# $OpenBSD: proxy-connect.sh,v 1.12 2020/01/23 11:19:12 dtucker Exp $ # Placed in the Public Domain. tid="proxy connect" if [ "`${SSH} -Q compression`" = "none" ]; then comp="no" else comp="no yes" fi for c in $comp; do verbose "plain username comp=$c" opts="-oCompression=$c -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy" SSH_CONNECTION=`${SSH} $opts 999.999.999.999 'echo $SSH_CONNECTION'` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail "ssh proxyconnect comp=$c failed" fi if [ "$SSH_CONNECTION" != "UNKNOWN 65535 UNKNOWN 65535" ]; then fail "bad SSH_CONNECTION comp=$c: " \ "$SSH_CONNECTION" fi done verbose "username with style" ${SSH} -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy ${USER}:style@999.999.999.999 true || \ fail "ssh proxyconnect failed"