# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) try: import vim except ImportError: vim = object() from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_func_exists from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info @requires_segment_info def capslock_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='CAPS'): '''Shows the indicator if tpope/vim-capslock plugin is enabled .. note:: In the current state plugin automatically disables itself when leaving insert mode. So trying to use this segment not in insert or replace modes is useless. :param str text: String to show when software capslock presented by this plugin is active. ''' if not vim_func_exists('CapsLockStatusline'): return None # CapsLockStatusline() function returns an empty string when plugin is # disabled. If it is not then string is non-empty. return text if vim.eval('CapsLockStatusline()') else None