#! /bin/sh

set -e

# WARNING: This script is obsolete and will require a fair bit of work to get
# working again.  It assumes woody, uses debconf questions that don't exist
# any more, and probably doesn't check everything that you would want to
# check.  Preserved just because I haven't done the work to see if puiparts
# can now do the same thing in a cleaner way.

# Setup
: ${chroot_dir:=../chroot}
: ${debmirror:=http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian}
: ${proxy:=http://proxy.galaxy:3128/}
unset LC_ALL
unset LC_CTYPE
# XXX: comment out when testing new versions. Needed so libc6 does not
# ask for restarting services.
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive


# List our packages
list_packages() {
	local p ver
	ver=`dpkg-parsechangelog|sed -ne 's/^Version: //p'`
	for p in `dh_listpackages`; do
		(cd .. && echo ${p}_$ver*deb)

# Run a command inside the chroot

in_target() {
	chroot $chroot_dir/woody "$@"

# Set a debconf variable inside the chroot

debconf_set() {
	local name=$1
	cat >>$chroot_dir/woody/var/cache/debconf/config.dat <<EOF
Name: $name
Template: $name
Flags: seen
Value: $@


# Setup a woody chroot

setup_chroot() {
	# Kill an existing chroot
	rm -Rf $chroot_dir/woody

	# If there is a tar archive with a base system we use it
	if [ -e $woodytar ]; then
		mkdir $chroot_dir/woody
		echo -n "Unpacking system from $woodytar"
		tar -C $chroot_dir/woody -xzf $woodytar
		echo "done."
	# Otherwise we need to create a new base system and save it
	# to a tar for the next time
		debootstrap woody $chroot_dir/woody $debmirror | \
		  shtool prop -p "Creating base system from $debmirror"
		tar -C $chroot_dir/woody -czvf $woodytar . | \
			shtool prop -p "Saving system to $woodytar"

	# Install a suitable apt configuration
	echo "deb $debmirror woody main" \
		> $chroot_dir/woody/etc/apt/sources.list
	echo "Acquire::HTTP::Proxy \"$proxy\";" \
		> $chroot_dir/woody/etc/apt/apt.conf
	in_target apt-get update
	in_target mount -t proc none /proc

	# We don't want any debconf interaction
	#debconf_set debconf/frontend Noninteractive

# These are our example configurations for testing the upgrade

conf_domain_or_host() {
	debconf_set slapd/fill_method auto
	debconf_set slapd/suffix_type "domain or host"
	debconf_set slapd/domain "some.example.net"
	debconf_set slapd/replicate false
	debconf_set shared/organization Some Organization

check_domain_or_host() {
	sleep 2  # wait for slapd to startup
	in_target ldapsearch -h localhost -b dc=some,dc=example,dc=net -x \

conf_location() {
	debconf_set slapd/fill_method auto
	debconf_set slapd/suffix_type "location"
	debconf_set shared/locale/countrycode de
	debconf_set shared/organization "Sample Organization"
	debconf_set slapd/replicate false
	debconf_set shared/organization Some Organization

check_location() {
	sleep 2  # wait for slapd to startup
	in_target ldapsearch -h localhost -b "o=Some Organization, c=de" \
		-x objectclass=\*
# Install slapd inside the chroot

install_slapd() {
	in_target apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils

# Do an upgrade of our packages inside the chroot

upgrade() {
	# Link our packages into the chroot
	for p in `list_packages`; do 
		ln ../$p $chroot_dir/woody/root/

	# Create a packages file
	(cd $chroot_dir/woody/root && dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null >Packages)

	# Switch to unstable
	echo "deb $debmirror unstable main" \
		> $chroot_dir/woody/etc/apt/sources.list
	echo "deb file:/root ./" >> $chroot_dir/woody/etc/apt/sources.list

	# Update package lists
	in_target apt-get update

	# Tell our scripts to fix the config
	debconf_set slapd/fix_directory true
	debconf_set slapd/password1 foobar
	debconf_set slapd/allow_ldap_v2

	# Do an upgrade of our packages
	in_target apt-get install -y `dh_listpackages`

# Checks if upgrading a woody system with slapd configured with the
# command given works.

check_upgrade() {
	debconf_set slapd/password1 foobar
	debconf_set slapd/password2 foobar
	in_target /etc/init.d/slapd stop
	in_target umount /proc

# Try upgrading our example setups

for i in location domain_or_host; do
	check_upgrade $i

echo "SUCCESS testing upgrading from woody"