path: root/src/tests/tests/tabData.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/tests/tabData.js b/src/tests/tests/tabData.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c578cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/tests/tabData.js
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+/* globals badger:false */
+(function () {
+let constants = require('constants');
+QUnit.module("tabData", {
+ beforeEach: function () {
+ this.SITE_URL = "";
+ this.tabId = 9999;
+ badger.recordFrame(this.tabId, 0, this.SITE_URL);
+ // stub chrome.tabs.get manually as we have some sort of issue stubbing with Sinon in Firefox
+ this.chromeTabsGet = chrome.tabs.get;
+ chrome.tabs.get = (tab_id, callback) => {
+ return callback({
+ active: true
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ afterEach: function () {
+ chrome.tabs.get = this.chromeTabsGet;
+ delete badger.tabData[this.tabId];
+ }
+function() {
+ QUnit.module("logThirdPartyOriginOnTab", {
+ beforeEach: function () {
+ this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ sinon.stub(chrome.browserAction, "setBadgeText");
+ },
+ afterEach: function () {
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.restore();
+ this.clock.restore();
+ },
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging blocked domain", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN = "";
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 0, "count starts at zero"
+ );
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.BLOCK);
+ // log blocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a blocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging unblocked domain", function (assert) {
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, "", constants.ALLOW);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 0, "count stays at zero"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.notCalled,
+ "updateBadge does not get called when we see a hasn't-decided-yet-to-block domain"
+ );
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging DNT-compliant domain", function (assert) {
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, "", constants.DNT);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 0, "count stays at zero"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.notCalled,
+ "updateBadge does not get called when we see a DNT-compliant domain"
+ );
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging as unblocked then as blocked", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN = "";
+ // log unblocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.ALLOW);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.BLOCK);
+ // log the same domain, this time as blocked
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.callCount,
+ "1",
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a blocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging blocked domain twice", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN = "";
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.BLOCK);
+ // log blocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a blocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ // log the same blocked domain again
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId),
+ 1,
+ "count does not get incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge not called when we see the same blocked domain again"
+ );
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging 2x unblocked then 2x blocked", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN = "";
+ // log unblocked domain twice
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.ALLOW);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.ALLOW);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.BLOCK);
+ // log blocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a blocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.getCall(0).args[0], {
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }, "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ // log the same blocked domain again
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId),
+ 1,
+ "count does not get incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge not called when we see the same blocked domain again"
+ );
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging cookieblocked domain", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN = "";
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.COOKIEBLOCK);
+ // log cookieblocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN, constants.COOKIEBLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a cookieblocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ });
+ QUnit.test("logging several domains", function (assert) {
+ const DOMAIN1 = "",
+ DOMAIN2 = "";
+ // set up domain blocking (used by getTrackerCount)
+, constants.BLOCK);
+, constants.COOKIEBLOCK);
+ // log blocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN1, constants.BLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 1, "count gets incremented"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledOnce,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a blocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "1"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ // log cookieblocked domain
+ badger.logThirdPartyOriginOnTab(this.tabId, DOMAIN2, constants.COOKIEBLOCK);
+ this.clock.tick(1);
+ assert.equal(
+ badger.getTrackerCount(this.tabId), 2, "count gets incremented again"
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledTwice,
+ "updateBadge gets called when we see a cookieblocked domain"
+ );
+ assert.ok(chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText.calledWithExactly({
+ tabId: this.tabId,
+ text: "2"
+ }), "setBadgeText was called with expected args");
+ });
+ QUnit.module('updateBadge', {
+ beforeEach: function() {
+ this.setBadgeText = sinon.stub(chrome.browserAction, "setBadgeText");
+ // another Firefox workaround: setBadgeText gets stubbed fine but setBadgeBackgroundColor doesn't
+ this.setBadgeBackgroundColor = chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor;
+ },
+ afterEach: function() {
+ this.setBadgeText.restore();
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor = this.setBadgeBackgroundColor;
+ },
+ });
+ QUnit.test("disabled", function(assert) {
+ let done = assert.async(2),
+ called = false;
+ badger.disablePrivacyBadgerForOrigin(window.extractHostFromURL(this.SITE_URL));
+ this.setBadgeText.callsFake((obj) => {
+ assert.deepEqual(obj, {tabId: this.tabId, text: ''});
+ done();
+ });
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor = () => {called = true;};
+ badger.updateBadge(this.tabId);
+ assert.notOk(called, "setBadgeBackgroundColor does not get called");
+ done();
+ });
+ QUnit.test("numblocked zero", function(assert) {
+ let done = assert.async(2),
+ called = false;
+ this.setBadgeText.callsFake((obj) => {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ obj,
+ {tabId: this.tabId, text: ""},
+ "setBadgeText called with expected args"
+ );
+ done();
+ });
+ chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor = () => {called = true;};
+ badger.updateBadge(this.tabId);
+ assert.notOk(called, "setBadgeBackgroundColor does not get called");
+ done();
+ });