/* PipeWire * * Copyright © 2022 Wim Taymans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #define ifr_ifindex ifr_index #endif /** \page page_module_rtp_source PipeWire Module: RTP source * * The `rtp-source` module creates a PipeWire source that receives audio * RTP packets. * * ## Module Options * * Options specific to the behavior of this module * * - `sap.ip = `: IP address of the SAP messages, default "" * - `sap.port = `: port of the SAP messages, default 9875 * - `local.ifname = `: interface name to use * - `sess.latency.msec = `: target network latency in milliseconds, default 100 * - `stream.props = {}`: properties to be passed to the stream * * ## General options * * Options with well-known behavior: * * - \ref PW_KEY_NODE_NAME * - \ref PW_KEY_NODE_DESCRIPTION * - \ref PW_KEY_MEDIA_NAME * - \ref PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS * * ## Example configuration *\code{.unparsed} * context.modules = [ * { name = libpipewire-module-rtp-source * args = { * #sap.ip = * #sap.port = 9875 * #local.ifname = eth0 * sess.latency.msec = 100 * stream.props = { * #media.class = "Audio/Source" * #node.name = "rtp-source" * } * stream.rules = [ * { matches = [ * # any of the items in matches needs to match, if one does, * # actions are emited. * { # all keys must match the value. ~ in value starts regex. * #rtp.origin = "wim 3883629975 0 IN IP4" * #rtp.payload = "127" * #rtp.fmt = "L16/48000/2" * #rtp.session = "PipeWire RTP Stream on fedora" * } * ] * actions = { * create-stream = { * #sess.latency.msec = 100 * #target.object = "" * } * } * } * ] * } * } * ] *\endcode * * \since 0.3.60 */ #define NAME "rtp-source" PW_LOG_TOPIC_STATIC(mod_topic, "mod." NAME); #define PW_LOG_TOPIC_DEFAULT mod_topic #define SAP_MIME_TYPE "application/sdp" #define ERROR_MSEC 2 #define MAX_SESSIONS 16 #define DEFAULT_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_SEC 90 #define DEFAULT_SAP_IP "" #define DEFAULT_SAP_PORT 9875 #define DEFAULT_SESS_LATENCY 100 #define BUFFER_SIZE (1u<<22) #define BUFFER_MASK (BUFFER_SIZE-1) #define USAGE "sap.ip= " \ "sap.port= " \ "local.ifname= " \ "sess.latency.msec= " \ "stream.props= { key=value ... } " \ "stream.rules= " static const struct spa_dict_item module_info[] = { { PW_KEY_MODULE_AUTHOR, "Wim Taymans " }, { PW_KEY_MODULE_DESCRIPTION, "RTP Source" }, { PW_KEY_MODULE_USAGE, USAGE }, { PW_KEY_MODULE_VERSION, PACKAGE_VERSION }, }; struct impl { struct pw_impl_module *module; struct spa_hook module_listener; struct pw_properties *props; struct pw_context *module_context; struct pw_loop *loop; struct pw_loop *data_loop; struct pw_core *core; struct spa_hook core_listener; struct spa_hook core_proxy_listener; struct spa_source *timer; struct spa_source *sap_source; struct pw_properties *stream_props; unsigned int do_disconnect:1; char *ifname; char *sap_ip; int sap_port; int sess_latency_msec; uint32_t cleanup_interval; struct spa_list sessions; uint32_t n_sessions; }; static const struct format_info { uint32_t format; uint32_t size; const char *mime; } format_info[] = { { SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_U8, 1, "L8" }, { SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_ALAW, 1, "PCMA" }, { SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_ULAW, 1, "PCMU" }, { SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S16_BE, 2, "L16" }, { SPA_AUDIO_FORMAT_S24_BE, 3, "L24" }, }; static const struct format_info *find_format_info(const char *mime) { SPA_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_VAR(format_info, f) if (spa_streq(f->mime, mime)) return f; return NULL; } struct sdp_info { uint16_t hash; char origin[128]; char session[256]; struct sockaddr_storage sa; socklen_t salen; uint16_t port; uint8_t payload; const struct format_info *format_info; struct spa_audio_info_raw info; uint32_t stride; }; struct session { struct impl *impl; struct spa_list link; uint64_t timestamp; struct sdp_info info; struct spa_source *source; struct pw_stream *stream; struct spa_hook stream_listener; uint32_t expected_ssrc; uint16_t expected_seq; unsigned have_ssrc:1; unsigned have_seq:1; unsigned have_sync:1; struct spa_ringbuffer ring; uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; struct spa_io_rate_match *rate_match; struct spa_dll dll; uint32_t target_buffer; uint32_t last_packet_size; float max_error; unsigned buffering:1; unsigned first:1; }; static void stream_destroy(void *d) { struct session *sess = d; spa_hook_remove(&sess->stream_listener); sess->stream = NULL; } static void stream_process(void *data) { struct session *sess = data; struct pw_buffer *buf; struct spa_data *d; uint32_t index, target_buffer; int32_t avail, wanted; if ((buf = pw_stream_dequeue_buffer(sess->stream)) == NULL) { pw_log_debug("Out of stream buffers: %m"); return; } d = buf->buffer->datas; wanted = buf->requested ? SPA_MIN(buf->requested * sess->info.stride, d[0].maxsize) : d[0].maxsize; avail = spa_ringbuffer_get_read_index(&sess->ring, &index); target_buffer = sess->target_buffer + sess->last_packet_size / 2; if (avail < wanted || sess->buffering) { memset(d[0].data, 0, wanted); if (!sess->buffering && sess->have_sync) { pw_log_debug("underrun %u/%u < %u, buffering...", avail, target_buffer, wanted); sess->buffering = true; } } else { float error, corr; if (avail > (int32_t)SPA_MIN(target_buffer * 8, BUFFER_SIZE)) { pw_log_warn("overrun %u > %u", avail, target_buffer * 8); index += avail - target_buffer; avail = target_buffer; } else { if (sess->first) { if ((uint32_t)avail > target_buffer) { uint32_t skip = avail - target_buffer; pw_log_debug("first: avail:%d skip:%u target:%u", avail, skip, target_buffer); index += skip; avail = target_buffer; } sess->first = false; } error = (float)target_buffer - (float)avail; error = SPA_CLAMP(error, -sess->max_error, sess->max_error); corr = spa_dll_update(&sess->dll, error); pw_log_debug("avail:%u target:%u error:%f corr:%f", avail, target_buffer, error, corr); if (sess->rate_match) { SPA_FLAG_SET(sess->rate_match->flags, SPA_IO_RATE_MATCH_FLAG_ACTIVE); sess->rate_match->rate = 1.0f / corr; } } spa_ringbuffer_read_data(&sess->ring, sess->buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, index & BUFFER_MASK, d[0].data, wanted); index += wanted; spa_ringbuffer_read_update(&sess->ring, index); } d[0].chunk->size = wanted; d[0].chunk->stride = sess->info.stride; d[0].chunk->offset = 0; buf->size = wanted / sess->info.stride; pw_stream_queue_buffer(sess->stream, buf); } static void on_stream_state_changed(void *d, enum pw_stream_state old, enum pw_stream_state state, const char *error) { struct session *sess = d; struct impl *impl = sess->impl; switch (state) { case PW_STREAM_STATE_UNCONNECTED: pw_log_info("stream disconnected, unloading"); pw_impl_module_schedule_destroy(impl->module); break; case PW_STREAM_STATE_ERROR: pw_log_error("stream error: %s", error); break; default: break; } } static void stream_io_changed(void *data, uint32_t id, void *area, uint32_t size) { struct session *sess = data; switch (id) { case SPA_IO_RateMatch: sess->rate_match = area; break; } } static const struct pw_stream_events out_stream_events = { PW_VERSION_STREAM_EVENTS, .destroy = stream_destroy, .state_changed = on_stream_state_changed, .io_changed = stream_io_changed, .process = stream_process }; static void on_rtp_io(void *data, int fd, uint32_t mask) { struct session *sess = data; struct rtp_header *hdr; ssize_t len, hlen; uint8_t buffer[2048], *payload; if (mask & SPA_IO_IN) { uint32_t index, expected_index, timestamp; uint16_t seq; int32_t filled; if ((len = recv(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0)) < 0) goto receive_error; if (len < 12) goto short_packet; hdr = (struct rtp_header*)buffer; if (hdr->v != 2) goto invalid_version; hlen = 12 + hdr->cc * 4; if (hlen > len) goto invalid_len; if (sess->have_ssrc && sess->expected_ssrc != hdr->ssrc) goto unexpected_ssrc; sess->expected_ssrc = hdr->ssrc; sess->have_ssrc = true; seq = ntohs(hdr->sequence_number); if (sess->have_seq && sess->expected_seq != seq) { pw_log_warn("unexpected seq (%d != %d)", seq, sess->expected_seq); } sess->expected_seq = seq + 1; sess->have_seq = true; len = SPA_ROUND_DOWN(len - hlen, sess->info.stride); payload = &buffer[hlen]; filled = spa_ringbuffer_get_write_index(&sess->ring, &index); timestamp = ntohl(hdr->timestamp); expected_index = timestamp * sess->info.stride; if (!sess->have_sync) { pw_log_trace("got rtp, no sync"); sess->ring.readindex = sess->ring.writeindex = index = expected_index; filled = 0; sess->have_sync = true; sess->buffering = true; pw_log_debug("sync to timestamp %u", index); spa_dll_init(&sess->dll); spa_dll_set_bw(&sess->dll, SPA_DLL_BW_MIN, 128, sess->info.info.rate); } else if (expected_index != index) { pw_log_trace("got rtp, wrong timestamp"); pw_log_debug("unexpected timestamp (%u != %u)", index / sess->info.stride, expected_index / sess->info.stride); index = expected_index; filled = 0; } if (filled + len > BUFFER_SIZE) { pw_log_debug("got rtp, capture overrun %u %zd", filled, len); sess->have_sync = false; } else { uint32_t target_buffer; pw_log_trace("got rtp packet len:%zd", len); spa_ringbuffer_write_data(&sess->ring, sess->buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, index & BUFFER_MASK, payload, len); index += len; filled += len; spa_ringbuffer_write_update(&sess->ring, index); sess->last_packet_size = len; target_buffer = sess->target_buffer + len/2; if (sess->buffering && (uint32_t)filled > target_buffer) { sess->buffering = false; pw_log_debug("buffering done %u > %u", filled, target_buffer); } } } return; receive_error: pw_log_warn("recv error: %m"); return; short_packet: pw_log_warn("short packet received"); return; invalid_version: pw_log_warn("invalid RTP version"); return; invalid_len: pw_log_warn("invalid RTP length"); return; unexpected_ssrc: pw_log_warn("unexpected SSRC (expected %u != %u)", sess->expected_ssrc, hdr->ssrc); return; } static int make_socket(const struct sockaddr* sa, socklen_t salen, char *ifname) { int af, fd, val, res; struct ifreq req; af = sa->sa_family; if ((fd = socket(af, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0)) < 0) { pw_log_error("socket failed: %m"); return -errno; } #ifdef SO_TIMESTAMP val = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMP, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("setsockopt failed: %m"); goto error; } #endif val = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("setsockopt failed: %m"); goto error; } spa_zero(req); if (ifname) { snprintf(req.ifr_name, sizeof(req.ifr_name), "%s", ifname); res = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &req); if (res < 0) pw_log_warn("SIOCGIFINDEX %s failed: %m", ifname); } res = 0; if (af == AF_INET) { static const uint32_t ipv4_mcast_mask = 0xe0000000; struct sockaddr_in *sa4 = (struct sockaddr_in*)sa; if ((ntohl(sa4->sin_addr.s_addr) & ipv4_mcast_mask) == ipv4_mcast_mask) { struct ip_mreqn mr4; memset(&mr4, 0, sizeof(mr4)); mr4.imr_multiaddr = sa4->sin_addr; mr4.imr_ifindex = req.ifr_ifindex; res = setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mr4, sizeof(mr4)); } else { sa4->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } } else if (af == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)sa; if (sa6->sin6_addr.s6_addr[0] == 0xff) { struct ipv6_mreq mr6; memset(&mr6, 0, sizeof(mr6)); mr6.ipv6mr_multiaddr = sa6->sin6_addr; mr6.ipv6mr_interface = req.ifr_ifindex; res = setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &mr6, sizeof(mr6)); } else { sa6->sin6_addr = in6addr_any; } } else { res = -EINVAL; goto error; } if (res < 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("join mcast failed: %m"); goto error; } if (bind(fd, sa, salen) < 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("bind() failed: %m"); goto error; } return fd; error: return res; } static uint32_t msec_to_bytes(struct sdp_info *info, uint32_t msec) { return msec * info->stride * info->info.rate / 1000; } static void session_touch(struct session *sess) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); sess->timestamp = SPA_TIMESPEC_TO_NSEC(&ts); } static void session_free(struct session *sess) { if (sess->impl) { pw_log_info("free session %s %s", sess->info.origin, sess->info.session); sess->impl->n_sessions--; spa_list_remove(&sess->link); } if (sess->stream) pw_stream_destroy(sess->stream); if (sess->source) pw_loop_destroy_source(sess->impl->data_loop, sess->source); free(sess); } struct session_info { struct session *session; struct pw_properties *props; bool matched; }; static int rule_matched(void *data, const char *location, const char *action, const char *str, size_t len) { struct session_info *i = data; int res = 0; i->matched = true; if (spa_streq(action, "create-stream")) { pw_properties_update_string(i->props, str, len); } return res; } static int session_new(struct impl *impl, struct sdp_info *info) { struct session *session; const struct spa_pod *params[1]; struct spa_pod_builder b; uint32_t n_params; uint8_t buffer[1024]; struct pw_properties *props; int res, fd, sess_latency_msec; const char *str; if (impl->n_sessions >= MAX_SESSIONS) { pw_log_warn("too many sessions (%u >= %u)", impl->n_sessions, MAX_SESSIONS); return -EMFILE; } session = calloc(1, sizeof(struct session)); if (session == NULL) return -errno; session->info = *info; session->first = true; props = pw_properties_copy(impl->stream_props); if (props == NULL) { res = -errno; goto error; } pw_properties_set(props, "rtp.origin", info->origin); pw_properties_setf(props, "rtp.payload", "%u", info->payload); pw_properties_setf(props, "rtp.fmt", "%s/%u/%u", info->format_info->mime, info->info.rate, info->info.channels); if (info->session[0]) { pw_properties_set(props, "rtp.session", info->session); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_NAME, "RTP Stream (%s)", info->session); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_NODE_NAME, "%s", info->session); } else { pw_properties_set(props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_NAME, "RTP Stream"); } if ((str = pw_properties_get(impl->props, "stream.rules")) != NULL) { struct session_info sinfo = { .session = session, .props = props, }; pw_conf_match_rules(str, strlen(str), NAME, &props->dict, rule_matched, &sinfo); if (!sinfo.matched) { res = 0; pw_log_info("session '%s' was not matched", info->session); goto error; } } pw_log_info("new session %s %s", info->origin, info->session); sess_latency_msec = pw_properties_get_uint32(props, "sess.latency.msec", impl->sess_latency_msec); session->target_buffer = msec_to_bytes(info, sess_latency_msec); session->max_error = msec_to_bytes(info, ERROR_MSEC); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_NODE_RATE, "1/%d", info->info.rate); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_NODE_LATENCY, "%d/%d", session->target_buffer / (2 * info->stride), info->info.rate); spa_dll_init(&session->dll); spa_dll_set_bw(&session->dll, SPA_DLL_BW_MIN, 128, session->info.info.rate); session->stream = pw_stream_new(impl->core, "rtp-source playback", props); if (session->stream == NULL) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("can't create stream: %m"); goto error; } pw_stream_add_listener(session->stream, &session->stream_listener, &out_stream_events, session); n_params = 0; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); params[n_params++] = spa_format_audio_raw_build(&b, SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat, &info->info); if ((res = pw_stream_connect(session->stream, PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, PW_ID_ANY, PW_STREAM_FLAG_MAP_BUFFERS | PW_STREAM_FLAG_AUTOCONNECT | PW_STREAM_FLAG_RT_PROCESS, params, n_params)) < 0) { pw_log_error("can't connect stream: %s", spa_strerror(res)); goto error; } if ((fd = make_socket((const struct sockaddr *)&info->sa, info->salen, impl->ifname)) < 0) { res = fd; goto error; } session->source = pw_loop_add_io(impl->data_loop, fd, SPA_IO_IN, true, on_rtp_io, session); if (session->source == NULL) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("can't create io source: %m"); goto error; } pw_log_info("starting RTP listener"); session_touch(session); session->impl = impl; spa_list_append(&impl->sessions, &session->link); impl->n_sessions++; return 0; error: session_free(session); return res; } static struct session *session_find(struct impl *impl, struct sdp_info *info) { struct session *sess; spa_list_for_each(sess, &impl->sessions, link) { if (info->hash == sess->info.hash && spa_streq(info->origin, sess->info.origin)) return sess; } return NULL; } static int parse_sdp_c(struct impl *impl, char *c, struct sdp_info *info) { int res; c[strcspn(c, "/")] = 0; if (spa_strstartswith(c, "c=IN IP4 ")) { struct sockaddr_in *sa = (struct sockaddr_in*) &info->sa; c += strlen("c=IN IP4 "); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, c, &sa->sin_addr) <= 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_warn("inet_pton(%s) failed: %m", c); goto error; } sa->sin_family = AF_INET; info->salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); } else if (spa_strstartswith(c, "c=IN IP6 ")) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sa = (struct sockaddr_in6*) &info->sa; c += strlen("c=IN IP6 "); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, c, &sa->sin6_addr) <= 0) { res = -errno; pw_log_warn("inet_pton(%s) failed: %m", c); goto error; } sa->sin6_family = AF_INET6; info->salen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); } else return -EINVAL; res= 0; error: return res; } static int parse_sdp_m(struct impl *impl, char *c, struct sdp_info *info) { int port, payload; if (!spa_strstartswith(c, "m=audio ")) return -EINVAL; c += strlen("m=audio "); if (sscanf(c, "%i RTP/AVP %i", &port, &payload) != 2) return -EINVAL; if (port <= 0 || port > 0xFFFF) return -EINVAL; if (payload < 0 || payload > 127) return -EINVAL; info->port = (uint16_t) port; info->payload = (uint8_t) payload; return 0; } static int parse_sdp_a(struct impl *impl, char *c, struct sdp_info *info) { int payload, len, rate, channels; if (!spa_strstartswith(c, "a=rtpmap:")) return 0; c += strlen("a=rtpmap:"); if (sscanf(c, "%i %n", &payload, &len) != 1) return -EINVAL; if (payload < 0 || payload > 127) return -EINVAL; if (payload != info->payload) return 0; c += len; c[strcspn(c, "/")] = 0; info->format_info = find_format_info(c); if (info->format_info == NULL) return -EINVAL; info->info.format = info->format_info->format; info->stride = info->format_info->size; c += strlen(c) + 1; if (sscanf(c, "%u/%u", &rate, &channels) == 2) { info->info.rate = rate; info->info.channels = channels; if (channels == 2) { info->info.position[0] = SPA_AUDIO_CHANNEL_FL; info->info.position[1] = SPA_AUDIO_CHANNEL_FR; } } else if (sscanf(c, "%u", &rate) == 1) { info->info.rate = rate; info->info.channels = 1; } else return -EINVAL; info->stride *= info->info.channels; return 0; } static int parse_sdp(struct impl *impl, char *sdp, struct sdp_info *info) { char *s = sdp; int count = 0, res = 0; size_t l; while (*s) { if ((l = strcspn(s, "\r\n")) < 2) goto too_short; s[l] = 0; pw_log_debug("%d: %s", count, s); if (count++ == 0 && strcmp(s, "v=0") != 0) goto invalid_version; if (spa_strstartswith(s, "o=")) snprintf(info->origin, sizeof(info->origin), "%s", &s[2]); else if (spa_strstartswith(s, "s=")) snprintf(info->session, sizeof(info->session), "%s", &s[2]); else if (spa_strstartswith(s, "c=")) res = parse_sdp_c(impl, s, info); else if (spa_strstartswith(s, "m=")) res = parse_sdp_m(impl, s, info); else if (spa_strstartswith(s, "a=")) res = parse_sdp_a(impl, s, info); if (res < 0) goto error; s += l + 1; while (isspace(*s)) s++; } if (((struct sockaddr*) &info->sa)->sa_family == AF_INET) ((struct sockaddr_in*) &info->sa)->sin_port = htons(info->port); else ((struct sockaddr_in6*) &info->sa)->sin6_port = htons(info->port); return 0; too_short: pw_log_warn("SDP: line starting with `%.6s...' too short", s); return -EINVAL; invalid_version: pw_log_warn("SDP: invalid first version line `%*s'", (int)l, s); return -EINVAL; error: pw_log_warn("SDP: error: %s", spa_strerror(res)); return res; } static int parse_sap(struct impl *impl, void *data, size_t len) { struct sap_header *header; char *mime, *sdp; struct sdp_info info; struct session *sess; int res; size_t offs; bool bye; if (len < 8) return -EINVAL; header = (struct sap_header*) data; if (header->v != 1) return -EINVAL; if (header->e) return -ENOTSUP; if (header->c) return -ENOTSUP; offs = header->a ? 12 : 8; offs += header->auth_len * 4; if (len <= offs) return -EINVAL; mime = SPA_PTROFF(data, offs, char); if (spa_strstartswith(mime, "v=0")) { sdp = mime; mime = SAP_MIME_TYPE; } else if (spa_streq(mime, SAP_MIME_TYPE)) sdp = SPA_PTROFF(mime, strlen(mime)+1, char); else return -EINVAL; pw_log_debug("got sap: %s %s", mime, sdp); spa_zero(info); if ((res = parse_sdp(impl, sdp, &info)) < 0) return res; bye = header->t; sess = session_find(impl, &info); if (sess == NULL) { if (!bye) session_new(impl, &info); } else { if (bye) session_free(sess); else session_touch(sess); } return res; } static void on_sap_io(void *data, int fd, uint32_t mask) { struct impl *impl = data; if (mask & SPA_IO_IN) { uint8_t buffer[2048]; ssize_t len; if ((len = recv(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0)) < 0) { pw_log_warn("recv error: %m"); return; } if ((size_t)len >= sizeof(buffer)) return; buffer[len] = 0; parse_sap(impl, buffer, len); } } static int start_sap_listener(struct impl *impl) { struct sockaddr_in sa4; struct sockaddr_in6 sa6; struct sockaddr *sa; socklen_t salen; int fd, res; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, impl->sap_ip, &sa4.sin_addr) > 0) { sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; sa4.sin_port = htons(impl->sap_port); sa = (struct sockaddr*) &sa4; salen = sizeof(sa4); } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, impl->sap_ip, &sa6.sin6_addr) > 0) { sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sa6.sin6_port = htons(impl->sap_port); sa = (struct sockaddr*) &sa6; salen = sizeof(sa6); } else return -EINVAL; if ((fd = make_socket(sa, salen, impl->ifname)) < 0) return fd; pw_log_info("starting SAP listener"); impl->sap_source = pw_loop_add_io(impl->loop, fd, SPA_IO_IN, true, on_sap_io, impl); if (impl->sap_source == NULL) { res = -errno; goto error; } return 0; error: close(fd); return res; } static void on_timer_event(void *data, uint64_t expirations) { struct impl *impl = data; struct timespec now; struct session *sess, *tmp; uint64_t timestamp, interval; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); timestamp = SPA_TIMESPEC_TO_NSEC(&now); interval = impl->cleanup_interval * SPA_NSEC_PER_SEC; spa_list_for_each_safe(sess, tmp, &impl->sessions, link) { if (sess->timestamp + interval < timestamp) { pw_log_debug("More than %lu elapsed from last advertisement at %lu", interval, sess->timestamp); pw_log_info("No advertisement packets found for timeout, closing RTP source"); session_free(sess); } } } static void core_destroy(void *d) { struct impl *impl = d; spa_hook_remove(&impl->core_listener); impl->core = NULL; pw_impl_module_schedule_destroy(impl->module); } static const struct pw_proxy_events core_proxy_events = { .destroy = core_destroy, }; static void impl_destroy(struct impl *impl) { struct session *sess; spa_list_consume(sess, &impl->sessions, link) session_free(sess); if (impl->core && impl->do_disconnect) pw_core_disconnect(impl->core); if (impl->sap_source) pw_loop_destroy_source(impl->loop, impl->sap_source); if (impl->timer) pw_loop_destroy_source(impl->loop, impl->timer); pw_properties_free(impl->stream_props); pw_properties_free(impl->props); free(impl->ifname); free(impl->sap_ip); free(impl); } static void module_destroy(void *d) { struct impl *impl = d; spa_hook_remove(&impl->module_listener); impl_destroy(impl); } static const struct pw_impl_module_events module_events = { PW_VERSION_IMPL_MODULE_EVENTS, .destroy = module_destroy, }; static void on_core_error(void *d, uint32_t id, int seq, int res, const char *message) { struct impl *impl = d; pw_log_error("error id:%u seq:%d res:%d (%s): %s", id, seq, res, spa_strerror(res), message); if (id == PW_ID_CORE && res == -EPIPE) pw_impl_module_schedule_destroy(impl->module); } static const struct pw_core_events core_events = { PW_VERSION_CORE_EVENTS, .error = on_core_error, }; SPA_EXPORT int pipewire__module_init(struct pw_impl_module *module, const char *args) { struct pw_context *context = pw_impl_module_get_context(module); struct impl *impl; const char *str; struct timespec value, interval; int res = 0; PW_LOG_TOPIC_INIT(mod_topic); impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) return -errno; spa_list_init(&impl->sessions); if (args == NULL) args = ""; impl->props = pw_properties_new_string(args); impl->stream_props = pw_properties_new(NULL, NULL); if (impl->props == NULL || impl->stream_props == NULL) { res = -errno; pw_log_error( "can't create properties: %m"); goto out; } impl->module = module; impl->module_context = context; impl->loop = pw_context_get_main_loop(context); impl->data_loop = pw_data_loop_get_loop(pw_context_get_data_loop(context)); if (pw_properties_get(impl->stream_props, PW_KEY_NODE_VIRTUAL) == NULL) pw_properties_set(impl->stream_props, PW_KEY_NODE_VIRTUAL, "true"); if (pw_properties_get(impl->stream_props, PW_KEY_NODE_NETWORK) == NULL) pw_properties_set(impl->stream_props, PW_KEY_NODE_NETWORK, "true"); if ((str = pw_properties_get(impl->props, "stream.props")) != NULL) pw_properties_update_string(impl->stream_props, str, strlen(str)); str = pw_properties_get(impl->props, "local.ifname"); impl->ifname = str ? strdup(str) : NULL; str = pw_properties_get(impl->props, "sap.ip"); impl->sap_ip = strdup(str ? str : DEFAULT_SAP_IP); impl->sap_port = pw_properties_get_uint32(impl->props, "sap.port", DEFAULT_SAP_PORT); impl->sess_latency_msec = pw_properties_get_uint32(impl->props, "sess.latency.msec", DEFAULT_SESS_LATENCY); impl->cleanup_interval = pw_properties_get_uint32(impl->props, "sap.interval.sec", DEFAULT_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_SEC); impl->core = pw_context_get_object(impl->module_context, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Core); if (impl->core == NULL) { str = pw_properties_get(impl->props, PW_KEY_REMOTE_NAME); impl->core = pw_context_connect(impl->module_context, pw_properties_new( PW_KEY_REMOTE_NAME, str, NULL), 0); impl->do_disconnect = true; } if (impl->core == NULL) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("can't connect: %m"); goto out; } pw_proxy_add_listener((struct pw_proxy*)impl->core, &impl->core_proxy_listener, &core_proxy_events, impl); pw_core_add_listener(impl->core, &impl->core_listener, &core_events, impl); impl->timer = pw_loop_add_timer(impl->loop, on_timer_event, impl); if (impl->timer == NULL) { res = -errno; pw_log_error("can't create timer source: %m"); goto out; } value.tv_sec = 0; value.tv_nsec = 1; interval.tv_sec = impl->cleanup_interval; interval.tv_nsec = 0; pw_loop_update_timer(impl->loop, impl->timer, &value, &interval, false); if ((res = start_sap_listener(impl)) < 0) goto out; pw_impl_module_add_listener(module, &impl->module_listener, &module_events, impl); pw_impl_module_update_properties(module, &SPA_DICT_INIT_ARRAY(module_info)); pw_log_info("Successfully loaded module-rtp-source"); return 0; out: impl_destroy(impl); return res; }