86400000 1000 60000 False 6 HTML Export dialog False vertical 12 False _Help True True True True False True 0 _Cancel True True True True False True 1 < Back True True True False True 2 _Create True True True True Creates new documents according to your selections and saves the documents. False True 4 Ne_xt > True True True True True True False True 4 False True end 6 True False True True 0 none True False True True vertical 6 12 6 New _design True True False True True True Creates a new design in the next pages of the Wizard. False True 0 Existing design True True False True True newDesignRadiobutton Loads an existing design from the design list to use as a starting point for the steps to follow on the next pages of the Wizard. False True 1 True False True True 12 6 True True True True in True True True True liststore2 False False 0 False 0 Displays all existing designs. False True 0 False True 2 True False 12 True False start Select an existing design or create a new one True designsTreeview False True 0 Delete Selected Design True True True end center True Deletes the selected design from the design list. False True 1 False True 3 True False Assign Design 0.5 Determines the settings for publishing Draw or Impress documents in HTML format. True True 0 295 False True True 24 False True True 0 none True False True True vertical 6 12 6 _Active Server Pages (ASP) True True False True True True When you select the ASP option, the WebCast export creates ASP pages. Note that the HTML presentation can only be offered by a web server supporting ASP. False True 0 Perl True True False True True ASPRadiobutton Used by WebCast export to create HTML pages and Perl scripts. False True 1 True False vertical 24 True False start start _URL for listeners: True indexEntry 0.5 False True 0 True True True True Specifies the URL (absolute or relative) to be entered by the viewer in order to see the presentation. False True 1 True False start URL for _presentation: True URLEntry False True 2 True True True True Specifies the URL (absolute or relative), where the created HTML presentation on the web server has been saved. False True 3 True False start URL for _Perl scripts: True CGIEntry False True 4 True True True True Specifies the URL (absolute or relative) for the generated Perl scripts. False True 5 False True 2 True False Webcast 0.5 3 0 False True True 0 none True False vertical 6 True True 12 6 _As stated in document True True False True True True The slide transition depends on the timing that you set for each slide in the presentation. If you set a manual page transition, the HTML presentation introduces a new page by pressing any key from your keyboard. False True 0 _Automatic True True False True True chgDefaultRadiobutton The page transition takes place automatically after the specified period of time elapses and does not depend on the presentation's contents False True 1 True False vertical 6 24 True False 12 True False _Slide view time: True durationSpinbutton 0.5 False True 0 True True True adjustment1 True Defines the amount of time for each slide display. False True 1 False True 0 _Endless True True False True True True Automatically restarts the HTML presentation after the last slide has been displayed. False True 1 False True 2 True False Advance Slides 2 0 True False True True 0 none True False True True vertical 6 12 6 Create title page True True False True True True Creates a title page for your document. False True 0 Show notes True True False True True True Specifies that your notes are also displayed. False True 1 True False Options 1 0 True False True True 0 none True False 6 True True 12 6 True False 6 True False sd/res/pubdes.png False True 1 False sd/res/pubdes2.png False True 2 False sd/res/pubdes3.png False True 3 False sd/res/pubdes4.png False True 4 0 5 _WebCast True True False True True standardRadiobutton In a WebCast export, automatic scripts will be generated with Perl or ASP support. 0 4 _Automatic True True False True True standardRadiobutton Creates a default HTML presentation as a kiosk export, in which the slides are automatically advanced after a specified amount of time. 0 3 _Single-document HTML True True False True True standardRadiobutton 0 2 Standard HTML with _frames True True False True True standardRadiobutton Creates standard HTML pages with frames. The exported page will be placed in the main frame, and the frame to the left will display a table of contents in the form of hyperlinks. 0 1 Standard H_TML format True True False True True True Creates standard HTML pages from export pages. 0 0 True False Publication Type 0 0 True True 1 False True True vertical 12 True False True 24 True True False True 0 none True False True vertical 6 12 6 6 6 _PNG True True False True True True The files are exported as PNG files. PNG files are compressed without loss of data, and can contain more than 256 colors. False True 0 _GIF True True False True True pngRadiobutton The files are exported as GIF files. GIF files are compressed without loss of data, and have a maximum of 256 colors. False True 1 _JPG True True False True True pngRadiobutton The files are exported as JPEG files. JPEG files are compressed, with adjustable compression and can contain more than 256 colors. False True 2 True False 10 12 True False start _Quality: True qualityCombobox False True 0 True False True True True True True Specifies the compression factor of the JPEG graphic. A 100% value offers the best quality for a large data range. The 25% factor indicates small files with inferior image quality. False True 1 False True 3 True False Save Images As False True 0 True False True 0 none True False True vertical 6 12 6 Low (_640 × 480 pixels) True True False True True True Select the low resolution to keep the file size small, even for presentations with many slides. False True 0 Medium (_800 × 600 pixels) True True False True True resolution1Radiobutton Select the medium resolution for a medium-sized presentation. False True 1 High (_1024 × 768 pixels) True True False True True resolution1Radiobutton Select a high resolution for a high quality slide display. False True 2 Full HD (1_920 × 1080 pixels) True True False True True resolution1Radiobutton Select a full HD resolution for a very high-quality slide display. False True 3 True False Monitor Resolution False True 2 False True 0 True False 0 none True False vertical 6 12 6 _Export sounds when slide advances True True False True True True Specifies that the sound files that are defined as an effect for slide transitions are exported. False True 0 Export _hidden slides True True False True True False True 1 True False Effects False True 1 True True 2 False True True 0 none True False True True 6 12 12 6 True False start _Author: True authorEntry 0 0 True True True True True Specifies the name of the publication's author. 1 0 True False start E-_mail address: True emailEntry 0 1 True False start Your hom_epage: True wwwEntry 0 2 True False start start Additional _information: True miscTextview 0 3 True True True True True Specifies the email address. 1 1 True True True True True Specifies your homepage. A hyperlink will be inserted in the publication. 1 2 Link to a copy of the _original presentation True True False True True Inserts a hyperlink to download a copy of the presentation file. 0 4 2 True True True True in True True True True Specifies additional text to appear on the title page. 1 3 True False Information for the Title Page True True 3 False True True 0 none True False True True vertical 6 12 6 _Text only True True False True True True Inserts only text hyperlinks instead of buttons. False True 0 True True True never never in True False True True GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK True True False True 1 True False Select Button Style 0.5 True True 4 False True True 0 none True False True True vertical 6 12 6 _Apply color scheme from document True True False True True True False True 0 Use _browser colors True True False True True docColorsRadiobutton False True 1 _Use custom color scheme True True False True True docColorsRadiobutton False True 2 True False True True 12 12 True False 6 _Visited Link True True True True 0 3 Active Li_nk True True True True 0 2 Hyper_link True True True True 0 1 Text True True True 0 0 False True 0 True False True never never in True False True True True False True True False True 1 Bac_kground True True True start True False True 2 False True 3 True False Select Color Scheme True True 5 help cancel lastPageButton finishButton nextPageButton both both