# # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # package installer::filelists; use File::stat; use installer::files; use installer::globals; use installer::logger; use installer::pathanalyzer; sub resolve_filelist_flag { my ($files, $links, $outdir) = @_; my @newfiles = (); my $error = 0; foreach my $file (@{$files}) { my $is_filelist = 0; my $use_internal_rights = 0; if ($file->{'Styles'}) { if ($file->{'Styles'} =~ /\bFILELIST\b/) { $is_filelist = 1; } if ($file->{'Styles'} =~ /\bUSE_INTERNAL_RIGHTS\b/ && !$installer::globals::iswin) { $use_internal_rights = 1; } } if ($is_filelist) { my $filelist_path = $file->{'sourcepath'}; my $filelist = read_filelist($filelist_path); if (@{$filelist}) { my $destination = $file->{'destination'}; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$destination); foreach my $path (@{$filelist}) { my $is_symlink = 0; if ((index $path, $outdir) != 0) { installer::logger::print_error("file '$path' is not in '$outdir'"); $error = 1; } if ($path =~ '\/\/') { installer::logger::print_error("file '$path' contains 2 consecutive '/' which breaks MSIs"); $error = 1; } if (-l $path) { $is_symlink = 1; } else { if (!-e $path) { installer::logger::print_error("file '$path' does not exist"); $error = 1; } } my $subpath = substr $path, ((length $outdir) + 1); # drop separator too my %newfile = (); %newfile = %{$file}; $newfile{'Name'} = $subpath; $newfile{'sourcepath'} = $path; $newfile{'destination'} = $destination . $subpath; $newfile{'filelistname'} = $file->{'Name'}; $newfile{'filelistpath'} = $file->{'sourcepath'}; if ($is_symlink) { # FIXME: for symlinks destination is mangled later in # get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist $newfile{'DoNotMessWithSymlinks'} = 1; $newfile{'Target'} = readlink($path); push ( @{$links}, \%newfile ); } else { if ($use_internal_rights) { my $st = stat($path); $newfile{'UnixRights'} = sprintf("%o", $st->mode & 0777); } push @newfiles, \%newfile; } } } else { installer::logger::print_message("filelist $filelist_path is empty\n"); } } else # not a filelist, just pass the current file over { push @newfiles, $file; } } if ( $error ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: error(s) in resolve_filelist_flag"); } return (\@newfiles, $links); } sub read_filelist { my ($path) = @_; my $content = installer::files::read_file($path); my @filelist = (); # split on space, but only if followed by / (don't split within a filename) my $splitRE = qr!\s+(?=/)!; # filelist on win have C:/cygwin style however - also reading dos-file under # cygwin retains \r\n - so chomp below still leaves \r to strip in the RE $splitRE = qr!\s+(?:$|(?=[A-Z]:/))! if ($installer::globals::os eq "WNT"); foreach my $line (@{$content}) { chomp $line; foreach my $file (split $splitRE, $line) { if ($file ne "") { push @filelist, $file; } } } return \@filelist; } 1; # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: