REM ======================================================================================================================= REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. === REM === The SFDocuments library is one of the associated libraries. === REM === Full documentation is available on === REM ======================================================================================================================= Option Compatible Option Explicit ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' SF_DocumentListener ''' =================== ''' The current module is dedicated to the management of document events + listeners, triggered by user actions, ''' which cannot be defined with the Basic IDE ''' ''' Concerned listeners: ''' ''' allowing a user to select a cell range at any moment ''' ''' The described events/listeners are processed by UNO listeners ''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' REM ================================================================= DEFINITIONS REM ============================================================= PRIVATE MEMBERS Private _SelectedRange As String ' The selected range is returned by a "done" event Private _RangeSelectionFinished As Boolean ' Flag indicating that the interaction with the user has stopped REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS REM ============================================================== PUBLIC METHODS REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function RunRangeSelector(ByRef poComponent As Object _ , ByRef pvPropertyValues As Variant _ ) As String ''' Called from the SF_Calc.OpenRangeSelector() method ''' Opens a non-modal dialog with a text box, ''' let the user make a selection in the current or another sheet and ''' returns the selected area as a string. Dim oController As Object ' Dim oListener As Object ' Dim lCountLoops As Long ' Sleep cycles counter Const cstListenerPrefix = "_SFRGSEL_" ' Prefix used for naming events Subs Const cstSleep = 50 ' Sleep steps in ms while waiting for the end of the interaction Const cstMaxSleep = (60 * 5 * 1000) / cstSleep ' Never sleep more than 5 minutes. Afterwards, processing continues On Local Error GoTo Catch ' Avoid stopping event scripts Try: ' Create the listener Set oController = poComponent.CurrentController Set oListener = CreateUnoListener(cstListenerPrefix, "") oController.addRangeSelectionListener(oListener) ' Open the selector _SelectedRange = "" _RangeSelectionFinished = False oController.startRangeSelection(pvPropertyValues) ' Dummy thread synchronization lCountLoops = 0 Do While Not _RangeSelectionFinished And lCountLoops < cstMaxSleep Wait(cstSleep) lCountLoops = lCountLoops + 1 Loop Finally: If Not IsNull(oListener) Then oController.removeRangeSelectionListener(oListener) RunRangeSelector = _SelectedRange Exit Function Catch: GoTo Finally End Function ' SFDocuments.SF_DocumentListener.RunRangeSelector REM ============================================================= PRIVATE METHODS REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub _SFRGSEL_done(Optional poEvent As Object) ' On Local Error GoTo Catch ' Avoid stopping event scripts Try: _SelectedRange = poEvent.RangeDescriptor _RangeSelectionFinished = True Finally: Exit Sub Catch: GoTo Finally End Sub REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub _SFRGSEL_aborted(Optional poEvent As Object) ' On Local Error GoTo Catch ' Avoid stopping event scripts Try: _RangeSelectionFinished = True Finally: Exit Sub Catch: GoTo Finally End Sub REM ============================================ END OF SFDIALOGS.SF_DIALOGLISTENER