1 16000 1 10 1 16000 1 10 False 6 Email merged document True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end Send Documents True True True True True Click to start sending emails. False True 0 _Cancel True True True True False True 1 _Help True True True True False True 2 False True end 0 True False True 0 none True False True True 6 12 6 True False True 6 12 True False T_o True mailto 0 0 0 True False True Select the database field that contains the email address of the recipient. 1 0 _Copy to... True True True True Opens the Copy To dialog where you can specify one or more CC or BCC addresses. 2 0 True False S_ubject True subject 0 0 1 True True True True True Enter the subject line for the email messages. 1 1 True False Sen_d as True sendas 0 0 2 True False True OpenDocument Text Adobe PDF-Document Microsoft Word Document HTML Message Plain Text Select the mail format for the email messages. 1 2 Pr_operties... True True True False True Opens the E-Mail Message dialog where you can enter the email message for the mail merge files that are sent as attachments. 2 2 True False Password True password 0 0 4 True False True 1 4 Save with password True True False True 0 3 2 0 0 True False 0 none True True True True 12 True Shows the name of the attachment. True False Name of the a_ttachment True attach 0 0 1 True False Email Options False True 0 True False 0 none True False vertical 6 12 S_end all documents True True False True True True Select to send emails to all recipients. False True 0 True False 12 _From True True False True True sendallrb Selects a range of records starting at the record number in the From box and ending at the record number in the To box. 0 0 True False _To True to 2 0 True True True 1 adjustment2 True Enter the number of the first record to include in the mail merge. 1 0 True True True 1 adjustment1 True Enter the number of the last record to include in the mail merge. 3 0 False True 1 True False Send Records False True 2 ok cancel help Sends the mail merge output as email messages to all or some recipients.