{ "badger_status_block": { "message": "封鎖 $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a domain name with a red slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "invalid_json": { "message": "無效的 JSON 檔案。", "description": "" }, "options_remove_origin_confirm": { "message": "您確定要從 Privacy Badger 移除此網域?", "description": "Confirmation shown when you click to remove a domain from Privacy Badger's tracking domains list on the options page." }, "badger_status_noaction": { "message": "沒有追蹤 $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a non-tracking domain name with a green slider in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "non_tracker_tip": { "message": "目前 Privacy Badger 只檢查透過第三方 cookie、HTML5 Local Storage、Canvas 指紋來追蹤您瀏覽網頁的情況。有些網域可能使用了 Privacy Badger 無法偵測的追蹤方式。", "description": "" }, "options_dnt_policy_setting": { "message": "檢查第三方網域是否遵守EFF 的 Do Not Track 政策", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "invalid_domain": { "message": "請新增有效的網域或 URL。", "description": "" }, "donate_to_eff": { "message": "捐款給 EFF 電子前鋒基金會", "description": "Button shown in the popup and on the intro page." }, "intro_donate_subheading": { "message": "透過捐款與分享對我們的工具的支援來協助我們", "description": "Shown below the Donate button on the intro page." }, "intro_not_an_adblocker": { "message": "不是廣告阻擋器,我不一樣", "description": "Intro page paragraph heading." }, "report_success": { "message": "謝謝!我們將會調查這個問題。", "description": "" }, "dnt_tooltip": { "message": "此網域承諾不會追蹤您", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a DNT-compliant domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "breakage_warning_tooltip": { "message": "已知封鎖此網域會破壞網站", "description": "Tooltip for a warning icon that appears when move a domain slider to 'red' (block) for a domain that was automatically set to 'yellow' (block cookies)." }, "feed_the_badger_title": { "message": "點擊以將此網域的控制權還給 Privacy Badger", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over an undo arrow that appears when you move a domain slider away from its automatic setting." }, "next_section": { "message": "下一區", "description": "Image alt. text on a couple of \"scroll down\" arrow buttons on the intro page." }, "extension_error_text": { "message": "請告訴我們關於下列錯誤的訊息:", "description": "Shown in the popup when there is a problem with the user's Privacy Badger extension that we want to encourage the user to tell us about." }, "data_settings": { "message": "管理資料", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "report_title": { "message": "回報錯誤", "description": "" }, "whitelist_form_domain_input_placeholder": { "message": "範例:www.domain.com, *.domain.net, domain.org", "description": "Placeholder text for the Add domain input under the Disabled Sites tab on the options page." }, "domain_slider_cookieblock_tooltip": { "message": "在此點按以從設定 cookies 阻擋此網域", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the center part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "options_domain_filter_block": { "message": "已阻擋", "description": "Dropdown control setting on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_webrtc_setting": { "message": "防止 WebRTC 洩漏本機 IP 地址", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "intro_welcome": { "message": "Privacy Badger 會自動學習並阻擋不可見的追蹤器。花一分鐘來看看它怎麼運作的。", "description": "Intro page welcome paragraph." }, "error_input": { "message": "有什麼問題?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_list_tab": { "message": "追蹤網域", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "share_button_title_twitter": { "message": "在 Twitter 上分享", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "first_run_text": { "message": "瞭解 Privacy Badger 如何保護您的隱私", "description": "Part of a reminder to visit the intro page. Shown in popup until the user clicks on the reminder link or browses through the intro page." }, "download": { "message": "下載", "description": "" }, "import": { "message": "匯入", "description": "" }, "options_hide_social_widgets": { "message": "不要取代下列的小工具:", "description": "Multiple selection box on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_social_widgets_checkbox": { "message": "啟用小工具取代", "description": "Checkbox label on the widget replacement tab" }, "options_show_nontracking_domains_checkbox": { "message": "顯示似乎未在追蹤您的網域", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page. Should match wording used in the 'non_tracker' message." }, "report_button": { "message": "送出錯誤", "description": "" }, "badger_status_allow": { "message": "允許 $DOMAIN$", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over a tracking but still allowed (green slider) domain name in the list of domains in the popup or under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page.", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "privacy_badger_what_is": { "message": "Privacy Badger 是什麼?", "description": "" }, "options_domain_search": { "message": "搜尋網域:", "description": "Label for a text input box on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "options_learn_setting": { "message": "了解如何透過您的瀏覽封鎖新的追蹤器", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "local_learning_warning": { "message": "啟用學習可能會讓您更容易被網站識別", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_setting": { "message": "在隱私/無痕視窗中學習", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "options_incognito_warning": { "message": "在隱私/無痕視窗中啟用學習可能會導致隱私瀏覽紀錄留在您的電腦上。預設情況下,Privacy Badger 會在隱私/無痕視窗中阻擋任何已知的追蹤器,但是不會學習任何新的追蹤器。您可能會想要在您的瀏覽大部份都在隱私/無痕視窗中度過時啟用此選項。", "description": "Tooltip on the general settings page" }, "learning_prompt_text1": { "message": "預設情況下,Privacy Badger 將不會再從您的瀏覽中學習。", "description": "First part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_text2": { "message": "點擊下方以取得更多資訊。", "description": "Second part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "learning_prompt_button": { "message": "了解 Privacy Badger 如何變更", "description": "Button text, part of a prompt to visit the blog." }, "show_counter_checkbox": { "message": "顯示追蹤器數量", "description": "Checkbox label on the general settings page" }, "what_is_a_tracker": { "message": "什麼是追蹤器?", "description": "Tooltip that comes up when you hover over the 'tracking domains' link under the Tracking Domains tab on the options page." }, "intro_report_button": { "message": "請不要忘記點按「回報 Privacy Badger 導致顯示異常的網站」。我們尊重您的隱私,所以我們不會自動傳送回報。", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted message ('Did Privacy Badger break this site') should match the first part of the translation for the 'report_broken_site' message." }, "options_title": { "message": "Privacy Badger 設定", "description": "" }, "report_terms": { "message": "將會自動回報下列資訊給 EFF 電子前鋒基金會:您目前造訪的頁面、瀏覽器版本、Privacy Badger 版本,以及此頁面所有滾動條的狀態。", "description": "" }, "whitelisted_domains": { "message": "停用的網站", "description": "This is an options page tab heading." }, "popup_enable_for_site": { "message": "在目前網站開啟 Privacy Badger", "description": "" }, "options_domain_type_filter": { "message": "以類型過濾:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "import_successful": { "message": "追蹤器清單和設定更新成功!", "description": "" }, "export_user_data": { "message": "匯出使用者資料", "description": "" }, "manage_data_intro": { "message": "正在匯入使用者資料:
Privacy Badger 已在下列的網站中停用。這代表了 Privacy Badger 將不會在您造訪在這裡列出來的網站時阻擋任何東西,其也將不會傳送「Do Not Track」或全域隱私控制訊號。
若您覺得 Privacy Badger 把頁面弄壞了,或您希望與特定的網站分享或販售您的資料,那麼您可以透過在下方的輸入框中輸入網域並點按「新增網域」按鈕來新增網域。
或者是當您已經選取了網頁的分頁,您也可以點選在瀏覽器工具列中的 Privacy Badger 按鈕並點選「停用」按鈕。
", "description": "" }, "popup_instructions": { "message": "$COUNT$ 個潛在的 $LINK_START$追蹤器$LINK_END$ 已封鎖", "description": "Popup message shown when at least one tracker was blocked.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "15" }, "link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_instructions_no_trackers": { "message": "無 $LINK_START$追蹤器$LINK_END$ 被封鎖", "description": "Text shown in the popup when there are no trackers on the page.", "placeholders": { "link_start": { "content": "$1", "example": "" }, "link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "popup_blocked": { "message": "此頁面中沒有第三方資源。為隱私歡呼!", "description": "Text shown in the popup when showing non-tracking domains is enabled, and there are no third-party domains on the page." }, "intro_by_eff": { "message": "EFF 電子前鋒基金會的專案", "description": "" }, "add_domain_button": { "message": "新增網域", "description": "" }, "tooltip_allow": { "message": "將滾動條滑到右邊允許該網域", "description": "" }, "popup_disable_for_site": { "message": "在目前網站停用 Privacy Badger", "description": "Button in the popup." }, "domain_slider_allow_tooltip": { "message": "點按此處以允許此網域", "description": "Tooltip shown when you hover over the rightmost part of a slider shown for each domain in the domain list." }, "intro_privacy_note": { "message": "Privacy Badger 在您選擇分享關於您的瀏覽資料前,將永遠不會分享它們。", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_list_trackers": { "message": "到目前為止,Privacy Badger 已決定封鎖 $COUNT$ 個潛在的 $TRACKER_LINK_START$追蹤網域$TRACKER_LINK_END$", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page after Privacy Badger learned to block one or more domains", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "900" }, "tracker_link_start": { "content": "$2", "example": "" }, "tracker_link_end": { "content": "" } } }, "options_domain_list_no_trackers": { "message": "Privacy Badger 未偵測到任何追蹤網域。繼續瀏覽!", "description": "Shown on the Tracking Domains tab on the options page if all tracking domains have been removed." }, "name": { "message": "Privacy Badger", "description": "" }, "intro_not_an_adblocker_paragraph": { "message": "Privacy Badger 將會在三個不同的網頁上發現同一個追蹤器時開始阻擋該追蹤器。三振出局!", "description": "Intro page paragraph." }, "options_domain_status_filter": { "message": "以狀態過濾:", "description": "Label for a dropdown control on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "report_text": { "message": "在下面簡要描述發生的錯誤。", "description": "" }, "remove_button": { "message": "刪除所選", "description": "This is the label for the 'Remove selected' buttons." }, "intro_donate1": { "message": "當您使用 Privacy Badger,您就會加入電子前鋒基金會 (EFF)與其他數百萬個使用者一同為隱私而戰。我們是一個為您的線上權利而戰的非營利組織。感謝您加入我們!", "description": "Part of the 'donate' section on the intro page." }, "options_domain_search_tooltip": { "message": "要排除網域,請在您的搜尋字詞前加入\"-\"。舉例來說,\".co -.com\"將會顯示 .co 與 .co.uk 但不會有 .com 網域。", "description": "Tooltip for an \"information\" icon next to the domain search input on the Tracking Domains options page tab." }, "intro_disable_button": { "message": "若您覺得 Privacy Badger 破壞了某個頁面(舉例來說,影片無法播放之類的),您可以點按「停用」按鈕來將 Privacy Badger 在該網站上關閉。", "description": "Intro page paragraph. The quoted string ('Disable') should match the verb used for the 'popup_disable_for_site' message." }, "intro_link_policy": { "message": "隱私權政策", "description": "Shown at the bottom of the intro page, links to the EFF software and technology projects privacy policy." }, "report_input_label": { "message": "描述", "description": "" }, "not_yet_blocked_header": { "message": "您的 Badger 尚未決定這些網域是否應該要封鎖", "description": "Popup domain list header text; separates blocked from haven't-yet-seen-enough-to-block potential trackers." }, "options_show_not_yet_blocked": { "message": "顯示您的 Badger 尚未決定是否要封鎖的網域:", "description": "Label for a checkbox on the Tracking Domains options page tab. Should match wording used in the 'not_yet_blocked_header' message." }, "non_tracker": { "message": "以下網域看起來都沒有在追蹤您", "description": "Header text; separates tracking from non-tracking domains in the popup." }, "popup_options_button": { "message": "選項", "description": "" }, "share_button_title_facebook": { "message": "在 Facebook 上分享", "description": "Text that comes up when you hover over the social sharing buttons on the intro page." }, "description": { "message": "Privacy Badger 會自動學習並阻擋不可見的追蹤器。", "description": "" }, "report_fail": { "message": "哎呀。出錯了。", "description": "" }, "social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "Privacy Badger 已經取代了 $BUTTON$ 按鈕", "description": "Tooltip shown over a replaced social button. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Facebook Like button\". See also the widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "button": { "content": "$1", "example": "Facebook Like" } } }, "widget_placeholder_pb_has_replaced": { "message": "Privacy Badger 已經取代了 $WIDGET$ 小工具", "description": "Text shown inside a replaced widget's placeholder. For example, \"Privacy Badger has replaced this Google reCAPTCHA widget\". See also the social_tooltip_pb_has_replaced message.", "placeholders": { "widget": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google reCAPTCHA" } } }, "allow_once": { "message": "允許一次", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking it will allow the third-party widget to load this one time only." }, "allow_on_site": { "message": "此網站上一律允許", "description": "Button in the placeholder shown in place of certain third-party (video, audio, commenting) widgets. Clicking this button will always allow the widget to load on this particular site." }, "sync_intro": { "message": "雲端同步: