# Check tsearch, and stemming with dynamic creation of .affix/.dict files use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use PgCommon; my $version = $MAJORS[-1]; use Test::More tests => ($MAJORS[-1] < 8.3 or $PgCommon::rpm) ? 1 : 37; if ($version < 8.3) { pass 'tsearch dictionaries not tested before 8.3'; exit; } if ($PgCommon::rpm) { pass 'tsearch dictionaries not handled by postgresql-common on RedHat'; exit; } # test pg_updatedicts unlink '/var/cache/postgresql/dicts/en_us.affix'; unlink '/var/cache/postgresql/dicts/en_us.dict'; unlink "/usr/share/postgresql/$version/tsearch_data/en_us.affix"; unlink "/usr/share/postgresql/$version/tsearch_data/en_us.dict"; is ((exec_as 0, 'pg_updatedicts'), 0, 'pg_updatedicts succeeded'); ok -f '/var/cache/postgresql/dicts/en_us.affix', 'pg_updatedicts created en_us.affix'; ok -f '/var/cache/postgresql/dicts/en_us.dict', 'pg_updatedicts created en_us.dict'; ok -l "/usr/share/postgresql/$version/tsearch_data/en_us.affix", "pg_updatedicts created $version en_us.affix symlink"; ok -l "/usr/share/postgresql/$version/tsearch_data/en_us.dict", "pg_updatedicts created $version en_us.dict symlink"; # create cluster is ((system "pg_createcluster $version main --start >/dev/null"), 0, "pg_createcluster $version main"); # create DB with en_US text search configuration is_program_out 'postgres', 'createdb fts', 0, ''; my $outref; is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -qd fts -c " CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION public.sc_english ( COPY = pg_catalog.english ); CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY english_ispell (TEMPLATE = ispell, DictFile = en_US, AffFile = en_US, StopWords = english); SET default_text_search_config = \'public.sc_english\'; ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION public.sc_english ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH english_ispell, english_stem;"', $outref), 0, 'creating en_US full text search configuration ' . $$outref); # create test table and index my $outref; is ((exec_as 'postgres', 'psql -qd fts -c " CREATE TABLE stuff (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, text TEXT, textsearch tsvector); UPDATE stuff SET textsearch = to_tsvector(\'public.sc_english\', coalesce(text, \'\')); CREATE INDEX textsearch_idx ON stuff USING gin(textsearch); CREATE TRIGGER textsearch_update_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON stuff FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(textsearch, \'public.sc_english\', text); INSERT INTO stuff (text) VALUES (\'PostgreSQL rocks\'); INSERT INTO stuff (text) VALUES (\'Linux rocks\'); INSERT INTO stuff (text) VALUES (\'I am your father\'\'s nephew\'\'s former roommate\'); INSERT INTO stuff (text) VALUES (\'3 cafés\'); "'), 0, 'creating data table and search index'); # test stemming is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT dictionary, lexemes FROM ts_debug(\'public.sc_english\', \'friendliest\')"', 0, "english_ispell|{friendly}\n", 'stem search of correct word'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT dictionary, lexemes FROM ts_debug(\'public.sc_english\', \'father\'\'s\')"', 0, "english_ispell|{father}\n|\nenglish_ispell|{}\n", 'stem search of correct word'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT dictionary, lexemes FROM ts_debug(\'public.sc_english\', \'duffles\')"', 0, "english_stem|{duffl}\n", 'stem search of unknown word'; # test searching is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'rocks\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, "PostgreSQL rocks\nLinux rocks\n", 'full text search, exact word'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'rock\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, "PostgreSQL rocks\nLinux rocks\n", 'full text search for word stem'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'roc\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, '', 'full text search for word substring fails'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'cafés\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, "3 cafés\n", 'full text search, exact unicode word'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'café\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, "3 cafés\n", 'full text search for unicode word stem'; is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -Atd fts -c "SELECT text FROM stuff, to_tsquery(\'afé\') query WHERE query @@ to_tsvector(text)"', 0, '', 'full text search for unicode word substring fails'; # clean up is ((system "pg_dropcluster $version main --stop"), 0); check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl