/* PipeWire * * Copyright © 2019 Collabora Ltd. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GLOBAL_ID_NONE UINT32_MAX #define DEFAULT_DOT_PATH "pw.dot" struct global; typedef void (*draw_t)(struct global *g); typedef void *(*info_update_t) (void *info, const void *update); struct data { struct pw_main_loop *loop; struct pw_context *context; struct pw_core *core; struct spa_hook core_listener; struct pw_registry *registry; struct spa_hook registry_listener; struct spa_list globals; char *dot_str; const char *dot_rankdir; bool dot_orthoedges; bool show_all; bool show_smart; bool show_detail; }; struct global { struct spa_list link; struct data *data; struct pw_proxy *proxy; uint32_t id; #define INTERFACE_Port 0 #define INTERFACE_Node 1 #define INTERFACE_Link 2 #define INTERFACE_Client 3 #define INTERFACE_Device 4 #define INTERFACE_Module 5 #define INTERFACE_Factory 6 uint32_t type; void *info; pw_destroy_t info_destroy; info_update_t info_update; draw_t draw; struct spa_hook proxy_listener; struct spa_hook object_listener; }; static char *dot_str_new(void) { return strdup(""); } static void dot_str_clear(char **str) { if (str && *str) { free(*str); *str = NULL; } } static SPA_PRINTF_FUNC(2,0) void dot_str_vadd(char **str, const char *fmt, va_list varargs) { char *res = NULL; char *fmt2 = NULL; spa_return_if_fail(str != NULL); spa_return_if_fail(fmt != NULL); if (asprintf(&fmt2, "%s%s", *str, fmt) < 0) { spa_assert_not_reached(); return; } if (vasprintf(&res, fmt2, varargs) < 0) { free (fmt2); spa_assert_not_reached(); return; } free (fmt2); free(*str); *str = res; } static SPA_PRINTF_FUNC(2,3) void dot_str_add(char **str, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list varargs; va_start(varargs, fmt); dot_str_vadd(str, fmt, varargs); va_end(varargs); } static void draw_dict(char **str, const char *title, const struct spa_dict *props) { const struct spa_dict_item *item; dot_str_add(str, "%s:\\l", title); if (props == NULL || props->n_items == 0) { dot_str_add(str, "- none\\l"); return; } spa_dict_for_each(item, props) { if (item->value) dot_str_add(str, "- %s: %s\\l", item->key, item->value); else dot_str_add(str, "- %s: (null)\\l", item->key); } } static SPA_PRINTF_FUNC(6,0) void draw_vlabel(char **str, const char *name, uint32_t id, bool detail, const struct spa_dict *props, const char *fmt, va_list varargs) { /* draw the label header */ dot_str_add(str, "%s_%u [label=\"", name, id); /* draw the label body */ dot_str_vadd(str, fmt, varargs); if (detail) draw_dict(str, "properties", props); /*draw the label footer */ dot_str_add(str, "%s", "\"];\n"); } static SPA_PRINTF_FUNC(6,7) void draw_label(char **str, const char *name, uint32_t id, bool detail, const struct spa_dict *props, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list varargs; va_start(varargs, fmt); draw_vlabel(str, name, id, detail, props, fmt, varargs); va_end(varargs); } static void draw_port(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Port); struct pw_port_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "port_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=%s];\n", g->id, info->direction == PW_DIRECTION_INPUT ? "lightslateblue" : "lightcoral" ); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "port", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "port_id: %u\\lname: %s\\ldirection: %s\\l", g->id, spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_PORT_NAME), pw_direction_as_string(info->direction) ); } static void draw_node(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Node); struct pw_node_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; const char *client_id_str, *factory_id_str; uint32_t client_id, factory_id; client_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_CLIENT_ID); factory_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_FACTORY_ID); client_id = client_id_str ? (uint32_t)atoi(client_id_str) : GLOBAL_ID_NONE; factory_id = factory_id_str ? (uint32_t)atoi(factory_id_str) : GLOBAL_ID_NONE; /* draw the node header */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "subgraph cluster_node_%u {\n", g->id); dot_str_add(dot_str, "bgcolor=palegreen;\n"); /* draw the label header */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "label=\""); /* draw the label body */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "node_id: %u\\lname: %s\\lmedia_class: %s\\l", g->id, spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_NODE_NAME), spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS)); if (g->data->show_detail) draw_dict(dot_str, "properties", info->props); /*draw the label footer */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "%s", "\"\n"); /* draw all node ports */ struct global *p; const char *prop_node_id; spa_list_for_each(p, &g->data->globals, link) { struct pw_port_info *pinfo; if (p->info == NULL) continue; if (p->type != INTERFACE_Port) continue; pinfo = p->info; prop_node_id = spa_dict_lookup(pinfo->props, PW_KEY_NODE_ID); if (!prop_node_id || (uint32_t)atoi(prop_node_id) != g->id) continue; if (p->draw) p->draw(p); } /* draw the client/factory box if all option is enabled */ if (g->data->show_all) { dot_str_add(dot_str, "node_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=white];\n", g->id); dot_str_add(dot_str, "node_%u [label=\"client_id: %u\\lfactory_id: %u\\l\"];\n", g->id, client_id, factory_id); } /* draw the node footer */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "}\n"); /* draw the client/factory arrows if all option is enabled */ if (g->data->show_all) { dot_str_add(dot_str, "node_%u -> client_%u [style=dashed];\n", g->id, client_id); dot_str_add(dot_str, "node_%u -> factory_%u [style=dashed];\n", g->id, factory_id); } } static void draw_link(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Link); struct pw_link_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "link_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightblue];\n", g->id); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "link", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "link_id: %u\\loutput_node_id: %u\\linput_node_id: %u\\loutput_port_id: %u\\linput_port_id: %u\\lstate: %s\\l", g->id, info->output_node_id, info->input_node_id, info->output_port_id, info->input_port_id, pw_link_state_as_string(info->state) ); /* draw the arrows */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "port_%u -> link_%u -> port_%u;\n", info->output_port_id, g->id, info->input_port_id); } static void draw_client(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Client); struct pw_client_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "client_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=tan1];\n", g->id); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "client", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "client_id: %u\\lname: %s\\lpid: %s\\l", g->id, spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_APP_NAME), spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_APP_PROCESS_ID) ); } static void draw_device(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Device); struct pw_device_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; const char *client_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_CLIENT_ID); const char *factory_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_FACTORY_ID); uint32_t client_id = client_id_str ? (uint32_t)atoi(client_id_str) : GLOBAL_ID_NONE; uint32_t factory_id = factory_id_str ? (uint32_t)atoi(factory_id_str) : GLOBAL_ID_NONE; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "device_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightpink];\n", g->id); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "device", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "device_id: %u\\lname: %s\\lmedia_class: %s\\lapi: %s\\lpath: %s\\l", g->id, spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_DEVICE_NAME), spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS), spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_DEVICE_API), spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_OBJECT_PATH) ); /* draw the arrows */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "device_%u -> client_%u [style=dashed];\n", g->id, client_id); dot_str_add(dot_str, "device_%u -> factory_%u [style=dashed];\n", g->id, factory_id); } static void draw_factory(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Factory); struct pw_factory_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; const char *module_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_MODULE_ID); uint32_t module_id = module_id_str ? (uint32_t)atoi(module_id_str) : GLOBAL_ID_NONE; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "factory_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];\n", g->id); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "factory", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "factory_id: %u\\lname: %s\\lmodule_id: %u\\l", g->id, info->name, module_id ); /* draw the arrow */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "factory_%u -> module_%u [style=dashed];\n", g->id, module_id); } static void draw_module(struct global *g) { spa_assert(g != NULL); spa_assert(g->info != NULL); spa_assert(g->type == INTERFACE_Module); struct pw_module_info *info = g->info; char **dot_str = &g->data->dot_str; /* draw the box */ dot_str_add(dot_str, "module_%u [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightgrey];\n", g->id); /* draw the label */ draw_label(dot_str, "module", g->id, g->data->show_detail, info->props, "module_id: %u\\lname: %s\\l", g->id, info->name ); } static bool is_node_id_link_referenced(uint32_t id, struct spa_list *globals) { struct global *g; struct pw_link_info *info; spa_list_for_each(g, globals, link) { if (g->info == NULL) continue; if (g->type != INTERFACE_Link) continue; info = g->info; if (info->input_node_id == id || info->output_node_id == id) return true; } return false; } static bool is_module_id_factory_referenced(uint32_t id, struct spa_list *globals) { struct global *g; struct pw_factory_info *info; const char *module_id_str; spa_list_for_each(g, globals, link) { if (g->info == NULL) continue; if (g->type != INTERFACE_Factory) continue; info = g->info; module_id_str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, PW_KEY_MODULE_ID); if (module_id_str && (uint32_t)atoi(module_id_str) == id) return true; } return false; } static bool is_global_referenced(struct global *g) { switch (g->type) { case INTERFACE_Node: return is_node_id_link_referenced(g->id, &g->data->globals); case INTERFACE_Module: return is_module_id_factory_referenced(g->id, &g->data->globals); default: break; } return true; } static int draw_graph(struct data *d, const char *path) { FILE *fp; struct global *g; /* draw the header */ dot_str_add(&d->dot_str, "digraph pipewire {\n"); if (d->dot_rankdir) { /* set rank direction, if provided */ dot_str_add(&d->dot_str, "rankdir = \"%s\";\n", d->dot_rankdir); } if (d->dot_orthoedges) { /* enable orthogonal edges */ dot_str_add(&d->dot_str, "splines = ortho;\n"); } /* iterate the globals */ spa_list_for_each(g, &d->globals, link) { /* skip null and non-info globals */ if (g->info == NULL) continue; /* always skip ports since they are drawn by the nodes */ if (g->type == INTERFACE_Port) continue; /* skip clients, devices, factories and modules if all option is disabled */ if (!d->show_all) { switch (g->type) { case INTERFACE_Client: case INTERFACE_Device: case INTERFACE_Factory: case INTERFACE_Module: continue; default: break; } } /* skip not referenced globals if smart option is enabled */ if (d->show_smart && !is_global_referenced(g)) continue; /* draw the global */ if (g->draw) g->draw(g); } /* draw the footer */ dot_str_add(&d->dot_str, "}\n"); if (spa_streq(path, "-")) { /* wire the dot graph into to stdout */ fputs(d->dot_str, stdout); } else { /* open the file */ fp = fopen(path, "we"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("open error: could not open %s for writing\n", path); return -1; } /* wire the dot graph into the file */ fputs(d->dot_str, fp); fclose(fp); } return 0; } static void global_event_info(struct global *g, const void *info) { if (g->info_update) g->info = g->info_update(g->info, info); } static void port_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_port_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_port_events port_events = { PW_VERSION_PORT_EVENTS, .info = port_event_info, }; static void node_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_node_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_node_events node_events = { PW_VERSION_NODE_EVENTS, .info = node_event_info, }; static void link_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_link_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_link_events link_events = { PW_VERSION_LINK_EVENTS, .info = link_event_info }; static void client_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_client_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_client_events client_events = { PW_VERSION_CLIENT_EVENTS, .info = client_event_info }; static void device_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_device_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_device_events device_events = { PW_VERSION_DEVICE_EVENTS, .info = device_event_info }; static void factory_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_factory_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_factory_events factory_events = { PW_VERSION_FACTORY_EVENTS, .info = factory_event_info }; static void module_event_info(void *data, const struct pw_module_info *info) { global_event_info(data, info); } static const struct pw_module_events module_events = { PW_VERSION_MODULE_EVENTS, .info = module_event_info }; static void removed_proxy(void *data) { struct global *g = data; pw_proxy_destroy(g->proxy); } static void destroy_proxy(void *data) { struct global *g = data; spa_hook_remove(&g->object_listener); spa_hook_remove(&g->proxy_listener); } static const struct pw_proxy_events proxy_events = { PW_VERSION_PROXY_EVENTS, .removed = removed_proxy, .destroy = destroy_proxy, }; static void registry_event_global(void *data, uint32_t id, uint32_t permissions, const char *type, uint32_t version, const struct spa_dict *props) { struct data *d = data; struct pw_proxy *proxy; uint32_t client_version; uint32_t object_type; const void *events; pw_destroy_t info_destroy; info_update_t info_update; draw_t draw; struct global *g; if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Port)) { events = &port_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_port_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_port_info_update; draw = draw_port; client_version = PW_VERSION_PORT; object_type = INTERFACE_Port; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node)) { events = &node_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_node_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_node_info_update; draw = draw_node; client_version = PW_VERSION_NODE; object_type = INTERFACE_Node; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Link)) { events = &link_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_link_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_link_info_update; draw = draw_link; client_version = PW_VERSION_LINK; object_type = INTERFACE_Link; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Client)) { events = &client_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_client_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_client_info_update; draw = draw_client; client_version = PW_VERSION_CLIENT; object_type = INTERFACE_Client; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Device)) { events = &device_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_device_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_device_info_update; draw = draw_device; client_version = PW_VERSION_DEVICE; object_type = INTERFACE_Device; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Factory)) { events = &factory_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_factory_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_factory_info_update; draw = draw_factory; client_version = PW_VERSION_FACTORY; object_type = INTERFACE_Factory; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Module)) { events = &module_events; info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_module_info_free; info_update = (info_update_t)pw_module_info_update; draw = draw_module; client_version = PW_VERSION_MODULE; object_type = INTERFACE_Module; } else if (spa_streq(type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Core)) { /* sync to notify we are done with globals */ pw_core_sync(d->core, 0, 0); return; } else { return; } proxy = pw_registry_bind(d->registry, id, type, client_version, 0); if (proxy == NULL) return; /* set the global data */ g = calloc(1, sizeof(struct global)); g->data = d; g->proxy = proxy; g->id = id; g->type = object_type; g->info = NULL; g->info_destroy = info_destroy; g->info_update = info_update; g->draw = draw; pw_proxy_add_object_listener(proxy, &g->object_listener, events, g); pw_proxy_add_listener(proxy, &g->proxy_listener, &proxy_events, g); /* add the global to the list */ spa_list_insert(&d->globals, &g->link); } static const struct pw_registry_events registry_events = { PW_VERSION_REGISTRY_EVENTS, .global = registry_event_global, }; static void on_core_done(void *data, uint32_t id, int seq) { struct data *d = data; pw_main_loop_quit(d->loop); } static void on_core_error(void *data, uint32_t id, int seq, int res, const char *message) { struct data *d = data; pw_log_error("error id:%u seq:%d res:%d (%s): %s", id, seq, res, spa_strerror(res), message); if (id == PW_ID_CORE && res == -EPIPE) pw_main_loop_quit(d->loop); } static const struct pw_core_events core_events = { PW_VERSION_CORE_EVENTS, .done = on_core_done, .error = on_core_error, }; static void do_quit(void *data, int signal_number) { struct data *d = data; pw_main_loop_quit(d->loop); } static int get_data_from_pipewire(struct data *data, const char *opt_remote) { struct pw_loop *l; struct global *g; data->loop = pw_main_loop_new(NULL); if (data->loop == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create main loop: %m\n"); return -1; } l = pw_main_loop_get_loop(data->loop); pw_loop_add_signal(l, SIGINT, do_quit, &data); pw_loop_add_signal(l, SIGTERM, do_quit, &data); data->context = pw_context_new(l, NULL, 0); if (data->context == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create context: %m\n"); pw_main_loop_destroy(data->loop); return -1; } data->core = pw_context_connect(data->context, pw_properties_new( PW_KEY_REMOTE_NAME, opt_remote, NULL), 0); if (data->core == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't connect: %m\n"); pw_context_destroy(data->context); pw_main_loop_destroy(data->loop); return -1; } pw_core_add_listener(data->core, &data->core_listener, &core_events, data); data->registry = pw_core_get_registry(data->core, PW_VERSION_REGISTRY, 0); pw_registry_add_listener(data->registry, &data->registry_listener, ®istry_events, data); pw_main_loop_run(data->loop); spa_hook_remove(&data->registry_listener); pw_proxy_destroy((struct pw_proxy*)data->registry); spa_list_for_each(g, &data->globals, link) pw_proxy_destroy(g->proxy); spa_hook_remove(&data->core_listener); pw_context_destroy(data->context); pw_main_loop_destroy(data->loop); return 0; } static void handle_json_obj(struct data *data, struct pw_properties *obj) { struct global *g; struct pw_properties *info, *props; const char *str; str = pw_properties_get(obj, "type"); if (!str) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid object without type\n"); return; } g = calloc(1, sizeof (struct global)); g->data = data; if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Port)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_port_info_free; g->draw = draw_port; g->type = INTERFACE_Port; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_node_info_free; g->draw = draw_node; g->type = INTERFACE_Node; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Link)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_link_info_free; g->draw = draw_link; g->type = INTERFACE_Link; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Client)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_client_info_free; g->draw = draw_client; g->type = INTERFACE_Client; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Device)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_device_info_free; g->draw = draw_device; g->type = INTERFACE_Device; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Factory)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_factory_info_free; g->draw = draw_factory; g->type = INTERFACE_Factory; } else if (spa_streq(str, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Module)) { g->info_destroy = (pw_destroy_t)pw_module_info_free; g->draw = draw_module; g->type = INTERFACE_Module; } else { free(g); return; } g->id = pw_properties_get_uint32(obj, "id", 0); str = pw_properties_get(obj, "info"); info = pw_properties_new_string(str); str = pw_properties_get(info, "props"); props = str ? pw_properties_new_string(str) : NULL; switch (g->type) { case INTERFACE_Port: { struct pw_port_info pinfo = {0}; pinfo.id = g->id; str = pw_properties_get(info, "direction"); pinfo.direction = spa_streq(str, "output") ? PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT : PW_DIRECTION_INPUT; pinfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; pinfo.change_mask = PW_PORT_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_port_info_update(NULL, &pinfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Node: { struct pw_node_info ninfo = {0}; ninfo.id = g->id; ninfo.max_input_ports = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "max-input-ports", 0); ninfo.max_output_ports = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "max-output-ports", 0); ninfo.n_input_ports = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "n-input-ports", 0); ninfo.n_output_ports = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "n-output-ports", 0); str = pw_properties_get(info, "state"); if (spa_streq(str, "running")) ninfo.state = PW_NODE_STATE_RUNNING; else if (spa_streq(str, "idle")) ninfo.state = PW_NODE_STATE_IDLE; else if (spa_streq(str, "suspended")) ninfo.state = PW_NODE_STATE_SUSPENDED; else if (spa_streq(str, "creating")) ninfo.state = PW_NODE_STATE_CREATING; else ninfo.state = PW_NODE_STATE_ERROR; ninfo.error = pw_properties_get(info, "error"); ninfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; ninfo.change_mask = PW_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_INPUT_PORTS | PW_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_OUTPUT_PORTS | PW_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_STATE | PW_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_node_info_update(NULL, &ninfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Link: { struct pw_link_info linfo = {0}; linfo.id = g->id; linfo.output_node_id = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "output-node-id", 0); linfo.output_port_id = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "output-port-id", 0); linfo.input_node_id = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "input-node-id", 0); linfo.input_port_id = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "input-port-id", 0); str = pw_properties_get(info, "state"); if (spa_streq(str, "active")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_ACTIVE; else if (spa_streq(str, "paused")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_PAUSED; else if (spa_streq(str, "allocating")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_ALLOCATING; else if (spa_streq(str, "negotiating")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_NEGOTIATING; else if (spa_streq(str, "init")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_INIT; else if (spa_streq(str, "unlinked")) linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_UNLINKED; else linfo.state = PW_LINK_STATE_ERROR; linfo.error = pw_properties_get(info, "error"); linfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; linfo.change_mask = PW_LINK_CHANGE_MASK_STATE | PW_LINK_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_link_info_update(NULL, &linfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Client: { struct pw_client_info cinfo = {0}; cinfo.id = g->id; cinfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; cinfo.change_mask = PW_CLIENT_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_client_info_update(NULL, &cinfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Device: { struct pw_device_info dinfo = {0}; dinfo.id = g->id; dinfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; dinfo.change_mask = PW_DEVICE_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_device_info_update(NULL, &dinfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Factory: { struct pw_factory_info finfo = {0}; finfo.id = g->id; finfo.name = pw_properties_get(info, "name"); finfo.type = pw_properties_get(info, "type"); finfo.version = pw_properties_get_uint32(info, "version", 0); finfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; finfo.change_mask = PW_FACTORY_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_factory_info_update(NULL, &finfo); break; } case INTERFACE_Module: { struct pw_module_info minfo = {0}; minfo.id = g->id; minfo.name = pw_properties_get(info, "name"); minfo.filename = pw_properties_get(info, "filename"); minfo.args = pw_properties_get(info, "args"); minfo.props = props ? &props->dict : NULL; minfo.change_mask = PW_MODULE_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS; g->info = pw_module_info_update(NULL, &minfo); break; } default: break; } pw_properties_free(info); pw_properties_free(props); /* add the global to the list */ spa_list_insert(&data->globals, &g->link); } static int get_data_from_json(struct data *data, const char *json_path) { int fd, len; void *json; struct stat sbuf; struct spa_json it[2]; const char *value; if ((fd = open(json_path, O_CLOEXEC | O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error opening file '%s': %m\n", json_path); return -1; } if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error statting file '%s': %m\n", json_path); close(fd); return -1; } if ((json = mmap(NULL, sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "error mmapping file '%s': %m\n", json_path); close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); spa_json_init(&it[0], json, sbuf.st_size); if (spa_json_enter_array(&it[0], &it[1]) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "expected top-level array in JSON file '%s'\n", json_path); munmap(json, sbuf.st_size); return -1; } while ((len = spa_json_next(&it[1], &value)) > 0 && spa_json_is_object(value, len)) { struct pw_properties *obj; obj = pw_properties_new(NULL, NULL); len = spa_json_container_len(&it[1], value, len); pw_properties_update_string(obj, value, len); handle_json_obj(data, obj); pw_properties_free(obj); } munmap(json, sbuf.st_size); return 0; } static void show_help(const char *name, bool error) { fprintf(error ? stderr : stdout, "%s [options]\n" " -h, --help Show this help\n" " --version Show version\n" " -a, --all Show all object types\n" " -s, --smart Show linked objects only\n" " -d, --detail Show all object properties\n" " -r, --remote Remote daemon name\n" " -o, --output Output file (Default %s)\n" " -L, --lr Use left-right rank direction\n" " -9, --90 Use orthogonal edges\n" " -j, --json Read objects from pw-dump JSON file\n", name, DEFAULT_DOT_PATH); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct data data = { 0 }; struct global *g; const char *opt_remote = NULL; const char *dot_path = DEFAULT_DOT_PATH; const char *json_path = NULL; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { "all", no_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "smart", no_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "detail", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "remote", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "lr", no_argument, NULL, 'L' }, { "90", no_argument, NULL, '9' }, { "json", required_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; int c; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); pw_init(&argc, &argv); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVasdr:o:L9j:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h' : show_help(argv[0], false); return 0; case 'V' : printf("%s\n" "Compiled with libpipewire %s\n" "Linked with libpipewire %s\n", argv[0], pw_get_headers_version(), pw_get_library_version()); return 0; case 'a' : data.show_all = true; fprintf(stderr, "all option enabled\n"); break; case 's' : data.show_smart = true; fprintf(stderr, "smart option enabled\n"); break; case 'd' : data.show_detail = true; fprintf(stderr, "detail option enabled\n"); break; case 'r' : opt_remote = optarg; fprintf(stderr, "set remote to %s\n", opt_remote); break; case 'o' : dot_path = optarg; fprintf(stderr, "set output file %s\n", dot_path); break; case 'L' : data.dot_rankdir = "LR"; fprintf(stderr, "set rank direction to LR\n"); break; case '9' : data.dot_orthoedges = true; fprintf(stderr, "orthogonal edges enabled\n"); break; case 'j' : json_path = optarg; fprintf(stderr, "Using JSON file %s as input\n", json_path); break; default: show_help(argv[0], true); return -1; } } if (!(data.dot_str = dot_str_new())) return -1; spa_list_init(&data.globals); if (!json_path && get_data_from_pipewire(&data, opt_remote) < 0) return -1; else if (json_path && get_data_from_json(&data, json_path) < 0) return -1; draw_graph(&data, dot_path); dot_str_clear(&data.dot_str); spa_list_consume(g, &data.globals, link) { if (g->info && g->info_destroy) g->info_destroy(g->info); spa_list_remove(&g->link); free(g); } pw_deinit(); return 0; }