# Check for proper ENOSPC handling use strict; require File::Temp; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => $ENV{NO_TMPFS} ? 1 : 22; # skip tests if NO_TMPFS is set if ($ENV{NO_TMPFS}) { pass 'Skipping disk full tests, NO_TMPFS is set'; exit; } # we are using unshare here, won't work with systemd $ENV{_SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT} = 1; my $outref; # note 'check that a failed pg_createcluster leaves no cruft behind: try creating a cluster on a 10 MB tmpfs'; my $cmd = <&1 set -e mount --make-rprivate / 2> /dev/null || : mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql trap "umount /var/lib/postgresql" 0 HUP INT QUIT ILL ABRT PIPE TERM mount -t tmpfs -o size=10000000 none /var/lib/postgresql # this is supposed to fail LC_MESSAGES=C pg_createcluster $MAJORS[-1] test && exit 1 || true echo -n "ls>" # should not output anything ls /etc/postgresql ls /var/lib/postgresql echo " /dev/null || : export LC_MESSAGES=C dirs="/etc/postgresql /var/lib/postgresql /var/log/postgresql" mkdir -p \$dirs trap "umount \$dirs" 0 HUP INT QUIT ILL ABRT PIPE TERM mount -t tmpfs -o size=1000000 none /etc/postgresql # an empty cluster needs 69MB on ppc64el, round up to 90 mount -t tmpfs -o size=90000000 none /var/lib/postgresql mount -t tmpfs -o size=1000000 none /var/log/postgresql pg_createcluster $MAJORS[-1] test # fill up /var/lib/postgresql ! cat < /dev/zero > /var/lib/postgresql/cruft 2>/dev/null echo '-- full lib --' ! pg_ctlcluster $MAJORS[-1] test start echo '-- end full lib --' echo '-- full lib log --' cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$MAJORS[-1]-test.log echo '-- end full lib log --' rm /var/lib/postgresql/cruft pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[-1] test --stop EOF $result = exec_as 'root', "echo '$cmd' | unshare -m sh", $outref; is $result, 0, 'script failed'; like $$outref, qr/^-- full lib --.*No space left on device.*^-- end full lib --/ims, 'pg_ctlcluster prints error message'; like $$outref, qr/^-- full lib log --.*No space left on device.*^-- end full lib log --/ims, 'log file has error message'; check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl