#. extracted from swext/mediawiki/help msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 6.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-04 21:54+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-26 21:40+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak \n" "Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n" "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Project-Style: openoffice\n" #: help.tree msgctxt "" "help.tree\n" "02\n" "help_section.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #: help.tree msgctxt "" "help.tree\n" "0224\n" "node.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Wiki-izdajatelj" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "bm_id3154408\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki;Wiki PublisherWiki Publisherextensions;MediaWiki" msgstr "Wiki;Wiki-izdajateljWiki-izdajateljrazširitve;MediaWiki" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id5993530\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Wiki-izdajatelj" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9647511\n" "help.text" msgid "By using the Wiki Publisher you can upload your current Writer text document to a MediaWiki server. After uploading, all wiki users can read your document on the wiki." msgstr "Če uporabljate razširitev Wiki-izdajatelj, lahko prenesete svoj trenutni dokument z besedilom iz Writerja na strežnik MediaWiki. Po prenosu lahko vsi uporabniki wikija preberejo vaš dokument na wikiju." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id6468703\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose File - Send - To MediaWiki to upload the current Writer document to a MediaWiki server." msgstr "Izberite Datoteka – Pošlji – Na MediaWiki, če želite prenesti trenutni dokument na strežnik MediaWiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id4554582\n" "help.text" msgid "System Requirements" msgstr "Sistemske zahteve" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9340495\n" "help.text" msgid "Java Runtime Environment" msgstr "Javansko izvajalno okolje JRE" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id7387615\n" "help.text" msgid "A wiki account on a supported MediaWiki server" msgstr "Račun wiki na podprtem strežniku MediaWiki" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id8047120\n" "help.text" msgid "Installing Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Nameščanje Wiki-izdajatelja" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4277169\n" "help.text" msgid "Before you use the Wiki Publisher, ensure that %PRODUCTNAME uses a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To check the status of the JRE, choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Advanced. Ensure that “Use a Java runtime environment” is checked and that a Java runtime folder is selected in the big listbox. If no JRE was activated, then activate a JRE of version 1.4 or later and restart %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "Preden uporabite Wiki-izdajatelja, zagotovite, da %PRODUCTNAME uporablja izvajalno okolje Java (JRE). Če želite preveriti stanje JRE, izberite Orodja – Možnosti – %PRODUCTNAME – Napredno. Zagotovite, da je polje »Uporabi izvajalno okolje Java« potrjeno in da je v velikem seznamskem polju izbrana mapa izvajalnega okolja Java. Če ni izbrano nobeno izvajalno okolje JRE, potem aktivirajte JRE 1.4 ali novejše in ponovno zaženite %PRODUCTNAME." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id5316019\n" "help.text" msgid "To Connect to a Wiki" msgstr "Povezava z Wikijem" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id2381969\n" "help.text" msgid "Note: You can store your user name and password for all respective dialogs inside %PRODUCTNAME. The password will be stored in a secure way, where access is maintained by a master password. To enable the master password, choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security." msgstr "Opomba: Svoje uporabniško ime in geslo lahko shranite za vsa ustrezna pogovorna okna v %PRODUCTNAME. Geslo bo shranjeno na varen način, dostop pa ščiti glavno geslo. Če želite omogočiti glavno geslo, izberite Orodja – Možnosti – %PRODUCTNAME – Varnost." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id3751640\n" "help.text" msgid "Note: If you connect to the web using a proxy server, enter the proxy information to Tools - Options - Internet - Proxy, and restart the software." msgstr "Opomba: Če se v splet povezujete prek posredovalnega strežnika, vnesite podatke o posredovalnem strežniku v Orodja – Možnosti – Internet – Posredovalni strežniki in ponovno zaženite program." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9533677\n" "help.text" msgid "Open a Writer document, and choose Tools - Options - Internet - MediaWiki." msgstr "Odprite dokument programa Writer in izberite Orodja – Možnosti – Internet – MediaWiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id368968\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Options dialog, click Add." msgstr "V pogovornem oknu Možnosti kliknite Dodaj." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id6962187\n" "help.text" msgid "In the MediaWiki dialog, enter the account information for the wiki." msgstr "V pogovornem oknu MediaWiki vnesite podatke o računu za wiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5328836\n" "help.text" msgid "In the URL text box, enter the address of a wiki that you want to connect to." msgstr "V polje z besedilom URL vnesite naslov wikija, s katerim se želite povezati." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id389416\n" "help.text" msgid "You can copy the URL from a web browser and paste it into the textbox." msgstr "URL lahko kopirate iz spletnega brskalnika in ga prilepite v polje z besedilom." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5906552\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Username box, enter your user ID for your wiki account." msgstr "V polje Uporabniško ime vnesite svoje uporabniško ime za račun wiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9297158\n" "help.text" msgid "If the wiki allows anonymous write access, you can leave the Username and Password boxes empty." msgstr "Če wiki dovoli anonimni dostop in pisanje, lahko pustite polji Uporabniško ime in Geslo prazni." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id8869594\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Password box, enter the password for your wiki account, then click OK." msgstr "V polje Geslo vnesite geslo svojega računa wiki, nato kliknite V redu." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id292062\n" "help.text" msgid "Optionally enable “Save password” to save the password between sessions. A master password is used to maintain access to all saved passwords. Choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security to enable the master password. “Save password” is unavailable when the master password is not enabled." msgstr "Po potrebi potrdite »Shrani geslo«, če želite shraniti geslo med sejami. Glavno geslo uporabljamo za ohranjanje dostopa do vseh shranjenih gesel. Izberite Orodja – Možnosti – %PRODUCTNAME – Varnost, če želite omogočiti glavno geslo. »Shrani geslo« ni na voljo, če glavno geslo ni omogočeno." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id7044892\n" "help.text" msgid "To Create a New Wiki Page" msgstr "Ustvarjanje nove strani wiki" #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id3514206\n" "help.text" msgid "Open a Writer document." msgstr "Odprite dokument programa Writer." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id944853\n" "help.text" msgid "Write the content of the wiki page. You can use formatting such as text formats, headings, footnotes, and more. See the list of supported formats." msgstr "Napišite vsebino wiki-strani. Uporabite lahko oblikovanje, kot so oblikovanje samega besedila, naslovi, sprotne opombe in druge. Oglejte si seznam podprtega oblikovanja." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4566484\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose File - Send - To MediaWiki." msgstr "Izberite Datoteka – Pošlji – Na MediaWiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id228278\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Send to MediaWiki dialog, specify the settings for your entry." msgstr "V pogovornem oknu Pošlji na MediaWiki določite nastavitve za svoj vnos." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id2564165\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki server: Select the wiki." msgstr "Strežnik MediaWiki: izberite wiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5566576\n" "help.text" msgid "Title: Type the title of your page. Type the title of an existing page to overwrite the page with your current text document. Type a new title to create a new page on the wiki." msgstr "Naslov: vnesite naslov svoje strani. Vnesite naslov obstoječe strani, če jo želite prepisati z vsebino trenutnega dokumenta z besedilom. Vnesite nov naslov, če želite ustvariti novo stran wiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9688711\n" "help.text" msgid "Summary: Enter an optional short summary of your page." msgstr "Povzetek: vnesite neobvezen kratek povzetek svoje strani." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4123661\n" "help.text" msgid "This is a minor edit: Check this box to mark the uploaded page as a minor edit of the already existing page with the same title." msgstr "To je manjši popravek: označite to polje, če želite označiti preneseno stran kot manjši popravek že obstoječe istoimenske strani." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id452284\n" "help.text" msgid "Show in web browser: Check this box to open your system web browser and show the uploaded wiki page." msgstr "Pokaži v spletnem brskalniku: označite to polje, če želite odpreti svoj spletni brskalnik in si v njem ogledati preneseno stran wiki." #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id8346812\n" "help.text" msgid "Click Send." msgstr "Kliknite Pošlji." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "hd_id960722\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id4571672\n" "help.text" msgid "Use the MediaWiki dialog to add or edit your MediaWiki account settings." msgstr "Uporabite pogovorno okno MediaWiki, če želite dodati ali urediti nastavitve svojega računa MediaWiki." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id7631458\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the URL of a MediaWiki server, starting with \"https://\"." msgstr "Vnesite URL strežnika MediaWiki, ki se začne s »https://«." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id7862483\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter your user name on the MediaWiki server. Leave empty for anonymous access." msgstr "Vnesite svoje uporabniško ime za strežnik MediaWiki. Pustite prazno za anonimni dostop." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id1113010\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter your password on the MediaWiki server. Leave empty for anonymous access." msgstr "Vnesite svoje geslo za strežnik MediaWiki. Pustite prazno za anonimni dostop." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id656758\n" "help.text" msgid "Enable to store your password between sessions. The master password must be enabled; see Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security." msgstr "Omogočite shranjevanje svojega gesla med sejami. Glavno geslo mora biti vključeno, oglejte si Orodja – Možnosti – %PRODUCTNAME – Varnost." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id3112582\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the Internet address of a wiki server in a format like “https://wiki.documentfoundation.org” or copy the URL from a web browser." msgstr "Vnesite spletni naslov strežnika wiki v obliki »https://wiki.documentfoundation.org« ali kopirajte URL iz spletnega brskalnika." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id628070\n" "help.text" msgid "If the wiki allows anonymous access, you can leave the account text boxes empty. Else enter your user name and password." msgstr "Če wiki dovoli anonimni dostop, lahko pustite polja z besedilom računa prazna. Sicer vnesite svoje uporabniško ime in geslo." #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id9046601\n" "help.text" msgid "If you have enabled the master password feature on the Security tab page of the Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME dialog, then the software can store your password and automatically insert the data where necessary. Enable the Save password checkbox to store your password." msgstr "Če ste vključili možnost glavnega gesla na zavihku Varnost pogovornega okna Orodja – Možnosti – %PRODUCTNAME, lahko program shrani vaše geslo in samodejno vstavi podatke, ko je to potrebno. Potrdite polje Shrani geslo, če želite shraniti svoje geslo." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Formats" msgstr "Vrste datotek MediaWiki" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id3743095\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Formats" msgstr "Vrste datotek MediaWiki" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8654133\n" "help.text" msgid "The following list gives an overview of the text formats that the Wiki Publisher can upload to the wiki server." msgstr "Spodnji seznam podaja pregled vrst besedilnih datotek, ki jih lahko razširitev Wiki-izdajatelj prenese na strežnik wiki." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id5630664\n" "help.text" msgid "The OpenDocument format used by Writer and the MediaWiki format are quite different. Only a subset of all features can be transformed from one format to the other." msgstr "Zapis OpenDocument, ki ga uporablja Writer, in zapis MediaWiki sta zelo različna. Le podmnožico vseh značilnosti je mogoče prenesti iz enega zapisa v drugega." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7178868\n" "help.text" msgid "Headings" msgstr "Naslovi" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id508133\n" "help.text" msgid "Apply a heading paragraph style to the headings in your Writer document. The wiki will show the heading styles of the same outline level, formatted as defined by the wiki engine." msgstr "Za naslove v dokumentu programa Writer uporabite slog odstavka naslova. Wiki bo pokazal sloge naslovov na isti orisni ravni, oblikovane v skladu s funkcijami wikija." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7217627\n" "help.text" msgid "Hyperlinks" msgstr "Hiperpovezave" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3735465\n" "help.text" msgid "Native OpenDocument hyperlinks are transformed into “external” wiki links. Therefore, the built-in linking facility of OpenDocument should only be used to create links that point to other sites outside the wiki web. For creating wiki links that point to other subjects of the same wiki domain, use wiki links." msgstr "Hiperpovezave OpenDocument se preoblikujejo v »zunanje« povezave wikija. Zato je vgrajeno povezovalno funkcijo zapisa OpenDocument smiselno uporabljati le za ustvarjanje povezav, ki vodijo na druga spletna mesta zunaj spletišča wikija. Če želite ustvariti povezave wiki, ki kažejo na druge predmete v isti domeni wiki, uporabite povezave wikija." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id941190\n" "help.text" msgid "Lists" msgstr "Seznami" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8942838\n" "help.text" msgid "Lists can be exported reliably when the whole list uses a consistent list style. Use the Numbering or Bullets icon to generate a list in Writer. If you need a list without numbering or bullets, use Format - Bullets and Numbering to define and apply the respective list style." msgstr "Sezname je mogoče izvoziti, če celoten seznam uporablja konsistenten seznamski slog. Če želite v modulu Writer ustvariti seznam, uporabite ikono Oštevilčevanje ali Oznake. Če želite seznam brez oštevilčevanja ali oznak, uporabite Oblika – Označevanje in oštevilčevanje, da določite in uporabite ustrezen slog seznama." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7026886\n" "help.text" msgid "Paragraphs" msgstr "Odstavki" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id4436475\n" "help.text" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Poravnava" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id376598\n" "help.text" msgid "Explicit text alignment should not be used in wiki articles. Nevertheless, text alignment is supported for left, centered, and right alignment of text." msgstr "Izrecne poravnave besedila ni dovoljeno uporabiti v člankih wiki. Ne glede na to je podprta leva, sredinska in desna poravnava besedila." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7486190\n" "help.text" msgid "Pre-formatted text" msgstr "Vnaprej oblikovano besedilo" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id1459395\n" "help.text" msgid "A paragraph style with a fixed-width font is transformed as pre-formatted text. Pre-formatted text is shown on the wiki with a border around the text." msgstr "Slog odstavka s pisavo z nespremenljivo širino se pretvori v vnaprej oblikovano besedilo. Vnaprej oblikovano besedilo se v wikiju prikaže z obrobo." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id4834131\n" "help.text" msgid "Character styles" msgstr "Znakovni slogi" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id6397595\n" "help.text" msgid "Character styles modify the appearance of parts of a paragraph. The transformation supports bold, italics, bold/italics, subscript and superscript. All fixed-width fonts are transformed into the wiki typewriter style." msgstr "Znakovni slogi spremenijo videz dela odstavka. Preoblikovanje podpira krepko, ležečo, krepko in ležečo, nadpisano in podpisano pisavo. Vse pisave z nespremenljivo širino se spremenijo v wikijev slog pisalnega stroja." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id9405499\n" "help.text" msgid "Images" msgstr "Slike" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3541673\n" "help.text" msgid "Images cannot be exported by a transformation producing a single file of wiki text. However, if the image is already uploaded to the target wiki domain (e. g., Wikimedia Commons), then the transformation produces a valid image tag that includes the image. Image captions are also supported." msgstr "Slik ni mogoče izvoziti s preoblikovanjem, ki ustvari posamezno datoteko z besedilom wiki. A če je slika že prenesena v ciljno domeno wikija (npr. WikiMedia Commons), preoblikovanje ustvari veljavno značko slike, ki vključuje sliko. Naslovi slik so tudi podprti." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id2162236\n" "help.text" msgid "Tables" msgstr "Tabele" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3037202\n" "help.text" msgid "Simple tables are supported well. Table headers are translated into corresponding wiki-style table headers. However, custom formatting of table borders, column sizes and background colors is ignored." msgstr "Prav tako so podprte enostavne tabele. Glave tabel so prevedene v ustrezne glave tabel sloga wikija. Vendar pa je oblikovanje obrob tabele, velikosti stolpcev in barv ozadja prezrto." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id2954496\n" "help.text" msgid "Joined Cells" msgstr "Spojene celice" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8253730\n" "help.text" msgid "OpenDocument and especially LibreOffice represent tables that have joined cells that span rows as tables with nested tables. In contrast, the wiki model of table is to declare column and row spans for such joined cells." msgstr "OpenDocument in še posebej LibreOffice uporabljajo tabele s spojenimi celicami, ki se lahko raztezajo čez vrstice kot tabele z gnezdenimi tabelami. Nasprotno s tem modeli tabele wiki vsebujejo deklaracije razpona stolpcev in vrstic v tako spojenih celicah." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8163090\n" "help.text" msgid "If only columns of the same row are joined, the result of the transformation resembles the source document very well." msgstr "Če so spojeni le stolpci iste vrstice, je rezultat transformacije podoben izvornemu dokumentu." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id425122\n" "help.text" msgid "Borders" msgstr "Obrobe" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id1831110\n" "help.text" msgid "Irrespective of custom table styles for border and background, a table is always exported as “prettytable,” which renders in the wiki engine with simple borders and bold header." msgstr "Ne glede na uporabniško prilagojene sloge obrob in ozadja tabele se slednja vedno izvozi kot »prettytable«, ki jo wiki upodobi z enostavnimi obrobami in krepko glavo." #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id6255073\n" "help.text" msgid "Character set and special characters" msgstr "Nabor znakov in posebni znaki" #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8216193\n" "help.text" msgid "The character set of the transformation result is fixed to UTF-8. Depending on your system, this might not be the default character set. This might cause “special characters” to look broken when viewed with default settings. However, you can switch your editor to UTF-8 encoding to fix this. If your editor does not support switching the encoding, you can display the result of the transformation in the Firefox browser and switch the encoding to UTF-8 there. Now, you can copy and paste the transformation result to your program of choice." msgstr "Nabor znakov preoblikovanja je nastavljen na UTF-8. Glede na vrsto sistema to morda ni vaš privzeti nabor znakov. Zgodi se lahko, da so »posebni znaki« videti okvarjeni, če jih gledate s privzetimi nastavitvami. Vendar lahko v svojem urejevalniku spremenite kodiranje znakov na UTF-8, da to odpravite. Če vaš urejevalnik ne podpira preklopa med kodnimi tabelami, lahko rezultat preoblikovanja prikažete v brskalniku Firefox in tam spremenite kodiranje znakov na UTF-8. Seveda lahko rezultat preoblikovanja kopirate in prilepite v program po svoji izbiri." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Send to MediaWiki" msgstr "Pošlji na MediaWiki" #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "hd_id108340\n" "help.text" msgid "Send to MediaWiki" msgstr "Pošlji na MediaWiki" #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id1743827\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Send to MediaWiki dialog, specify the settings for your current wiki upload." msgstr "V pogovornem oknu Pošlji na MediaWiki določite nastavitve za trenutni prenos na wiki." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id664082\n" "help.text" msgid "Select the MediaWiki server where you want to publish your document. Click Add to add a new server to the list." msgstr "Izberite strežnik MediaWiki, na katerem želite objaviti svoj dokument. Kliknite Dodaj, če želite na seznam dodati nov strežnik." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id2794885\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the title of your wiki entry. This is the top heading of your wiki entry. For a new entry, the title must be unique on this wiki. If you enter an existing title, your upload will overwrite the existing wiki entry." msgstr "Vnesite naslov svojega vnosa v wiki. To je vrhnji naslov članka. Če gre za novo stran, mora biti naslov v tem wikiju enkraten. Če vnesete obstoječi naslov, boste s prenosom prepisali obstoječo stran wiki." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id2486342\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter an optional short summary or comment. See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_summary." msgstr "Vnesite neobvezen kratek povzetek ali komentar. Oglejte si https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_summary (v angl.)." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id823999\n" "help.text" msgid "This is a minor edit: Check this box to mark the uploaded page as a minor edit of the already existing page with the same title." msgstr "To je manjši popravek: Označite to polje, če želite označiti preneseno stran kot manjši popravek že obstoječe istoimenske strani." #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id6592913\n" "help.text" msgid "Show in web browser: Check this box to open your system web browser and show the uploaded wiki page." msgstr "Pokaži v spletnem brskalniku: Označite to polje, če želite odpreti svoj spletni brskalnik in si ogledati preneseno stran wiki." #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Options" msgstr "Možnosti MediaWiki" #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "hd_id6425672\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Options" msgstr "Možnosti MediaWiki" #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id1188390\n" "help.text" msgid "You can add, edit and remove MediaWiki servers. Open the options dialog by going to Tools - Options - Internet - MediaWiki." msgstr "Strežnike MediaWiki lahko dodate, uredite in odstranite. Pogovorno okno možnosti odprete z Orodja – Možnosti – Internet – MediaWiki." #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id300607\n" "help.text" msgid "Click Add to add a new wiki server.
Select an entry and click Edit to edit the account settings.
Select an entry and click Remove to remove the entry from the list.
" msgstr "Kliknite Dodaj, če želite dodati nov strežnik wiki.
Izberite vnos in klinite Uredi, če želite urediti nastavitve računa.
Izberite vnos in kliknite Odstrani, če želite odstraniti vnos s seznama.
" #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id9786065\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the MediaWiki dialog to add a new entry to the list." msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno MediaWiki, kjer dodate nov vnos na seznam." #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id3386333\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the MediaWiki dialog to edit the selected entry." msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno MediaWiki, kjer uredite izbrani vnos." #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id7285073\n" "help.text" msgid "Removes the selected entry from the list." msgstr "Izbrani vnos odstrani s seznama." #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id1029084\n" "help.text" msgid "When you click Add or Edit, the MediaWiki dialog opens." msgstr "Če kliknete Dodaj ali Uredi, se odpre pogovorno okno MediaWiki."