path: root/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh b/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff46cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+_powerline_columns_fallback() {
+ if which stty &>/dev/null ; then
+ local cols="$(stty size 2>/dev/null)"
+ if ! test -z "$cols" ; then
+ echo "${cols#* }"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo 0
+ return 0
+_powerline_append_precmd_function() {
+ if test -z "${precmd_functions[(re)$1]}" ; then
+ precmd_functions+=( $1 )
+ fi
+integer -g _POWERLINE_JOBNUM=0
+_powerline_tmux_pane() {
+ local -x TMUX="$_POWERLINE_TMUX"
+ echo "${TMUX_PANE:-`tmux display -p "#D"`}" | tr -d ' %'
+_powerline_tmux_pane() {
+ local -x TMUX="$_POWERLINE_TMUX"
+ echo "${TMUX_PANE:-`tmux display -p "#D"`}" | tr -d ' %'
+_powerline_init_tmux_support() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ if test -n "$TMUX" && tmux refresh -S &>/dev/null ; then
+ # TMUX variable may be unset to create new tmux session inside this one
+ typeset -g _POWERLINE_TMUX="$TMUX"
+ function -g _powerline_tmux_setenv() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ local -x TMUX="$_POWERLINE_TMUX"
+ tmux setenv -g TMUX_"$1"_$(_powerline_tmux_pane) "$2"
+ tmux refresh -S
+ }
+ function -g _powerline_tmux_set_pwd() {
+ _powerline_tmux_setenv PWD "$PWD"
+ }
+ function -g _powerline_tmux_set_columns() {
+ _powerline_tmux_setenv COLUMNS "${COLUMNS:-$(_powerline_columns_fallback)}"
+ }
+ chpwd_functions+=( _powerline_tmux_set_pwd )
+ trap '_powerline_tmux_set_columns' SIGWINCH
+ _powerline_tmux_set_columns
+ _powerline_tmux_set_pwd
+ fi
+_powerline_init_modes_support() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ test -z "$ZSH_VERSION" && return 0
+ local -a vs
+ vs=( ${(s:.:)ZSH_VERSION} )
+ # Mode support requires >=zsh-4.3.11
+ if (( vs[1] < 4 || (vs[1] == 4 && (vs[2] < 3 || (vs[2] == 3 && vs[3] < 11))) )) ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ function -g _powerline_get_main_keymap_name() {
+ REPLY="${${(Q)${${(z)${"$(bindkey -lL main)"}}[3]}}}"
+ }
+ function -g _powerline_set_true_keymap_name() {
+ typeset -g _POWERLINE_MODE="${1}"
+ local plm_bk="$(bindkey -lL ${_POWERLINE_MODE})"
+ if [[ $plm_bk = 'bindkey -A'* ]] ; then
+ _powerline_set_true_keymap_name ${(Q)${${(z)plm_bk}[3]}}
+ fi
+ }
+ function -g _powerline_zle_keymap_select() {
+ _powerline_set_true_keymap_name $KEYMAP
+ zle reset-prompt
+ }
+ function -g _powerline_set_main_keymap_name() {
+ local REPLY
+ _powerline_get_main_keymap_name
+ _powerline_set_true_keymap_name "$REPLY"
+ }
+ _powerline_add_widget zle-keymap-select _powerline_zle_keymap_select
+ _powerline_set_main_keymap_name
+ if [[ "$_POWERLINE_MODE" != vi* ]] ; then
+ fi
+ _powerline_append_precmd_function _powerline_set_main_keymap_name
+_powerline_set_jobnum() {
+ # If you are wondering why I am not using the same code as I use for bash
+ # ($(jobs|wc -l)): consider the following test:
+ # echo abc | less
+ # <C-z>
+ # . This way jobs will print
+ # [1] + done echo abc |
+ # suspended less -M
+ # ([ is in first column). You see: any line counting thingie will return
+ # wrong number of jobs. You need to filter the lines first. Or not use
+ # jobs built-in at all.
+ integer -g _POWERLINE_JOBNUM=${(%):-%j}
+_powerline_update_counter() {
+ zpython '_powerline.precmd()'
+_powerline_setup_prompt() {
+ emulate -L zsh
+ _powerline_append_precmd_function _powerline_set_jobnum
+ if test -z "${POWERLINE_NO_ZSH_ZPYTHON}" && { zmodload libzpython || zmodload zsh/zpython } &>/dev/null ; then
+ _powerline_append_precmd_function _powerline_update_counter
+ zpython 'from powerline.bindings.zsh import setup as _powerline_setup'
+ zpython '_powerline_setup(globals())'
+ zpython 'del _powerline_setup'
+ powerline-reload() {
+ zpython 'from powerline.bindings.zsh import reload as _powerline_reload'
+ zpython '_powerline_reload()'
+ zpython 'del _powerline_reload'
+ }
+ powerline-reload-config() {
+ zpython 'from powerline.bindings.zsh import reload_config as _powerline_reload_config'
+ zpython '_powerline_reload_config()'
+ zpython 'del _powerline_reload_config'
+ }
+ else
+ if test -z "${POWERLINE_COMMAND}" ; then
+ fi
+ local add_args='-r .zsh'
+ add_args+=' --last-exit-code=$?'
+ add_args+=' --last-pipe-status="$pipestatus"'
+ add_args+=' --renderer-arg="client_id=$$"'
+ add_args+=' --renderer-arg="shortened_path=${(%):-%~}"'
+ add_args+=' --jobnum=$_POWERLINE_JOBNUM'
+ add_args+=' --renderer-arg="mode=$_POWERLINE_MODE"'
+ add_args+=' --renderer-arg="default_mode=$_POWERLINE_DEFAULT_MODE"'
+ local new_args_2=' --renderer-arg="parser_state=${(%%):-%_}"'
+ new_args_2+=' --renderer-arg="local_theme=continuation"'
+ local add_args_3=$add_args' --renderer-arg="local_theme=select"'
+ local add_args_2=$add_args$new_args_2
+ add_args+=' --width=$(( ${COLUMNS:-$(_powerline_columns_fallback)} - ${ZLE_RPROMPT_INDENT:-1} ))'
+ local add_args_r2=$add_args$new_args_2
+ typeset -g PS1='$("$POWERLINE_COMMAND" $=POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS shell aboveleft '$add_args')'
+ typeset -g RPS1='$("$POWERLINE_COMMAND" $=POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS shell right '$add_args')'
+ typeset -g PS2='$("$POWERLINE_COMMAND" $=POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS shell left '$add_args_2')'
+ typeset -g RPS2='$("$POWERLINE_COMMAND" $=POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS shell right '$add_args_r2')'
+ typeset -g PS3='$("$POWERLINE_COMMAND" $=POWERLINE_COMMAND_ARGS shell left '$add_args_3')'
+ fi
+_powerline_add_widget() {
+ local widget="$1"
+ local function="$2"
+ local old_widget_command="$(zle -l -L $widget)"
+ if [[ "$old_widget_command" = "zle -N $widget $function" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ elif [[ -z "$old_widget_command" ]] ; then
+ zle -N $widget $function
+ else
+ local save_widget="_powerline_save_$widget"
+ local -i i=0
+ while ! test -z "$(zle -l -L $save_widget)" ; do
+ save_widget="${save_widget}_$i"
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ # If widget was defined with `zle -N widget` (without `function`
+ # argument) then this function will be handy.
+ eval "function $save_widget() { emulate -L zsh; $widget \$@ }"
+ eval "${old_widget_command/$widget/$save_widget}"
+ zle -N $widget $function
+ typeset -g _POWERLINE_SAVE_WIDGET="$save_widget"
+ fi
+if test -z "${POWERLINE_CONFIG_COMMAND}" ; then
+ if which powerline-config >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
+ typeset -g POWERLINE_CONFIG_COMMAND=powerline-config
+ else
+ typeset -g POWERLINE_CONFIG_COMMAND="${_POWERLINE_SOURCED:h:h:h:h}/scripts/powerline-config"
+ fi
+setopt promptpercent
+setopt promptsubst
+if "${POWERLINE_CONFIG_COMMAND}" shell --shell=zsh uses prompt ; then
+ _powerline_setup_prompt
+ _powerline_init_modes_support
+if "${POWERLINE_CONFIG_COMMAND}" shell --shell=zsh uses tmux ; then
+ _powerline_init_tmux_support