SFDocuments.Chart service /text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_chart.xhp
Chart service

SFDocuments.Chart service

The Chart service provides a set of properties and methods to handle charts in Calc documents. With this service it is possible to: Access chart objects in Calc documents and manipulate their properties. Create and insert new charts into a Calc document. Export charts as image files.

Chart names

Charts may have two different names: An internal name given by %PRODUCTNAME as soon as the chart object is created (usually "Object 1", "Object 2" and so on). A user-defined name, which can be defined by right-clicking the chart and choosing Name in the context menu. The Chart service primarily uses the user-defined name to access a chart object. If it does not exist, than the internal name is used.

Service invocation

Before using the Chart service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported: The Chart service is instantiated from a Calc service instance either using the Charts or CreateChart methods. The example below creates a Chart service instance from an existing chart in the current Calc document: GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ScriptForge") Dim oDoc as Object, oChart as Object Set oDoc = CreateScriptService("Calc") Set oChart = oDoc.Charts("Sheet1", "Object 1") The following example instantiate the Chart service by creating a new chart object based on the data contained in the range "Sheet1.A1:C10". Dim oDoc as Object, oChart as Object Set oDoc = CreateScriptService("Calc") Set oChart = oDoc.CreateChart("My Chart", "Sheet1", "Sheet1.A1:C10") Read the CreateChart method description to learn more about its arguments. The examples above can be written in Python as follows: from scriptforge import CreateScriptService doc = CreateScriptService("Calc") chart = doc.Charts("Sheet1", "Object 1") doc = CreateScriptService("Calc") chart = doc.CreateChart("My Chart", "Sheet1", "Sheet1.A1:C10") Chart service;ChartType Chart service;Deep Chart service;Dim3D Chart service;Exploded Chart service;Filled Chart service;Legend Chart service;Percent Chart service;Stacked Chart service;Title Chart service;XTitle Chart service;YTitle Chart service;XChartObj Chart service;XDiagram Chart service;XShape Chart service;XTableChart


Name Readonly Type Description ChartType No String Specifies the chart type as a string that can assume one of the following values: "Pie", "Bar", "Donut", "Column", "Area", "Line", "XY", "Bubble", "Net". Deep No Boolean When True indicates that the chart is three-dimensional and each series is arranged in the z-direction. When False series are arranged considering only two dimensions. Dim3D No Boolean or String Specifies if the chart is displayed with 3D elements. If the value is a string, it must be either "Bar", "Cylinder", "Cone" or "Pyramid". If the boolean True value is specified, then the chart is displayed using 3D bars. Exploded No Numeric Specifies how much pie segments are offset from the chart center as a percentage of the radius. Applicable to pie and donut charts only. Filled No Boolean When True, specifies a filled net chart. Applicable to net charts only. Legend No Boolean Specifies whether or not the chart has a legend. Percent No Boolean When True, chart series are stacked and each category sums up to 100%. Applicable to Area, Bar, Bubble, Column and Net charts. Stacked No Boolean When True, chart series are stacked. Applicable to Area, Bar, Bubble, Column and Net charts. Title No String Specifies the main title of the chart. XTitle No String Specifies the title of the X axis. YTitle No String Specifies the title of the Y axis. XChartObj Yes UNO Object Returns the object representing the chart, which is an instance of the ScChartObj class. XDiagram Yes UNO Object Returns the com.sun.star.chart.XDiagram object representing the diagram of the chart. XShape Yes UNO Object Returns the com.sun.star.drawing.XShape object representing the shape of the chart. XTableChart Yes UNO Object Returns the com.sun.star.table.XTableChart object representing the data being displayed in the chart.

Creating a chart

Consider the following data in the range "A1:B6" of a sheet named "Report". A B 1 Sample A Sample B 2 36 40 3 39 43 4 45 40 5 52 48
The examples below in Basic and Python show how to create a line chart from this data with legends. oDoc = CreateScriptService("Calc") oChart = oDoc.CreateChart("Samples", "Report", "Report.A1:B6") oChart.ChartType = "Line" oChart.Legend = True oChart.Resize(1000, 1000, 25000, 15000) doc = CreateScriptService("Calc") chart = doc.CreateChart("Samples", "Report", "Report.A1:B6") chart.ChartType = "Line" chart.Legend = True chart.Resize(1000, 1000, 25000, 15000) The chart does not need to be created in the same sheet where the data is located. It can be created in any existing sheet in the current file by specifying the sheet name in the second argument of the CreateChart method.


List of Methods in the Chart Service ExportToFile
ExportToFile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chart service;ExportToFile


Saves the chart as an image file in a specified location. Returns True if the image file could be successfully created. chart.ExportToFile(filename: str, imagetype: str = "png", overwrite: bool = False): bool filename: Identifies the path and file name where the image will be saved. It must follow the notation defined in SF_FileSystem.FileNaming. imagetype: The name of the image type to be created. The following values are accepted: "gif", "jpeg", "png" (default), "svg" and "tiff". overwrite: Specifies if the destination file can be overwritten (Default = False). oChart.ExportToFile("C:\Temp\myChart.svg", ImageType := "svg", Overwrite := True) chart.ExportToFile(r"C:\Temp\myChart.svg", imagetype="svg", overwrite=True)
Resize ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chart service;Resize


Changes the position of the chart in the current sheet and modifies its width and height. Returns True if resizing was successful. chart.Resize([xpos: int], [ypos: int], [width: int], [height: int]): bool xpos, ypos: Specify the new X and Y positions of the chart. If any of these values are omitted or if negative values are provided, the corresponding positions are left unchanged. width: Specify the new width of the chart. If this argument is omitted or if a negative value is provided, the chart width is left unchanged. height: Specify the new height of the chart. If this argument is omitted or if a negative value is provided, the chart height is left unchanged. All arguments are provided as integer values that correspond to 1/100 of a millimeter. ' Changes only X and Y position oChart.Rezise(1000, 3000) ' Changes only the chart width and height oChart.Resize(, , 25000, 12500) ' Keyword arguments are supported oChart.Resize(Width := 25000, Height := 12500) chart.Rezise(1000, 3000) chart.Resize(-1, -1, 20000, 20000) chart.Resize(width=25000, height=12500)