/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC * * Copyright (c) 1994-1996, 1998-2023 Todd C. Miller * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects * Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force * Materiel Command, USAF, under agreement number F39502-99-1-0512. */ /* * This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it. * PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pathnames.h" #include "sudo_compat.h" #include "sudo_debug.h" #include "sudo_eventlog.h" #include "sudo_lbuf.h" #include "sudo_fatal.h" #include "sudo_gettext.h" #include "sudo_json.h" #include "sudo_queue.h" #include "sudo_util.h" #define IS_SESSID(s) ( \ isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[0]) && isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[1]) && \ (s)[2] == '/' && \ isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[3]) && isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[4]) && \ (s)[5] == '/' && \ isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[6]) && isalnum((unsigned char)(s)[7]) && \ (s)[8] == '\0') struct eventlog_args { const char *reason; const char *errstr; const struct timespec *event_time; eventlog_json_callback_t json_info_cb; void *json_info; }; /* * Allocate and fill in a new logline. */ static bool new_logline(int event_type, int flags, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog, struct sudo_lbuf *lbuf) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const char *iolog_file; const char *tty, *tsid = NULL; char exit_str[(((sizeof(int) * 8) + 2) / 3) + 2]; char sessid[7], offsetstr[64] = ""; int i; debug_decl(new_logline, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_RAW) || evlog == NULL) { if (args->reason != NULL) { if (args->errstr != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "%s: %s", args->reason, args->errstr); } else { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "%s", args->reason); } if (sudo_lbuf_error(lbuf)) goto oom; } debug_return_bool(true); } /* A TSID may be a sudoers-style session ID or a free-form string. */ iolog_file = evlog->iolog_file; if (iolog_file != NULL) { if (IS_SESSID(iolog_file)) { sessid[0] = iolog_file[0]; sessid[1] = iolog_file[1]; sessid[2] = iolog_file[3]; sessid[3] = iolog_file[4]; sessid[4] = iolog_file[6]; sessid[5] = iolog_file[7]; sessid[6] = '\0'; tsid = sessid; } else { tsid = iolog_file; } if (sudo_timespecisset(&evlog->iolog_offset)) { /* Only write up to two significant digits for the decimal part. */ if (evlog->iolog_offset.tv_nsec > 10000000) { (void)snprintf(offsetstr, sizeof(offsetstr), "@%lld.%02ld", (long long)evlog->iolog_offset.tv_sec, evlog->iolog_offset.tv_nsec / 10000000); } else if (evlog->iolog_offset.tv_sec != 0) { (void)snprintf(offsetstr, sizeof(offsetstr), "@%lld", (long long)evlog->iolog_offset.tv_sec); } } } /* Sudo-format logs use the short form of the ttyname. */ if ((tty = evlog->ttyname) != NULL) { if (strncmp(tty, _PATH_DEV, sizeof(_PATH_DEV) - 1) == 0) tty += sizeof(_PATH_DEV) - 1; } /* * Format the log line as an lbuf, escaping control characters in * octal form (#0nn). Error checking (ENOMEM) is done at the end. */ if (args->reason != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "%s%s", args->reason, args->errstr ? " : " : " ; "); } if (args->errstr != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "%s ; ", args->errstr); } if (evlog->submithost != NULL && !evl_conf->omit_hostname) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "HOST=%s ; ", evlog->submithost); } if (tty != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "TTY=%s ; ", tty); } if (evlog->runchroot != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "CHROOT=%s ; ", evlog->runchroot); } if (evlog->runcwd != NULL || evlog->cwd != NULL) { if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_CWD)) { /* For sudoreplay -l output format. */ sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "CWD=%s ; ", evlog->runcwd ? evlog->runcwd : evlog->cwd); } else if (evlog->runcwd != NULL) { /* For backwards compatibility with sudo log format. */ sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "PWD=%s ; ", evlog->runcwd); } } if (evlog->runuser != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "USER=%s ; ", evlog->runuser); } if (evlog->rungroup != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "GROUP=%s ; ", evlog->rungroup); } if (tsid != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "TSID=%s%s ; ", tsid, offsetstr); } if (evlog->env_add != NULL && evlog->env_add[0] != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "ENV=%s", evlog->env_add[0]); for (i = 1; evlog->env_add[i] != NULL; i++) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, " %s", evlog->env_add[i]); } } if (evlog->command != NULL && evlog->argv != NULL) { /* Command plus argv. */ sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL|LBUF_ESC_BLANK, "COMMAND=%s", evlog->command); if (evlog->argv[0] != NULL) { for (i = 1; evlog->argv[i] != NULL; i++) { sudo_lbuf_append(lbuf, " "); if (strchr(evlog->argv[i], ' ') != NULL) { /* Wrap args containing spaces in single quotes. */ sudo_lbuf_append(lbuf, "'"); sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL|LBUF_ESC_QUOTE, "%s", evlog->argv[i]); sudo_lbuf_append(lbuf, "'"); } else { /* Escape quotes here too for consistency. */ sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL|LBUF_ESC_BLANK|LBUF_ESC_QUOTE, "%s", evlog->argv[i]); } } } if (event_type == EVLOG_EXIT) { if (evlog->signal_name != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, " ; SIGNAL=%s", evlog->signal_name); } if (evlog->exit_value != -1) { (void)snprintf(exit_str, sizeof(exit_str), "%d", evlog->exit_value); sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, " ; EXIT=%s", exit_str); } } } else if (evlog->command != NULL) { /* Just the command, no argv. */ sudo_lbuf_append_esc(lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "COMMAND=%s", evlog->command); } if (!sudo_lbuf_error(lbuf)) debug_return_bool(true); oom: sudo_warnx(U_("%s: %s"), __func__, U_("unable to allocate memory")); debug_return_bool(false); } bool eventlog_store_sudo(int event_type, const struct eventlog *evlog, struct sudo_lbuf *lbuf) { struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; return new_logline(event_type, EVLOG_CWD, &args, evlog, lbuf); } static void closefrom_nodebug(int lowfd) { unsigned char *debug_fds; int fd, startfd; debug_decl(closefrom_nodebug, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); startfd = sudo_debug_get_fds(&debug_fds) + 1; if (lowfd > startfd) startfd = lowfd; /* Close fds higher than the debug fds. */ sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_DEBUG|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "closing fds >= %d", startfd); closefrom(startfd); /* Close fds [lowfd, startfd) that are not in debug_fds. */ for (fd = lowfd; fd < startfd; fd++) { if (sudo_isset(debug_fds, fd)) continue; sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_DEBUG|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "closing fd %d", fd); #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Avoid potential libdispatch crash when we close its fds. */ (void) fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #else (void) close(fd); #endif } debug_return; } #define MAX_MAILFLAGS 63 sudo_noreturn static void exec_mailer(int pipein) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); char *last, *mflags, *p, *argv[MAX_MAILFLAGS + 1]; const char *mpath = evl_conf->mailerpath; int i; const char * const root_envp[] = { "HOME=/", "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", "LOGNAME=root", "USER=root", # ifdef _AIX "LOGIN=root", # endif NULL }; debug_decl(exec_mailer, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); /* Set stdin to read side of the pipe. */ if (dup3(pipein, STDIN_FILENO, 0) == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to dup stdin: %m")); // -V618 sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to dup stdin: %s", strerror(errno)); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(127); } /* Build up an argv based on the mailer path and flags */ if ((mflags = strdup(evl_conf->mailerflags)) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to allocate memory")); // -V618 sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(127); } argv[0] = sudo_basename(mpath); i = 1; if ((p = strtok_r(mflags, " \t", &last))) { do { argv[i] = p; } while (++i < MAX_MAILFLAGS && (p = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &last))); } argv[i] = NULL; /* * Depending on the config, either run the mailer as root * (so user cannot kill it) or as the user (for the paranoid). */ if (setuid(ROOT_UID) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to change uid to %u", ROOT_UID); } if (evl_conf->mailuid != ROOT_UID) { if (setuid(evl_conf->mailuid) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to change uid to %u", (unsigned int)evl_conf->mailuid); } } sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); if (evl_conf->mailuid == ROOT_UID) execve(mpath, argv, (char **)root_envp); else execv(mpath, argv); syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to execute %s: %m"), mpath); // -V618 sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to execute %s: %s", mpath, strerror(errno)); _exit(127); } /* Send a message to the mailto user */ static bool send_mail(const struct eventlog *evlog, const char *message) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const char *cp, *timefmt = evl_conf->time_fmt; struct sigaction sa; char timebuf[1024]; sigset_t chldmask; struct tm tm; time_t now; FILE *mail; int fd, len, pfd[2], status; pid_t pid, rv; struct stat sb; #if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET) char *locale; #endif debug_decl(send_mail, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); /* If mailer is disabled just return. */ if (evl_conf->mailerpath == NULL || evl_conf->mailto == NULL) debug_return_bool(true); /* Make sure the mailer exists and is a regular file. */ if (stat(evl_conf->mailerpath, &sb) != 0 || !S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) debug_return_bool(false); time(&now); if (localtime_r(&now, &tm) == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); /* Block SIGCHLD for the duration since we call waitpid() below. */ sigemptyset(&chldmask); sigaddset(&chldmask, SIGCHLD); (void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &chldmask, NULL); /* Fork and return, child will daemonize. */ switch (pid = sudo_debug_fork()) { case -1: /* Error. */ sudo_warn("%s", U_("unable to fork")); /* Unblock SIGCHLD and return. */ (void)sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &chldmask, NULL); debug_return_bool(false); case 0: /* Child. */ switch (fork()) { case -1: /* Error. */ syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to fork: %m")); // -V618 sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to fork: %s", strerror(errno)); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case 0: /* Grandchild continues below. */ sudo_debug_enter(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); break; default: /* Parent will wait for us. */ _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; default: /* Parent. */ for (;;) { rv = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if (rv == -1 && errno != EINTR) break; if (rv != -1 && !WIFSTOPPED(status)) break; } sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "child (%d) exit value %d", (int)rv, status); /* Unblock SIGCHLD and return. */ (void)sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &chldmask, NULL); debug_return_bool(true); } /* Reset SIGCHLD to default and unblock it. */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; (void)sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); (void)sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &chldmask, NULL); /* Daemonize - disassociate from session/tty. */ if (setsid() == -1) sudo_warn("setsid"); if (chdir("/") == -1) sudo_warn("chdir(/)"); fd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); if (fd != -1) { (void) dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); (void) dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); (void) dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); } /* Close non-debug fds so we don't leak anything. */ closefrom_nodebug(STDERR_FILENO + 1); if (pipe2(pfd, O_CLOEXEC) == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to open pipe: %m")); // -V618 sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "unable to open pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (pid = sudo_debug_fork()) { case -1: /* Error. */ syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unable to fork: %m")); // -V618 sudo_debug_printf( SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to fork"); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 0: /* Child. */ exec_mailer(pfd[0]); /* NOTREACHED */ } (void) close(pfd[0]); if ((mail = fdopen(pfd[1], "w")) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "fdopen: %m"); sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to fdopen pipe"); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Pipes are all setup, send message. */ (void) fprintf(mail, "To: %s\nFrom: %s\nAuto-Submitted: %s\nSubject: ", evl_conf->mailto, evl_conf->mailfrom ? evl_conf->mailfrom : (evlog ? evlog->submituser : "root"), "auto-generated"); for (cp = _(evl_conf->mailsub); *cp; cp++) { /* Expand escapes in the subject */ if (*cp == '%' && *(cp+1) != '%') { switch (*(++cp)) { case 'h': if (evlog != NULL) (void) fputs(evlog->submithost, mail); break; case 'u': if (evlog != NULL) (void) fputs(evlog->submituser, mail); break; default: cp--; break; } } else (void) fputc(*cp, mail); } #if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET) locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); if (locale[0] != 'C' || locale[1] != '\0') (void) fprintf(mail, "\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit", nl_langinfo(CODESET)); #endif /* HAVE_NL_LANGINFO && CODESET */ timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] = '\0'; len = strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), timefmt, &tm); if (len == 0 || timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] != '\0') { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "strftime() failed to format time: %s", timefmt); /* Fall back to default time format string. */ timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] = '\0'; len = strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%h %e %T", &tm); if (len == 0 || timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] != '\0') { timebuf[0] = '\0'; /* give up */ } } if (evlog != NULL) { (void) fprintf(mail, "\n\n%s : %s : %s : ", evlog->submithost, timebuf, evlog->submituser); } else { (void) fprintf(mail, "\n\n%s : ", timebuf); } fputs(message, mail); fputs("\n\n", mail); fclose(mail); for (;;) { rv = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if (rv == -1 && errno != EINTR) break; if (rv != -1 && !WIFSTOPPED(status)) break; } sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "child (%d) exit value %d", (int)rv, status); sudo_debug_exit(__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, sudo_debug_subsys); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static bool json_add_timestamp(struct json_container *jsonc, const char *name, const struct timespec *ts, bool format_timestamp) { struct json_value json_value; int len; debug_decl(json_add_timestamp, SUDO_DEBUG_PLUGIN); if (!sudo_json_open_object(jsonc, name)) goto oom; json_value.type = JSON_NUMBER; json_value.u.number = ts->tv_sec; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "seconds", &json_value)) goto oom; json_value.type = JSON_NUMBER; json_value.u.number = ts->tv_nsec; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "nanoseconds", &json_value)) goto oom; if (format_timestamp) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const char *timefmt = evl_conf->time_fmt; time_t secs = ts->tv_sec; char timebuf[1024]; struct tm tm; if (gmtime_r(&secs, &tm) != NULL) { timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] = '\0'; len = strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", &tm); if (len != 0 && timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] == '\0') { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = timebuf; // -V507 if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "iso8601", &json_value)) goto oom; } } if (localtime_r(&secs, &tm) != NULL) { timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] = '\0'; len = strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), timefmt, &tm); if (len != 0 && timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] == '\0') { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = timebuf; // -V507 if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "localtime", &json_value)) goto oom; } } } if (!sudo_json_close_object(jsonc)) goto oom; debug_return_bool(true); oom: sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: %s", __func__, "unable to allocate memory"); debug_return_bool(false); } /* * Store the contents of struct eventlog as JSON. * The submit_time and iolog_path members are not stored, they should * be stored and formatted by the caller. */ bool eventlog_store_json(struct json_container *jsonc, const struct eventlog *evlog) { struct json_value json_value; size_t i; char *cp; debug_decl(eventlog_store_json, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); /* Required settings. */ if (evlog == NULL || evlog->submituser == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); /* * The most important values are written first in case * the log record gets truncated. * Note: submit_time and iolog_path are not stored here. */ json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->submituser; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "submituser", &json_value)) goto oom; if (evlog->command != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->command; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "command", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->runuser != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->runuser; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "runuser", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->rungroup != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->rungroup; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "rungroup", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->runchroot != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->runchroot; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "runchroot", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->runcwd != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->runcwd; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "runcwd", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->ttyname != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->ttyname; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "ttyname", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->submithost != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->submithost; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "submithost", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->cwd != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->cwd; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "submitcwd", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->rungroup!= NULL && evlog->rungid != (gid_t)-1) { json_value.type = JSON_ID; json_value.u.id = evlog->rungid; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "rungid", &json_value)) goto oom; } if (evlog->runuid != (uid_t)-1) { json_value.type = JSON_ID; json_value.u.id = evlog->runuid; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "runuid", &json_value)) goto oom; } json_value.type = JSON_NUMBER; json_value.u.number = evlog->columns; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "columns", &json_value)) goto oom; json_value.type = JSON_NUMBER; json_value.u.number = evlog->lines; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, "lines", &json_value)) goto oom; if (evlog->argv != NULL) { if (!sudo_json_open_array(jsonc, "runargv")) goto oom; for (i = 0; (cp = evlog->argv[i]) != NULL; i++) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = cp; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, NULL, &json_value)) goto oom; } if (!sudo_json_close_array(jsonc)) goto oom; } if (evlog->envp != NULL) { if (!sudo_json_open_array(jsonc, "runenv")) goto oom; for (i = 0; (cp = evlog->envp[i]) != NULL; i++) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = cp; if (!sudo_json_add_value(jsonc, NULL, &json_value)) goto oom; } if (!sudo_json_close_array(jsonc)) goto oom; } debug_return_bool(true); oom: sudo_warnx(U_("%s: %s"), __func__, U_("unable to allocate memory")); debug_return_bool(false); } static bool default_json_cb(struct json_container *jsonc, void *v) { return eventlog_store_json(jsonc, v); } static char * format_json(int event_type, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog, bool compact) { eventlog_json_callback_t info_cb = args->json_info_cb; void *info = args->json_info; struct json_container jsonc = { 0 }; struct json_value json_value; const char *time_str, *type_str; struct timespec now; debug_decl(format_json, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); if (info_cb == NULL) { info_cb = default_json_cb; info = (void *)evlog; } if (sudo_gettime_real(&now) == -1) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to read the clock"); debug_return_str(NULL); } switch (event_type) { case EVLOG_ACCEPT: type_str = "accept"; time_str = "submit_time"; break; case EVLOG_REJECT: type_str = "reject"; time_str = "submit_time"; break; case EVLOG_ALERT: type_str = "alert"; time_str = "alert_time"; break; case EVLOG_EXIT: type_str = "exit"; time_str = "exit_time"; break; default: sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unexpected event type %d", event_type); debug_return_str(NULL); } if (!sudo_json_init(&jsonc, 4, compact, false, false)) goto bad; if (!sudo_json_open_object(&jsonc, type_str)) goto bad; if (evlog != NULL && evlog->uuid_str[0] != '\0') { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->uuid_str; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "uuid", &json_value)) goto bad; } /* Reject and Alert events include a reason and optional error string. */ if (args->reason != NULL) { char *ereason = NULL; if (args->errstr != NULL) { const int len = asprintf(&ereason, _("%s: %s"), args->reason, args->errstr); if (len == -1) { sudo_warnx(U_("%s: %s"), __func__, U_("unable to allocate memory")); goto bad; } } json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = ereason ? ereason : args->reason; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "reason", &json_value)) { free(ereason); goto bad; } free(ereason); } /* Log event time on server (set earlier) */ if (!json_add_timestamp(&jsonc, "server_time", &now, true)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable format timestamp"); goto bad; } /* Log event time from client */ if (args->event_time != NULL) { if (!json_add_timestamp(&jsonc, time_str, args->event_time, true)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable format timestamp"); goto bad; } } if (event_type == EVLOG_EXIT) { /* Exit events don't need evlog details if there is a UUID. */ if (evlog != NULL && evlog->uuid_str[0] != '\0') { if (args->json_info == NULL) info = NULL; } if (sudo_timespecisset(&evlog->run_time)) { if (!json_add_timestamp(&jsonc, "run_time", &evlog->run_time, false)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable format timestamp"); goto bad; } } if (evlog->signal_name != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->signal_name; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "signal", &json_value)) goto bad; json_value.type = JSON_BOOL; json_value.u.boolean = evlog->dumped_core; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "dumped_core", &json_value)) goto bad; } json_value.type = JSON_NUMBER; json_value.u.number = evlog->exit_value; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "exit_value", &json_value)) goto bad; } /* Event log info may be missing for alert messages. */ if (evlog != NULL) { if (evlog->peeraddr != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->peeraddr; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "peeraddr", &json_value)) goto bad; } if (evlog->iolog_path != NULL) { json_value.type = JSON_STRING; json_value.u.string = evlog->iolog_path; if (!sudo_json_add_value(&jsonc, "iolog_path", &json_value)) goto bad; if (sudo_timespecisset(&evlog->iolog_offset)) { if (!json_add_timestamp(&jsonc, "iolog_offset", &evlog->iolog_offset, false)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable format timestamp"); goto bad; } } } } /* Write log info. */ if (info != NULL) { if (!info_cb(&jsonc, info)) goto bad; } if (!sudo_json_close_object(&jsonc)) goto bad; /* Caller is responsible for freeing the buffer. */ debug_return_str(sudo_json_get_buf(&jsonc)); bad: sudo_json_free(&jsonc); debug_return_str(NULL); } /* * Log a message to syslog, prepending the username and splitting the * message into parts if it is longer than syslog_maxlen. */ static bool do_syslog_sudo(int pri, char *logline, const struct eventlog *evlog) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); size_t len, maxlen; char *p, *tmp, save; const char *fmt; debug_decl(do_syslog_sudo, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); evl_conf->open_log(EVLOG_SYSLOG, NULL); if (evlog == NULL) { /* Not a command, just log it as-is. */ syslog(pri, "%s", logline); goto done; } /* * Log the full line, breaking into multiple syslog(3) calls if necessary */ fmt = _("%8s : %s"); maxlen = evl_conf->syslog_maxlen - (strlen(fmt) - 5 + strlen(evlog->submituser)); for (p = logline; *p != '\0'; ) { len = strlen(p); if (len > maxlen) { /* * Break up the line into what will fit on one syslog(3) line * Try to avoid breaking words into several lines if possible. */ tmp = memrchr(p, ' ', maxlen); if (tmp == NULL) tmp = p + maxlen; /* NULL terminate line, but save the char to restore later */ save = *tmp; *tmp = '\0'; syslog(pri, fmt, evlog->submituser, p); *tmp = save; /* restore saved character */ /* Advance p and eliminate leading whitespace */ for (p = tmp; *p == ' '; p++) continue; } else { syslog(pri, fmt, evlog->submituser, p); p += len; } fmt = _("%8s : (command continued) %s"); maxlen = evl_conf->syslog_maxlen - (strlen(fmt) - 5 + strlen(evlog->submituser)); } done: evl_conf->close_log(EVLOG_SYSLOG, NULL); debug_return_bool(true); } static bool do_syslog_json(int pri, int event_type, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); char *json_str; debug_decl(do_syslog_json, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); /* Format as a compact JSON message (no newlines) */ json_str = format_json(event_type, args, evlog, true); if (json_str == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); /* Syslog it in a sudo object with a @cee: prefix. */ /* TODO: use evl_conf->syslog_maxlen to break up long messages. */ evl_conf->open_log(EVLOG_SYSLOG, NULL); syslog(pri, "@cee:{\"sudo\":{%s}}", json_str); evl_conf->close_log(EVLOG_SYSLOG, NULL); free(json_str); debug_return_bool(true); } /* * Log a message to syslog in either sudo or JSON format. */ static bool do_syslog(int event_type, int flags, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); struct sudo_lbuf lbuf; bool ret = false; int pri; debug_decl(do_syslog, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); sudo_lbuf_init(&lbuf, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); /* Sudo format logs and mailed logs use the same log line format. */ if (evl_conf->format == EVLOG_SUDO || ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL)) { if (!new_logline(event_type, flags, args, evlog, &lbuf)) goto done; if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL)) { if (!send_mail(evlog, lbuf.buf)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable to mail log line"); } if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL_ONLY)) { ret = true; goto done; } } } switch (event_type) { case EVLOG_ACCEPT: case EVLOG_EXIT: pri = evl_conf->syslog_acceptpri; break; case EVLOG_REJECT: pri = evl_conf->syslog_rejectpri; break; case EVLOG_ALERT: pri = evl_conf->syslog_alertpri; break; default: sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unexpected event type %d", event_type); pri = -1; break; } if (pri == -1) { /* syslog disabled for this message type */ ret = true; goto done; } switch (evl_conf->format) { case EVLOG_SUDO: ret = do_syslog_sudo(pri, lbuf.buf, evlog); break; case EVLOG_JSON: ret = do_syslog_json(pri, event_type, args, evlog); break; default: sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unexpected eventlog format %d", evl_conf->format); break; } done: sudo_lbuf_destroy(&lbuf); debug_return_bool(ret); } static bool do_logfile_sudo(const char *logline, const struct eventlog *evlog, const struct timespec *event_time) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); char *full_line, timebuf[8192], *timestr = NULL; const char *timefmt = evl_conf->time_fmt; const char *logfile = evl_conf->logpath; struct tm tm; bool ret = false; FILE *fp; int len; debug_decl(do_logfile_sudo, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); if ((fp = evl_conf->open_log(EVLOG_FILE, logfile)) == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); if (!sudo_lock_file(fileno(fp), SUDO_LOCK)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to lock log file %s", logfile); goto done; } if (event_time != NULL) { time_t tv_sec = event_time->tv_sec; if (localtime_r(&tv_sec, &tm) != NULL) { /* strftime() does not guarantee to NUL-terminate so we must check. */ timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] = '\0'; if (strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), timefmt, &tm) != 0 && timebuf[sizeof(timebuf) - 1] == '\0') { timestr = timebuf; } } } if (evlog != NULL) { len = asprintf(&full_line, "%s : %s : %s", timestr ? timestr : "invalid date", evlog->submituser, logline); } else { len = asprintf(&full_line, "%s : %s", timestr ? timestr : "invalid date", logline); } if (len == -1) { sudo_warnx(U_("%s: %s"), __func__, U_("unable to allocate memory")); goto done; } eventlog_writeln(fp, full_line, len, evl_conf->file_maxlen); free(full_line); (void)fflush(fp); if (ferror(fp)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to write log file %s", logfile); goto done; } ret = true; done: (void)sudo_lock_file(fileno(fp), SUDO_UNLOCK); evl_conf->close_log(EVLOG_FILE, fp); debug_return_bool(ret); } static bool do_logfile_json(int event_type, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const char *logfile = evl_conf->logpath; struct stat sb; char *json_str; int ret = false; FILE *fp; debug_decl(do_logfile_json, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); if ((fp = evl_conf->open_log(EVLOG_FILE, logfile)) == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); json_str = format_json(event_type, args, evlog, false); if (json_str == NULL) goto done; if (!sudo_lock_file(fileno(fp), SUDO_LOCK)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to lock log file %s", logfile); goto done; } /* Note: assumes file ends in "\n}\n" */ if (fstat(fileno(fp), &sb) == -1) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable to stat %s", logfile); goto done; } if (sb.st_size == 0) { /* New file */ putc('{', fp); } else if (fseeko(fp, -3, SEEK_END) == 0) { /* Continue file, overwrite the final "\n}\n" */ putc(',', fp); } else { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable to seek %s", logfile); goto done; } fputs(json_str, fp); fputs("\n}\n", fp); /* close JSON */ fflush(fp); /* XXX - check for file error and recover */ ret = true; done: free(json_str); (void)sudo_lock_file(fileno(fp), SUDO_UNLOCK); evl_conf->close_log(EVLOG_FILE, fp); debug_return_bool(ret); } static bool do_logfile(int event_type, int flags, struct eventlog_args *args, const struct eventlog *evlog) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); struct sudo_lbuf lbuf; bool ret = false; debug_decl(do_logfile, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); sudo_lbuf_init(&lbuf, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); /* Sudo format logs and mailed logs use the same log line format. */ if (evl_conf->format == EVLOG_SUDO || ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL)) { if (!new_logline(event_type, flags, args, evlog, &lbuf)) goto done; if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL)) { if (!send_mail(evlog, lbuf.buf)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable to mail log line"); } if (ISSET(flags, EVLOG_MAIL_ONLY)) { ret = true; goto done; } } } switch (evl_conf->format) { case EVLOG_SUDO: ret = do_logfile_sudo(lbuf.buf ? lbuf.buf : args->reason, evlog, args->event_time); break; case EVLOG_JSON: ret = do_logfile_json(event_type, args, evlog); break; default: sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unexpected eventlog format %d", evl_conf->format); break; } done: sudo_lbuf_destroy(&lbuf); debug_return_bool(ret); } bool eventlog_accept(const struct eventlog *evlog, int flags, eventlog_json_callback_t info_cb, void *info) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const int log_type = evl_conf->type; struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; bool ret = true; debug_decl(eventlog_accept, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); args.event_time = &evlog->submit_time; args.json_info_cb = info_cb; args.json_info = info; if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_SYSLOG)) { if (!do_syslog(EVLOG_ACCEPT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; CLR(flags, EVLOG_MAIL); } if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_FILE)) { if (!do_logfile(EVLOG_ACCEPT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; } debug_return_bool(ret); } bool eventlog_reject(const struct eventlog *evlog, int flags, const char *reason, eventlog_json_callback_t info_cb, void *info) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const int log_type = evl_conf->type; struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; bool ret = true; debug_decl(eventlog_reject, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); args.reason = reason; args.event_time = &evlog->submit_time; args.json_info_cb = info_cb; args.json_info = info; if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_SYSLOG)) { if (!do_syslog(EVLOG_REJECT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; CLR(flags, EVLOG_MAIL); } if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_FILE)) { if (!do_logfile(EVLOG_REJECT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; } debug_return_bool(ret); } bool eventlog_alert(const struct eventlog *evlog, int flags, struct timespec *alert_time, const char *reason, const char *errstr) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const int log_type = evl_conf->type; struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; bool ret = true; debug_decl(eventlog_alert, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); args.reason = reason; args.errstr = errstr; args.event_time = alert_time; if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_SYSLOG)) { if (!do_syslog(EVLOG_ALERT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; CLR(flags, EVLOG_MAIL); } if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_FILE)) { if (!do_logfile(EVLOG_ALERT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; } debug_return_bool(ret); } bool eventlog_mail(const struct eventlog *evlog, int flags, struct timespec *event_time, const char *reason, const char *errstr, char * const extra[]) { struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; struct sudo_lbuf lbuf; bool ret = false; debug_decl(eventlog_mail, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); args.reason = reason; args.errstr = errstr; args.event_time = event_time; sudo_lbuf_init(&lbuf, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (!new_logline(EVLOG_ALERT, flags, &args, evlog, &lbuf)) goto done; if (extra != NULL) { /* Each extra message is written on its own line. */ while (*extra != NULL) { sudo_lbuf_append(&lbuf, "\n"); sudo_lbuf_append_esc(&lbuf, LBUF_ESC_CNTRL, "%s", *extra); if (sudo_lbuf_error(&lbuf)) { sudo_debug_printf( SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "unable to format mail message"); goto done; } extra++; } } ret = send_mail(evlog, lbuf.buf); if (!ret) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "unable to mail log line"); } done: sudo_lbuf_destroy(&lbuf); debug_return_bool(ret); } bool eventlog_exit(const struct eventlog *evlog, int flags) { const struct eventlog_config *evl_conf = eventlog_getconf(); const int log_type = evl_conf->type; struct eventlog_args args = { NULL }; struct timespec exit_time; bool ret = true; debug_decl(eventlog_exit, SUDO_DEBUG_UTIL); if (sudo_timespecisset(&evlog->run_time)) { sudo_timespecadd(&evlog->submit_time, &evlog->run_time, &exit_time); args.event_time = &exit_time; } if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_SYSLOG)) { if (!do_syslog(EVLOG_EXIT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; CLR(flags, EVLOG_MAIL); } if (ISSET(log_type, EVLOG_FILE)) { if (!do_logfile(EVLOG_EXIT, flags, &args, evlog)) ret = false; } debug_return_bool(ret); }