# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import os import re import logging from collections import defaultdict from powerline.lib.threaded import ThreadedSegment from powerline.lib.unicode import unicode from powerline.lint.markedjson.markedvalue import MarkedUnicode from powerline.lint.markedjson.error import DelayedEchoErr, Mark from powerline.lint.selfcheck import havemarks from powerline.lint.context import JStr, list_themes from powerline.lint.imp import WithPath, import_function, import_segment from powerline.lint.spec import Spec from powerline.lint.inspect import getconfigargspec list_sep = JStr(', ') generic_keys = set(( 'exclude_modes', 'include_modes', 'exclude_function', 'include_function', 'width', 'align', 'name', 'draw_soft_divider', 'draw_hard_divider', 'priority', 'after', 'before', 'display' )) type_keys = { 'function': set(('function', 'args', 'draw_inner_divider')), 'string': set(('contents', 'type', 'highlight_groups', 'divider_highlight_group')), 'segment_list': set(('function', 'segments', 'args', 'type')), } required_keys = { 'function': set(('function',)), 'string': set(()), 'segment_list': set(('function', 'segments',)), } highlight_keys = set(('highlight_groups', 'name')) def get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext): if '.' in function_name: module, function_name = function_name.rpartition('.')[::2] else: module = context[0][1].get( 'default_module', MarkedUnicode('powerline.segments.' + ext, None)) return module, function_name def check_matcher_func(ext, match_name, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(match_name) import_paths = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('paths', [])] match_module, separator, match_function = match_name.rpartition('.') if not separator: match_module = 'powerline.matchers.{0}'.format(ext) match_function = match_name with WithPath(import_paths): try: func = getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), str(match_function)) except ImportError: echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions', problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(match_module), problem_mark=match_name.mark) return True, False, True except AttributeError: echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions', problem='failed to load matcher function {0}'.format(match_function), problem_mark=match_name.mark) return True, False, True if not callable(func): echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions', problem='loaded “function” {0} is not callable'.format(match_function), problem_mark=match_name.mark) return True, False, True if hasattr(func, 'func_code') and hasattr(func.func_code, 'co_argcount'): if func.func_code.co_argcount != 1: echoerr( context='Error while loading matcher functions', problem=( 'function {0} accepts {1} arguments instead of 1. ' 'Are you sure it is the proper function?' ).format(match_function, func.func_code.co_argcount), problem_mark=match_name.mark ) return True, False, False def check_ext(ext, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(ext) hadsomedirs = False hadproblem = False if ext not in data['lists']['exts']: hadproblem = True echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext), context_mark=ext.mark, problem='extension configuration does not exist') else: for typ in ('themes', 'colorschemes'): if ext not in data['configs'][typ] and not data['configs']['top_' + typ]: hadproblem = True echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext), context_mark=ext.mark, problem='{0} configuration does not exist'.format(typ)) else: hadsomedirs = True return hadsomedirs, hadproblem def check_config(d, theme, data, context, echoerr): if len(context) == 4: ext = context[-2][0] else: # local_themes ext = context[-3][0] if ext not in data['lists']['exts']: echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} extension configuration'.format(ext), context_mark=ext.mark, problem='extension configuration does not exist') return True, False, True if ( (ext not in data['configs'][d] or theme not in data['configs'][d][ext]) and theme not in data['configs']['top_' + d] ): echoerr(context='Error while loading {0} from {1} extension configuration'.format(d[:-1], ext), problem='failed to find configuration file {0}/{1}/{2}.json'.format(d, ext, theme), problem_mark=theme.mark) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_top_theme(theme, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(theme) if theme not in data['configs']['top_themes']: echoerr(context='Error while checking extension configuration (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=context[-2][0].mark, problem='failed to find top theme {0}'.format(theme), problem_mark=theme.mark) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_color(color, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(color) if (color not in data['colors_config'].get('colors', {}) and color not in data['colors_config'].get('gradients', {})): echoerr( context='Error while checking highlight group in colorscheme (key {key})'.format( key=context.key), problem='found unexistent color or gradient {0}'.format(color), problem_mark=color.mark ) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_translated_group_name(group, data, context, echoerr): return check_group(group, data, context, echoerr) def check_group(group, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(group) if not isinstance(group, unicode): return True, False, False colorscheme = data['colorscheme'] ext = data['ext'] configs = None if ext: def listed_key(d, k): try: return [d[k]] except KeyError: return [] if colorscheme == '__main__': colorscheme_names = set(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext]) colorscheme_names.update(data['top_colorscheme_configs']) colorscheme_names.discard('__main__') configs = [ ( name, listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], name) + listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], '__main__') + listed_key(data['top_colorscheme_configs'], name) ) for name in colorscheme_names ] else: configs = [ ( colorscheme, listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], colorscheme) + listed_key(data['ext_colorscheme_configs'][ext], '__main__') + listed_key(data['top_colorscheme_configs'], colorscheme) ) ] else: try: configs = [(colorscheme, [data['top_colorscheme_configs'][colorscheme]])] except KeyError: pass hadproblem = False for new_colorscheme, config_lst in configs: not_found = [] new_data = data.copy() new_data['colorscheme'] = new_colorscheme for config in config_lst: havemarks(config) try: group_data = config['groups'][group] except KeyError: not_found.append(config.mark.name) else: proceed, echo, chadproblem = check_group( group_data, new_data, context, echoerr, ) if chadproblem: hadproblem = True if not proceed: break if not_found and len(not_found) == len(config_lst): echoerr( context='Error while checking group definition in colorscheme (key {key})'.format( key=context.key), problem='name {0} is not present anywhere in {1} {2} {3} colorschemes: {4}'.format( group, len(not_found), ext, new_colorscheme, ', '.join(not_found)), problem_mark=group.mark ) hadproblem = True return True, False, hadproblem def check_key_compatibility(segment, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(segment) segment_type = segment.get('type', MarkedUnicode('function', None)) havemarks(segment_type) if segment_type not in type_keys: echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found segment with unknown type {0}'.format(segment_type), problem_mark=segment_type.mark) return False, False, True hadproblem = False keys = set(segment) if not ((keys - generic_keys) < type_keys[segment_type]): unknown_keys = keys - generic_keys - type_keys[segment_type] echoerr( context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=context[-1][1].mark, problem='found keys not used with the current segment type: {0}'.format( list_sep.join(unknown_keys)), problem_mark=list(unknown_keys)[0].mark ) hadproblem = True if not (keys >= required_keys[segment_type]): missing_keys = required_keys[segment_type] - keys echoerr( context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=context[-1][1].mark, problem='found missing required keys: {0}'.format( list_sep.join(missing_keys)) ) hadproblem = True if not (segment_type == 'function' or (keys & highlight_keys)): echoerr( context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=context[-1][1].mark, problem=( 'found missing keys required to determine highlight group. ' 'Either highlight_groups or name key must be present' ) ) hadproblem = True return True, False, hadproblem def check_segment_module(module, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(module) with WithPath(data['import_paths']): try: __import__(str(module)) except ImportError as e: if echoerr.logger.level >= logging.DEBUG: echoerr.logger.exception(e) echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='failed to import module {0}'.format(module), problem_mark=module.mark) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_full_segment_data(segment, data, context, echoerr): if 'name' not in segment and 'function' not in segment: return True, False, False ext = data['ext'] theme_segment_data = context[0][1].get('segment_data', {}) main_theme_name = data['main_config'].get('ext', {}).get(ext, {}).get('theme', None) if not main_theme_name or data['theme'] == main_theme_name: top_segment_data = {} else: top_segment_data = data['ext_theme_configs'].get(main_theme_name, {}).get('segment_data', {}) if segment.get('type', 'function') == 'function': function_name = segment.get('function') if function_name: module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext) names = [module + '.' + function_name, function_name] else: names = [] elif segment.get('name'): names = [segment['name']] else: return True, False, False segment_copy = segment.copy() for key in ('before', 'after', 'args', 'contents'): if key not in segment_copy: for segment_data in [theme_segment_data, top_segment_data]: for name in names: try: val = segment_data[name][key] k = segment_data[name].keydict[key] segment_copy[k] = val except KeyError: pass return check_key_compatibility(segment_copy, data, context, echoerr) highlight_group_spec = Spec().ident().copy _highlight_group_spec = highlight_group_spec().context_message( 'Error while checking function documentation while checking theme (key {key})') def check_hl_group_name(hl_group, context_mark, context, echoerr): '''Check highlight group name: it should match naming conventions :param str hl_group: Checked group. :param Mark context_mark: Context mark. May be ``None``. :param Context context: Current context. :param func echoerr: Function used for error reporting. :return: ``False`` if check succeeded and ``True`` if it failed. ''' return _highlight_group_spec.match(hl_group, context_mark=context_mark, context=context, echoerr=echoerr)[1] def check_segment_function(function_name, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(function_name) ext = data['ext'] module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext) if context[-2][1].get('type', 'function') == 'function': func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module) if not func: return True, False, True hl_groups = [] divider_hl_group = None hadproblem = False if func.__doc__: NO_H_G_USED_STR = 'No highlight groups are used (literal segment).' H_G_USED_STR = 'Highlight groups used: ' LHGUS = len(H_G_USED_STR) D_H_G_USED_STR = 'Divider highlight group used: ' LDHGUS = len(D_H_G_USED_STR) pointer = 0 mark_name = '<{0} docstring>'.format(function_name) for i, line in enumerate(func.__doc__.split('\n')): if H_G_USED_STR in line: idx = line.index(H_G_USED_STR) + LHGUS if hl_groups is None: idx -= LHGUS mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx) echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=function_name.mark, problem=( 'found highlight group definition in addition to sentence stating that ' 'no highlight groups are used' ), problem_mark=mark, ) hadproblem = True continue hl_groups.append(( line[idx:], (mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__), pointer + idx )) elif D_H_G_USED_STR in line: idx = line.index(D_H_G_USED_STR) + LDHGUS + 2 mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx) divider_hl_group = MarkedUnicode(line[idx:-3], mark) elif NO_H_G_USED_STR in line: idx = line.index(NO_H_G_USED_STR) if hl_groups: mark = Mark(mark_name, i + 1, idx + 1, func.__doc__, pointer + idx) echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=function_name.mark, problem=( 'found sentence stating that no highlight groups are used ' 'in addition to highlight group definition' ), problem_mark=mark, ) hadproblem = True continue hl_groups = None pointer += len(line) + len('\n') if divider_hl_group: r = hl_exists(divider_hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=True) if r: echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=function_name.mark, problem=( 'found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}\n' '(Group name was obtained from function documentation.)' ).format(divider_hl_group, list_sep.join(r)), problem_mark=divider_hl_group.mark, ) hadproblem = True if check_hl_group_name(divider_hl_group, function_name.mark, context, echoerr): hadproblem = True if hl_groups: greg = re.compile(r'``([^`]+)``( \(gradient\))?') parsed_hl_groups = [] for line, mark_args, pointer in hl_groups: for s in line.split(', '): required_pack = [] sub_pointer = pointer for subs in s.split(' or '): match = greg.match(subs) try: if not match: continue hl_group = MarkedUnicode( match.group(1), Mark(*mark_args, pointer=sub_pointer + match.start(1)) ) if check_hl_group_name(hl_group, function_name.mark, context, echoerr): hadproblem = True gradient = bool(match.group(2)) required_pack.append((hl_group, gradient)) finally: sub_pointer += len(subs) + len(' or ') parsed_hl_groups.append(required_pack) pointer += len(s) + len(', ') del hl_group, gradient for required_pack in parsed_hl_groups: rs = [ hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=('force' if gradient else False)) for hl_group, gradient in required_pack ] if all(rs): echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem=( 'found highlight groups list ({0}) with all groups not defined in some colorschemes\n' '(Group names were taken from function documentation.)' ).format(list_sep.join((h[0] for h in required_pack))), problem_mark=function_name.mark ) for r, h in zip(rs, required_pack): echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format( h[0], list_sep.join(r)) ) hadproblem = True elif hl_groups is not None: r = hl_exists(function_name, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=True) if r: echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem=( 'found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}\n' '(If not specified otherwise in documentation, ' 'highlight group for function segments\n' 'is the same as the function name.)' ).format(function_name, list_sep.join(r)), problem_mark=function_name.mark ) hadproblem = True return True, False, hadproblem elif context[-2][1].get('type') != 'segment_list': if function_name not in context[0][1].get('segment_data', {}): main_theme_name = data['main_config'].get('ext', {}).get(ext, {}).get('theme', None) if data['theme'] == main_theme_name: main_theme = {} else: main_theme = data['ext_theme_configs'].get(main_theme_name, {}) if ( function_name not in main_theme.get('segment_data', {}) and function_name not in data['ext_theme_configs'].get('__main__', {}).get('segment_data', {}) and not any(((function_name in theme.get('segment_data', {})) for theme in data['top_themes'].values())) ): echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found useless use of name key (such name is not present in theme/segment_data)', problem_mark=function_name.mark) return True, False, False def hl_group_in_colorscheme(hl_group, cconfig, allow_gradients, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(hl_group, cconfig) if hl_group not in cconfig.get('groups', {}): return False elif not allow_gradients or allow_gradients == 'force': group_config = cconfig['groups'][hl_group] while isinstance(group_config, unicode): try: group_config = cconfig['groups'][group_config] except KeyError: # No such group. Error was already reported when checking # colorschemes. return True havemarks(group_config) hadgradient = False for ckey in ('fg', 'bg'): color = group_config.get(ckey) if not color: # No color. Error was already reported when checking # colorschemes. return True havemarks(color) # Gradients are only allowed for function segments. Note that # whether *either* color or gradient exists should have been # already checked hascolor = color in data['colors_config'].get('colors', {}) hasgradient = color in data['colors_config'].get('gradients', {}) if hasgradient: hadgradient = True if allow_gradients is False and not hascolor and hasgradient: echoerr( context='Error while checking highlight group in theme (key {key})'.format( key=context.key), context_mark=hl_group.mark, problem='group {0} is using gradient {1} instead of a color'.format(hl_group, color), problem_mark=color.mark ) return False if allow_gradients == 'force' and not hadgradient: echoerr( context='Error while checking highlight group in theme (key {key})'.format( key=context.key), context_mark=hl_group.mark, problem='group {0} should have at least one gradient color, but it has no'.format(hl_group), problem_mark=group_config.mark ) return False return True def hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr, allow_gradients=False): havemarks(hl_group) ext = data['ext'] if ext not in data['colorscheme_configs']: # No colorschemes. Error was already reported, no need to report it # twice return [] r = [] found = False for colorscheme, cconfig in data['colorscheme_configs'][ext].items(): if hl_group_in_colorscheme(hl_group, cconfig, allow_gradients, data, context, echoerr): found = True else: r.append(colorscheme) if not found: pass return r def check_highlight_group(hl_group, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(hl_group) r = hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr) if r: echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format( hl_group, list_sep.join(r)), problem_mark=hl_group.mark ) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_highlight_groups(hl_groups, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(hl_groups) rs = [hl_exists(hl_group, data, context, echoerr) for hl_group in hl_groups] if all(rs): echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found highlight groups list ({0}) with all groups not defined in some colorschemes'.format( list_sep.join((unicode(h) for h in hl_groups))), problem_mark=hl_groups.mark ) for r, hl_group in zip(rs, hl_groups): echoerr( context='Error while checking theme (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='found highlight group {0} not defined in the following colorschemes: {1}'.format( hl_group, list_sep.join(r)), problem_mark=hl_group.mark ) return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_segment_data_key(key, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(key) has_module_name = '.' in key found = False for ext, theme in list_themes(data, context): for segments in theme.get('segments', {}).values(): for segment in segments: if 'name' in segment: if key == segment['name']: found = True break else: function_name = segment.get('function') if function_name: module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, ((None, theme),), ext) if has_module_name: full_name = module + '.' + function_name if key == full_name: found = True break else: if key == function_name: found = True break if found: break if found: break else: if data['theme_type'] != 'top': echoerr(context='Error while checking segment data', problem='found key {0} that cannot be associated with any segment'.format(key), problem_mark=key.mark) return True, False, True return True, False, False threaded_args_specs = { 'interval': Spec().cmp('gt', 0.0), 'update_first': Spec().type(bool), 'shutdown_event': Spec().error('Shutdown event must be set by powerline'), } def check_args_variant(func, args, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(args) argspec = getconfigargspec(func) present_args = set(args) all_args = set(argspec.args) required_args = set(argspec.args[:-len(argspec.defaults)]) hadproblem = False if required_args - present_args: echoerr( context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=args.mark, problem='some of the required keys are missing: {0}'.format(list_sep.join(required_args - present_args)) ) hadproblem = True if not all_args >= present_args: echoerr(context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=args.mark, problem='found unknown keys: {0}'.format(list_sep.join(present_args - all_args)), problem_mark=next(iter(present_args - all_args)).mark) hadproblem = True if isinstance(func, ThreadedSegment): for key in set(threaded_args_specs) & present_args: proceed, khadproblem = threaded_args_specs[key].match( args[key], args.mark, data, context.enter_key(args, key), echoerr ) if khadproblem: hadproblem = True if not proceed: return hadproblem return hadproblem def check_args(get_functions, args, data, context, echoerr): new_echoerr = DelayedEchoErr(echoerr) count = 0 hadproblem = False for func in get_functions(data, context, new_echoerr): count += 1 shadproblem = check_args_variant(func, args, data, context, echoerr) if shadproblem: hadproblem = True if not count: hadproblem = True if new_echoerr: new_echoerr.echo_all() else: echoerr(context='Error while checking segment arguments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), context_mark=context[-2][1].mark, problem='no suitable segments found') return True, False, hadproblem def get_one_segment_function(data, context, echoerr): ext = data['ext'] function_name = context[-2][1].get('function') if function_name: module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, context, ext) func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module) if func: yield func common_names = defaultdict(set) def register_common_name(name, cmodule, cname): s = cmodule + '.' + cname cmodule_mark = Mark('', 1, 1, s, 1) cname_mark = Mark('', 1, len(cmodule) + 1, s, len(cmodule) + 1) common_names[name].add((MarkedUnicode(cmodule, cmodule_mark), MarkedUnicode(cname, cname_mark))) def get_all_possible_functions(data, context, echoerr): name = context[-2][0] module, name = name.rpartition('.')[::2] if module: func = import_segment(name, data, context, echoerr, module=module) if func: yield func else: if name in common_names: for cmodule, cname in common_names[name]: cfunc = import_segment(cname, data, context, echoerr, module=MarkedUnicode(cmodule, None)) if cfunc: yield cfunc for ext, theme_config in list_themes(data, context): for segments in theme_config.get('segments', {}).values(): for segment in segments: if segment.get('type', 'function') == 'function': function_name = segment.get('function') current_name = segment.get('name') if function_name: module, function_name = get_function_strings(function_name, ((None, theme_config),), ext) if current_name == name or function_name == name: func = import_segment(function_name, data, context, echoerr, module=module) if func: yield func def check_exinclude_function(name, data, context, echoerr): ext = data['ext'] module, name = name.rpartition('.')[::2] if not module: module = MarkedUnicode('powerline.selectors.' + ext, None) func = import_function('selector', name, data, context, echoerr, module=module) if not func: return True, False, True return True, False, False def check_log_file_level(this_level, data, context, echoerr): '''Check handler level specified in :ref:`log_file key ` This level must be greater or equal to the level in :ref:`log_level key `. ''' havemarks(this_level) hadproblem = False top_level = context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('log_level', 'WARNING') top_level_str = top_level top_level_mark = getattr(top_level, 'mark', None) if ( not isinstance(top_level, unicode) or not hasattr(logging, top_level) or not isinstance(this_level, unicode) or not hasattr(logging, this_level) ): return True, False, hadproblem top_level = getattr(logging, top_level) this_level_str = this_level this_level_mark = this_level.mark this_level = getattr(logging, this_level) if this_level < top_level: echoerr( context='Error while checking log level index (key {key})'.format( key=context.key), context_mark=this_level_mark, problem='found level that is less critical then top level ({0} < {0})'.format( this_level_str, top_level_str), problem_mark=top_level_mark, ) hadproblem = True return True, False, hadproblem def check_logging_handler(handler_name, data, context, echoerr): havemarks(handler_name) import_paths = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in context[0][1].get('common', {}).get('paths', [])] handler_module, separator, handler_class = handler_name.rpartition('.') if not separator: handler_module = 'logging.handlers' handler_class = handler_name with WithPath(import_paths): try: handler = getattr(__import__(str(handler_module), fromlist=[str(handler_class)]), str(handler_class)) except ImportError: echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(handler_module), problem_mark=handler_name.mark) return True, False, True except AttributeError: echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='failed to load handler class {0}'.format(handler_class), problem_mark=handler_name.mark) return True, False, True if not issubclass(handler, logging.Handler): echoerr(context='Error while loading logger class (key {key})'.format(key=context.key), problem='loaded class {0} is not a logging.Handler subclass'.format(handler_class), problem_mark=handler_name.mark) return True, False, True return True, False, False