# Check pg_ctl.conf handling. use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use PgCommon; use Test::More tests => $MAJORS[-1] >= '8.3' ? 33 : 1; # Do test with newest version my $v = $MAJORS[-1]; if ($v < '8.3') { pass 'Skipping core limit tests for versions < 8.3'; exit 0; } # enable core dumps # sudo and salsa-ci set the hard limit to 0 by default, undo that is_program_out 0, "prlimit --core=0:unlimited --pid=$$", 0, '', "set core file size to unlimited"; is_program_out 'postgres', "sh -c 'ulimit -Hc'", 0, "unlimited\n", "core file size is unlimited"; # create cluster is ((system "pg_createcluster $v main >/dev/null"), 0, "pg_createcluster $v main"); ok (-f "/etc/postgresql/$v/main/pg_ctl.conf", "/etc/postgresql/$v/main/pg_ctl.conf exists"); # Default behaviour, core size=0 is_program_out 0, "pg_ctlcluster $v main start", 0, '', "starting cluster as root"; is_program_out 'postgres', "xargs -i awk '/core/ {print \$5}' /proc/{}/limits < /var/run/postgresql/$v-main.pid", 0, "0\n", "soft core size is 0"; my $hard_limit = `xargs -i awk '/core/ {print \$6}' /proc/{}/limits < /var/run/postgresql/$v-main.pid`; chomp $hard_limit; note "hard core file size limit of root-started postgres process is $hard_limit"; # -c in pg_ctl.conf, core size=unlimited ok (set_cluster_pg_ctl_conf($v, 'main', '-c'), "set pg_ctl default option to -c"); is_program_out 0, "pg_ctlcluster $v main restart", 0, '', "restarting cluster as root"; is_program_out 'postgres', "xargs -i awk '/core/ {print \$5}' /proc/{}/limits < /var/run/postgresql/$v-main.pid", 0, "$hard_limit\n", "soft core size is $hard_limit"; # Back to default behaviour, core size=0 is_program_out 0, "pg_ctlcluster $v main stop", 0, '', "stopping cluster"; ok (set_cluster_pg_ctl_conf($v, 'main', ''), "restored pg_ctl default option"); # pg_ctl -c, core size=unlimited is_program_out 'postgres', "pg_ctlcluster $v main start -- -c", 0, '', "starting cluster with -c on the command line as postgres"; is_program_out 'postgres', "xargs -i awk '/core/ {print \$5}' /proc/{}/limits < /var/run/postgresql/$v-main.pid", 0, "unlimited\n", "soft core size is unlimited"; is_program_out 'postgres', "pg_ctlcluster $v main stop", 0, '', "stopping cluster"; is ((system "pg_dropcluster $v main --stop"), 0, 'dropping cluster'); check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl