to overrule Base's heuristics used to detect whether the database supports primary keys. 0 14 Respect the result set type from the database driver True False True True True Use the database driver different scroll capabilities of a result set. 0 15 True False 6 12 False True Comparison of Boolean values: True comparison 1 0 0 False True Default SQL Mixed MS Access Select the type of Boolean comparison that you want to use. 1 0 False True Rows to scan column types: True rows 1 0 1 True True True True adjustment1 Select the number of rows to let the driver detect the data type. 1 1 0 16 False True 0