False 6 Paste Names True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end _Help True True True True False True 0 True _Paste All True True True True Inserts a list of all named areas and the corresponding cell references at the current cursor position. False True 1 _Paste True True True True True True Inserts the selected named area and the corresponding cell reference at the current cursor position. False True end 2 _Close True True True True False True end 3 False True end 0 True True True True in True True True True True liststore3 0 False True 6 Name 0 True 6 Range or formula expression 1 True 6 Scope 2 Lists all defined cell areas. Double-click an entry to insert the named area into the active sheet at the current cursor position. False True 1 help pasteall paste close Inserts a defined named cell range at the current cursor's position.