#ifndef _SYS_EXITS_H_INCLUDED_ #define _SYS_EXITS_H_INCLUDED_ /*++ /* NAME /* sys_exits 3h /* SUMMARY /* sendmail-compatible exit status handling /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* DESCRIPTION /* .nf /* * External interface. */ typedef struct { const int status; /* exit status code */ const char *dsn; /* DSN detail */ const char *text; /* descriptive text */ } SYS_EXITS_DETAIL; extern const char *sys_exits_strerror(int); extern const SYS_EXITS_DETAIL *sys_exits_detail(int); extern int sys_exits_softerror(int); #define SYS_EXITS_CODE(n) ((n) >= EX__BASE && (n) <= EX__MAX) #define EX__BASE 64 /* base value for error messages */ #define EX_USAGE 64 /* command line usage error */ #define EX_DATAERR 65 /* data format error */ #define EX_NOINPUT 66 /* cannot open input */ #define EX_NOUSER 67 /* addressee unknown */ #define EX_NOHOST 68 /* host name unknown */ #define EX_UNAVAILABLE 69 /* service unavailable */ #define EX_SOFTWARE 70 /* internal software error */ #define EX_OSERR 71 /* system error (e.g., can't fork) */ #define EX_OSFILE 72 /* critical OS file missing */ #define EX_CANTCREAT 73 /* can't create (user) output file */ #define EX_IOERR 74 /* input/output error */ #define EX_TEMPFAIL 75 /* temporary failure */ #define EX_PROTOCOL 76 /* remote error in protocol */ #define EX_NOPERM 77 /* permission denied */ #define EX_CONFIG 78 /* configuration error */ #define EX__MAX 78 /* maximum listed value */ /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ #endif