#!/bin/sh wrout () { if test "$2" != "N/A"; then printf " %-25s %s\n" "$1" "$2"; fi } echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "Detected Environment:" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" wrout "Operating System" "@opsys@" wrout "Architecture" "@arch@" wrout "Distribution type" "@dist_type@ Version @dist_ver@" wrout "Init type" "@init_type@" wrout "Inetd type" "@inetd_type@" echo echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "Paths are:" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" wrout "prefix" "@prefix@" wrout "exec_prefix" "@prefix@" if test "@PKG_NAME@" = "nagios"; then wrout "bindir" "@bindir@" fi wrout "sbindir" "@sbindir@" wrout "sysconfdir" "@sysconfdir@" wrout "pkgsysconfdir" "@pkgsysconfdir@" if test "@PKG_NAME@" = "nagios"; then wrout "privatesysconfdir" "@privatesysconfdir@" fi wrout "localstatedir" "@localstatedir@" wrout "pkglocalstatedir" "@pkglocalstatedir@" wrout "datarootdir" "@datarootdir@" wrout "datadir" "@datadir@" wrout "webdir" "@webdir@" wrout "localedir" "@localedir@" wrout "logdir" "@logdir@" wrout "piddir" "@piddir@" wrout "pipedir" "@pipedir@" wrout "spooldir" "@spooldir@" wrout "libexecdir" "@libexecdir@" wrout "brokersdir" "@brokersdir@" wrout "pluginsdir" "@pluginsdir@" wrout "cgibindir" "@cgibindir@" wrout "initdir" "@initdir@" wrout "inetddir" "@inetddir@" wrout "subsyslockdir" "@subsyslockdir@" echo echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo '@PKG_NAME@ files will be installed or created as follows:' echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" wrout "Config file" "@pkgsysconfdir@/@PKG_NAME@.cfg" wrout "Object config dir" "@objsysconfdir@" wrout "daemon" "@sbindir@/@PKG_NAME@" if test "@PKG_NAME@" = "nrpe"; then wrout "check_@PKG_NAME@" "@pluginsdir@/check_@PKG_NAME@" fi if test "@PKG_NAME@" = "nagios"; then wrout "nagiostats (prog)" "@bindir@/nagiostats" wrout "Website password file" "@pkgsysconfdir@/passwd" wrout "resource.cfg" "@privatesysconfdir@/resource.cfg" wrout "event handlers dir" "@brokersdir@" wrout "cgi program dir" "@cgibindir@" wrout "website file dir" "@webdir@" wrout "status.dat" "@pkglocalstatedir@/status.dat" wrout "retention.dat" "@pkglocalstatedir@/retention.dat" wrout "object cache dir" "@pkglocalstatedir@" wrout "log file" "@logdir@/@PKG_NAME@.log" wrout "log archive dir" "@logdir@/archives" wrout "@PKG_NAME@.configtest" "@logdir@/@PKG_NAME@.configtest" wrout "@PKG_NAME@.cmd" "@pipedir@/@PKG_NAME@.cmd" wrout "@PKG_NAME@.qh" "@pipedir@/@PKG_NAME@.qh" wrout "perfdata file dir" "@spooldir@" wrout "checkresult files" "@spooldir@/checkresults" else wrout "inetd config" "@inetddir@/@inetdname@" fi wrout "init script" "@initdir@/@initname@" wrout "@PKG_NAME@.conf (tmpfiles.d)" "@tmpfilesd@" wrout "@PKG_NAME@ lock file" "@piddir@/@PKG_NAME@.pid" wrout "language files" "@localedir@" wrout "init lock file" "@subsyslockfile@" wrout "init source file" "@src_init@" wrout "inetd source file" "@src_inetd@" echo echo "To show this list again, type './paths' at the prompt"