# Test locale and encoding settings in pg_createcluster. use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use PgCommon; use Test::More tests => @MAJORS * 52 + 8; # create a test cluster with given locale, check the locale/encoding, and # remove it # Arguments: [] sub check_cluster { my ($v, $locale, $enc) = @_; note "Checking $v $locale"; my $cluster_name = $locale; $cluster_name =~ s/-//g; # strip dashes so postgresql@.service likes it if (defined $enc) { $cluster_name .= "_$enc"; is ((system "LC_ALL='$locale' pg_createcluster --encoding $enc --start $v $cluster_name >/dev/null 2>&1"), 0, "pg_createcluster version $v for $locale with --encoding succeeded"); } else { is ((system "pg_createcluster --start --locale=$locale $v $cluster_name >/dev/null 2>&1"), 0, "pg_createcluster version $v for $locale without --encoding succeeded"); } # check encoding sleep 1; my $outref; is ((exec_as 'postgres', "psql -Atl --cluster $v/$cluster_name", $outref, 0), 0, 'psql -l succeeds'); my $is_unicode = 0; $is_unicode = 1 if defined $enc && $enc =~ /(UNICODE|UTF-8)/; $is_unicode = 1 if $locale =~ /UTF-8/; if ($is_unicode) { like $$outref, qr/template1.*(UNICODE|UTF8)/, 'template1 is UTF-8 encoded'; } else { unlike $$outref, qr/template1.*(UNICODE|UTF8)/, 'template1 is not UTF-8 encoded'; } # create a table and stuff some ISO-8859-5 characters into it (для) is ((exec_as 'postgres', "createdb test", $outref), 0, 'creating test database'); is_program_out 'postgres', "printf '\324\333\357' | psql -qc \"set client_encoding='iso-8859-5'; create table t (x varchar); copy t from stdin\" test", 0, '', 'creating table with ISO-8859-5 characters'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"set client_encoding='utf8'; select * from t\" | psql -Atq test", 0, "\320\264\320\273\321\217\n", 'correct string in UTF-8'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"set client_encoding='iso-8859-5'; select * from t\" | psql -Atq test", 0, "\324\333\357\n", 'correct string in ISO-8859-5'; # do the same test with using UTF-8 as input is_program_out 'postgres', "printf '\320\264\320\273\321\217' | psql -qc \"set client_encoding='utf8'; delete from t; copy t from stdin\" test", 0, '', 'creating table with UTF-8 characters'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"set client_encoding='utf8'; select * from t\" | psql -Atq test", 0, "\320\264\320\273\321\217\n", 'correct string in UTF-8'; is_program_out 'postgres', "echo \"set client_encoding='iso-8859-5'; select * from t\" | psql -Atq test", 0, "\324\333\357\n", 'correct string in ISO-8859-1'; # check encoding of server error messages (breaks in locale/encoding mismatches, so skip that) if (!defined $enc) { # temporarily disable and accept English text, since Russian translations are disabled now like_program_out 'postgres', 'psql test -c "set client_encoding = \'UTF-8\'; select sqrt(-1)"', 1, qr/^[^?]*(брать|отрицательного|cannot take square root)[^?]*$/, 'Server error message has correct language and encoding'; } # check that we do not run into 'ignoring unconvertible UTF-8 character' # breakage on nonmatching lc_messages and client_encoding PgCommon::set_conf_value $v, $cluster_name, 'postgresql.conf', 'client_encoding', 'UTF-8'; PgCommon::set_conf_value $v, $cluster_name, 'postgresql.conf', 'lc_messages', 'POSIX'; is_program_out 0, "pg_ctlcluster $v $cluster_name restart", 0, '', 'cluster starts correctly with nonmatching lc_messages and client_encoding'; # check interception of invalidly encoded/escaped strings if ($is_unicode) { like_program_out 'postgres', 'printf "set client_encoding=\'UTF-8\'; select \'\\310\\\\\'a\'" | psql -Atq template1', 0, qr/(UNICODE|UTF8).*0x(c8.*5c|c8.*27)/, 'Server rejects incorrect encoding (CVE-2006-2313)'; like_program_out 'postgres', 'printf "set client_encoding=\'SJIS\'; select \'\\\\\\\'a\'" | psql -Atq template1', 0, qr/(\\' is insecure)|(unterminated quoted string)/, 'Server rejects \\\' escaping in unsafe client encoding (CVE-2006-2314)'; if ($v >= '9.1') { like_program_out 'postgres', "printf \"set client_encoding='UTF-8'; set escape_string_warning='off'; select '\\\\\\'a'\" | psql -Atq template1", 0, qr/unterminated quoted string/, 'Server rejects obsolete \\\' escaping in unsafe client encoding (CVE-2006-2314)'; } else { is_program_out 'postgres', "printf \"set client_encoding='UTF-8'; set escape_string_warning='off'; select '\\\\\\'a'\" | psql -Atq template1", 0, "'a\n", 'Server accepts \\\' escaping in safe client encoding (CVE-2006-2314)'; } } # drop cluster is ((system "pg_dropcluster $v $cluster_name --stop"), 0, 'Dropping cluster'); } foreach my $v (@MAJORS) { check_cluster $v, 'ru_RU'; check_cluster $v, 'ru_RU.UTF-8'; note "Check $v locale environment variables"; # check LC_* over LANG domination is ((system "LANGUAGE= LC_ALL=C LANG=bo_GUS.UTF-8 pg_createcluster --start $v main >/dev/null 2>&1"), 0, "pg_createcluster: LC_ALL dominates LANG"); like_program_out 'postgres', "psql -Atl --cluster $v/main", 0, qr/template1.*ASCII/, 'template1 is ASCII encoded'; is ((system "pg_dropcluster $v main --stop"), 0, 'Dropping cluster'); } check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl