path: root/powerline/segments/vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'powerline/segments/vim')
9 files changed, 1160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/ b/powerline/segments/vim/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d999d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+import os
+import re
+import csv
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import (vim_get_func, getbufvar, vim_getbufoption,
+ buffer_name, vim_getwinvar,
+ register_buffer_cache, current_tabpage,
+ list_tabpage_buffers_segment_info)
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info, requires_filesystem_watcher
+from powerline.lib import add_divider_highlight_group
+from powerline.lib.vcs import guess
+from powerline.lib.humanize_bytes import humanize_bytes
+from powerline.lib import wraps_saveargs as wraps
+from powerline.segments.common.vcs import BranchSegment, StashSegment
+from powerline.segments import with_docstring
+from powerline.lib.unicode import string, unicode
+ from __builtin__ import xrange as range
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+vim_funcs = {
+ 'virtcol': vim_get_func('virtcol', rettype='int'),
+ 'getpos': vim_get_func('getpos'),
+ 'fnamemodify': vim_get_func('fnamemodify', rettype='bytes'),
+ 'line2byte': vim_get_func('line2byte', rettype='int'),
+ 'line': vim_get_func('line', rettype='int'),
+vim_modes = {
+ 'n': 'NORMAL',
+ 'no': 'N-OPER',
+ 'v': 'VISUAL',
+ 'V': 'V-LINE',
+ '^V': 'V-BLCK',
+ 's': 'SELECT',
+ 'S': 'S-LINE',
+ '^S': 'S-BLCK',
+ 'i': 'INSERT',
+ 'ic': 'I-COMP',
+ 'ix': 'I-C_X ',
+ 'R': 'RPLACE',
+ 'Rv': 'V-RPLC',
+ 'Rc': 'R-COMP',
+ 'Rx': 'R-C_X ',
+ 'c': 'COMMND',
+ 'cv': 'VIM-EX',
+ 'ce': 'NRM-EX',
+ 'r': 'PROMPT',
+ 'rm': '-MORE-',
+ 'r?': 'CNFIRM',
+ '!': '!SHELL',
+ 't': 'TERM ',
+# TODO Remove cache when needed
+def window_cached(func):
+ cache = {}
+ @requires_segment_info
+ @wraps(func)
+ def ret(segment_info, **kwargs):
+ window_id = segment_info['window_id']
+ if segment_info['mode'] == 'nc':
+ return cache.get(window_id)
+ else:
+ if getattr(func, 'powerline_requires_segment_info', False):
+ r = func(segment_info=segment_info, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ r = func(**kwargs)
+ cache[window_id] = r
+ return r
+ return ret
+def mode(pl, segment_info, override=None):
+ '''Return the current vim mode.
+ If mode (returned by ``mode()`` VimL function, see ``:h mode()`` in Vim)
+ consists of multiple characters and necessary mode is not known to powerline
+ then it will fall back to mode with last character(s) ignored.
+ :param dict override:
+ dict for overriding default mode strings, e.g. ``{ 'n': 'NORM' }``
+ '''
+ mode = segment_info['mode']
+ if mode == 'nc':
+ return None
+ while mode:
+ try:
+ if not override:
+ return vim_modes[mode]
+ try:
+ return override[mode]
+ except KeyError:
+ return vim_modes[mode]
+ except KeyError:
+ mode = mode[:-1]
+ return 'BUG'
+def visual_range(pl, segment_info, CTRL_V_text='{rows} x {vcols}', v_text_oneline='C:{vcols}', v_text_multiline='L:{rows}', V_text='L:{rows}'):
+ '''Return the current visual selection range.
+ :param str CTRL_V_text:
+ Text to display when in block visual or select mode.
+ :param str v_text_oneline:
+ Text to display when in charaterwise visual or select mode, assuming
+ selection occupies only one line.
+ :param str v_text_multiline:
+ Text to display when in charaterwise visual or select mode, assuming
+ selection occupies more then one line.
+ :param str V_text:
+ Text to display when in linewise visual or select mode.
+ All texts are format strings which are passed the following parameters:
+ ========= =============================================================
+ Parameter Description
+ ========= =============================================================
+ sline Line number of the first line of the selection
+ eline Line number of the last line of the selection
+ scol Column number of the first character of the selection
+ ecol Column number of the last character of the selection
+ svcol Virtual column number of the first character of the selection
+ secol Virtual column number of the last character of the selection
+ rows Number of lines in the selection
+ cols Number of columns in the selection
+ vcols Number of virtual columns in the selection
+ ========= =============================================================
+ '''
+ sline, scol, soff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos']('v')[1:]]
+ eline, ecol, eoff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos']('.')[1:]]
+ svcol = vim_funcs['virtcol']([sline, scol, soff])
+ evcol = vim_funcs['virtcol']([eline, ecol, eoff])
+ rows = abs(eline - sline) + 1
+ cols = abs(ecol - scol) + 1
+ vcols = abs(evcol - svcol) + 1
+ return {
+ '^': CTRL_V_text,
+ 's': v_text_oneline if rows == 1 else v_text_multiline,
+ 'S': V_text,
+ 'v': v_text_oneline if rows == 1 else v_text_multiline,
+ 'V': V_text,
+ }.get(segment_info['mode'][0], '').format(
+ sline=sline, eline=eline,
+ scol=scol, ecol=ecol,
+ svcol=svcol, evcol=evcol,
+ rows=rows, cols=cols, vcols=vcols,
+ )
+def modified_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='+'):
+ '''Return a file modified indicator.
+ :param string text:
+ text to display if the current buffer is modified
+ '''
+ return text if int(vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'modified')) else None
+def tab_modified_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='+'):
+ '''Return a file modified indicator for tabpages.
+ :param string text:
+ text to display if any buffer in the current tab is modified
+ Highlight groups used: ``tab_modified_indicator`` or ``modified_indicator``.
+ '''
+ for buf_segment_info in list_tabpage_buffers_segment_info(segment_info):
+ if int(vim_getbufoption(buf_segment_info, 'modified')):
+ return [{
+ 'contents': text,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['tab_modified_indicator', 'modified_indicator'],
+ }]
+ return None
+def paste_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='PASTE'):
+ '''Return a paste mode indicator.
+ :param string text:
+ text to display if paste mode is enabled
+ '''
+ return text if int(vim.eval('&paste')) else None
+def readonly_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='RO'):
+ '''Return a read-only indicator.
+ :param string text:
+ text to display if the current buffer is read-only
+ '''
+ return text if int(vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'readonly')) else None
+SCHEME_RE = re.compile(b'^\\w[\\w\\d+\\-.]*(?=:)')
+def file_scheme(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the protocol part of the file.
+ Protocol is the part of the full filename just before the colon which
+ starts with a latin letter and contains only latin letters, digits, plus,
+ period or hyphen (refer to `RFC3986
+ <>`_ for the description of
+ URI scheme). If there is no such a thing ``None`` is returned, effectively
+ removing segment.
+ .. note::
+ Segment will not check whether there is ``//`` just after the
+ colon or if there is at least one slash after the scheme. Reason: it is
+ not always present. E.g. when opening file inside a zip archive file
+ name will look like :file:`zipfile:/path/to/`.
+ ``file_scheme`` segment will catch ``zipfile`` part here.
+ '''
+ name = buffer_name(segment_info)
+ if not name:
+ return None
+ match = SCHEME_RE.match(name)
+ if match:
+ return'ascii')
+def file_directory(pl, segment_info, remove_scheme=True, shorten_user=True, shorten_cwd=True, shorten_home=False):
+ '''Return file directory (head component of the file path).
+ :param bool remove_scheme:
+ Remove scheme part from the segment name, if present. See documentation
+ of file_scheme segment for the description of what scheme is. Also
+ removes the colon.
+ :param bool shorten_user:
+ Shorten ``$HOME`` directory to :file:`~/`. Does not work for files with
+ scheme.
+ :param bool shorten_cwd:
+ Shorten current directory to :file:`./`. Does not work for files with
+ scheme present.
+ :param bool shorten_home:
+ Shorten all directories in :file:`/home/` to :file:`~user/` instead of
+ :file:`/home/user/`. Does not work for files with scheme present.
+ '''
+ name = buffer_name(segment_info)
+ if not name:
+ return None
+ match = SCHEME_RE.match(name)
+ if match:
+ if remove_scheme:
+ name = name[len( + 1:] # Remove scheme and colon
+ file_directory = vim_funcs['fnamemodify'](name, ':h')
+ else:
+ file_directory = vim_funcs['fnamemodify'](
+ name,
+ (':~' if shorten_user else '') + (':.' if shorten_cwd else '') + ':h'
+ )
+ if not file_directory:
+ return None
+ if shorten_home and file_directory.startswith('/home/'):
+ file_directory = b'~' + file_directory[6:]
+ file_directory = file_directory.decode(segment_info['encoding'], 'powerline_vim_strtrans_error')
+ return file_directory + os.sep
+def file_name(pl, segment_info, display_no_file=False, no_file_text='[No file]'):
+ '''Return file name (tail component of the file path).
+ :param bool display_no_file:
+ display a string if the buffer is missing a file name
+ :param str no_file_text:
+ the string to display if the buffer is missing a file name
+ Highlight groups used: ``file_name_no_file`` or ``file_name``, ``file_name``.
+ '''
+ name = buffer_name(segment_info)
+ if not name:
+ if display_no_file:
+ return [{
+ 'contents': no_file_text,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['file_name_no_file', 'file_name'],
+ }]
+ else:
+ return None
+ return os.path.basename(name).decode(segment_info['encoding'], 'powerline_vim_strtrans_error')
+def file_size(pl, suffix='B', si_prefix=False):
+ '''Return file size in &encoding.
+ :param str suffix:
+ string appended to the file size
+ :param bool si_prefix:
+ use SI prefix, e.g. MB instead of MiB
+ :return: file size or None if the file isn’t saved or if the size is too big to fit in a number
+ '''
+ # Note: returns file size in &encoding, not in &fileencoding. But returned
+ # size is updated immediately; and it is valid for any buffer
+ file_size = vim_funcs['line2byte'](len(vim.current.buffer) + 1) - 1
+ if file_size < 0:
+ file_size = 0
+ return humanize_bytes(file_size, suffix, si_prefix)
+def file_format(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return file format (i.e. line ending type).
+ :return: file format or None if unknown or missing file format
+ Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
+ '''
+ return vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'fileformat') or None
+def file_encoding(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return file encoding/character set.
+ :return: file encoding/character set or None if unknown or missing file encoding
+ Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
+ '''
+ return vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'fileencoding') or None
+def file_bom(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return BOM of the current file
+ :return: Byte order mark or None if unknown or missing BOM
+ Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
+ '''
+ return 'bom' if vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'bomb') else None
+def file_type(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return file type.
+ :return: file type or None if unknown file type
+ Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
+ '''
+ return vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'filetype') or None
+def window_title(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the window title.
+ This currently looks at the ``quickfix_title`` window variable,
+ which is used by Syntastic and Vim itself.
+ It is used in the quickfix theme.'''
+ try:
+ return vim_getwinvar(segment_info, 'quickfix_title')
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+def line_percent(pl, segment_info, gradient=False):
+ '''Return the cursor position in the file as a percentage.
+ :param bool gradient:
+ highlight the percentage with a color gradient (by default a green to red gradient)
+ Highlight groups used: ``line_percent_gradient`` (gradient), ``line_percent``.
+ '''
+ line_current = segment_info['window'].cursor[0]
+ line_last = len(segment_info['buffer'])
+ percentage = line_current * 100.0 / line_last
+ if not gradient:
+ return str(int(round(percentage)))
+ return [{
+ 'contents': str(int(round(percentage))),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['line_percent_gradient', 'line_percent'],
+ 'gradient_level': percentage,
+ }]
+def position(pl, position_strings={'top': 'Top', 'bottom': 'Bot', 'all': 'All'}, gradient=False):
+ '''Return the position of the current view in the file as a percentage.
+ :param dict position_strings:
+ dict for translation of the position strings, e.g. ``{"top":"Oben", "bottom":"Unten", "all":"Alles"}``
+ :param bool gradient:
+ highlight the percentage with a color gradient (by default a green to red gradient)
+ Highlight groups used: ``position_gradient`` (gradient), ``position``.
+ '''
+ line_last = len(vim.current.buffer)
+ winline_first = vim_funcs['line']('w0')
+ winline_last = vim_funcs['line']('w$')
+ if winline_first == 1 and winline_last == line_last:
+ percentage = 0.0
+ content = position_strings['all']
+ elif winline_first == 1:
+ percentage = 0.0
+ content = position_strings['top']
+ elif winline_last == line_last:
+ percentage = 100.0
+ content = position_strings['bottom']
+ else:
+ percentage = winline_first * 100.0 / (line_last - winline_last + winline_first)
+ content = str(int(round(percentage))) + '%'
+ if not gradient:
+ return content
+ return [{
+ 'contents': content,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['position_gradient', 'position'],
+ 'gradient_level': percentage,
+ }]
+def line_current(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the current cursor line.'''
+ return str(segment_info['window'].cursor[0])
+def line_count(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the line count of the current buffer.'''
+ return str(len(segment_info['buffer']))
+def col_current(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the current cursor column.
+ '''
+ return str(segment_info['window'].cursor[1] + 1)
+def virtcol_current(pl, gradient=True):
+ '''Return current visual column with concealed characters ignored
+ :param bool gradient:
+ Determines whether it should show textwidth-based gradient (gradient level is ``virtcol * 100 / textwidth``).
+ Highlight groups used: ``virtcol_current_gradient`` (gradient), ``virtcol_current`` or ``col_current``.
+ '''
+ col = vim_funcs['virtcol']('.')
+ r = [{'contents': str(col), 'highlight_groups': ['virtcol_current', 'col_current']}]
+ if gradient:
+ textwidth = int(getbufvar('%', '&textwidth'))
+ r[-1]['gradient_level'] = min(col * 100 / textwidth, 100) if textwidth else 0
+ r[-1]['highlight_groups'].insert(0, 'virtcol_current_gradient')
+ return r
+def modified_buffers(pl, text='+ ', join_str=','):
+ '''Return a comma-separated list of modified buffers.
+ :param str text:
+ text to display before the modified buffer list
+ :param str join_str:
+ string to use for joining the modified buffer list
+ '''
+ buffer_mod_text = join_str.join((
+ str(buffer.number)
+ for buffer in vim.buffers
+ if int(vim_getbufoption({'buffer': buffer, 'bufnr': buffer.number}, 'modified'))
+ ))
+ if buffer_mod_text:
+ return text + buffer_mod_text
+ return None
+class VimBranchSegment(BranchSegment):
+ divider_highlight_group = 'branch:divider'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_directory(segment_info):
+ if vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'buftype'):
+ return None
+ return buffer_name(segment_info)
+branch = with_docstring(VimBranchSegment(),
+'''Return the current working branch.
+:param bool status_colors:
+ Determines whether repository status will be used to determine highlighting.
+ Default: False.
+:param bool ignore_statuses:
+ List of statuses which will not result in repo being marked as dirty. Most
+ useful is setting this option to ``["U"]``: this will ignore repository
+ which has just untracked files (i.e. repository with modified, deleted or
+ removed files will be marked as dirty, while just untracked files will make
+ segment show clean repository). Only applicable if ``status_colors`` option
+ is True.
+Highlight groups used: ``branch_clean``, ``branch_dirty``, ``branch``.
+Divider highlight group used: ``branch:divider``.
+class VimStashSegment(StashSegment):
+ divider_highlight_group = 'stash:divider'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_directory(segment_info):
+ if vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'buftype'):
+ return None
+ return buffer_name(segment_info)
+stash = with_docstring(VimStashSegment(),
+'''Return the number of stashes in the current working branch.
+Highlight groups used: ``stash``.
+def file_vcs_status(pl, segment_info, create_watcher):
+ '''Return the VCS status for this buffer.
+ Highlight groups used: ``file_vcs_status``.
+ '''
+ name = buffer_name(segment_info)
+ skip = not (name and (not vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'buftype')))
+ if not skip:
+ repo = guess(path=name, create_watcher=create_watcher)
+ if repo is not None:
+ status = repo.status(os.path.relpath(name,
+ if not status:
+ return None
+ status = status.strip()
+ ret = []
+ for status in status:
+ ret.append({
+ 'contents': status,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['file_vcs_status_' + status, 'file_vcs_status'],
+ })
+ return ret
+trailing_whitespace_cache = None
+def trailing_whitespace(pl, segment_info):
+ '''Return the line number for trailing whitespaces
+ It is advised not to use this segment in insert mode: in Insert mode it will
+ iterate over all lines in buffer each time you happen to type a character
+ which may cause lags. It will also show you whitespace warning each time you
+ happen to type space.
+ Highlight groups used: ``trailing_whitespace`` or ``warning``.
+ '''
+ global trailing_whitespace_cache
+ if trailing_whitespace_cache is None:
+ trailing_whitespace_cache = register_buffer_cache(defaultdict(lambda: (0, None)))
+ bufnr = segment_info['bufnr']
+ changedtick = getbufvar(bufnr, 'changedtick')
+ if trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr][0] == changedtick:
+ return trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr][1]
+ else:
+ buf = segment_info['buffer']
+ bws = b' \t'
+ sws = str(' \t') # Ignore unicode_literals and use native str.
+ for i in range(len(buf)):
+ try:
+ line = buf[i]
+ except UnicodeDecodeError: # May happen in Python 3
+ if hasattr(vim, 'bindeval'):
+ line = vim.bindeval('getbufline({0}, {1})'.format(
+ bufnr, i + 1))
+ has_trailing_ws = (line[-1] in bws)
+ else:
+ line = vim.eval('strtrans(getbufline({0}, {1}))'.format(
+ bufnr, i + 1))
+ has_trailing_ws = (line[-1] in bws)
+ else:
+ has_trailing_ws = (line and line[-1] in sws)
+ if has_trailing_ws:
+ break
+ if has_trailing_ws:
+ ret = [{
+ 'contents': str(i + 1),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['trailing_whitespace', 'warning'],
+ }]
+ else:
+ ret = None
+ trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr] = (changedtick, ret)
+ return ret
+def tabnr(pl, segment_info, show_current=True):
+ '''Show tabpage number
+ :param bool show_current:
+ If False do not show current tabpage number. This is default because
+ tabnr is by default only present in tabline.
+ '''
+ try:
+ tabnr = segment_info['tabnr']
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ if show_current or tabnr != current_tabpage().number:
+ return str(tabnr)
+def bufnr(pl, segment_info, show_current=True):
+ '''Show buffer number
+ :param bool show_current:
+ If False do not show current window number.
+ '''
+ bufnr = segment_info['bufnr']
+ if show_current or bufnr != vim.current.buffer.number:
+ return str(bufnr)
+def winnr(pl, segment_info, show_current=True):
+ '''Show window number
+ :param bool show_current:
+ If False do not show current window number.
+ '''
+ winnr = segment_info['winnr']
+ if show_current or winnr != vim.current.window.number:
+ return str(winnr)
+csv_cache = None
+sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
+def detect_text_csv_dialect(text, display_name, header_text=None):
+ return (
+ sniffer.sniff(string(text)),
+ sniffer.has_header(string(header_text or text)) if display_name == 'auto' else display_name,
+ )
+if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
+ def read_csv(l, dialect, fin=next):
+ try:
+ return fin(csv.reader(l, dialect))
+ except csv.Error as e:
+ if str(e) == 'newline inside string' and dialect.quotechar:
+ # Maybe we are inside an unfinished quoted string. Python-2.6
+ # does not handle this fine
+ return fin(csv.reader(l[:-1] + [l[-1] + dialect.quotechar]))
+ else:
+ raise
+ def read_csv(l, dialect, fin=next):
+ return fin(csv.reader(l, dialect))
+def process_csv_buffer(pl, buffer, line, col, display_name):
+ global csv_cache
+ if csv_cache is None:
+ csv_cache = register_buffer_cache(defaultdict(lambda: (None, None, None)))
+ try:
+ cur_first_line = buffer[0]
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ cur_first_line = vim.eval('strtrans(getline(1))')
+ dialect, has_header, first_line = csv_cache[buffer.number]
+ if dialect is None or (cur_first_line != first_line and display_name == 'auto'):
+ try:
+ text = '\n'.join(buffer[:CSV_SNIFF_LINES])
+ except UnicodeDecodeError: # May happen in Python 3
+ text = vim.eval('join(map(getline(1, {0}), "strtrans(v:val)"), "\\n")'.format(CSV_SNIFF_LINES))
+ try:
+ dialect, has_header = detect_text_csv_dialect(text, display_name)
+ except csv.Error as e:
+ pl.warn('Failed to detect csv format: {0}', str(e))
+ # Try detecting using three lines only:
+ if line == 1:
+ rng = (0, line + 2)
+ elif line == len(buffer):
+ rng = (line - 3, line)
+ else:
+ rng = (line - 2, line + 1)
+ try:
+ dialect, has_header = detect_text_csv_dialect(
+ '\n'.join(buffer[rng[0]:rng[1]]),
+ display_name,
+ header_text='\n'.join(buffer[:4]),
+ )
+ except csv.Error as e:
+ pl.error('Failed to detect csv format: {0}', str(e))
+ return None, None
+ if len(buffer) > 2:
+ csv_cache[buffer.number] = dialect, has_header, cur_first_line
+ column_number = len(read_csv(
+ buffer[max(0, line - CSV_PARSE_LINES):line - 1] + [buffer[line - 1][:col]],
+ dialect=dialect,
+ fin=list,
+ )[-1]) or 1
+ if has_header:
+ try:
+ header = read_csv(buffer[0:1], dialect=dialect)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ header = read_csv([vim.eval('strtrans(getline(1))')], dialect=dialect)
+ column_name = header[column_number - 1]
+ else:
+ column_name = None
+ return unicode(column_number), column_name
+def csv_col_current(pl, segment_info, display_name='auto', name_format=' ({column_name:.15})'):
+ '''Display CSV column number and column name
+ Requires filetype to be set to ``csv``.
+ :param bool or str name:
+ May be ``True``, ``False`` and ``"auto"``. In the first case value from
+ the first raw will always be displayed. In the second case it will never
+ be displayed. In the last case ``csv.Sniffer().has_header()`` will be
+ used to detect whether current file contains header in the first column.
+ :param str name_format:
+ String used to format column name (in case ``display_name`` is set to
+ ``True`` or ``"auto"``). Accepts ``column_name`` keyword argument.
+ Highlight groups used: ``csv:column_number`` or ``csv``, ``csv:column_name`` or ``csv``.
+ '''
+ if vim_getbufoption(segment_info, 'filetype') != 'csv':
+ return None
+ line, col = segment_info['window'].cursor
+ column_number, column_name = process_csv_buffer(pl, segment_info['buffer'], line, col, display_name)
+ if not column_number:
+ return None
+ return [{
+ 'contents': column_number,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['csv:column_number', 'csv'],
+ }] + ([{
+ 'contents': name_format.format(column_name=column_name),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['csv:column_name', 'csv'],
+ }] if column_name else [])
+def tab(pl, segment_info, end=False):
+ '''Mark start of the clickable region for tabpage
+ :param bool end:
+ In place of starting region for the current tab end it.
+ No highlight groups are used (literal segment).
+ '''
+ try:
+ return [{
+ 'contents': None,
+ 'literal_contents': (0, '%{tabnr}T'.format(tabnr=('' if end else segment_info['tabnr']))),
+ }]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b9f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+from pkgutil import extend_path
+__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4bdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_global_exists
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
+def ale(segment_info, pl, err_format='ERR: ln {first_line} ({num}) ', warn_format='WARN: ln {first_line} ({num}) '):
+ '''Show whether ALE has found any errors or warnings
+ :param str err_format:
+ Format string for errors.
+ :param str warn_format:
+ Format string for warnings.
+ Highlight groups used: ``ale:warning`` or ``warning``, ``ale:error`` or ``error``.
+ '''
+ if not (vim_global_exists('ale_enabled') and int(vim.eval('g:ale_enabled'))):
+ return None
+ has_errors = int(vim.eval('ale#statusline#Count(' + str(segment_info['bufnr']) + ').total'))
+ if not has_errors:
+ return
+ error = None
+ warning = None
+ errors_count = 0
+ warnings_count = 0
+ for issue in vim.eval('ale#engine#GetLoclist(' + str(segment_info['bufnr']) + ')'):
+ if issue['type'] == 'E':
+ error = error or issue
+ errors_count += 1
+ elif issue['type'] == 'W':
+ warning = warning or issue
+ warnings_count += 1
+ segments = []
+ if error:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': err_format.format(first_line=error['lnum'], num=errors_count),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['ale:error', 'error'],
+ })
+ if warning:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': warn_format.format(first_line=warning['lnum'], num=warnings_count),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['ale:warning', 'warning'],
+ })
+ return segments
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c474d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_func_exists
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
+def capslock_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='CAPS'):
+ '''Shows the indicator if tpope/vim-capslock plugin is enabled
+ .. note::
+ In the current state plugin automatically disables itself when leaving
+ insert mode. So trying to use this segment not in insert or replace
+ modes is useless.
+ :param str text:
+ String to show when software capslock presented by this plugin is
+ active.
+ '''
+ if not vim_func_exists('CapsLockStatusline'):
+ return None
+ # CapsLockStatusline() function returns an empty string when plugin is
+ # disabled. If it is not then string is non-empty.
+ return text if vim.eval('CapsLockStatusline()') else None
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290faec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_command_exists
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
+# coc_status's format: E1 W2
+def parse_coc_status(coc_status):
+ # type(coc_status) is tuple
+ errors_count = 0
+ warnings_count = 0
+ if len(coc_status) <= 0:
+ return errors_count, warnings_count
+ status_str = coc_status[0]
+ if len(status_str) <= 0:
+ return errors_count, warnings_count
+ status_list = status_str.split(' ')
+ for item in status_list:
+ if len(item) > 0 and item[0] == 'E':
+ errors_count = int(item[1:])
+ if len(item) > 0 and item[0] == 'W':
+ warnings_count = int(item[1:])
+ return errors_count, warnings_count
+def coc(segment_info, pl):
+ '''Show whether coc.nvim has found any errors or warnings
+ Highlight groups used: ``coc:warning`` or ``warning``, ``coc:error`` or ``error``.
+ '''
+ segments = []
+ if not vim_command_exists('CocCommand'):
+ return segments
+ coc_status = vim.eval('coc#status()'),
+ errors_count, warnings_count = parse_coc_status(coc_status)
+ if errors_count > 0:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': 'E:' + str(errors_count),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['coc:error', 'error'],
+ })
+ if warnings_count > 0:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': 'W:' + str(warnings_count),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['coc:warning', 'warning'],
+ })
+ return segments
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e5262e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import create_ruby_dpowerline
+def initialize():
+ global initialized
+ if initialized:
+ return
+ initialized = True
+ create_ruby_dpowerline()
+ vim.command((
+ # When using :execute (vim.command uses the same code) one should not
+ # use << EOF.
+ '''
+ ruby
+ if (not ($command_t.respond_to? 'active_finder'))
+ def $command_t.active_finder
+ @active_finder and or ''
+ end
+ end
+ if (not ($command_t.respond_to? 'path'))
+ def $command_t.path
+ @path or ''
+ end
+ end
+ def $powerline.commandt_set_active_finder
+ ::VIM::command "let g:powerline_commandt_reply = '#{$command_t.active_finder}'"
+ end
+ def $powerline.commandt_set_path
+ ::VIM::command "let g:powerline_commandt_reply = '#{($command_t.path or '').gsub(/'/, "''")}'"
+ end
+ '''
+ ))
+initialized = False
+def finder(pl):
+ '''Display Command-T finder name
+ Requires $command_t.active_finder and methods (code above may monkey-patch
+ $command_t to add them). All Command-T finders have ``CommandT::`` module
+ prefix, but it is stripped out (actually, any ``CommandT::`` substring will
+ be stripped out).
+ Highlight groups used: ``commandt:finder``.
+ '''
+ initialize()
+ vim.command('ruby $powerline.commandt_set_active_finder')
+ return [{
+ 'highlight_groups': ['commandt:finder'],
+ 'contents': vim.eval('g:powerline_commandt_reply').replace('CommandT::', '').replace('Finder::', '')
+ }]
+ 'CommandT::MRUBufferFinder',
+ 'CommandT::BufferFinder',
+ 'CommandT::TagFinder',
+ 'CommandT::JumpFinder',
+ 'CommandT::Finder::MRUBufferFinder',
+ 'CommandT::Finder::BufferFinder',
+ 'CommandT::Finder::TagFinder',
+ 'CommandT::Finder::JumpFinder',
+def path(pl):
+ '''Display path used by Command-T
+ Requires $command_t.active_finder and .path methods (code above may
+ monkey-patch $command_t to add them).
+ $command_t.active_finder is required in order to omit displaying path for
+ finders ``MRUBufferFinder``, ``BufferFinder``, ``TagFinder`` and
+ ``JumpFinder`` (pretty much any finder, except ``FileFinder``).
+ Highlight groups used: ``commandt:path``.
+ '''
+ initialize()
+ vim.command('ruby $powerline.commandt_set_active_finder')
+ finder = vim.eval('g:powerline_commandt_reply')
+ if finder in FINDERS_WITHOUT_PATH:
+ return None
+ vim.command('ruby $powerline.commandt_set_path')
+ return [{
+ 'highlight_groups': ['commandt:path'],
+ 'contents': vim.eval('g:powerline_commandt_reply')
+ }]
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11be14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import bufvar_exists
+from powerline.segments.vim import window_cached
+def nerdtree(pl):
+ '''Return directory that is shown by the current buffer.
+ Highlight groups used: ``nerdtree:path`` or ``file_name``.
+ '''
+ if not bufvar_exists(None, 'NERDTreeRoot'):
+ return None
+ path_str = vim.eval('getbufvar("%", "NERDTreeRoot").path.str()')
+ return [{
+ 'contents': path_str,
+ 'highlight_groups': ['nerdtree:path', 'file_name'],
+ }]
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bef3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.segments.vim import window_cached
+from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_global_exists
+def syntastic(pl, err_format='ERR:  {first_line} ({num}) ', warn_format='WARN:  {first_line} ({num}) '):
+ '''Show whether syntastic has found any errors or warnings
+ :param str err_format:
+ Format string for errors.
+ :param str warn_format:
+ Format string for warnings.
+ Highlight groups used: ``syntastic:warning`` or ``warning``, ``syntastic:error`` or ``error``.
+ '''
+ if not vim_global_exists('SyntasticLoclist'):
+ return None
+ has_errors = int(vim.eval('g:SyntasticLoclist.current().hasErrorsOrWarningsToDisplay()'))
+ if not has_errors:
+ return
+ errors = vim.eval('g:SyntasticLoclist.current().errors()')
+ warnings = vim.eval('g:SyntasticLoclist.current().warnings()')
+ segments = []
+ if errors:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': err_format.format(first_line=errors[0]['lnum'], num=len(errors)),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['syntastic:error', 'error'],
+ })
+ if warnings:
+ segments.append({
+ 'contents': warn_format.format(first_line=warnings[0]['lnum'], num=len(warnings)),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['syntastic:warning', 'warning'],
+ })
+ return segments
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e683758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = object()
+from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_command_exists, vim_get_autoload_func
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
+currenttag = None
+tag_cache = {}
+def current_tag(segment_info, pl, flags='s'):
+ '''Return tag that is near the cursor.
+ :param str flags:
+ Specifies additional properties of the displayed tag. Supported values:
+ * s - display complete signature
+ * f - display the full hierarchy of the tag
+ * p - display the raw prototype
+ More info in the `official documentation`_ (search for
+ “tagbar#currenttag”).
+ .. _`official documentation`:
+ '''
+ global currenttag
+ global tag_cache
+ window_id = segment_info['window_id']
+ if segment_info['mode'] == 'nc':
+ return tag_cache.get(window_id, (None,))[-1]
+ if not currenttag:
+ if vim_command_exists('Tagbar'):
+ currenttag = vim_get_autoload_func('tagbar#currenttag')
+ if not currenttag:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return None
+ prev_key, r = tag_cache.get(window_id, (None, None))
+ key = (int(vim.eval('b:changedtick')), segment_info['window'].cursor[0])
+ if prev_key and key == prev_key:
+ return r
+ r = currenttag('%s', '', flags)
+ tag_cache[window_id] = (key, r)
+ return r