/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package com.sun.star.wizards.ui; import com.sun.star.wizards.common.Properties; import com.sun.star.wizards.common.*; import com.sun.star.beans.*; import com.sun.star.awt.Size; import com.sun.star.awt.XTextComponent; import com.sun.star.awt.XTextListener; import java.util.*; public class TitlesComponent extends ControlScroller { private int iLabelPosX; private static final int iRelLabelPosXDist = 6; private String[] fieldnames; private Map fieldtitleset; private String[] fieldtitles; private static final String SOLABELPREFIX = "lblColumnName_"; private static final String SOTITLEPREFIX = "lblTitleName_"; public TitlesComponent(WizardDialog _CurUnoDialog, int _iStep, int _iCompPosX, int _iCompPosY, int _iCompWidth, int _uitextfieldcount, String _slblColumnNames, String _slblColumnTitles, int _firsthelpindex) { super(_CurUnoDialog, _iStep, _iCompPosX, _iCompPosY, _iCompWidth, _uitextfieldcount, 18, _firsthelpindex); CurUnoDialog.insertControlModel("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel", "lblColumnNames", new String[] { PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH }, new Object[] { 8, _slblColumnNames, Integer.valueOf(iLabelPosX), Integer.valueOf(iCompPosY - 10), IStep, 60 }); CurUnoDialog.insertControlModel("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel", "lblColumnTitles", new String[] { PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH }, new Object[] { 8, _slblColumnTitles, 90, Integer.valueOf(iCompPosY - 10), IStep, 152 }); } @Override protected void insertControlGroup(int i, int ypos) { iLabelPosX = iCompPosX + iRelLabelPosXDist; ControlRow oControlRow = new ControlRow(i, ypos); ControlGroupVector.add(oControlRow); } @Override protected void setControlGroupVisible(int _index, boolean _bIsVisible) { CurUnoDialog.setControlVisible(getColumnName(_index), _bIsVisible); CurUnoDialog.setControlVisible(getTitleName(_index), _bIsVisible); } public void addTextListener(XTextListener _xTextListener) { for (int i = 0; i < super.ControlGroupVector.size(); i++) { ControlRow curControlRow = (ControlRow) ControlGroupVector.get(i); XTextComponent xTextBox = curControlRow.xTextComponent; if ((xTextBox != null) && (_xTextListener != null)) { xTextBox.addTextListener(_xTextListener); } } } class ControlRow { private XTextComponent xTextComponent; public ControlRow(int _index, int _iCompPosY) { String slabelname = getColumnName(_index); String stextfieldname = getTitleName(_index); CurUnoDialog.insertControlModel("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel", slabelname, new String[] { PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MULTILINE, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH }, new Object[] { 16, Boolean.TRUE, Integer.valueOf(iLabelPosX), Integer.valueOf(_iCompPosY + 1), UIConsts.INVISIBLESTEP, Short.valueOf(curtabindex++), 30 }); xTextComponent = CurUnoDialog.insertTextField(stextfieldname, 0, null, new String[] { PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH }, new Object[] { 12, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(curHelpIndex++), Integer.valueOf(iLabelPosX + 30), Integer.valueOf(_iCompPosY), UIConsts.INVISIBLESTEP, Short.valueOf(curtabindex++), Integer.valueOf(iCompWidth - 90 - 20) }); } } private String getColumnName(int _index) { return SOLABELPREFIX + Integer.toString(_index + 1); } private String getTitleName(int _index) { return SOTITLEPREFIX + Integer.toString(_index + 1); } @Override protected void initializeScrollFields() { for (int i = 0; i < fieldnames.length; i++) { PropertyValue[] currowproperties = new PropertyValue[2]; currowproperties[0] = Properties.createProperty(getColumnName(i), fieldnames[i], i); currowproperties[1] = Properties.createProperty(getTitleName(i), fieldtitles[i], i); //getTitleName(i) registerControlGroup(currowproperties, i); } } private void adjustPosSizes() { String sLongestFieldName = JavaTools.getlongestArrayItem(fieldnames); Size aSize = CurUnoDialog.getpreferredLabelSize(getColumnName(0), sLongestFieldName); double dblMAPConversion = CurUnoDialog.getMAPConversionFactor(getColumnName(0)); int iFieldNameWidth = getFieldNameWidth(aSize.Width, dblMAPConversion) + 10; Integer FieldNameWidth = Integer.valueOf(iFieldNameWidth); Integer TitlePosX = Integer.valueOf(iLabelPosX + iFieldNameWidth + 2); Integer TitleWidth = Integer.valueOf(iCompPosX + iCompWidth - TitlePosX.intValue() - iScrollBarWidth - 6); for (short i = 0; i <= ncurfieldcount; i++) { CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty(getColumnName(i), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH, FieldNameWidth); CurUnoDialog.setControlProperties(getTitleName(i), new String[] { PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH }, new Object[] { TitlePosX, TitleWidth }); } CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty("lblColumnNames", PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH, FieldNameWidth); CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty("lblColumnTitles", PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, TitlePosX); } public void initialize(String[] _fieldnames, Map _fieldtitleset) { this.fieldnames = _fieldnames; this.fieldtitleset = _fieldtitleset; setFieldTitles(); initializeScrollFields(); super.initialize(fieldnames.length); adjustPosSizes(); } private void setFieldTitles() { fieldtitles = new String[fieldnames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldnames.length; i++) { if (this.fieldtitleset.containsKey(fieldnames[i])) { Object curvalue = fieldtitleset.get(fieldnames[i]); if (curvalue != null) { fieldtitles[i] = (String) curvalue; } else { fieldtitles[i] = fieldnames[i]; } } else { fieldtitles[i] = fieldnames[i]; } } } public String getFieldNameByTitleControl(Object _fieldtitlemodel) { String sTitleModelName = (String) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(_fieldtitlemodel, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME); String sindex = JavaTools.getSuffixNumber(sTitleModelName); return (String) CurUnoDialog.getControlProperty(SOLABELPREFIX + sindex, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL); } public String[] getFieldTitles() { PropertyValue[][] titlelist = this.getScrollFieldValues(); PropertyValue[] currowproperties; PropertyValue curtitleproperty; for (int i = 0; i < titlelist.length; i++) { currowproperties = titlelist[i]; curtitleproperty = currowproperties[1]; fieldtitles[i] = (String) curtitleproperty.Value; } refreshtitleset(); return fieldtitles; } private void refreshtitleset() { for (int i = 0; i < fieldnames.length; i++) { fieldtitleset.put(fieldnames[i], fieldtitles[i]); } } private int getFieldNameWidth(int iMAPControlWidth, double dblMAPConversion) { int iFieldNameWidth = (int) (1.15 * (iMAPControlWidth) / dblMAPConversion); double dblAvailableWidth = (iCompWidth - iScrollBarWidth - iRelLabelPosXDist); if (iFieldNameWidth > (0.5 * (dblAvailableWidth))) { iFieldNameWidth = (int) (0.5 * (dblAvailableWidth)); } return iFieldNameWidth; } }