Files in this directory with lowercase filenames contain descriptions of various general tasks a user might want to perform with a Debian system, lists of packages that they might use to perform the tasks, and grouping information to make related sets of tasks appear together. See the toplevel README for details about the file format. The files in this directory are preprocessed and may include comments by prefixing any line with a hash mark ("#"). Packages listed for different tasks (and within a single task) should not conflict, or the results will be rather arbitrary. Packages that are only available on some architectures, or that may not be available on the user's installation media may still be listed. This is no problem, they are simply ignored in those cases. Take care listing such packages as Key however. Care should be taken when adding new tasks to ensure that the new task is suitably generic -- it should be something of value to a large number (at least 25%) of our users; and 90% of our users should be able to understand what the task is from only its short description. It must not perform the same general purpose as some other existing task. It must contain packages that are the ones in most common use, and software that is of the best perceived quality. These criteria are relaxed some if the task has an appropriate test program. No more than 10 tasks should ever be displayed by the program, so if there are more, the least-used tasks must be removed when adding a new one. Users are given the opportunity to drill down and select/unselect individual packages; the tasks they select only serve as a starting point. So err on the side of listing too many packages, rather than too few (but don't go overboard, since many users will not bother with package-level selection at first). Keep short descriptions short -- very short -- and to the point. Do not include details about what individual packages a task includes. Debian developers aside from the tasksel maintenance team may take over maintenance of tasks. Talk with the tasksel developers first, and then put your name in a XBC-Maintainer field in the task you're maintaining.