/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using uno; using uno.util; using unoidl.com.sun.star.uno; using unoidl.com.sun.star.lang; using unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest; namespace cs_testobj { class CheckFailed: System.Exception { public CheckFailed(string message): base(message) {} } public class BridgeTestObject : WeakBase, XRecursiveCall, XBridgeTest2 { private XComponentContext m_xContext; public BridgeTestObject( XComponentContext xContext ) { m_xContext = xContext; } public BridgeTestObject() { } private bool _bool; private char _char; private byte _byte; private short _short; private ushort _ushort; private int _long; private uint _ulong; private long _hyper; private ulong _uhyper; private float _float; private double _double; private String _string; private byte _byte2; private short _short2; private Object _xInterface; private Any _any; private TestEnum _testEnum = TestEnum.TEST; private TestElement[] _testElements = new TestElement[0]; private TestDataElements _testDataElements = new TestDataElements(); private int _nLastCallId = 0; private bool _bFirstCall = true; private bool _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed = true; private bool[] _arBool; private char[] _arChar; private byte[] _arByte; private short[]_arShort; private int[] _arLong; private long[] _arHyper; private UInt16[] _arUShort; private UInt32[] _arULong; private UInt64[] _arUHyper; private string[] _arString; private float[] _arFloat; private double[] _arDouble; private TestEnum[] _arEnum; private Object[] _arObject; private int[][] _arLong2; private int[][][] _arLong3; private Any[] _arAny; // private int _raiseAttr1; public void setValues( bool bBool, char cChar, byte nByte, short nShort, ushort nUShort, int nLong, uint nULong, long nHyper, ulong nUHyper, float fFloat, double fDouble, TestEnum testEnum, String str, byte nByte2, short nShort2, Object xInterface, Any any, TestElement [] testElements, TestDataElements testDataElements ) { Debug.WriteLine( "##### " + GetType().FullName + ".setValues:" + any ); _bool = bBool; _char = cChar; _byte = nByte; _short = nShort; _ushort = nUShort; _long = nLong; _ulong = nULong; _hyper = nHyper; _uhyper = nUHyper; _float = fFloat; _double = fDouble; _testEnum = testEnum; _string = str; _byte2 = nByte2; _short2 = nShort2; _xInterface = xInterface; _any = any; _testElements = testElements; _testDataElements = testDataElements; } public TestDataElements setValues2( /*INOUT*/ref bool io_bool, /*INOUT*/ref char io_char, /*INOUT*/ref byte io_byte, /*INOUT*/ref short io_short, /*INOUT*/ref ushort io_ushort, /*INOUT*/ref int io_long, /*INOUT*/ref uint io_ulong, /*INOUT*/ref long io_hyper, /*INOUT*/ref ulong io_uhyper, /*INOUT*/ref float io_float, /*INOUT*/ref double io_double, /*INOUT*/ref TestEnum io_testEnum, /*INOUT*/ref String io_string, /*INOUT*/ref byte io_byte2, /*INOUT*/ref short io_short2, /*INOUT*/ref Object io_xInterface, /*INOUT*/ref Any io_any, /*INOUT*/ref TestElement[] io_testElements, /*INOUT*/ref TestDataElements io_testDataElements ) { Debug.WriteLine( "##### " + GetType().FullName + ".setValues2:" + io_any ); _bool = io_bool; _char = io_char; _byte = io_byte; _short = io_short; _ushort = io_ushort; _long = io_long; _ulong = io_ulong; _hyper = io_hyper; _uhyper = io_uhyper; _float = io_float; _double = io_double; _testEnum = io_testEnum; _string = io_string; _byte2 = io_byte2; _short2 = io_short2; _xInterface = io_xInterface; _any = io_any; _testElements = (TestElement[]) io_testElements.Clone(); _testDataElements = io_testDataElements; TestElement temp = io_testElements[ 0 ]; io_testElements[ 0 ] = io_testElements[ 1 ]; io_testElements[ 1 ] = temp; return _testDataElements; } public TestDataElements getValues( /*OUT*/out bool o_bool, /*OUT*/out char o_char, /*OUT*/out byte o_byte, /*OUT*/out short o_short, /*OUT*/out ushort o_ushort, /*OUT*/out int o_long, /*OUT*/out uint o_ulong, /*OUT*/out long o_hyper, /*OUT*/out ulong o_uhyper, /*OUT*/out float o_float, /*OUT*/out double o_double, /*OUT*/out TestEnum o_testEnum, /*OUT*/out String o_string, /*OUT*/out byte o_byte2, /*OUT*/out short o_short2, /*OUT*/out Object o_xInterface, /*OUT*/out Any o_any, /*OUT*/out TestElement[] o_testElements, /*OUT*/out TestDataElements o_testDataElements ) { Debug.WriteLine( "##### " + GetType().FullName + ".getValues" ); o_bool = _bool; o_char = _char; o_byte = _byte; o_short = _short; o_ushort = _ushort; o_long = _long; o_ulong = _ulong; o_hyper = _hyper; o_uhyper = _uhyper; o_float = _float; o_double = _double; o_testEnum = _testEnum; o_string = _string; o_byte2 = _byte2; o_short2 = _short2; o_xInterface = _xInterface; o_any = _any; o_testElements = _testElements; o_testDataElements = _testDataElements; return _testDataElements; } public SmallStruct echoSmallStruct(/*[in]*/SmallStruct arg) { return arg; } public MediumStruct echoMediumStruct(/*[in]*/MediumStruct arg) { return arg; } public BigStruct echoBigStruct(/*[in]*/BigStruct arg) { return arg; } public TwoFloats echoTwoFloats(/*[in]*/TwoFloats arg) { return arg; } public FourFloats echoFourFloats(/*[in]*/FourFloats arg) { return arg; } public MixedFloatAndInteger echoMixedFloatAndInteger(/*[in]*/MixedFloatAndInteger arg) { return arg; } public DoubleHyper echoDoubleHyper(Mix s) { return s; } public HyperDouble echoHyperDouble(Mix s) { return s; } public FloatFloatLongByte echoFloatFloatLongByte(Mix s) { return s; } public ThreeByteStruct echoThreeByteStruct(/*[in]*/ThreeByteStruct arg) { return arg; } public int testPPCAlignment( long l1, long l2, int i1, long l3, int i2 ) { return i2; } public int testPPC64Alignment( double d1, double d2, double d3, int i1 ) { return i1; } public double testTenDoubles( double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7, double d8, double d9, double d10 ) { return d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8 + d9 + d10; } // Attributes public bool Bool { get { return _bool; } set { _bool = value; } } public byte Byte { get { return _byte; } set { _byte = value; } } public char Char { get { return _char; } set { _char = value; } } public short Short { get { return _short; } set { _short = value; } } public ushort UShort { get { return _ushort; } set { _ushort = value; } } public int Long { get { return _long; } set { _long = value; } } public uint ULong { get { return _ulong; } set { _ulong = value; } } public long Hyper { get { return _hyper; } set { _hyper = value; } } public ulong UHyper { get { return _uhyper; } set { _uhyper = value; } } public float Float { get { return _float; } set { _float = value; } } public double Double { get { return _double; } set { _double = value; } } public TestEnum Enum { get { return _testEnum; } set { _testEnum = value; } } public String String { get { return _string; } set { _string = value; } } public byte Byte2 { get { return _byte2; } set { _byte2 = value; } } public short Short2 { get { return _short2; } set { _short2 = value; } } public Object Interface { get { return _xInterface; } set { _xInterface = value; } } public uno.Any Any { get { Debug.WriteLine( "##### " + GetType().FullName + ".Any" ); return _any; } set { Debug.WriteLine( "##### " + GetType().FullName + ".Any:" + value ); _any = value; } } public TestElement [] Sequence { get { return _testElements; } set { _testElements = value; } } public TestDataElements Struct { get { return _testDataElements; } set { _testDataElements = value; } } public Any transportAny(Any value) { return value; } public void call(int nCallId , int nWaitMUSEC) { Thread.Sleep(nWaitMUSEC / 10000); if(_bFirstCall) _bFirstCall = false; else _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed = _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed && (nCallId > _nLastCallId); _nLastCallId = nCallId; } public void callOneway( int nCallId , int nWaitMUSEC ) { Thread.Sleep(nWaitMUSEC / 10000); _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed = _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed && (nCallId > _nLastCallId); _nLastCallId = nCallId; } public bool sequenceOfCallTestPassed() { return _bSequenceOfCallTestPassed; } [MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.Synchronized )] public void callRecursivly( XRecursiveCall xCall, int nToCall ) { lock (this) { if(nToCall != 0) { nToCall --; xCall.callRecursivly(this , nToCall); } } } [MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.Synchronized )] public void startRecursiveCall( XRecursiveCall xCall, int nToCall ) { lock (this) { if(nToCall != 0) { nToCall --; xCall.callRecursivly( this , nToCall ); } } } // XBridgeTest public TestDataElements raiseException( short nArgumentPos, String rMsg, Object xContext ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(rMsg, xContext, nArgumentPos); } public void raiseRuntimeExceptionOneway( String rMsg, Object xContext ) { throw new RuntimeException(rMsg, xContext); } private void dothrow( System.Exception e ) { throw e; } public int RuntimeException { get { try { dothrow( new RuntimeException(_string, _xInterface) ); return 0; // dummy } catch (System.Exception exc) { throw exc; } } set { throw new RuntimeException(_string, _xInterface); } } // XBridgeTest2 public int[][] setDim2(int[][] val) { _arLong2 = val; return val; } public int[][][] setDim3(int[][][] val) { _arLong3 = val; return val; } public Any[] setSequenceAny(Any[] val) { _arAny = val; return val; } public bool[] setSequenceBool(bool[] val) { _arBool = val; return val; } public byte[] setSequenceByte(byte[] val) { _arByte = val; return val; } public char[] setSequenceChar(char[] val) { _arChar = val; return val; } public short[] setSequenceShort(short[] val) { _arShort = val; return val; } public int[] setSequenceLong(int[] val) { _arLong = val; return val; } public long[] setSequenceHyper(long[] val) { _arHyper = val; return val; } public float[] setSequenceFloat(float[] val) { _arFloat = val; return val; } public double[] setSequenceDouble(double[] val) { _arDouble = val; return val; } public TestEnum[] setSequenceEnum(TestEnum[] val) { _arEnum = val; return val; } public UInt16[] setSequenceUShort(UInt16[] val) { _arUShort = val; return val; } public UInt32[] setSequenceULong(UInt32[] val) { _arULong = val; return val; } public UInt64[] setSequenceUHyper(UInt64[] val) { _arUHyper = val; return val; } public Object[] setSequenceXInterface(Object[] val) { _arObject = val; return val; } public string[] setSequenceString(string[] val) { _arString = val; return val; } public TestElement[] setSequenceStruct(TestElement[] val) { _testElements = val; return val; } public void setSequencesInOut(ref bool[] aSeqBoolean, ref char[] aSeqChar, ref byte[] aSeqByte, ref short[] aSeqShort, ref UInt16[] aSeqUShort, ref int[] aSeqLong, ref UInt32[] aSeqULong, ref long[] aSeqHyper, ref UInt64[] aSeqUHyper, ref float[] aSeqFloat, ref double[] aSeqDouble, ref TestEnum[] aSeqTestEnum, ref string[] aSeqString, ref object[] aSeqXInterface, ref Any[] aSeqAny, ref int[][] aSeqDim2, ref int[][][] aSeqDim3) { _arBool = aSeqBoolean; _arChar = aSeqChar; _arByte = aSeqByte; _arShort = aSeqShort; _arUShort = aSeqUShort; _arLong = aSeqLong; _arULong = aSeqULong; _arHyper = aSeqHyper; _arUHyper = aSeqUHyper; _arFloat = aSeqFloat; _arDouble = aSeqDouble; _arEnum = aSeqTestEnum; _arString = aSeqString; _arObject = aSeqXInterface; _arAny = aSeqAny; _arLong2 = aSeqDim2; _arLong3 = aSeqDim3; } public void setSequencesOut(out bool[] aSeqBoolean, out char[] aSeqChar, out byte[] aSeqByte, out short[] aSeqShort, out UInt16[] aSeqUShort, out int[] aSeqLong, out UInt32[] aSeqULong, out long[] aSeqHyper, out UInt64[] aSeqUHyper, out float[] aSeqFloat, out double[] aSeqDouble, out TestEnum[] aSeqTestEnum, out string[] aSeqString, out object[] aSeqXInterface, out Any[] aSeqAny, out int[][] aSeqDim2, out int[][][] aSeqDim3) { aSeqBoolean = _arBool; aSeqChar = _arChar; aSeqByte = _arByte; aSeqShort = _arShort; aSeqUShort = _arUShort; aSeqLong = _arLong; aSeqULong = _arULong; aSeqHyper = _arHyper; aSeqUHyper = _arUHyper; aSeqFloat = _arFloat; aSeqDouble = _arDouble; aSeqTestEnum = _arEnum; aSeqString = _arString; aSeqXInterface = _arObject; aSeqAny = _arAny; aSeqDim2 = _arLong2; aSeqDim3 = _arLong3; } /* Attention: Debugging this code (probably in mixed mode) may lead to exceptions * which do not occur when running normally (Visual Studio 2003) */ public void testConstructorsService(XComponentContext context) { Constructors.create1(context, true, 0x80, // -128 in C++, Int16.MinValue, UInt16.MaxValue, Int32.MinValue, UInt32.MaxValue, Int64.MinValue, UInt64.MaxValue, 0.123f, 0.456, 'X', "test", typeof(Any), new Any(true), new bool[] { true }, new byte[] { 0x80}, // in C++ the value is compared with SAL_MIN_INT8 which is -128 new short[] { Int16.MinValue }, new UInt16[] { UInt16.MaxValue }, new Int32[] {Int32.MinValue}, new UInt32[] { UInt32.MaxValue }, new long[] { Int64.MinValue }, new UInt64[] { UInt64.MaxValue }, new float[] { 0.123f }, new double[] { 0.456 }, new char[] { 'X' }, new string[] { "test" }, new Type[] { typeof(Any) }, new Any[] { new Any(true) }, new bool[][] { new bool[] { true } }, new Any[][] { new Any[] { new Any(true) } }, new TestEnum[] { TestEnum.TWO }, new TestStruct[] { new TestStruct(10) }, new TestPolyStruct[] { new TestPolyStruct(true) }, new TestPolyStruct[] { new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true)) }, new object[] { null }, TestEnum.TWO, new TestStruct(10), new TestPolyStruct(true), new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true)), null ); Constructors.create2(context, new Any(true), new Any((System.Byte) 0x80), new Any(Int16.MinValue), new Any(UInt16.MaxValue), new Any(Int32.MinValue), new Any(UInt32.MaxValue), new Any(Int64.MinValue), new Any(UInt64.MaxValue), new Any(0.123f), new Any(0.456), new Any('X'), new Any("test"), new Any(typeof(Any)), new Any(true), new Any(typeof(bool[]), new bool[] { true }), new Any(typeof(byte[]), new byte[] { (System.Byte) 0x80}), new Any(typeof(short[]), new short[] { Int16.MinValue }), new Any(typeof(UInt16[]), new UInt16[] { UInt16.MaxValue }), new Any(typeof(int[]), new int[] { Int32.MinValue }), new Any(typeof(UInt32[]), new UInt32[] { UInt32.MaxValue }), new Any(typeof(long[]), new long[] { Int64.MinValue }), new Any(typeof(UInt64[]), new UInt64[] { UInt64.MaxValue }), new Any(typeof(float[]), new float[] { 0.123f }), new Any(typeof(double[]), new double[] { 0.456 }), new Any(typeof(char[]), new char[] { 'X' }), new Any(typeof(string[]), new string[] { "test" }), new Any(typeof(Type[]), new Type[] { typeof(Any) }), new Any(typeof(Any[]), new Any[] { new Any(true) }), new Any(typeof(bool[][]), new bool[][] { new bool[] { true } }), new Any( typeof(Any[][]), new Any[][] { new Any[] { new Any(true) } }), new Any(typeof(TestEnum[]), new TestEnum[] { TestEnum.TWO }), new Any( typeof(TestStruct[]), new TestStruct[] { new TestStruct(10) }), new Any( PolymorphicType.GetType( typeof(TestPolyStruct[]), "unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest.TestPolyStruct[]"), new TestPolyStruct[] { new TestPolyStruct(true) }) , new Any( PolymorphicType.GetType( typeof(TestPolyStruct[]), "unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest.TestPolyStruct[]"), new TestPolyStruct[] { new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true)) }), new Any(typeof(object[])/*TODO*/, new object[] { null }), new Any(typeof(TestEnum), TestEnum.TWO), new Any(typeof(TestStruct), new TestStruct(10)), new Any( PolymorphicType.GetType( typeof(TestPolyStruct), "unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest.TestPolyStruct"), new TestPolyStruct(true)), new Any( PolymorphicType.GetType( typeof(TestPolyStruct), "unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest.TestPolyStruct"), new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true))), new Any(typeof(object), null) ); XMultiBase1 xMulti = Constructors2.create1( context, new TestPolyStruct(typeof(int)), new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true)), new TestPolyStruct(true), new TestPolyStruct((Byte) 0x80), new TestPolyStruct(Int16.MinValue), new TestPolyStruct(Int32.MinValue), new TestPolyStruct(Int64.MinValue), new TestPolyStruct('X'), new TestPolyStruct("test"), new TestPolyStruct(0.123f), new TestPolyStruct(0.456d), new TestPolyStruct(new object()), new TestPolyStruct(new uno.util.WeakComponentBase()), new TestPolyStruct(TestEnum.TWO), new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true))), new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)), "test")), new TestPolyStruct2("test", new TestPolyStruct2('X', new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true)))), new TestPolyStruct2( new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)), new TestPolyStruct('X')), new TestPolyStruct(new Type[] { typeof(int)}), new TestPolyStruct(new Any[] { new Any(true) }), new TestPolyStruct(new bool[] {true}), new TestPolyStruct(new byte[] {0x80}), new TestPolyStruct(new short[] {Int16.MinValue}), new TestPolyStruct(new int[] {Int32.MinValue}), new TestPolyStruct(new long[] {Int64.MinValue}), new TestPolyStruct(new char[] {'X'}), new TestPolyStruct(new string[] {"test"}), new TestPolyStruct(new float[] {0.123f}), new TestPolyStruct(new double[] {0.456d}), new TestPolyStruct(new object[] {new object()}), new TestPolyStruct(new unoidl.com.sun.star.lang.XComponent[] {new uno.util.WeakComponentBase()}), new TestPolyStruct(new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.TWO}), new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2[] {new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any[] {new Any(true)})}), new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2[] { new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct('X'), new Any[] {new Any(true)})}), new TestPolyStruct(new int[][] { new int[] {Int32.MinValue} }), new TestPolyStruct[]{ new TestPolyStruct(Int32.MinValue)}, new TestPolyStruct[]{new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)))}, new TestPolyStruct[]{new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)), "test"))}, new TestPolyStruct2[]{new TestPolyStruct2("test", new TestPolyStruct2('X', new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true))))}, new TestPolyStruct2[]{new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)),new TestPolyStruct('X'))}, new TestPolyStruct[][]{new TestPolyStruct[]{new TestPolyStruct('X')}}, new TestPolyStruct[][]{new TestPolyStruct[]{new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2('X', new Any(true)))}}, new TestPolyStruct[][]{new TestPolyStruct[] {new TestPolyStruct(new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct2('X',new Any(true)), "test"))}}, new TestPolyStruct2[][]{new TestPolyStruct2[]{new TestPolyStruct2("test", new TestPolyStruct2('X',new TestPolyStruct(new Any(true))))}}, new TestPolyStruct2[][]{new TestPolyStruct2[]{new TestPolyStruct2(new TestPolyStruct2('X',new Any(true)),new TestPolyStruct('X'))}} ); //test the returned interface xMulti.fn11(1); } public XCurrentContextChecker getCurrentContextChecker() { return null; //TODO: not yet tested in CLI UNO } public TestPolyStruct transportPolyBoolean(/*[in]*/TestPolyStruct arg) { return arg; } public void transportPolyHyper(/*[in][out]*/ ref TestPolyStruct arg) { } public void transportPolySequence(TestPolyStruct arg1, out TestPolyStruct arg2) { arg2 = arg1; } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyBadEnum() { return new TestPolyStruct(unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest.TestBadEnum.M); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyLong() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyString() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyType() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyAny() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolySequence() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyEnum() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyStruct() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public TestPolyStruct getNullPolyInterface() { return new TestPolyStruct(); } public XMulti getMulti() { return new testtools.bridgetest.cli_cs.Multi(); } private static void checkEqual(int value, int argument) { if (argument != value) { throw new CheckFailed(value + " != " + argument); } } private static void checkEqual(double value, double argument) { if (argument != value) { throw new CheckFailed(value + " != " + argument); } } private static void checkEqual(string value, string argument) { if (argument != value) { throw new CheckFailed(value + " != " + argument); } } public string testMulti(XMulti multi) { try { checkEqual(0.0, multi.att1); multi.att1 = 0.1; checkEqual(0.1, multi.att1); checkEqual(11 * 1, multi.fn11(1)); checkEqual("12" + "abc", multi.fn12("abc")); checkEqual(21 * 2, multi.fn21(2)); checkEqual("22" + "de", multi.fn22("de")); checkEqual(0.0, multi.att3); multi.att3 = 0.3; checkEqual(0.3, multi.att3); checkEqual(31 * 3, multi.fn31(3)); checkEqual("32" + "f", multi.fn32("f")); checkEqual(33, multi.fn33()); checkEqual(41 * 4, multi.fn41(4)); checkEqual(61 * 6, multi.fn61(6)); checkEqual("62" + "", multi.fn62("")); checkEqual(71 * 7, multi.fn71(7)); checkEqual("72" + "g", multi.fn72("g")); checkEqual(73, multi.fn73()); } catch (CheckFailed f) { return f.Message; } return ""; } public int RaiseAttr1 { get { throw new RuntimeException(); } set { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public int RaiseAttr2 { get { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } set { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } } }