REM ***** BASIC ***** Dim DialogVisible As Boolean Dim TutorStep As Integer Dim TutorLastStep As Integer Dim myDialog As Object Dim myTutorial As Object Public TutorText() As String Dim documentTitle As String Dim exampleUse As Object Dim properties() As Object Dim docTYP As String 'public myWidth As Long Dim myHeight As Long Dim oTextField As Object Dim stepTitle As String Dim oOpenDialogFlag Dim imageStatus As String Sub LoadTutorialDialog(exampleToUse, documentTYP) Init() exampleUse = exampleToUse TutorText() = exampleUse.LoadText() properties() = exampleUse.GetProperties() If properties(3).Value = "True" Then Dim localisation(0) As new localisation(0).Name = "Localisation" localisation(0).Value = properties() myTutorial.execute(localisation()) Else TutorStep = 0 TutorLastStep = 0 docTYP = documentTYP InitAction() ShowInfoMain() DialogVisible = True myDialog = LoadDialog("Tutorials","TutorialsDialog") SetTutorialDocumentPosSize() documentProps = ThisComponent.getDocumentProperties() myDialog.Title = "Tutorials - " & documentProps.Title oTextField = myDialog.GetControl("myTextField") oTextField.setVisible(False) imageStatus = "MIN" setMaxMinImage(imageStatus) 'myWidth = myDialog.Size.Width myHeight = myDialog.Size.Height CheckForStepShowButtonStatus() CheckForStepNextButtonStatus() InitRoadMap() SetVisibleTrue() myDialog.model.myTextField.Label = stepTitle myDialog.model.myText.Label = GetStepText()'TutorText(TutorStep) Do wait 1000 Loop Until DialogVisible = False If( oOpenDialogFlag = True) Then Destroy() TutorialOpen.TutorialOpenMain() Else Destroy() End If End If End Sub Sub setMaxMinImage(param As String) On Local Error Goto NOIMAGE oCommandButton = myDialog.GetControl("CommandButton") templatePath = GetPathSettings("Template",false, 0) Dim bitmapPath As String iPos = InStr(templatePath,"/") If(iPos > 0) Then If(param = "MAX") Then bitmapPath = templatePath & "../wizard/bitmap/maximize.png" ElseIf(param = "MIN") Then bitmapPath = templatePath & "../wizard/bitmap/minimize.png" End If Else If(param = "MAX") Then bitmapPath = templatePath & "..\wizard\bitmap\maximize.png" ElseIf(param = "MIN") Then bitmapPath = templatePath & "..\wizard\bitmap\minimize.png" End If End If 'printdbgInfo oCommandButton.Model oCommandButton.Model.ImageUrl = bitmapPath Exit Sub NOIMAGE: End Sub Sub SetTutorialDocumentPosSize() activDesktopWindow = StarDesktop.activeFrame.ContainerWindow If(activDesktopWindow.posSize.Height < 550) Then activDesktopWindow.setPosSize(0,0,0,550,8) End If If (activDesktopWindow.posSize.Width < 750 ) Then activDesktopWindow.setPosSize(0,0,750,0,4) EndIf End Sub Sub InitRoadMap() RoadMapMain(Functions, myDialog) SetControlModelPosSize(0, 0, 85, 176) SetControlModelText("Steps") StepSize = Ubound(TutorText()) Dim ItemsArray(StepSize) as String For i = 0 To StepSize stepcontent = TutorText(i) iPos = InStr(stepcontent,CHR(13)) ItemName = Left(stepcontent, iPos) ItemsArray(i) = ItemName Next i InsertItemsLabels( ItemsArray()) For i = 1 To StepSize SetItemEnabled( i, False) Next i SetItemEnabled( 0, True) End Sub Sub Destroy() 'myDialog.dispose wait 1000 ShowInfoDialog.DisposeIDialog() ' THE DOCUMENT GETS CLOSED HERE!!!!!!!! GPF thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.close(True) End Sub Sub Init GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools") myTutorial = createUNOService("") documentTitle = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.getFrame.Title End Sub Sub InitStep udProps = ThisComponent.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties If udProps.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertyByName("CurrentStep") Then TutorStep = udProps.CurrentStep Else udProps.addProperty("CurrentStep", 0, TutorStep) End If End Sub Sub setStep ThisComponent.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties.CurrentStep = TutorStep End Sub Sub InitAction() SetStepTitle() Dim property(6) As new property(0).Name = "DocumentTYP" property(0).Value = docTYP property(1).Name = "MethodName" property(1).Value = "setDelay" property(2).Name = "Param" property(2).Value = 0 'key insert speed (Millis) property(3).Name = "Param" property(3).Value = 4 'mouse animate speed (Millis) property(4).Name = "Param" property(4).Value = 2000 'after mouse animate sleep (Millis) property(5).Name = "Param" property(5).Value = 10 'mouse scroll speed (Millis) property(6).Name = "Param" property(6).Value = -1 'mouse speed (step) myTutorial.setPropertyValues(property()) End Sub Sub EndDialog oOpenDialogFlag = False If (myDialog.model.done.Label = "Close") Then TutorialCloseMain() Else DialogVisible = False End If End Sub Sub NextStep GotoStep(TutorStep + 1) End Sub Sub GotoStep(StepIndex) If(StepIndex <= Ubound(TutorText())) Then TutorStep = StepIndex If TutorStep > TutorLastStep Then TutorLastStep = TutorStep End If If(TutorStep = Ubound(TutorText())) Then = False myDialog.model.done.Label = "Done" = "Tutorials" Else = True End If SetStepTitle() myDialog.model.myText.Label = GetStepText() CheckForStepShowButtonStatus() SetItemEnabled( TutorStep, True) 'setStep() End If End Sub Function GetStepText() Dim tempText As String tempText = TutorText(TutorStep) iPos = InStr(tempText,CHR(13)) ResultString = Right(tempText, Len(tempText) - iPos - 1) GetStepText() = ResultString End Function Sub ItemChange(CurrentItemID, SelectitemID) GotoStep(SelectitemID) End Sub Sub SetDisableShowMeButton() = False TutorLastStep = TutorLastStep + 1 End Sub Sub Minimize(aEvent) ActionItemsTextField = myDialog.GetControl("ActionItemsLabel") FixedLineVertikal = myDialog.GetControl("FixedLineVertikal") If myDialog.Size.Height = 35 Then myDialog.setPosSize(0,0,0,myHeight,8) oTextField.setVisible(False) ActionItemsTextField.setVisible(True) FixedLineVertikal.setVisible(True) RoadMap.SetVisibleRoadMap(True) Else myDialog.setPosSize(0,0,0,35,8) rmSelectedIndex = RoadMap.GetSelectedIndex() + 1 gsTitle = GetStepTitle() oTextField.setText(rmSelectedIndex & ". " & gsTitle) oTextField.setVisible(True) ActionItemsTextField.setVisible(False) FixedLineVertikal.setVisible(False) RoadMap.SetVisibleRoadMap(False) End If If(imageStatus = "MAX") Then imageStatus = "MIN" ElseIf(imageStatus = "MIN") Then imageStatus = "MAX" End If setMaxMinImage(imageStatus) End Sub Sub SetStepTitle() stepcontent = TutorText(TutorStep) iPos = InStr(stepcontent,CHR(13)) stepTitle = Left(stepcontent, iPos) SetStepTitle() = stepTitle End Sub Function GetStepTitle() GetStepTitle() = stepTitle End Function Sub CheckForStepShowButtonStatus() If ((exampleUse.ContainsStepAction() = True And TutorStep = TutorLastStep) Or = "Tutorials") Then = True Else = False End If End Sub Sub CheckForStepNextButtonStatus() If(TutorStep = Ubound(TutorText())) Then = False myDialog.model.done.Label = "Done" End If End Sub Sub Show(aEvent) 'ShowInfoMain() If( = "Tutorials") Then oOpenDialogFlag = True DialogVisible = False Else SetMousePosition(aEvent) exampleUse.Action() End If End Sub Sub SetMousePosition(aEvent) MyPoints() = MousePoints(aEvent) Dim mousePosition(3) as new mousePosition(0).Name = "DocumentTYP" mousePosition(0).Value = docTYP mousePosition(1).Name = "MethodName" mousePosition(1).Value = "setMousePosition" mousePosition(2).Name = "Param" mousePosition(2).Value = MyPoints(0) mousePosition(3).Name = "Param" mousePosition(3).Value = MyPoints(1) myTutorial.setPropertyValues(mousePosition()) End Sub Function MousePoints(aEvent) Dim position(1) As Integer position(0) = myDialog.getControl("show").AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.X + aEvent.Source.Model.PositionX position(1) = myDialog.getControl("show").AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.Y + aEvent.Source.Model.PositionY MousePoints = position() End Function Function CheckPath(path() As String) 'documentTitle = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.getFrame.Title sTitle = path(0) ResultString = Right(sTitle, 3) iPos = InStr(ResultString,"#") ResultString = Right(ResultString, Len(ResultString) - iPos) ResultFrameString = InStr (sTitle, "{D}FRAME#") If ResultFrameString <> 0 Then If Not (sTitle = ("{D}FRAME#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString)) Then 'path(0) = "{D}FRAME#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString path(0) = "FRAME#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString sTitle = path(1) ResultString = Right(sTitle, 3) iPos = InStr(ResultString,"#") ResultString = Right(ResultString, Len(ResultString) - iPos) path(1) = "ROOT_PANE#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString Else 'path(0) = "{D}FRAME#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString path(0) = "FRAME#" & documentTitle & "#" & ResultString End If End If End Function Sub SetVisibleTutorialsDialog(param) myDialog.setVisible(param) End Sub Sub SetVisibleTrue() myDialog.setVisible(True) End Sub Sub SetVisibleFalse() myDialog.setVisible(False) End Sub Sub ExitTutorial() Dim aUrl As new oDoc = ThisComponent urlTransformer = createUNOService("") aUrl.Complete = "slot:5621" urlTransformer.parseStrict(aUrl) xController = oDoc.getCurrentController() xDispatcher = xController.queryDispatch(aUrl, "", 0) if NOT isNull(xDispatcher) then xDispatcher.dispatch(aUrl, DimArray()) else msgBox "Error! Cannot close document." End If End Sub