/* Spa ALSA Device * * Copyright © 2018 Wim Taymans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "alsa.h" #include "acp/acp.h" extern struct spa_i18n *acp_i18n; #define MAX_POLL 16 #define DEFAULT_DEVICE "hw:0" #define DEFAULT_AUTO_PROFILE true #define DEFAULT_AUTO_PORT true struct props { char device[64]; bool auto_profile; bool auto_port; }; static void reset_props(struct props *props) { strncpy(props->device, DEFAULT_DEVICE, 64); props->auto_profile = DEFAULT_AUTO_PROFILE; props->auto_port = DEFAULT_AUTO_PORT; } struct impl { struct spa_handle handle; struct spa_device device; struct spa_log *log; struct spa_loop *loop; uint32_t info_all; struct spa_device_info info; #define IDX_EnumProfile 0 #define IDX_Profile 1 #define IDX_EnumRoute 2 #define IDX_Route 3 struct spa_param_info params[4]; struct spa_hook_list hooks; struct props props; uint32_t profile; struct acp_card *card; struct pollfd pfds[MAX_POLL]; int n_pfds; struct spa_source sources[MAX_POLL]; }; static int emit_info(struct impl *this, bool full); static void handle_acp_poll(struct spa_source *source) { struct impl *this = source->data; int i; for (i = 0; i < this->n_pfds; i++) this->pfds[i].revents = this->sources[i].rmask; acp_card_handle_events(this->card); for (i = 0; i < this->n_pfds; i++) this->sources[i].rmask = 0; emit_info(this, false); } static void remove_sources(struct impl *this) { int i; for (i = 0; i < this->n_pfds; i++) { spa_loop_remove_source(this->loop, &this->sources[i]); } this->n_pfds = 0; } static int setup_sources(struct impl *this) { int i; remove_sources(this); this->n_pfds = acp_card_poll_descriptors(this->card, this->pfds, MAX_POLL); for (i = 0; i < this->n_pfds; i++) { this->sources[i].func = handle_acp_poll; this->sources[i].data = this; this->sources[i].fd = this->pfds[i].fd; this->sources[i].mask = this->pfds[i].events; this->sources[i].rmask = 0; spa_loop_add_source(this->loop, &this->sources[i]); } return 0; } static int emit_node(struct impl *this, struct acp_device *dev) { struct spa_dict_item *items; const struct acp_dict_item *it; uint32_t n_items, i; char device_name[128], path[180], channels[16], ch[12], routes[16]; char card_index[16], *p; char positions[SPA_AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS * 12]; struct spa_device_object_info info; struct acp_card *card = this->card; const char *stream, *devstr; info = SPA_DEVICE_OBJECT_INFO_INIT(); info.type = SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node; if (dev->direction == ACP_DIRECTION_PLAYBACK) { info.factory_name = SPA_NAME_API_ALSA_PCM_SINK; stream = "playback"; } else { info.factory_name = SPA_NAME_API_ALSA_PCM_SOURCE; stream = "capture"; } info.change_mask = SPA_DEVICE_OBJECT_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; items = alloca((dev->props.n_items + 8) * sizeof(*items)); n_items = 0; snprintf(card_index, sizeof(card_index), "%d", card->index); devstr = dev->device_strings[0]; p = strstr(devstr, "%f"); if (p) { snprintf(device_name, sizeof(device_name), "%.*s%d%s", (int)SPA_PTRDIFF(p, devstr), devstr, card->index, p+2); } else { snprintf(device_name, sizeof(device_name), "%s", devstr); } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "alsa:pcm:%s:%s:%s", card_index, device_name, stream); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_OBJECT_PATH, path); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_PATH, device_name); if (dev->flags & ACP_DEVICE_UCM_DEVICE) items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_OPEN_UCM, "true"); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_PCM_CARD, card_index); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_PCM_STREAM, stream); snprintf(channels, sizeof(channels), "%d", dev->format.channels); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_AUDIO_CHANNELS, channels); p = positions; for (i = 0; i < dev->format.channels; i++) { p += snprintf(p, 12, "%s%s", i == 0 ? "" : ",", acp_channel_str(ch, sizeof(ch), dev->format.map[i])); } items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(SPA_KEY_AUDIO_POSITION, positions); snprintf(routes, sizeof(routes), "%d", dev->n_ports); items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT("device.routes", routes); acp_dict_for_each(it, &dev->props) items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(it->key, it->value); info.props = &SPA_DICT_INIT(items, n_items); spa_device_emit_object_info(&this->hooks, dev->index, &info); return 0; } static int emit_info(struct impl *this, bool full) { int err = 0; struct spa_dict_item *items; uint32_t n_items; const struct acp_dict_item *it; struct acp_card *card = this->card; char path[128]; uint64_t old = full ? this->info.change_mask : 0; if (full) this->info.change_mask = this->info_all; if (this->info.change_mask) { n_items = card->props.n_items + 4; items = alloca(n_items * sizeof(*items)); n_items = 0; #define ADD_ITEM(key, value) items[n_items++] = SPA_DICT_ITEM_INIT(key, value) snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "alsa:pcm:%d", card->index); ADD_ITEM(SPA_KEY_OBJECT_PATH, path); ADD_ITEM(SPA_KEY_DEVICE_API, "alsa:pcm"); ADD_ITEM(SPA_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS, "Audio/Device"); ADD_ITEM(SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_PATH, (char *)this->props.device); acp_dict_for_each(it, &card->props) ADD_ITEM(it->key, it->value); this->info.props = &SPA_DICT_INIT(items, n_items); #undef ADD_ITEM if (this->info.change_mask & SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS) { SPA_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_VAR(this->params, p) { if (p->user > 0) { p->flags ^= SPA_PARAM_INFO_SERIAL; p->user = 0; } } } spa_device_emit_info(&this->hooks, &this->info); this->info.change_mask = old; } return err; } static int impl_add_listener(void *object, struct spa_hook *listener, const struct spa_device_events *events, void *data) { struct impl *this = object; struct spa_hook_list save; struct acp_card *card; struct acp_card_profile *profile; uint32_t i; spa_return_val_if_fail(this != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(events != NULL, -EINVAL); card = this->card; if (card->active_profile_index < card->n_profiles) profile = card->profiles[card->active_profile_index]; else profile = NULL; spa_hook_list_isolate(&this->hooks, &save, listener, events, data); if (events->info || events->object_info) emit_info(this, true); if (profile) { for (i = 0; i < profile->n_devices; i++) emit_node(this, profile->devices[i]); } spa_hook_list_join(&this->hooks, &save); return 0; } static int impl_sync(void *object, int seq) { struct impl *this = object; spa_return_val_if_fail(this != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_device_emit_result(&this->hooks, seq, 0, 0, NULL); return 0; } static struct spa_pod *build_profile(struct spa_pod_builder *b, uint32_t id, struct acp_card_profile *pr, bool current) { struct spa_pod_frame f[2]; uint32_t i, n_classes, n_capture = 0, n_playback = 0; uint32_t *capture, *playback; capture = alloca(sizeof(uint32_t) * pr->n_devices); playback = alloca(sizeof(uint32_t) * pr->n_devices); for (i = 0; i < pr->n_devices; i++) { struct acp_device *dev = pr->devices[i]; switch (dev->direction) { case ACP_DIRECTION_PLAYBACK: playback[n_playback++] = dev->index; break; case ACP_DIRECTION_CAPTURE: capture[n_capture++] = dev->index; break; } } n_classes = n_capture > 0 ? 1 : 0; n_classes += n_playback > 0 ? 1 : 0; spa_pod_builder_push_object(b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamProfile, id); spa_pod_builder_add(b, SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_index, SPA_POD_Int(pr->index), SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_name, SPA_POD_String(pr->name), SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_description, SPA_POD_String(pr->description), SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_priority, SPA_POD_Int(pr->priority), SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_available, SPA_POD_Id(pr->available), 0); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_classes, 0); spa_pod_builder_push_struct(b, &f[1]); spa_pod_builder_int(b, n_classes); if (n_capture > 0) { spa_pod_builder_add_struct(b, SPA_POD_String("Audio/Source"), SPA_POD_Int(n_capture), SPA_POD_String("card.profile.devices"), SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Int, n_capture, capture)); } if (n_playback > 0) { spa_pod_builder_add_struct(b, SPA_POD_String("Audio/Sink"), SPA_POD_Int(n_playback), SPA_POD_String("card.profile.devices"), SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Int, n_playback, playback)); } spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[1]); if (current) { spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_save, 0); spa_pod_builder_bool(b, SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(pr->flags, ACP_PROFILE_SAVE)); } return spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[0]); } static struct spa_pod *build_route(struct spa_pod_builder *b, uint32_t id, struct acp_port *p, struct acp_device *dev, uint32_t profile) { struct spa_pod_frame f[2]; const struct acp_dict_item *item; uint32_t i; enum spa_direction direction; switch (p->direction) { case ACP_DIRECTION_PLAYBACK: direction = SPA_DIRECTION_OUTPUT; break; case ACP_DIRECTION_CAPTURE: direction = SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT; break; default: errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } spa_pod_builder_push_object(b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamRoute, id); spa_pod_builder_add(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_index, SPA_POD_Int(p->index), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_direction, SPA_POD_Id(direction), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_name, SPA_POD_String(p->name), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_description, SPA_POD_String(p->description), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_priority, SPA_POD_Int(p->priority), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_available, SPA_POD_Id(p->available), 0); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_info, SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_HINT_DICT); spa_pod_builder_push_struct(b, &f[1]); spa_pod_builder_int(b, p->props.n_items + (dev ? 2 : 0)); acp_dict_for_each(item, &p->props) { spa_pod_builder_add(b, SPA_POD_String(item->key), SPA_POD_String(item->value), NULL); } if (dev != NULL) { const char *str; str = SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_HW_MUTE) ? "true" : "false"; spa_pod_builder_add(b, SPA_POD_String("route.hw-mute"), SPA_POD_String(str), NULL); str = SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_HW_VOLUME) ? "true" : "false"; spa_pod_builder_add(b, SPA_POD_String("route.hw-volume"), SPA_POD_String(str), NULL); } spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[1]); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_profiles, 0); spa_pod_builder_push_array(b, &f[1]); for (i = 0; i < p->n_profiles; i++) spa_pod_builder_int(b, p->profiles[i]->index); spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[1]); if (dev != NULL) { uint32_t channels = dev->format.channels; float volumes[channels]; float soft_volumes[channels]; bool mute; acp_device_get_mute(dev, &mute); spa_zero(volumes); spa_zero(soft_volumes); acp_device_get_volume(dev, volumes, channels); acp_device_get_soft_volume(dev, soft_volumes, channels); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_device, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(b, dev->index); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_props, 0); spa_pod_builder_push_object(b, &f[1], SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, id); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_mute, SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_HW_MUTE) ? SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_HARDWARE : 0); spa_pod_builder_bool(b, mute); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_channelVolumes, SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_HW_VOLUME) ? SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_HARDWARE : 0); spa_pod_builder_array(b, sizeof(float), SPA_TYPE_Float, channels, volumes); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_volumeBase, SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_READONLY); spa_pod_builder_float(b, dev->base_volume); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_volumeStep, SPA_POD_PROP_FLAG_READONLY); spa_pod_builder_float(b, dev->volume_step); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_channelMap, 0); spa_pod_builder_array(b, sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Id, channels, dev->format.map); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_softVolumes, 0); spa_pod_builder_array(b, sizeof(float), SPA_TYPE_Float, channels, soft_volumes); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_latencyOffsetNsec, 0); spa_pod_builder_long(b, dev->latency_ns); if (SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_IEC958)) { spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PROP_iec958Codecs, 0); spa_pod_builder_array(b, sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Id, dev->n_codecs, dev->codecs); } spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[1]); } spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_devices, 0); spa_pod_builder_push_array(b, &f[1]); for (i = 0; i < p->n_devices; i++) spa_pod_builder_int(b, p->devices[i]->index); spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[1]); if (profile != SPA_ID_INVALID) { spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_profile, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(b, profile); spa_pod_builder_prop(b, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_save, 0); spa_pod_builder_bool(b, SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(p->flags, ACP_PORT_SAVE)); } return spa_pod_builder_pop(b, &f[0]); } static struct acp_port *find_port_for_device(struct acp_card *card, struct acp_device *dev) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < dev->n_ports; i++) { struct acp_port *p = dev->ports[i]; if (SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(p->flags, ACP_PORT_ACTIVE)) return p; } return NULL; } static int impl_enum_params(void *object, int seq, uint32_t id, uint32_t start, uint32_t num, const struct spa_pod *filter) { struct impl *this = object; struct spa_pod *param; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; uint8_t buffer[4096]; struct spa_result_device_params result; uint32_t count = 0; struct acp_card *card; struct acp_card_profile *pr; struct acp_port *p; struct acp_device *dev; spa_return_val_if_fail(this != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(num != 0, -EINVAL); card = this->card; result.id = id; result.next = start; next: result.index = result.next++; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); switch (id) { case SPA_PARAM_EnumProfile: if (result.index >= card->n_profiles) return 0; pr = card->profiles[result.index]; param = build_profile(&b, id, pr, false); break; case SPA_PARAM_Profile: if (result.index > 0 || card->active_profile_index >= card->n_profiles) return 0; pr = card->profiles[card->active_profile_index]; param = build_profile(&b, id, pr, true); break; case SPA_PARAM_EnumRoute: if (result.index >= card->n_ports) return 0; p = card->ports[result.index]; param = build_route(&b, id, p, NULL, SPA_ID_INVALID); break; case SPA_PARAM_Route: while (true) { if (result.index >= card->n_devices) return 0; dev = card->devices[result.index]; if (SPA_FLAG_IS_SET(dev->flags, ACP_DEVICE_ACTIVE) && (p = find_port_for_device(card, dev)) != NULL) break; result.index++; } result.next = result.index + 1; param = build_route(&b, id, p, dev, card->active_profile_index); if (param == NULL) return -errno; break; default: return -ENOENT; } if (spa_pod_filter(&b, &result.param, param, filter) < 0) goto next; spa_device_emit_result(&this->hooks, seq, 0, SPA_RESULT_TYPE_DEVICE_PARAMS, &result); if (++count != num) goto next; return 0; } static void on_latency_changed(void *data, struct acp_device *dev) { struct impl *this = data; struct spa_event *event; uint8_t buffer[4096]; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; struct spa_pod_frame f[1]; spa_log_info(this->log, "device %s latency changed", dev->name); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); spa_pod_builder_push_object(&b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_EVENT_Device, SPA_DEVICE_EVENT_ObjectConfig); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Object, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(&b, dev->index); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, 0); spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, SPA_PROP_latencyOffsetNsec, SPA_POD_Long(dev->latency_ns)); event = spa_pod_builder_pop(&b, &f[0]); spa_device_emit_event(&this->hooks, event); } static void on_codecs_changed(void *data, struct acp_device *dev) { struct impl *this = data; struct spa_event *event; uint8_t buffer[4096]; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; struct spa_pod_frame f[1]; spa_log_info(this->log, "device %s codecs changed", dev->name); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); spa_pod_builder_push_object(&b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_EVENT_Device, SPA_DEVICE_EVENT_ObjectConfig); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Object, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(&b, dev->index); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, 0); spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, SPA_PROP_iec958Codecs, SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Id, dev->n_codecs, dev->codecs)); event = spa_pod_builder_pop(&b, &f[0]); spa_device_emit_event(&this->hooks, event); } static int apply_device_props(struct impl *this, struct acp_device *dev, struct spa_pod *props) { float volume = 0; bool mute = 0; struct spa_pod_prop *prop; struct spa_pod_object *obj = (struct spa_pod_object *) props; int changed = 0; float volumes[ACP_MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32_t channels[ACP_MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32_t n_volumes = 0; if (!spa_pod_is_object_type(props, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props)) return -EINVAL; SPA_POD_OBJECT_FOREACH(obj, prop) { switch (prop->key) { case SPA_PROP_volume: if (spa_pod_get_float(&prop->value, &volume) == 0) { acp_device_set_volume(dev, &volume, 1); changed++; } break; case SPA_PROP_mute: if (spa_pod_get_bool(&prop->value, &mute) == 0) { acp_device_set_mute(dev, mute); changed++; } break; case SPA_PROP_channelVolumes: if ((n_volumes = spa_pod_copy_array(&prop->value, SPA_TYPE_Float, volumes, ACP_MAX_CHANNELS)) > 0) { changed++; } break; case SPA_PROP_channelMap: if (spa_pod_copy_array(&prop->value, SPA_TYPE_Id, channels, ACP_MAX_CHANNELS) > 0) { changed++; } break; case SPA_PROP_latencyOffsetNsec: { int64_t latency_ns; if (spa_pod_get_long(&prop->value, &latency_ns) == 0) { if (dev->latency_ns != latency_ns) { dev->latency_ns = latency_ns; on_latency_changed(this, dev); changed++; } } break; } case SPA_PROP_iec958Codecs: { uint32_t codecs[32], n_codecs; n_codecs = spa_pod_copy_array(&prop->value, SPA_TYPE_Id, codecs, SPA_N_ELEMENTS(codecs)); if (n_codecs != dev->n_codecs || memcmp(dev->codecs, codecs, n_codecs * sizeof(uint32_t)) != 0) { memcpy(dev->codecs, codecs, n_codecs * sizeof(uint32_t)); dev->n_codecs = n_codecs; on_codecs_changed(this, dev); changed++; } break; } default: break; } } if (n_volumes > 0) acp_device_set_volume(dev, volumes, n_volumes); return changed; } static int impl_set_param(void *object, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, const struct spa_pod *param) { struct impl *this = object; int res; spa_return_val_if_fail(this != NULL, -EINVAL); switch (id) { case SPA_PARAM_Profile: { uint32_t idx; bool save = false; if (param == NULL) { idx = acp_card_find_best_profile_index(this->card, NULL); save = true; } else if ((res = spa_pod_parse_object(param, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamProfile, NULL, SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_index, SPA_POD_Int(&idx), SPA_PARAM_PROFILE_save, SPA_POD_OPT_Bool(&save))) < 0) { spa_log_warn(this->log, "can't parse profile"); spa_debug_log_pod(this->log, SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 0, NULL, param); return res; } acp_card_set_profile(this->card, idx, save ? ACP_PROFILE_SAVE : 0); emit_info(this, false); break; } case SPA_PARAM_Route: { uint32_t idx, device; struct spa_pod *props = NULL; struct acp_device *dev; bool save = false; if (param == NULL) return -EINVAL; if ((res = spa_pod_parse_object(param, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamRoute, NULL, SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_index, SPA_POD_Int(&idx), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_device, SPA_POD_Int(&device), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_props, SPA_POD_OPT_Pod(&props), SPA_PARAM_ROUTE_save, SPA_POD_OPT_Bool(&save))) < 0) { spa_log_warn(this->log, "can't parse route"); spa_debug_log_pod(this->log, SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 0, NULL, param); return res; } if (device >= this->card->n_devices) return -EINVAL; dev = this->card->devices[device]; acp_device_set_port(dev, idx, save ? ACP_PORT_SAVE : 0); if (props) apply_device_props(this, dev, props); emit_info(this, false); break; } default: return -ENOENT; } return 0; } static const struct spa_device_methods impl_device = { SPA_VERSION_DEVICE_METHODS, .add_listener = impl_add_listener, .sync = impl_sync, .enum_params = impl_enum_params, .set_param = impl_set_param, }; static void card_props_changed(void *data) { struct impl *this = data; spa_log_info(this->log, "card properties changed"); } static bool has_device(struct acp_card_profile *pr, uint32_t index) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < pr->n_devices; i++) if (pr->devices[i]->index == index) return true; return false; } static void card_profile_changed(void *data, uint32_t old_index, uint32_t new_index) { struct impl *this = data; struct acp_card *card = this->card; struct acp_card_profile *op = card->profiles[old_index]; struct acp_card_profile *np = card->profiles[new_index]; uint32_t i; spa_log_info(this->log, "card profile changed from %s to %s", op->name, np->name); for (i = 0; i < op->n_devices; i++) { uint32_t index = op->devices[i]->index; if (has_device(np, index)) continue; spa_device_emit_object_info(&this->hooks, index, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < np->n_devices; i++) { emit_node(this, np->devices[i]); } setup_sources(this); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Profile].user++; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; this->params[IDX_EnumRoute].user++; } static void card_profile_available(void *data, uint32_t index, enum acp_available old, enum acp_available available) { struct impl *this = data; struct acp_card *card = this->card; struct acp_card_profile *p = card->profiles[index]; spa_log_info(this->log, "card profile %s available %s -> %s", p->name, acp_available_str(old), acp_available_str(available)); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_EnumProfile].user++; this->params[IDX_Profile].user++; if (this->props.auto_profile) { uint32_t best = acp_card_find_best_profile_index(card, NULL); acp_card_set_profile(card, best, 0); } } static void card_port_changed(void *data, uint32_t old_index, uint32_t new_index) { struct impl *this = data; struct acp_card *card = this->card; struct acp_port *op = card->ports[old_index]; struct acp_port *np = card->ports[new_index]; spa_log_info(this->log, "card port changed from %s to %s", op->name, np->name); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; } static void card_port_available(void *data, uint32_t index, enum acp_available old, enum acp_available available) { struct impl *this = data; struct acp_card *card = this->card; struct acp_port *p = card->ports[index]; spa_log_info(this->log, "card port %s available %s -> %s", p->name, acp_available_str(old), acp_available_str(available)); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_EnumRoute].user++; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; if (this->props.auto_port) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < p->n_devices; i++) { struct acp_device *d = p->devices[i]; uint32_t best; if (!(d->flags & ACP_DEVICE_ACTIVE)) continue; best = acp_device_find_best_port_index(d, NULL); acp_device_set_port(d, best, 0); } } } static void on_volume_changed(void *data, struct acp_device *dev) { struct impl *this = data; struct spa_event *event; uint8_t buffer[4096]; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; struct spa_pod_frame f[1]; uint32_t n_volume = dev->format.channels; float volume[n_volume]; float soft_volume[n_volume]; spa_log_info(this->log, "device %s volume changed", dev->name); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; spa_zero(volume); spa_zero(soft_volume); acp_device_get_volume(dev, volume, n_volume); acp_device_get_soft_volume(dev, soft_volume, n_volume); spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); spa_pod_builder_push_object(&b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_EVENT_Device, SPA_DEVICE_EVENT_ObjectConfig); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Object, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(&b, dev->index); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, 0); spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, SPA_PROP_channelVolumes, SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(float), SPA_TYPE_Float, n_volume, volume), SPA_PROP_channelMap, SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(uint32_t), SPA_TYPE_Id, dev->format.channels, dev->format.map), SPA_PROP_softVolumes, SPA_POD_Array(sizeof(float), SPA_TYPE_Float, n_volume, soft_volume)); event = spa_pod_builder_pop(&b, &f[0]); spa_device_emit_event(&this->hooks, event); } static void on_mute_changed(void *data, struct acp_device *dev) { struct impl *this = data; struct spa_event *event; uint8_t buffer[4096]; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; struct spa_pod_frame f[1]; bool mute; spa_log_info(this->log, "device %s mute changed", dev->name); this->info.change_mask |= SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_Route].user++; acp_device_get_mute(dev, &mute); spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); spa_pod_builder_push_object(&b, &f[0], SPA_TYPE_EVENT_Device, SPA_DEVICE_EVENT_ObjectConfig); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Object, 0); spa_pod_builder_int(&b, dev->index); spa_pod_builder_prop(&b, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, 0); spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Props, SPA_EVENT_DEVICE_Props, SPA_PROP_mute, SPA_POD_Bool(mute), SPA_PROP_softMute, SPA_POD_Bool(mute)); event = spa_pod_builder_pop(&b, &f[0]); spa_device_emit_event(&this->hooks, event); } static const struct acp_card_events card_events = { ACP_VERSION_CARD_EVENTS, .props_changed = card_props_changed, .profile_changed = card_profile_changed, .profile_available = card_profile_available, .port_changed = card_port_changed, .port_available = card_port_available, .volume_changed = on_volume_changed, .mute_changed = on_mute_changed, }; static int impl_get_interface(struct spa_handle *handle, const char *type, void **interface) { struct impl *this; spa_return_val_if_fail(handle != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(interface != NULL, -EINVAL); this = (struct impl *) handle; if (spa_streq(type, SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Device)) *interface = &this->device; else return -ENOENT; return 0; } static SPA_PRINTF_FUNC(6,0) void impl_acp_log_func(void *data, int level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *fmt, va_list arg) { struct spa_log *log = data; spa_log_logv(log, (enum spa_log_level)level, file, line, func, fmt, arg); } static int impl_clear(struct spa_handle *handle) { struct impl *this = (struct impl *) handle; remove_sources(this); if (this->card) { acp_card_destroy(this->card); this->card = NULL; } return 0; } static size_t impl_get_size(const struct spa_handle_factory *factory, const struct spa_dict *params) { return sizeof(struct impl); } static int impl_init(const struct spa_handle_factory *factory, struct spa_handle *handle, const struct spa_dict *info, const struct spa_support *support, uint32_t n_support) { struct impl *this; const char *str; struct acp_dict_item *items = NULL; const struct spa_dict_item *it; uint32_t n_items = 0; spa_return_val_if_fail(factory != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(handle != NULL, -EINVAL); handle->get_interface = impl_get_interface; handle->clear = impl_clear; this = (struct impl *) handle; this->log = spa_support_find(support, n_support, SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Log); alsa_log_topic_init(this->log); this->loop = spa_support_find(support, n_support, SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Loop); acp_i18n = spa_support_find(support, n_support, SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_I18N); if (this->loop == NULL) { spa_log_error(this->log, "a Loop interface is needed"); return -EINVAL; } acp_set_log_func(impl_acp_log_func, this->log); acp_set_log_level(6); this->device.iface = SPA_INTERFACE_INIT( SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Device, SPA_VERSION_DEVICE, &impl_device, this); spa_hook_list_init(&this->hooks); reset_props(&this->props); if (info) { if ((str = spa_dict_lookup(info, SPA_KEY_API_ALSA_PATH)) != NULL) snprintf(this->props.device, sizeof(this->props.device), "%s", str); if ((str = spa_dict_lookup(info, "api.acp.auto-port")) != NULL) this->props.auto_port = spa_atob(str); if ((str = spa_dict_lookup(info, "api.acp.auto-profile")) != NULL) this->props.auto_profile = spa_atob(str); items = alloca((info->n_items) * sizeof(*items)); spa_dict_for_each(it, info) items[n_items++] = ACP_DICT_ITEM_INIT(it->key, it->value); } spa_log_debug(this->log, "probe card %s", this->props.device); if ((str = strchr(this->props.device, ':')) == NULL) return -EINVAL; this->card = acp_card_new(atoi(str+1), &ACP_DICT_INIT(items, n_items)); if (this->card == NULL) return -errno; setup_sources(this); acp_card_add_listener(this->card, &card_events, this); this->info = SPA_DEVICE_INFO_INIT(); this->info_all = SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS | SPA_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; this->params[IDX_EnumProfile] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_EnumProfile, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); this->params[IDX_Profile] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Profile, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READWRITE); this->params[IDX_EnumRoute] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_EnumRoute, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); this->params[IDX_Route] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Route, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READWRITE); this->info.params = this->params; this->info.n_params = 4; return 0; } static const struct spa_interface_info impl_interfaces[] = { {SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Device,}, }; static int impl_enum_interface_info(const struct spa_handle_factory *factory, const struct spa_interface_info **info, uint32_t *index) { spa_return_val_if_fail(factory != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(info != NULL, -EINVAL); spa_return_val_if_fail(index != NULL, -EINVAL); if (*index >= SPA_N_ELEMENTS(impl_interfaces)) return 0; *info = &impl_interfaces[(*index)++]; return 1; } const struct spa_handle_factory spa_alsa_acp_device_factory = { SPA_VERSION_HANDLE_FACTORY, SPA_NAME_API_ALSA_ACP_DEVICE, NULL, impl_get_size, impl_init, impl_enum_interface_info, };