URI Functions /text/scalc/01/func_webservice.xhp


Get some web content from a URI.
WEBSERVICE(URI) URI: URI text of the web service. =WEBSERVICE("wiki.documentfoundation.org/api.php?hidebots=1&days=7&limit=50&action=feedrecentchanges&feedformat=rss") Returns the web page content of "https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/api.php?hidebots=1&days=7&limit=50&action=feedrecentchanges&feedformat=rss". COM.MICROSOFT.WEBSERVICE
FILTERXML function


Apply a XPath expression to a XML document.
FILTERXML(XML Document; XPath expression) XML Document (required): String containing a valid XML stream. XPath expression (required): String containing a valid XPath expression. =FILTERXML(WEBSERVICE("wiki.documentfoundation.org/api.php?hidebots=1&days=7&limit=50&action=feedrecentchanges&feedformat=rss");"//lastBuildDate") Returns information on the last build date of the wiki. COM.MICROSOFT.FILTERXML
ENCODEURL function


Returns a URL-encoded string.
Use this function to transform text with symbols of national alphabets (for example accented characters, non-ASCII alphabets or Asian words) to a string of URL-standard symbols. ENCODEURL(Text) Text: String to encode to a sequence of URL-standard symbols. If cell A1 contains the Cyrillic text "автомобиль", =ENCODEURL(A1) returns %D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C (the word "автомобиль" means car in Russian). If cell B1 contains the text "車", =ENCODEURL(B1) returns %E8%BB%8A ("車" means car in Japanese). COM.MICROSOFT.ENCODEURL