import sudo from os import path import errno import signal import sys import json VERSION = 1.0 class SudoIOPlugin(sudo.Plugin): """Example sudo input/output plugin Demonstrates how to use the sudo IO plugin API. All functions are added as an example on their syntax, but note that all of them are optional. On detailed description of the functions refer to sudo_plugin manual (man sudo_plugin). Most functions can express error or reject through their "int" return value as documented in the manual. The sudo module also has constants for these: sudo.RC.ACCEPT / sudo.RC.OK 1 sudo.RC.REJECT 0 sudo.RC.ERROR -1 sudo.RC.USAGE_ERROR -2 If the plugin encounters an error, instead of just returning sudo.RC.ERROR result code it can also add a message describing the problem. This can be done by raising the special exception: raise sudo.PluginError("Message") This added message will be used by the audit plugins. If the function returns "None" (for example does not call return), it will be considered sudo.RC.OK. If an exception other than sudo.PluginError is raised, its backtrace will be shown to the user and the plugin function returns sudo.RC.ERROR. If that is not acceptable, catch it. """ # -- Plugin API functions -- def __init__(self, version: str, plugin_options: tuple, **kwargs): """The constructor of the IO plugin. Other variables you can currently use as arguments are: user_env: tuple settings: tuple user_info: tuple For their detailed description, see the open() call of the C plugin API in the sudo manual ("man sudo"). """ if not version.startswith("1."): raise sudo.SudoException( "This plugin plugin is not compatible with python plugin" "API version {}".format(version)) # convert tuple of "key=value"s to dict plugin_options = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options) log_path = plugin_options.get("LogPath", "/tmp") self._open_log_file(path.join(log_path, "sudo.log")) self._log("", "-- Plugin STARTED --") def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "_log_file"): self._log("", "-- Plugin DESTROYED --") self._log_file.close() def open(self, argv: tuple, command_info: tuple) -> int: """Receives the command the user wishes to run. This function works the same as open() call of the C IO plugin API (see sudo manual), except that: - It only gets called before the user would execute some command (and not for a version query for example). - Other arguments of the C open() call are received through the constructor. """ self._log("EXEC", " ".join(argv)) self._log("EXEC info", json.dumps(command_info, indent=4)) return sudo.RC.ACCEPT def log_ttyout(self, buf: str) -> int: return self._log("TTY OUT", buf.strip()) def log_ttyin(self, buf: str) -> int: return self._log("TTY IN", buf.strip()) def log_stdin(self, buf: str) -> int: return self._log("STD IN", buf.strip()) def log_stdout(self, buf: str) -> int: return self._log("STD OUT", buf.strip()) def log_stderr(self, buf: str) -> int: return self._log("STD ERR", buf.strip()) def change_winsize(self, line: int, cols: int) -> int: self._log("WINSIZE", "{}x{}".format(line, cols)) def log_suspend(self, signo: int) -> int: signal_description = self._signal_name(signo) self._log("SUSPEND", signal_description) def show_version(self, is_verbose: int) -> int: sudo.log_info("Python Example IO Plugin version: {}".format(VERSION)) if is_verbose: sudo.log_info("Python interpreter version:", sys.version) def close(self, exit_status: int, error: int) -> None: """Called when a command execution finished. Works the same as close() from C API (see sudo_plugin manual), except that it only gets called if there was a command execution trial (open() returned with sudo.RC.ACCEPT). """ if error == 0: self._log("CLOSE", "Command returned {}".format(exit_status)) else: error_name = errno.errorcode.get(error, "???") self._log("CLOSE", "Failed to execute, execve returned {} ({})" .format(error, error_name)) # -- Helper functions -- def _open_log_file(self, log_path): sudo.log_info("Example sudo python plugin will log to", log_path) self._log_file = open(log_path, "a") def _log(self, type, message): print(type, message, file=self._log_file) return sudo.RC.ACCEPT if hasattr(signal, "Signals"): def _signal_name(cls, signo: int): try: return signal.Signals(signo).name except ValueError: return "signal {}".format(signo) else: def _signal_name(cls, signo: int): for n, v in sorted(signal.__dict__.items()): if v != signo: continue; if n.startswith("SIG") and not n.startswith("SIG_"): return n return "signal {}".format(signo)