#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later set -e TEST_DESCRIPTION="SELinux tests" IMAGE_NAME="selinux" TEST_NO_NSPAWN=1 # Requirements: # Fedora 23 # selinux-policy-targeted # selinux-policy-devel # Check if selinux-policy-devel is installed, and if it isn't bail out early instead of failing test -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/system/systemd.if || exit 0 # shellcheck source=test/test-functions . "${TEST_BASE_DIR:?}/test-functions" SETUP_SELINUX=yes KERNEL_APPEND="${KERNEL_APPEND:=} selinux=1 security=selinux" test_append_files() { ( local workspace="${1:?}" local policy_headers_dir=/usr/share/selinux/devel local modules_dir=/var/lib/selinux setup_selinux # Make sure we never expand this to "/..." rm -rf "${workspace:?}/$modules_dir" if ! cp -ar "$modules_dir" "$workspace/$modules_dir"; then dfatal "Failed to copy $modules_dir" exit 1 fi rm -rf "${workspace:?}/$policy_headers_dir" inst_dir /usr/share/selinux if ! cp -ar "$policy_headers_dir" "$workspace/$policy_headers_dir"; then dfatal "Failed to copy $policy_headers_dir" exit 1 fi mkdir "$workspace/systemd-test-module" cp systemd_test.te "$workspace/systemd-test-module" cp systemd_test.if "$workspace/systemd-test-module" cp systemd_test.fc "$workspace/systemd-test-module" image_install -o sesearch image_install runcon image_install checkmodule semodule semodule_package m4 make load_policy sefcontext_compile image_install -o /usr/libexec/selinux/hll/pp # Fedora/RHEL/... image_install -o /usr/lib/selinux/hll/pp # Debian/Ubuntu/... ) } do_test "$@"