path: root/powerline/bindings/vim/plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'powerline/bindings/vim/plugin')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/vim/plugin/powerline.vim b/powerline/bindings/vim/plugin/powerline.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b06a389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/bindings/vim/plugin/powerline.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+if exists('g:powerline_loaded')
+ finish
+let g:powerline_loaded = 1
+if exists('g:powerline_pycmd')
+ let s:pycmd = substitute(g:powerline_pycmd, '\v\C^(py)%[thon](3?)$', '\1\2', '')
+ if s:pycmd is# 'py'
+ let s:has_python = has('python')
+ let s:pyeval = get(g:, 'powerline_pyeval', 'pyeval')
+ elseif s:pycmd is# 'py3'
+ let s:has_python = has('python3')
+ let s:pyeval = 'py3eval'
+ let s:pyeval = get(g:, 'powerline_pyeval', 'py3eval')
+ else
+ if !exists('g:powerline_pyeval')
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echomsg 'g:powerline_pycmd was set to an unknown values, but g:powerline_pyeval'
+ echomsg 'was not set. You should either set g:powerline_pycmd to "py3" or "py",'
+ echomsg 'specify g:powerline_pyeval explicitly or unset both and let powerline'
+ echomsg 'figure them out.'
+ echohl None
+ unlet s:pycmd
+ finish
+ endif
+ let s:pyeval = g:powerline_pyeval
+ let s:has_python = 1
+ endif
+elseif has('python3')
+ let s:has_python = 1
+ let s:pycmd = 'py3'
+ let s:pyeval = get(g:, 'powerline_pyeval', 'py3eval')
+elseif has('python')
+ let s:has_python = 1
+ let s:pycmd = 'py'
+ let s:pyeval = get(g:, 'powerline_pyeval', 'pyeval')
+ let s:has_python = 0
+if !s:has_python
+ if !exists('g:powerline_no_python_error')
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echomsg 'You need vim compiled with Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2 and later support'
+ echomsg 'for Powerline to work. Please consult the documentation for more'
+ echomsg 'details.'
+ echohl None
+ endif
+ unlet s:has_python
+ finish
+unlet s:has_python
+let s:import_cmd = 'from powerline.vim import VimPowerline'
+function s:rcmd(s)
+ if !exists('s:pystr')
+ let s:pystr = a:s . "\n"
+ else
+ let s:pystr = s:pystr . a:s . "\n"
+ endif
+ let s:can_replace_pyeval = !exists('g:powerline_pyeval')
+ call s:rcmd('try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = None')
+ call s:rcmd(' try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' '.s:import_cmd.'')
+ call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
+ call s:rcmd(' import sys, vim')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = vim.eval("expand(\"<sfile>:h:h:h:h:h\")")')
+ call s:rcmd(' sys.path.append(powerline_appended_path)')
+ call s:rcmd(' '.s:import_cmd.'')
+ call s:rcmd(' import vim')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_instance = VimPowerline()')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_instance.setup(pyeval=vim.eval("s:pyeval"), pycmd=vim.eval("s:pycmd"), can_replace_pyeval=int(vim.eval("s:can_replace_pyeval")))')
+ call s:rcmd(' del VimPowerline')
+ call s:rcmd(' del powerline_instance')
+ call s:rcmd('except Exception:')
+ call s:rcmd(' import traceback, sys')
+ call s:rcmd(' traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)')
+ call s:rcmd(' raise')
+ execute s:pycmd s:pystr
+ unlet s:pystr
+ let s:launched = 1
+ unlet s:can_replace_pyeval
+ unlet s:import_cmd
+ if !exists('s:launched')
+ unlet s:pystr
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echomsg 'An error occurred while importing powerline module.'
+ echomsg 'This could be caused by invalid sys.path setting,'
+ echomsg 'or by an incompatible Python version (powerline requires'
+ echomsg 'Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2 and later to work). Please consult'
+ echomsg 'the troubleshooting section in the documentation for'
+ echomsg 'possible solutions.'
+ if s:pycmd is# 'py' && has('python3')
+ echomsg 'If powerline on your system is installed for python 3 only you'
+ echomsg 'should set g:powerline_pycmd to "py3" to make it load correctly.'
+ endif
+ echohl None
+ call s:rcmd('def powerline_troubleshoot():')
+ call s:rcmd(' import sys')
+ call s:rcmd(' import vim')
+ call s:rcmd(' if sys.version_info < (2, 6):')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Too old python version: " + sys.version + " (first supported is 2.6)")')
+ call s:rcmd(' elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Too old python 3 version: " + sys.version + " (first supported is 3.2)")')
+ call s:rcmd(' try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' import powerline')
+ call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Unable to import powerline, is it installed?")')
+ call s:rcmd(' else:')
+ call s:rcmd(' if not vim.eval(''expand("<sfile>")'').startswith("/usr/"):')
+ call s:rcmd(' import os')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(powerline.__file__))')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_dir = os.path.dirname(powerline.__file__)')
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(vim.eval(''expand("<sfile>:p")'')))')
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings/vim/plugin
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings/vim
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline
+ call s:rcmd(' if os.path.basename(this_dir) != "powerline":')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Check your installation:")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("this script is not in powerline[/bindings/vim/plugin] directory,")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("neither it is installed system-wide")')
+ call s:rcmd(' real_powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(powerline_dir)')
+ call s:rcmd(' real_this_dir = os.path.realpath(this_dir)')
+ call s:rcmd(' this_dir_par = os.path.dirname(real_this_dir)')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = globals().get("powerline_appended_path")')
+ call s:rcmd(' if powerline_appended_path is not None and this_dir_par != powerline_appended_path:')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Check your installation: this script is symlinked somewhere")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("where powerline is not present: {0!r} != {1!r}.".format(')
+ call s:rcmd(' real_this_dir, powerline_appended_path))')
+ call s:rcmd(' elif real_powerline_dir != real_this_dir:')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("It appears that you have two powerline versions installed:")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("one in " + real_powerline_dir + ", other in " + real_this_dir + ".")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("You should remove one of this. Check out troubleshooting section,")')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("it contains some information about the alternatives.")')
+ call s:rcmd(' try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' from powerline.lint import check')
+ call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
+ call s:rcmd(' print("Failed to import powerline.lint.check, cannot run powerline-lint")')
+ call s:rcmd(' else:')
+ call s:rcmd(' try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' paths = powerline_instance.get_config_paths()')
+ call s:rcmd(' except NameError:')
+ call s:rcmd(' pass')
+ call s:rcmd(' else:')
+ call s:rcmd(' from powerline.lint.markedjson.error import echoerr')
+ call s:rcmd(' ee = lambda *args, **kwargs: echoerr(*args, stream=sys.stdout, **kwargs)')
+ call s:rcmd(' check(paths=paths, echoerr=ee, require_ext="vim")')
+ call s:rcmd('try:')
+ call s:rcmd(' powerline_troubleshoot()')
+ call s:rcmd('finally:')
+ call s:rcmd(' del powerline_troubleshoot')
+ execute s:pycmd s:pystr
+ unlet s:pystr
+ unlet s:pycmd
+ unlet s:pyeval
+ delfunction s:rcmd
+ finish
+ else
+ unlet s:launched
+ endif
+ unlet s:pycmd
+ unlet s:pyeval
+ delfunction s:rcmd