False 6 Define Label Range False 0 0 dialog False True True vertical 12 False end _OK True True True True True True Saves all changes and closes dialog. False True 0 _Cancel True True True True True Closes dialog and discards all changes. False True 1 _Help True True True True True False True 2 True False True end 0 True False True True 0 none True False True True 6 12 6 True False True 12 True True True True True Displays the cell reference of each label range. 0 0 True True True Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Maximize icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size. 1 0 0 1 True False True 12 Contains _column labels True True False True True True True Includes column labels in the current label range. 0 0 Contains _row labels True True False True True True colhead Includes row labels in the current label range. 1 0 0 2 True False For _data range True edassign2 0 0 3 True False True 12 True True True True True Sets the data range for which the selected label range is valid. To modify it, click in the sheet and select another range with the mouse. 0 0 True True True Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Maximize icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size. 1 0 0 4 True False True 12 center _Add True True True True Adds the current label range to the list. False True 0 _Delete True True True True Deletes the selected element or elements without requiring confirmation. False True 1 0 5 True True True True in True True True True True liststore1 False 0 False True 6 0 Displays the cell reference of each label range. 0 0 True False Range False True 1 ok cancel help Opens a dialog in which you can define a label range.