Header and Footer /text/simpress/01/03152000.xhp slides;page numbers slides;headers and footers footers;slides headers and footers;slides

Header and Footer

Adds or changes text in placeholders at the top and the bottom of slides and master slides.
The Header and Footer dialog contains the following tab pages: Slide tab page where you can specify options for the current slide or for all slides. Notes and Handouts tab page where you can specify options for the notes pages and the handout pages.

Include on slide

Specify the elements to include on your slides.


Adds the text that you enter in the Header text box to the top of the slide.

Header text

Adds the text that you enter to the top of the slide.

Date and time

Adds the date and time to the slide.


Displays the date and time that you enter in the text box.


Displays the date and time that the slide was created. Select a date format from the list.


Select the language for the date and time format.


Adds the text that you enter in the Footer text box to the bottom of the slide.

Footer text

Adds the text that you enter to the bottom of the slide.

Slide number / Page number

Adds the slide number or the page number.

Do not show on first slide

Does not display your specified information on the first slide of your presentation.

Apply to All

Applies the settings to all the slides in your presentation, including the corresponding master slides.


Applies the current settings to the selected slides.