/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace oox::xls { using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::oox::core; ExternalSheetDataContext::ExternalSheetDataContext( WorkbookFragmentBase& rFragment, const Reference< XExternalSheetCache >& rxSheetCache ) : WorkbookContextBase(rFragment) , mxSheetCache(rxSheetCache) , mnCurrType(XML_TOKEN_INVALID) { OSL_ENSURE( mxSheetCache.is(), "ExternalSheetDataContext::ExternalSheetDataContext - missing sheet cache" ); } ContextHandlerRef ExternalSheetDataContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XLS_TOKEN( sheetData ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( row ) ) return this; break; case XLS_TOKEN( row ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( cell ) ) { importCell( rAttribs ); return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( cell ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( v ) ) return this; // collect characters in onCharacters() break; } return nullptr; } void ExternalSheetDataContext::onCharacters( const OUString& rChars ) { if( !isCurrentElement( XLS_TOKEN( v ) ) ) return; switch( mnCurrType ) { case XML_b: case XML_n: setCellValue( Any( rChars.toDouble() ) ); break; case XML_e: setCellValue( Any( BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( getUnitConverter().calcBiffErrorCode( rChars ) ) ) ); break; case XML_str: setCellValue( Any( rChars ) ); break; } mnCurrType = XML_TOKEN_INVALID; } ContextHandlerRef ExternalSheetDataContext::onCreateRecordContext( sal_Int32 nRecId, SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case BIFF12_ID_EXTSHEETDATA: if( nRecId == BIFF12_ID_EXTROW ) { maCurrPos.SetRow( rStrm.readInt32() ); return this; } break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTROW: switch( nRecId ) { case BIFF12_ID_EXTCELL_BLANK: importExtCellBlank( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTCELL_BOOL: importExtCellBool( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTCELL_DOUBLE: importExtCellDouble( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTCELL_ERROR: importExtCellError( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTCELL_STRING: importExtCellString( rStrm ); break; } break; } return nullptr; } // private -------------------------------------------------------------------- void ExternalSheetDataContext::importCell( const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { if( getAddressConverter().convertToCellAddress( maCurrPos, rAttribs.getString( XML_r, OUString() ), 0, false ) ) mnCurrType = rAttribs.getToken( XML_t, XML_n ); else mnCurrType = XML_TOKEN_INVALID; } void ExternalSheetDataContext::importExtCellBlank( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { maCurrPos.SetCol( rStrm.readInt32() ); setCellValue( Any( OUString() ) ); } void ExternalSheetDataContext::importExtCellBool( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { maCurrPos.SetCol( rStrm.readInt32() ); double fValue = (rStrm.readuInt8() == 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0; setCellValue( Any( fValue ) ); } void ExternalSheetDataContext::importExtCellDouble( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { maCurrPos.SetCol( rStrm.readInt32() ); setCellValue( Any( rStrm.readDouble() ) ); } void ExternalSheetDataContext::importExtCellError( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { maCurrPos.SetCol( rStrm.readInt32() ); setCellValue( Any( BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( rStrm.readuInt8() ) ) ); } void ExternalSheetDataContext::importExtCellString( SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { maCurrPos.SetCol( rStrm.readInt32() ); setCellValue( Any( BiffHelper::readString( rStrm ) ) ); } void ExternalSheetDataContext::setCellValue( const Any& rValue ) { if( mxSheetCache.is() && getAddressConverter().checkCellAddress( maCurrPos, false ) ) try { mxSheetCache->setCellValue( maCurrPos.Col(), maCurrPos.Row(), rValue ); } catch( Exception& ) { } } ExternalLinkFragment::ExternalLinkFragment( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath, ExternalLink& rExtLink ) : WorkbookFragmentBase( rHelper, rFragmentPath ), mrExtLink( rExtLink ), mnResultType( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) { } ContextHandlerRef ExternalLinkFragment::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XML_ROOT_CONTEXT: if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( externalLink ) ) return this; break; case XLS_TOKEN( externalLink ): switch( nElement ) { case XLS_TOKEN( externalBook ): mrExtLink.importExternalBook( getRelations(), rAttribs ); return this; case XLS_TOKEN( ddeLink ): mrExtLink.importDdeLink( rAttribs ); return this; case XLS_TOKEN( oleLink ): mrExtLink.importOleLink( getRelations(), rAttribs ); return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( externalBook ): switch( nElement ) { case XLS_TOKEN( sheetNames ): case XLS_TOKEN( definedNames ): case XLS_TOKEN( sheetDataSet ): return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( sheetNames ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( sheetName ) ) mrExtLink.importSheetName( rAttribs ); break; case XLS_TOKEN( definedNames ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( definedName ) ) mrExtLink.importDefinedName( rAttribs ); break; case XLS_TOKEN( sheetDataSet ): if( (nElement == XLS_TOKEN( sheetData )) && (mrExtLink.getLinkType() == ExternalLinkType::External) ) return createSheetDataContext( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_sheetId, -1 ) ); break; case XLS_TOKEN( ddeLink ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( ddeItems ) ) return this; break; case XLS_TOKEN( ddeItems ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( ddeItem ) ) { mxExtName = mrExtLink.importDdeItem( rAttribs ); return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( ddeItem ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( values ) ) { if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importValues( rAttribs ); return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( values ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( value ) ) { mnResultType = rAttribs.getToken( XML_t, XML_n ); return this; } break; case XLS_TOKEN( value ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( val ) ) return this; // collect value in onCharacters() break; case XLS_TOKEN( oleLink ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( oleItems ) ) return this; break; case XLS_TOKEN( oleItems ): if( nElement == XLS_TOKEN( oleItem ) ) mxExtName = mrExtLink.importOleItem( rAttribs ); break; } return nullptr; } void ExternalLinkFragment::onCharacters( const OUString& rChars ) { if( isCurrentElement( XLS_TOKEN( val ) ) ) maResultValue = rChars; } void ExternalLinkFragment::onEndElement() { if( !(isCurrentElement( XLS_TOKEN( value ) ) && mxExtName) ) return; switch( mnResultType ) { case XML_b: mxExtName->appendResultValue( maResultValue.toDouble() ); break; case XML_e: mxExtName->appendResultValue( BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( getUnitConverter().calcBiffErrorCode( maResultValue ) ) ); break; case XML_n: mxExtName->appendResultValue( maResultValue.toDouble() ); break; case XML_str: mxExtName->appendResultValue( maResultValue ); break; default: mxExtName->appendResultValue( BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( BIFF_ERR_NA ) ); } } ContextHandlerRef ExternalLinkFragment::onCreateRecordContext( sal_Int32 nRecId, SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XML_ROOT_CONTEXT: if( nRecId == BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALBOOK ) { mrExtLink.importExternalBook( getRelations(), rStrm ); return this; } break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALBOOK: switch( nRecId ) { case BIFF12_ID_EXTSHEETDATA: if( mrExtLink.getLinkType() == ExternalLinkType::External ) return createSheetDataContext( rStrm.readInt32() ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTSHEETNAMES: mrExtLink.importExtSheetNames( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALNAME: mxExtName = mrExtLink.importExternalName( rStrm ); return this; } break; case BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALNAME: switch( nRecId ) { case BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALNAMEFLAGS: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importExternalNameFlags( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEMVALUES: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importDdeItemValues( rStrm ); return this; } break; case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEMVALUES: switch( nRecId ) { case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEM_BOOL: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importDdeItemBool( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEM_DOUBLE: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importDdeItemDouble( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEM_ERROR: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importDdeItemError( rStrm ); break; case BIFF12_ID_DDEITEM_STRING: if( mxExtName ) mxExtName->importDdeItemString( rStrm ); break; } break; } return nullptr; } ContextHandlerRef ExternalLinkFragment::createSheetDataContext( sal_Int32 nSheetId ) { return new ExternalSheetDataContext( *this, mrExtLink.getSheetCache( nSheetId ) ); } const RecordInfo* ExternalLinkFragment::getRecordInfos() const { static const RecordInfo spRecInfos[] = { { BIFF12_ID_DDEITEMVALUES, BIFF12_ID_DDEITEMVALUES + 1 }, { BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALBOOK, BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALBOOK + 228 }, { BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALNAME, BIFF12_ID_EXTERNALNAME + 10 }, { BIFF12_ID_EXTROW, -1 }, { BIFF12_ID_EXTSHEETDATA, BIFF12_ID_EXTSHEETDATA + 1 }, { -1, -1 } }; return spRecInfos; } } // namespace oox::xls /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */