/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace oox::xls { using namespace ::oox::drawingml; namespace { /** Converts the passed 32-bit integer value from 1/100 mm to EMUs. */ sal_Int64 lclHmmToEmu( sal_Int32 nValue ) { return (nValue < 0) ? -1 : convertHmmToEmu( nValue ); } /** Converts the passed 64-bit integer value from EMUs to 1/100 mm. */ sal_Int32 lclEmuToHmm( sal_Int64 nValue ) { return (nValue < 0) ? -1 : convertEmuToHmm( nValue ); } } // namespace CellAnchorModel::CellAnchorModel() : mnCol( -1 ), mnRow( -1 ), mnColOffset( 0 ), mnRowOffset( 0 ) { } AnchorClientDataModel::AnchorClientDataModel() : mbLocksWithSheet( true ), mbPrintsWithSheet( true ) { } ShapeAnchor::ShapeAnchor( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) : WorksheetHelper( rHelper ), meAnchorType( ANCHOR_INVALID ), meCellAnchorType( CellAnchorType::Emu ), meEditAs( ANCHOR_TWOCELL ) { } void ShapeAnchor::importAnchor( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ): meAnchorType = ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE; meEditAs = ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE; break; case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ): meAnchorType = ANCHOR_ONECELL; meEditAs = ANCHOR_ONECELL; break; case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ): { meAnchorType = ANCHOR_TWOCELL; OUString sEditAs = rAttribs.getXString( XML_editAs, OUString() ); if ( !sEditAs.isEmpty() ) { if ( sEditAs.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("absolute" ) ) meEditAs = ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE; else if ( sEditAs.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("oneCell") ) meEditAs = ANCHOR_ONECELL; else if (sEditAs.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("twoCell") ) meEditAs = ANCHOR_TWOCELL; } } break; default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "ShapeAnchor::importAnchor - unexpected element" ); } meCellAnchorType = CellAnchorType::Emu; } void ShapeAnchor::importPos( const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { OSL_ENSURE( meAnchorType == ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE, "ShapeAnchor::importPos - unexpected 'xdr:pos' element" ); maPos.X = rAttribs.getHyper( XML_x, 0 ); maPos.Y = rAttribs.getHyper( XML_y, 0 ); } void ShapeAnchor::importExt( const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { OSL_ENSURE( (meAnchorType == ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE) || (meAnchorType == ANCHOR_ONECELL), "ShapeAnchor::importExt - unexpected 'xdr:ext' element" ); maSize.Width = rAttribs.getHyper( XML_cx, 0 ); maSize.Height = rAttribs.getHyper( XML_cy, 0 ); } void ShapeAnchor::importClientData( const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { maClientData.mbLocksWithSheet = rAttribs.getBool( XML_fLocksWithSheet, true ); maClientData.mbPrintsWithSheet = rAttribs.getBool( XML_fPrintsWithSheet, true ); } void ShapeAnchor::setCellPos( sal_Int32 nElement, sal_Int32 nParentContext, std::u16string_view rValue ) { CellAnchorModel* pCellAnchor = nullptr; switch( nParentContext ) { case XDR_TOKEN( from ): OSL_ENSURE( (meAnchorType == ANCHOR_ONECELL) || (meAnchorType == ANCHOR_TWOCELL), "ShapeAnchor::setCellPos - unexpected 'xdr:from' element" ); pCellAnchor = &maFrom; break; case XDR_TOKEN( to ): OSL_ENSURE( meAnchorType == ANCHOR_TWOCELL, "ShapeAnchor::setCellPos - unexpected 'xdr:to' element" ); pCellAnchor = &maTo; break; default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "ShapeAnchor::setCellPos - unexpected parent element" ); } if( pCellAnchor ) switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( col ): pCellAnchor->mnCol = o3tl::toInt32(rValue); break; case XDR_TOKEN( row ): pCellAnchor->mnRow = o3tl::toInt32(rValue); break; case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ): pCellAnchor->mnColOffset = o3tl::toInt64(rValue); break; case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ): pCellAnchor->mnRowOffset = o3tl::toInt64(rValue); break; default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "ShapeAnchor::setCellPos - unexpected element" ); } } void ShapeAnchor::importVmlAnchor( std::u16string_view rAnchor ) { meAnchorType = ANCHOR_VML; meCellAnchorType = CellAnchorType::Pixel; sal_Int32 nValues[8]; sal_Int32 nI{ 0 }; for(sal_Int32 nIndex{ 0 }; nIndex>=0;) { nValues[nI] = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(rAnchor, 0, ',', nIndex )); if (++nI==8) { maFrom.mnCol = nValues[0]; maFrom.mnColOffset = nValues[1]; maFrom.mnRow = nValues[2]; maFrom.mnRowOffset = nValues[3]; maTo.mnCol = nValues[4]; maTo.mnColOffset = nValues[5]; maTo.mnRow = nValues[6]; maTo.mnRowOffset = nValues[7]; return; } } OSL_FAIL("ShapeAnchor::importVmlAnchor - missing anchor tokens" ); } bool ShapeAnchor::isAnchorValid() const { // Checks whether the shape is visible based on the anchor // if From and To anchor has the same attribute values, the shape will not have width and height // and thus we can assume that such kind of shape will be not be visible return !(meAnchorType == ANCHOR_TWOCELL && (maTo.mnRow == maFrom.mnRow && maTo.mnCol == maFrom.mnCol) && (maTo.mnColOffset == maFrom.mnColOffset && maTo.mnRowOffset == maFrom.mnRowOffset)); } EmuRectangle ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu( const css::awt::Size& rPageSizeHmm ) const { AddressConverter& rAddrConv = getAddressConverter(); EmuSize aPageSize( lclHmmToEmu( rPageSizeHmm.Width ), lclHmmToEmu( rPageSizeHmm.Height ) ); EmuRectangle aAnchorRect( -1, -1, -1, -1 ); // calculate shape position switch( meAnchorType ) { case ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE: OSL_ENSURE( maPos.isValid(), "ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu - invalid position" ); if( maPos.isValid() && (maPos.X < aPageSize.Width) && (maPos.Y < aPageSize.Height) ) aAnchorRect.setPos( maPos ); break; case ANCHOR_ONECELL: case ANCHOR_TWOCELL: case ANCHOR_VML: OSL_ENSURE( maFrom.isValid(), "ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu - invalid position" ); if( maFrom.isValid() && rAddrConv.checkCol( maFrom.mnCol, true ) && rAddrConv.checkRow( maFrom.mnRow, true ) ) { EmuPoint aPoint = calcCellAnchorEmu( maFrom ); if( (aPoint.X < aPageSize.Width) && (aPoint.Y < aPageSize.Height) ) aAnchorRect.setPos( aPoint ); } break; case ANCHOR_INVALID: OSL_ENSURE( false, "ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu - invalid anchor" ); break; } // calculate shape size if( (aAnchorRect.X >= 0) && (aAnchorRect.Y >= 0) ) switch( meAnchorType ) { case ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE: case ANCHOR_ONECELL: OSL_ENSURE( maSize.isValid(), "ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu - invalid size" ); if( maSize.isValid() ) { aAnchorRect.Width = ::std::min< sal_Int64 >( maSize.Width, aPageSize.Width - aAnchorRect.X ); aAnchorRect.Height = ::std::min< sal_Int64 >( maSize.Height, aPageSize.Height - aAnchorRect.Y ); } break; case ANCHOR_TWOCELL: case ANCHOR_VML: OSL_ENSURE( maTo.isValid(), "ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectEmu - invalid position" ); if( maTo.isValid() ) { /* Pass a valid cell address to calcCellAnchorEmu(), otherwise nothing useful is returned, even if either row or column is valid. */ ScAddress aToCell = rAddrConv.createValidCellAddress( BinAddress( maTo.mnCol, maTo.mnRow ), getSheetIndex(), true ); CellAnchorModel aValidTo = maTo; aValidTo.mnCol = aToCell.Col(); aValidTo.mnRow = aToCell.Row(); EmuPoint aPoint = calcCellAnchorEmu( aValidTo ); // width (if column index is valid, use the calculated offset, otherwise stretch to maximum available X position) aAnchorRect.Width = aPageSize.Width - aAnchorRect.X; if( aToCell.Col() == maTo.mnCol ) aAnchorRect.Width = ::std::min< sal_Int64 >( aPoint.X - aAnchorRect.X + 1, aAnchorRect.Width ); // height (if row index is valid, use the calculated offset, otherwise stretch to maximum available Y position) aAnchorRect.Height = aPageSize.Height - aAnchorRect.Y; if( aToCell.Row() == maTo.mnRow ) aAnchorRect.Height = ::std::min< sal_Int64 >( aPoint.Y - aAnchorRect.Y + 1, aAnchorRect.Height ); } break; case ANCHOR_INVALID: break; } return aAnchorRect; } css::awt::Rectangle ShapeAnchor::calcAnchorRectHmm( const css::awt::Size& rPageSizeHmm ) const { EmuRectangle aAnchorRect = calcAnchorRectEmu( rPageSizeHmm ); return css::awt::Rectangle( lclEmuToHmm( aAnchorRect.X ), lclEmuToHmm( aAnchorRect.Y ), lclEmuToHmm( aAnchorRect.Width ), lclEmuToHmm( aAnchorRect.Height ) ); } EmuPoint ShapeAnchor::calcCellAnchorEmu( const CellAnchorModel& rModel ) const { // calculate position of top-left edge of the cell css::awt::Point aPoint = getCellPosition( rModel.mnCol, rModel.mnRow ); EmuPoint aEmuPoint( lclHmmToEmu( aPoint.X ), lclHmmToEmu( aPoint.Y ) ); // add the offset inside the cell switch( meCellAnchorType ) { case CellAnchorType::Emu: aEmuPoint.X += rModel.mnColOffset; aEmuPoint.Y += rModel.mnRowOffset; break; case CellAnchorType::Pixel: { const UnitConverter& rUnitConv = getUnitConverter(); aEmuPoint.X += std::round( rUnitConv.scaleValue( rModel.mnColOffset, Unit::ScreenX, Unit::Emu ) ); aEmuPoint.Y += std::round( rUnitConv.scaleValue( rModel.mnRowOffset, Unit::ScreenY, Unit::Emu ) ); } break; } return aEmuPoint; } } // namespace oox::xls /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */