path: root/debian/po/eu.po
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 16:35:33 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 16:35:33 +0000
commit1f641814b2bfbbf2dc3347e11a3fe901bfdf1efc (patch)
tree77094b19bf9091ceb6f6ab7d0267f70fef9c8323 /debian/po/eu.po
parentAdding upstream version 2.5.13+dfsg. (diff)
Adding debian version 2.5.13+dfsg-5.debian/2.5.13+dfsg-5debian
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/po/eu.po b/debian/po/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2042c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+# Basque translation for openldap_2.4.40-2_eu.po
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Piarres Beobide <>, 2008.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2010, 2014, 2017.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: openldap_2.4.40-2_eu\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-16 01:12+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-10 12:14+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:1001
+msgid "Omit OpenLDAP server configuration?"
+msgstr "Ez konfiguratu OpenLDAP zerbitzaria?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:1001
+msgid ""
+"If you enable this option, no initial configuration or database will be "
+"created for you."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera hau gaitzen baduzu, ez da hasierako konfigurazio edo datu-baserik "
+#. Type: select
+#. Choices
+#: ../slapd.templates:2001
+msgid "always"
+msgstr "beti"
+#. Type: select
+#. Choices
+#: ../slapd.templates:2001
+msgid "when needed"
+msgstr "beharrezkoa denean"
+#. Type: select
+#. Choices
+#: ../slapd.templates:2001
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "inoiz ere ez"
+#. Type: select
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:2002
+msgid "Dump databases to file on upgrade:"
+msgstr "Irauli datu-baseak fitxategi batetara bertsio-berritzean:"
+#. Type: select
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:2002
+msgid ""
+"Before upgrading to a new version of the OpenLDAP server, the data from your "
+"LDAP directories can be dumped into plain text files in the standard LDAP "
+"Data Interchange Format."
+msgstr ""
+"OpenLDAP zerbitzariaren bertsio berri batetara bertsio-berritu aurretik, "
+"zure LDAP direktorioak testu lau fitxategietara irauliko dira LDAPen datuen "
+"elkartrukatzeko formatu estandarra erabiliz."
+#. Type: select
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:2002
+msgid ""
+"Selecting \"always\" will cause the databases to be dumped unconditionally "
+"before an upgrade. Selecting \"when needed\" will only dump the database if "
+"the new version is incompatible with the old database format and it needs to "
+"be reimported. If you select \"never\", no dump will be done."
+msgstr ""
+"\"Beti\" hautatzean, datu-baseak baldintzarik gabe irauliko dira bertsio-"
+"berritze baten aurretik. \"Beharrezkoa denean\" hautatuz, bertsio berria "
+"datu-base zaharraren formatuarekin bateragarria ez denean eta berriro "
+"inportatu behar denean bakarrik irauliko da datu-basea. \"Inoiz ere ez\" "
+"hautatzen baduzu, inoiz ez da datu-basea irauliko."
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:3001
+msgid "Directory to use for dumped databases:"
+msgstr "Datu-baseak iraultzean erabiliko den direktorioa:"
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Please specify the directory where the LDAP databases will be exported. In "
+"this directory, several LDIF files will be created which correspond to the "
+"search bases located on the server. Make sure you have enough free space on "
+"the partition where the directory is located. The first occurrence of the "
+"string \"VERSION\" is replaced with the server version you are upgrading "
+msgstr ""
+"Zehaztu LDAP esportatzeko erabiliko den direktorioa. Direktorio honetan "
+"zerbitzariko datu-base ezberdinei dagozkien LDIF fitxategiak sortuko dira. "
+"Ziurtatu zaitez direktorioaren partizioan behar duzun bezainbeste leku libre "
+"duzula. \"VERSION\" katearen lehenengo agerpena zerbitzariaren jatorrizko "
+"bertsio zenbakiagatik ordeztuko da."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:4001
+msgid "Move old database?"
+msgstr "Aldatu datu-base zaharra lekuz?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"There are still files in /var/lib/ldap which will probably break the "
+"configuration process. If you enable this option, the maintainer scripts "
+"will move the old database files out of the way before creating a new "
+msgstr ""
+"Konfigurazioko prozesua apur dezaketen fitxategiak daude oraindik /var/lib/"
+"ldap direktorioan. Aukera hau gaitzen baduzu mantentzailearen script-ek datu-"
+"base zaharreko fitxategiak hortik kenduko ditu datu-base berria sortu "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:5001
+msgid "Retry configuration?"
+msgstr "Berriz saiatu konfigurazioa egiten?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:5001
+msgid ""
+"The configuration you entered is invalid. Make sure that the DNS domain name "
+"is syntactically valid, the field for the organization is not left empty and "
+"the admin passwords match. If you decide not to retry the configuration the "
+"LDAP server will not be set up. Run 'dpkg-reconfigure slapd' if you want to "
+"retry later."
+msgstr ""
+"Zuk sartutako konfigurazioa baliogabea da. Ziurtatu DNSaren domeinu-izena "
+"sintaktikoki zuzena dela, erakundeari dagokion eremua ezin da hutsik egon "
+"eta LDAPeko administratzailearen pasahitzak berdinak izan behar dira. "
+"Konfigurazioa ez berregitea hautatzen baduzu, LDAP zerbitzaria ez da "
+"konfiguratuko. Beranduago konfigurazioa egin nahi izanez gero, exekutatu "
+"'dpkg-reconfigure slapd'."
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:6001
+msgid "DNS domain name:"
+msgstr "DNSaren domeinu-izena:"
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:6001
+msgid ""
+"The DNS domain name is used to construct the base DN of the LDAP directory. "
+"For example, '' will create the directory with 'dc=foo, "
+"dc=example, dc=org' as base DN."
+msgstr ""
+"DNSaren domeinu-izena LDAP direktorioaren DN oinarria eraikitzeko erabiliko "
+"da. Adibidez, '' erabiliz DN oinarri gisa 'dc=proba, "
+"dc=example, dc=org' edukiarekin sortuko du direktorioa."
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:7001
+msgid "Organization name:"
+msgstr "Erakundearen izena:"
+#. Type: string
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:7001
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the name of the organization to use in the base DN of your LDAP "
+msgstr ""
+"Idatzi LDAP direktorioko DN oinarrian erabiliko den erakundearen izena."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:8001
+msgid "Administrator password:"
+msgstr "Administratzailearen pasahitza:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:8001
+msgid "Please enter the password for the admin entry in your LDAP directory."
+msgstr "Idatzi LDAP direktorioko administratzailearen sarrerarako pasahitza."
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:9001
+msgid "Confirm password:"
+msgstr "Berretsi pasahitza:"
+#. Type: password
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:9001
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the admin password for your LDAP directory again to verify that "
+"you have typed it correctly."
+msgstr ""
+"Idatzi LDAP direktorioko administratzailearen sarrerarako pasahitza berriro "
+"ondo idatzi duzula ziurtatzeko."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:10001
+msgid "Password mismatch"
+msgstr "Pasahitzak ez dira berdinak"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:10001
+msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+msgstr "Idatzitako bi pasahitzak ez dira berdinak. Saiatu berriro."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:11001
+msgid "Do you want the database to be removed when slapd is purged?"
+msgstr "Slapd kentzen bada, datu-basea ere ezabatzea nahi duzu?"
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:14001
+msgid "slapcat failure during upgrade"
+msgstr "slapcat-ek huts egin du bertsio-berritzean"
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:14001
+msgid "An error occurred while upgrading the LDAP directory."
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da LDAP direktorioa bertsio-berritzean."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:14001
+msgid ""
+"The 'slapcat' program failed while extracting the LDAP directory. This may "
+"be caused by an incorrect configuration file (for example, missing "
+"'moduleload' lines to support the backend database)."
+msgstr ""
+"'slapcat' programak huts egin du LDAP direktorioa erauztean. Konfigurazioko "
+"fitxategia oker egoteagatik gerta daiteke (adibidez, datu-basearen motorra "
+"onartzeko 'moduleload' lerroak falta badira)."
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. This paragraph is followed by a (non translatable) paragraph
+#. containing a command line
+#: ../slapd.templates:14001
+msgid ""
+"This failure will cause 'slapadd' to fail later as well. The old database "
+"files will be moved to /var/backups. If you want to try this upgrade again, "
+"you should move the old database files back into place, fix whatever caused "
+"slapcat to fail, and run:"
+msgstr ""
+"Hutsegite honek 'slapdd'-ek lehenago edo beranduago hutsegitea eragingo du. "
+"Datu-base zaharra /var/backups karpetara eramango da. Bertsio-berritze hau "
+"berriro saiatzea nahi izanez gero, datu-base zaharreko fitxategiak aurreko "
+"kokalekura eraman beharko dituzu. Konpondu slapcat-en hutsegitea eragin "
+"duena eta exekutatu honako komandoa:"
+#. Type: error
+#. Description
+#. Translators: keep "${location}" unchanged. This is a variable that
+#. will be replaced by a directory name at execution
+#: ../slapd.templates:14001
+msgid ""
+"Then move the database files back to a backup area and then try running "
+"slapadd from ${location}."
+msgstr ""
+"Ondoren, eraman datu-basearen fitxategiak babeskopiako kokaleku batera, eta "
+"saiatu slapadd ${location}(e)tik exekutatzen."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:15001
+msgid "Error while performing post-installation tasks"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:15001
+msgid ""
+"There has been one or more errors while performing some post-installation "
+"tasks. This probably means that the slapd package could not automatically "
+"migrate one or more LDAP databases, or that a backend being used by the "
+"current OpenLDAP installation is not supported anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:15001
+msgid ""
+"The maintainer script responsible for executing the post-installation tasks "
+"has exited, but the slapd service has NOT been (re)started. You will need to "
+"manually fix the problem and then start the service."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../slapd.templates:15001
+msgid ""
+"For more information on possible problematic scenarios and how to address "
+"them, please take a look at the README.Debian file (under /usr/share/doc/"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "abort installation"
+#~ msgstr "utzi bertan behera instalazioa"
+#~ msgid "continue regardless"
+#~ msgstr "jarraitu dena den"
+#~ msgid "Manual ppolicy schema update recommended"
+#~ msgstr "ppolicy eskema eskuz eguneratzea gomendatzen da"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The new version of the Password Policy (ppolicy) overlay requires the "
+#~ "schema to define the pwdMaxRecordedFailure attribute type, which is not "
+#~ "present in the schema currently in use. It is recommended to abort the "
+#~ "upgrade now, and to update the ppolicy schema before upgrading slapd. If "
+#~ "replication is in use, the schema update should be applied on every "
+#~ "server before continuing with the upgrade."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pasahitzen politikaren (Password Policy, ppolicy) gainjarpenaren bertsio "
+#~ "berriak eskema behar du, erabiltzen ari den uneko eskeman aurkitzen ez "
+#~ "den \"pwdMaxRecordedFailure\" atributu mota definitzeko. Bertsio-"
+#~ "berritzea oraintxe bertan behera botatzea gomendatzen da, eta \"ppolicy\" "
+#~ "eskema eguneratu slapd bertsio-berritu aurretik. Erreplikazioa erabiltzen "
+#~ "ari bada, eskemaren eguneraketa zerbitzari bakoitzean aplikatu beharko "
+#~ "litzateke bertsio-berritzearekin jarraitu aurretik."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An LDIF file has been generated with the changes required for the upgrade:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "LDIF fitxategia sortu da bertsio-berritzeak eskatzen dituen aldaketekin:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "so if slapd is using the default access control rules, these changes can "
+#~ "be applied (after starting slapd) by using the command:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "'slapd'-ek sarbidetzaren kontrolaren arau lehenetsiak erabiltzen baditu, "
+#~ "aldaketa hauek aplikatzeko (slapd abiarazi ostean) erabili komando hau:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If instead you choose to continue the installation, the new attribute "
+#~ "type will be added automatically, but the change will not be acted on by "
+#~ "slapd overlays, and replication with other servers may be affected."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Horren ordez, instalazioarekin aurrera jarraitzea erabakitzen baduzu, "
+#~ "atributu mota berria automatikoki gehituko da, baina aldaketak ez du "
+#~ "eraginik izango slapd-ren gainjarpenetan, eta beste zerbitzariekin "
+#~ "erreplikazioek eragina jasan dezakete."
+#~ msgid "Potentially unsafe slapd access control configuration"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Potentzialki ez-segurua den slapd atzitzeko kontrolaren konfigurazioa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "One or more of the configured databases has an access control rule that "
+#~ "allows users to modify most of their own attributes. This may be unsafe, "
+#~ "depending on how the database is used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Konfiguratutako datu-base batek (edo gehiagok) erabiltzaileek beraien "
+#~ "atributu gehienak aldatzeko baimentzen duen atzipeneko kontrol-arau bat "
+#~ "du. Hau ez-segurua izan daiteke, datu-basea nola erabiltzen den arabera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the case of slapd access rules that begin with \"to *\", it is "
+#~ "recommended to remove any instances of \"by self write\", so that users "
+#~ "are only able to modify specifically allowed attributes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "slapd-ren \"to *\"-rekin hasten diren atzipen arauen kasuan, \"by self "
+#~ "write\"-ren instantziak kentzea gomendatzen da. Horrela, erabiltzaileek "
+#~ "bereziki baimendutako atributuak soilik alda ditzakete."
+#~ msgid "See /usr/share/doc/slapd/README.Debian.gz for more details."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Irakurri /usr/share/doc/slapd/README.Debian.gz xehetasun gehiagorako."
+#~ msgid "Database backend to use:"
+#~ msgstr "Datu-basearen motorra:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "HDB and BDB use similar storage formats, but HDB adds support for subtree "
+#~ "renames. Both support the same configuration options."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "HDB eta BDB motorrek antzeko biltegiratze formatuak erabiltzen dituzte, "
+#~ "baina HDB-ek azpizuhaitzak berrizendatzeko euskarria dauka. Biek "
+#~ "konfigurazioko aukera berdinak onartzen dituzte."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The MDB backend is recommended. MDB uses a new storage format and "
+#~ "requires less configuration than BDB or HDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MDB motorra gomendatzen da. MDB-ek biltegiratze formatu berri bat "
+#~ "erabiltzen du, eta BDB edo HDB baino konfigurazio gutxiago eskatzen du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In any case, you should review the resulting database configuration for "
+#~ "your needs. See /usr/share/doc/slapd/README.Debian.gz for more details."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Edozein kasutan, sortutako datu-basearen konfigurazioa gainbegiratu "
+#~ "beharko zenuke zure beharrei erantzuten diela ziurtatzeko. Irakurri /usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/slapd/README.Debian.gz xehetasun gehiagorako."
+#~ msgid "Allow LDAPv2 protocol?"
+#~ msgstr "Onartu LDAPv2 protokoloa?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The obsolete LDAPv2 protocol is disabled by default in slapd. Programs "
+#~ "and users should upgrade to LDAPv3. If you have old programs which can't "
+#~ "use LDAPv3, you should select this option and 'allow bind_v2' will be "
+#~ "added to your slapd.conf file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lehenespenez slapd-en LDAPv2 protokolo zaharkitua desgaituta dago. "
+#~ "Programa eta erabiltzaileak LDAPv3-ra migratu beharko lirateke. Hautatu "
+#~ "aukera hau baldin eta LDAPv3 erabili ezin duten programa zaharrak "
+#~ "badituzu, eta slapd.conf fitxategiari 'allow bind_v2' gehituko zaio."