/* PipeWire * * Copyright © 2018 Wim Taymans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* [title] Using libspa-v4l2 [title] */ #include #include #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 #define BPP 3 #define MAX_BUFFERS 32 #include "sdl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct data { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Window *window; SDL_Texture *texture; struct pw_main_loop *loop; struct pw_context *context; struct pw_core *core; struct spa_port_info info; struct spa_param_info params[4]; struct spa_node impl_node; struct spa_io_buffers *io; struct spa_hook_list hooks; struct spa_video_info_raw format; int32_t stride; struct spa_buffer *buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; int n_buffers; struct pw_proxy *out, *in, *link; }; static void handle_events(struct data *data) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: pw_main_loop_quit(data->loop); break; } } } static int impl_set_io(void *object, uint32_t id, void *data, size_t size) { return 0; } static int impl_send_command(void *object, const struct spa_command *command) { return 0; } static int impl_add_listener(void *object, struct spa_hook *listener, const struct spa_node_events *events, void *data) { struct data *d = object; struct spa_hook_list save; spa_hook_list_isolate(&d->hooks, &save, listener, events, data); spa_node_emit_port_info(&d->hooks, SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT, 0, &d->info); spa_hook_list_join(&d->hooks, &save); return 0; } static int impl_set_callbacks(void *object, const struct spa_node_callbacks *callbacks, void *data) { return 0; } static int impl_port_set_io(void *object, enum spa_direction direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t id, void *data, size_t size) { struct data *d = object; if (id == SPA_IO_Buffers) d->io = data; else return -ENOENT; return 0; } static int impl_port_enum_params(void *object, int seq, enum spa_direction direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t id, uint32_t start, uint32_t num, const struct spa_pod *filter) { struct data *d = object; struct spa_pod *param; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0 }; uint8_t buffer[1024]; struct spa_result_node_params result; uint32_t count = 0; result.id = id; result.next = start; next: result.index = result.next++; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); switch (id) { case SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat: { SDL_RendererInfo info; if (result.index > 0) return 0; SDL_GetRendererInfo(d->renderer, &info); param = sdl_build_formats(&info, &b); break; } case SPA_PARAM_Buffers: if (result.index > 0) return 0; param = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamBuffers, id, SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_buffers, SPA_POD_CHOICE_RANGE_Int(2, 1, 32), SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_blocks, SPA_POD_Int(1), SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_size, SPA_POD_Int(d->stride * d->format.size.height), SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_stride, SPA_POD_Int(d->stride)); break; case SPA_PARAM_Meta: if (result.index > 0) return 0; param = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamMeta, id, SPA_PARAM_META_type, SPA_POD_Id(SPA_META_Header), SPA_PARAM_META_size, SPA_POD_Int(sizeof(struct spa_meta_header))); break; default: return -ENOENT; } if (spa_pod_filter(&b, &result.param, param, filter) < 0) goto next; spa_node_emit_result(&d->hooks, seq, 0, SPA_RESULT_TYPE_NODE_PARAMS, &result); if (++count != num) goto next; return 0; } static int port_set_format(void *object, enum spa_direction direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t flags, const struct spa_pod *format) { struct data *d = object; Uint32 sdl_format; void *dest; if (format == NULL) { spa_zero(d->format); SDL_DestroyTexture(d->texture); d->texture = NULL; } else { spa_debug_format(0, NULL, format); spa_format_video_raw_parse(format, &d->format); sdl_format = id_to_sdl_format(d->format.format); if (sdl_format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UNKNOWN) return -EINVAL; if (d->format.size.width == 0 || d->format.size.height == 0) return -EINVAL; d->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(d->renderer, sdl_format, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, d->format.size.width, d->format.size.height); SDL_LockTexture(d->texture, NULL, &dest, &d->stride); SDL_UnlockTexture(d->texture); } d->info.change_mask = SPA_PORT_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; if (format) { d->params[1] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Format, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READWRITE); d->params[2] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Buffers, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); } else { d->params[1] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Format, SPA_PARAM_INFO_WRITE); d->params[2] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Buffers, 0); } spa_node_emit_port_info(&d->hooks, SPA_DIRECTION_INPUT, 0, &d->info); return 0; } static int impl_port_set_param(void *object, enum spa_direction direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t id, uint32_t flags, const struct spa_pod *param) { if (id == SPA_PARAM_Format) { return port_set_format(object, direction, port_id, flags, param); } else return -ENOENT; } static int impl_port_use_buffers(void *object, enum spa_direction direction, uint32_t port_id, uint32_t flags, struct spa_buffer **buffers, uint32_t n_buffers) { struct data *d = object; uint32_t i; if (n_buffers > MAX_BUFFERS) return -ENOSPC; for (i = 0; i < n_buffers; i++) d->buffers[i] = buffers[i]; d->n_buffers = n_buffers; return 0; } static int do_render(struct spa_loop *loop, bool async, uint32_t seq, const void *_data, size_t size, void *user_data) { struct data *d = user_data; struct spa_buffer *buf; uint8_t *map; void *sdata, *ddata; int sstride, dstride, ostride; uint32_t i; uint8_t *src, *dst; buf = d->buffers[d->io->buffer_id]; if (buf->datas[0].type == SPA_DATA_MemFd || buf->datas[0].type == SPA_DATA_DmaBuf) { map = mmap(NULL, buf->datas[0].maxsize + buf->datas[0].mapoffset, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, buf->datas[0].fd, 0); sdata = SPA_PTROFF(map, buf->datas[0].mapoffset, uint8_t); } else if (buf->datas[0].type == SPA_DATA_MemPtr) { map = NULL; sdata = buf->datas[0].data; } else return -EINVAL; if (SDL_LockTexture(d->texture, NULL, &ddata, &dstride) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't lock texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -EIO; } sstride = buf->datas[0].chunk->stride; ostride = SPA_MIN(sstride, dstride); src = sdata; dst = ddata; for (i = 0; i < d->format.size.height; i++) { memcpy(dst, src, ostride); src += sstride; dst += dstride; } SDL_UnlockTexture(d->texture); SDL_RenderClear(d->renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(d->renderer, d->texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(d->renderer); if (map) munmap(map, buf->datas[0].maxsize + buf->datas[0].mapoffset); return 0; } static int impl_node_process(void *object) { struct data *d = object; int res; if ((res = pw_loop_invoke(pw_main_loop_get_loop(d->loop), do_render, SPA_ID_INVALID, NULL, 0, true, d)) < 0) return res; handle_events(d); d->io->status = SPA_STATUS_NEED_DATA; return SPA_STATUS_NEED_DATA; } static const struct spa_node_methods impl_node = { SPA_VERSION_NODE_METHODS, .add_listener = impl_add_listener, .set_callbacks = impl_set_callbacks, .set_io = impl_set_io, .send_command = impl_send_command, .port_set_io = impl_port_set_io, .port_enum_params = impl_port_enum_params, .port_set_param = impl_port_set_param, .port_use_buffers = impl_port_use_buffers, .process = impl_node_process, }; static int make_nodes(struct data *data) { struct pw_properties *props; data->impl_node.iface = SPA_INTERFACE_INIT( SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node, SPA_VERSION_NODE, &impl_node, data); data->info = SPA_PORT_INFO_INIT(); data->info.change_mask = SPA_PORT_CHANGE_MASK_FLAGS | SPA_PORT_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; data->info.flags = 0; data->params[0] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); data->params[1] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Format, SPA_PARAM_INFO_WRITE); data->params[2] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Buffers, 0); data->params[3] = SPA_PARAM_INFO(SPA_PARAM_Meta, SPA_PARAM_INFO_READ); data->info.params = data->params; data->info.n_params = SPA_N_ELEMENTS(data->params); data->in = pw_core_export(data->core, SPA_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node, NULL, &data->impl_node, 0); props = pw_properties_new( SPA_KEY_LIBRARY_NAME, "v4l2/libspa-v4l2", SPA_KEY_FACTORY_NAME, SPA_NAME_API_V4L2_SOURCE, NULL); data->out = pw_core_create_object(data->core, "spa-node-factory", PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node, PW_VERSION_NODE, &props->dict, 0); while (true) { if (pw_proxy_get_bound_id(data->out) != SPA_ID_INVALID && pw_proxy_get_bound_id(data->in) != SPA_ID_INVALID) break; pw_loop_iterate(pw_main_loop_get_loop(data->loop), -1); } pw_properties_clear(props); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_LINK_OUTPUT_NODE, "%d", pw_proxy_get_bound_id(data->out)); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_LINK_INPUT_NODE, "%d", pw_proxy_get_bound_id(data->in)); data->link = pw_core_create_object(data->core, "link-factory", PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Link, PW_VERSION_LINK, &props->dict, 0); pw_properties_free(props); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct data data = { 0, }; pw_init(&argc, &argv); data.loop = pw_main_loop_new(NULL); data.context = pw_context_new( pw_main_loop_get_loop(data.loop), pw_properties_new( PW_KEY_CORE_DAEMON, "false", NULL), 0); spa_hook_list_init(&data.hooks); pw_context_load_module(data.context, "libpipewire-module-spa-node-factory", NULL, NULL); pw_context_load_module(data.context, "libpipewire-module-link-factory", NULL, NULL); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("can't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } if (SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer (WIDTH, HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, &data.window, &data.renderer)) { printf("can't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } data.core = pw_context_connect_self(data.context, NULL, 0); if (data.core == NULL) { printf("can't connect to core: %m\n"); return -1; } make_nodes(&data); pw_main_loop_run(data.loop); pw_proxy_destroy(data.link); pw_proxy_destroy(data.in); pw_proxy_destroy(data.out); pw_context_destroy(data.context); pw_main_loop_destroy(data.loop); pw_deinit(); return 0; }