# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import sys import vim from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_get_func, vim_getoption, environ, current_tabpage, get_vim_encoding from powerline.renderer import Renderer from powerline.colorscheme import ATTR_BOLD, ATTR_ITALIC, ATTR_UNDERLINE from powerline.theme import Theme from powerline.lib.unicode import unichr, register_strwidth_error vim_mode = vim_get_func('mode', rettype='unicode') if int(vim.eval('v:version')) >= 702: _vim_mode = vim_mode vim_mode = lambda: _vim_mode(1) mode_translations = { unichr(ord('V') - 0x40): '^V', unichr(ord('S') - 0x40): '^S', } class VimRenderer(Renderer): '''Powerline vim segment renderer.''' character_translations = Renderer.character_translations.copy() character_translations[ord('%')] = '%%' segment_info = Renderer.segment_info.copy() segment_info.update(environ=environ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(vim, 'strwidth'): # Hope nobody want to change this at runtime if vim.eval('&ambiwidth') == 'double': kwargs = dict(**kwargs) kwargs['ambigious'] = 2 super(VimRenderer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hl_groups = {} self.prev_highlight = None self.strwidth_error_name = register_strwidth_error(self.strwidth) self.encoding = get_vim_encoding() def shutdown(self): self.theme.shutdown() for match in self.local_themes.values(): if 'theme' in match: match['theme'].shutdown() def add_local_theme(self, matcher, theme): if matcher in self.local_themes: raise KeyError('There is already a local theme with given matcher') self.local_themes[matcher] = theme def get_matched_theme(self, match): try: return match['theme'] except KeyError: match['theme'] = Theme(theme_config=match['config'], main_theme_config=self.theme_config, **self.theme_kwargs) return match['theme'] def get_theme(self, matcher_info): if matcher_info is None: return self.get_matched_theme(self.local_themes[None]) for matcher in self.local_themes.keys(): if matcher and matcher(matcher_info): return self.get_matched_theme(self.local_themes[matcher]) else: return self.theme if hasattr(vim, 'strwidth'): if sys.version_info < (3,): def strwidth(self, string): # Does not work with tabs, but neither is strwidth from default # renderer return vim.strwidth(string.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')) else: @staticmethod def strwidth(string): return vim.strwidth(string) def get_segment_info(self, segment_info, mode): return segment_info or self.segment_info def render(self, window=None, window_id=None, winnr=None, is_tabline=False): '''Render all segments.''' segment_info = self.segment_info.copy() if window is vim.current.window: mode = vim_mode() mode = mode_translations.get(mode, mode) else: mode = 'nc' segment_info.update( window=window, mode=mode, window_id=window_id, winnr=winnr, buffer=window.buffer, tabpage=current_tabpage(), encoding=self.encoding, ) segment_info['tabnr'] = segment_info['tabpage'].number segment_info['bufnr'] = segment_info['buffer'].number if is_tabline: winwidth = int(vim_getoption('columns')) else: winwidth = segment_info['window'].width statusline = super(VimRenderer, self).render( mode=mode, width=winwidth, segment_info=segment_info, matcher_info=(None if is_tabline else segment_info), ) statusline = statusline.encode(self.encoding, self.strwidth_error_name) return statusline def reset_highlight(self): self.hl_groups.clear() def hlstyle(self, fg=None, bg=None, attrs=None, **kwargs): '''Highlight a segment. If an argument is None, the argument is ignored. If an argument is False, the argument is reset to the terminal defaults. If an argument is a valid color or attribute, it’s added to the vim highlight group. ''' # In order not to hit E541 two consequent identical highlighting # specifiers may be squashed into one. attrs = attrs or 0 # Normalize `attrs` if (fg, bg, attrs) == self.prev_highlight: return '' self.prev_highlight = (fg, bg, attrs) # We don’t need to explicitly reset attributes in vim, so skip those # calls if not attrs and not bg and not fg: return '' if not (fg, bg, attrs) in self.hl_groups: hl_group = { 'ctermfg': 'NONE', 'guifg': None, 'ctermbg': 'NONE', 'guibg': None, 'attrs': ['NONE'], 'name': '', } if fg is not None and fg is not False: hl_group['ctermfg'] = fg[0] hl_group['guifg'] = fg[1] if bg is not None and bg is not False: hl_group['ctermbg'] = bg[0] hl_group['guibg'] = bg[1] if attrs: hl_group['attrs'] = [] if attrs & ATTR_BOLD: hl_group['attrs'].append('bold') if attrs & ATTR_ITALIC: hl_group['attrs'].append('italic') if attrs & ATTR_UNDERLINE: hl_group['attrs'].append('underline') hl_group['name'] = ( 'Pl_' + str(hl_group['ctermfg']) + '_' + str(hl_group['guifg']) + '_' + str(hl_group['ctermbg']) + '_' + str(hl_group['guibg']) + '_' + ''.join(hl_group['attrs']) ) self.hl_groups[(fg, bg, attrs)] = hl_group vim.command('hi {group} ctermfg={ctermfg} guifg={guifg} guibg={guibg} ctermbg={ctermbg} cterm={attrs} gui={attrs}'.format( group=hl_group['name'], ctermfg=hl_group['ctermfg'], guifg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl_group['guifg']) if hl_group['guifg'] is not None else 'NONE', ctermbg=hl_group['ctermbg'], guibg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl_group['guibg']) if hl_group['guibg'] is not None else 'NONE', attrs=','.join(hl_group['attrs']), )) return '%#' + self.hl_groups[(fg, bg, attrs)]['name'] + '#' renderer = VimRenderer