# Test successful operation of clusters which are not owned by # postgres. Only check the oldest and newest version. use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => 40; $ENV{_SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT} = 1; # FIXME: testsuite is hanging otherwise my $owner = 'nobody'; my $v = $MAJORS[0]; # create cluster is ((system "pg_createcluster -u $owner $v main >/dev/null"), 0, "pg_createcluster $v main for owner $owner"); # check if start is refused when config and data owner do not match my $pgconf = "/etc/postgresql/$v/main/postgresql.conf"; my ($origuid, $origgid) = (stat $pgconf)[4,5]; chown 1, 1, $pgconf; like_program_out 0, "pg_ctlcluster $v main start", 1, qr/do not match/, "start refused when config and data owners mismatch"; chown $origuid, $origgid, $pgconf; is ((system "pg_ctlcluster $v main start"), 0, "pg_ctlcluster succeeds with owner $owner"); # Check cluster like_program_out $owner, 'pg_lsclusters -h', 0, qr/^$v\s+main\s+5432\s+online\s+$owner/, 'pg_lsclusters shows running cluster'; like ((ps 'postgres'), qr/^$owner.*bin\/postgres .*\/var\/lib\/postgresql\/$v\/main/m, "postgres is running as user $owner"); is_program_out $owner, 'ls /tmp/.s.PGSQL.*', 0, "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432\n/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock\n", 'socket is in /tmp'; ok_dir '/var/run/postgresql', [], '/var/run/postgresql is empty'; # verify owner of configuration files my @st; my $confdir = "/etc/postgresql/$v/main"; my ($owneruid, $ownergid) = (getpwnam $owner)[2,3]; @st = stat $confdir; is $st[4], $owneruid, 'conf dir is owned by user'; is $st[5], $ownergid, 'conf dir is owned by user\'s primary group'; my ($ok_uid, $ok_gid) = (1, 1); opendir D, $confdir or die "opendir: $!"; for my $f (readdir D) { next if $f eq '.' or $f eq '..'; @st = stat "$confdir/$f" or die "stat: $!"; if ($st[4] != $owneruid) { note "$f is not owned by user"; $ok_uid = 0; } if ($st[5] != $ownergid) { note "$f is not owned by user's primary group"; $ok_gid = 0; } } closedir D; is $ok_uid, 1, "files are owned by user"; is $ok_gid, 1, "files are owned by user's primary group"; # verify log file properties @st = stat "/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$v-main.log"; is $st[2], 0100640, 'log file has 0640 permissions'; is $st[4], $owneruid, 'log file is owned by user'; # the log file gid setting works on RedHat, but nobody has gid 99 there (and # there's not good alternative for testing) my $loggid = $PgCommon::rpm ? (getgrnam 'adm')[2] : $ownergid; is $st[5], $loggid, 'log file is owned by user\'s primary group'; if ($#MAJORS > 0) { my $newv = $MAJORS[-1]; my $outref; is ((exec_as 0, "(pg_upgradecluster -v $newv $v main | sed -e 's/^/STDOUT: /')", $outref, 0), 0, 'pg_upgradecluster succeeds'); like $$outref, qr/Starting upgraded cluster/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported cluster startup'; like $$outref, qr/Success. Please check/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported successful operation'; my @err = grep (!/^STDOUT: /, split (/\n/, $$outref)); if (@err) { fail 'no error messages during upgrade'; print (join ("\n", @err)); } else { pass "no error messages during upgrade"; } # verify file permissions @st = stat "/etc/postgresql/$newv/main"; is $st[4], $owneruid, 'upgraded conf dir is owned by user'; is $st[5], $ownergid, 'upgraded conf dir is owned by user\'s primary group'; @st = stat "/etc/postgresql/$newv/main/postgresql.conf"; is $st[4], $owneruid, 'upgraded postgresql.conf dir is owned by user'; is $st[5], $ownergid, 'upgraded postgresql.conf dir is owned by user\'s primary group'; @st = stat "/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$v-main.log"; is $st[4], $owneruid, 'upgraded log file is owned by user'; is $st[5], $loggid, 'upgraded log file is owned by user\'s primary group'; is ((system "pg_dropcluster $newv main --stop"), 0, 'pg_dropcluster'); } else { pass 'only one major version installed, skipping upgrade test'; for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { pass '...'; } } # Check proper cleanup is ((system "pg_dropcluster $v main --stop"), 0, 'pg_dropcluster'); is_program_out $owner, 'pg_lsclusters -h', 0, '', 'No clusters left'; is ((ps 'postgres'), '', "No postgres processes left"); check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl